I Bought Her



"I love her so much that I WILL DO ANYTHING just to get her back. Even if she doesn't want me in her life, again." - Julian Vasquez


A story about a man who love her ex-girlfriend so much that she even bought her to her own parents.

Will she love her again?

Or will she hates him more?


"How much will your daughter cost if I buy her?" Julian said to Annalise's parents.

"What are you saying Mister Vasquez?! We're here to have a BUSINESS NEGOTIATION! And my DAUGHTER is not part of it!" Mr. Standford said to him, as a matter-of-factly.

"I know that Mister Standford. But if you want to have a FULL NEGOTIATION with me you'll have to sell me your daughter or else."

"Or else what?!"

"I'll have your business sued and bankrupt."

"You can't do that!!"

"Oh I can Mister Standford. I have every power to do so."

"! I can't believe you'll do this!"

"I know. But I love you daughter so much."

"Then ask for her hand!!"

"Hhmm, good idea. But NO. I want her back and this is the only way to have her again."

"What? To buy her to her own parents!? That's insane Mister Vasquez!!"

"Mister Standford, I'll give you 2 weeks to decide."


Cruel as it may seems but I honestly love your daughter this far that this is the only thing that I see to have her back. Julian said to hiself as he leave the entire room.


Meanwhile ..


"What!?! He said that?!"

"Yes, and he's completely insane about our daughter."

"Don't do it Frank! You know how much pain our daughter get from that guy!"

"But if we won't do it then we'll be bankrupt or worse, SUED!!"

"NOOOO! Frank! Don't do it!!"

"I don't know Marian. I don't know what else to do."

"Frank please, just don't"

"I have a plan Marian."

"What is it Frank? Please, don't do it. Don't sell our daughter."

"We won't accept the money."

"Then how can we have them bought? I mean our business and our daughter."

"We can actually have an arrange marriage. Or we can make her believe that it's an arrange marriage then the money that we will receive from that bastard will be all put into Annie's bank account."

"I don't know Frank, if Annie would know any of this .. she would surely hate us."

"At least we did everything we could, in that way we can bought have our daughter and our business. And when the time comes that we already surpassed the Vasquez corporation we can get our daughter back."


I'm sorry Annie, but this is the only way. We love you so much and we only did this because we want you to have a good future. Her mother thought to herself before ending the call.



Author's Note: Hope you'll read my story (: that's all for now :D I will upload some chapters later this month (:


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Yeah...who is Julian and Annalise!?
who the heck is Julian and Annalise? Are they suppose to be Yunho and Jiyeon?