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"MAMA!! Papa is here already!! You will sleep together again!!!"





Dara pale upon hearing Ji-hye excited voice. She didn't see this one coming. Not at all. Everything is too fast for her. She can't. Not yet. That's what she thinks. But she knew kids will throw a lot of questions if they saw something not good between her and Jiyong. It will hurt the kids. They have been longing for their Father ever since and now she has no idea on how to escape from this without hurting the twins.




"Oh... it's...."




"Ji-hye, Ji-hoon.. I know you are both happy to see your P-Papa but can we talk about this later? Me and your Papa and Uncles have a meeting now and you do know that when Mama is in a meeting she is busy." Dara said as she cut Jiyong from saying anything or commenting to what Ji-hye said. The twins just look at their parents and pouted but they are not new to this stuff. Their Mama is always busy and they do understand what meeting and work means.





"OK.. Can you be quick? I want to play with Papa.." Ji-hoon said while looking at them..





"No problem baby. Once the meeting is done. We will go for lunch all together and if your Mama is not busy this afternoon we can go to the mall or anywhere you like to go." Jiyong said which lighten up the faces of the twins.





"Promise Papa?" Ji-hye said..





"Promise!" Jiyong said..





"PINKY SWEAR!!!" Ji-hye said.. As she offered her pinkie to Jiyong and Ji-hoon did the same. Jiyong smile at his twins as he do the pinky swear with the twins which both squeals in happiness. Jiyong laugh at the sight of the super happy and energetics twins. Once he let go, he messes the twins hair.





"HHHAAAAIIIIIRRRR!!!!" The two shouted at him as they both swat their Papa's hand and started fixing their hair while glaring at him.. Jiyong on the other hand laugh out loud seeing the sudden change of the twins mood. Jiyong look at Dara while laughing and pointing at the twins like as if they are talking in their minds.





"Those two doesn't like it when someone messes with their hair. It's too precious to them. So don't do it ever again especially if they are outside the house.. They always think if you have messy hair you are ugly... And just a reminder don't do it infront of other kids. They will really get mad at you." Dara said as she chuckle at the memory when she messes the twins hair while infront of a lot of kids after picking them up at the nursery. That incident brought fun to the family as the two practically ignore her the whole way back to their house until bedtime.





"OK.. I'll keep that in mind..." Jiyong said as he smiles at the twins who are still pouting.. Dara just look away because she can't take it seeing Jiyong, so happy being with the twins like as if they have been all together for so long. She sigh and then uses the phone to call In na. After a minute the door opened revealing In na and Hye Sun.





"In na get the kids and take them outside first. And call someone to clean the mess also and kindly prepare coffee for me..... Am Jiyong, what drinks would you like?" Dara asked while Jiyong is attending to the kids which he puts the kids down to go with In na..





"Coffee for me too.. The boys will have their coffee too so don't bother asking them.." Jiyong said..





"You heard him In na.. Also bring sweets too for me... And Hye Sun kindly look for the four and tell them they can comeback now so we can start the meeting. Also, prepare all the documents as well. The one that we discussed the other day.." Dara instructed..





"Sweets??? Are you alright???" Hye Sun asked instanly and even panicking.. Dara only requesting for sweets on a meeting when she doesn't feel alright. When she feels lightheaded. That caught Jiyong attention too since Hye Sun voice sounds so worried.





"Dee, are you alright???" Jiyong finally asked but no one paid attention to him..





"Dara, did you wake up early again and work on that damn project??? Did I tell you that we will help you with that?! You haven't had enough rest since we arrived from Europe.. I told you to look after yourself! Aisht! In na bring the kids out now.." Hye Sun said as she pulls Dara and make her sit..





"Mama, are you alright?" Ji-hoon worriedly asked as the twins went infront of her. Dara gave both a kiss in their forehead and smile before she answers them..






"Mama is alright.. No need to worry about me.. Go with your Aunt In na now.. She has more cookies for you outside. Just don't mess too much and don't give your Aunt a hard time.. Ok? Mommy will just have a meeting.. Ok?" Dara said..





"Ok.. Papa will look after you like when you look after us when we are sick, right Papa??" Ji-hye said and smile at her Papa who in return did the same..





"Of course baby.. Papa will look after your Mama..." Jiyong said as he eyed Dara worriedly. Now that he pays attention to her, he can see now how stressed she looks. She have bugs under her eyes thanks to make-up that it didn't show that much and she look so pale compared to the first time she saw her..





"Ok kids.. Come with me now..." In na said breaking the awkward atmosphere created by the two and drag the kids out of the room while Hye Sun went out as well to grab the needed files. But before the door closes the happy twins voices rang around the office...





"WWWEEEE'RRRRREEEEEE FFFFFFLLLLLLLLYYYYYYYYIIIIIINNNNNNNNGGGGGG" The happy twins shouted at the top of their lungs upon seeing the sofa at Dara's office...





"Aigoooo~~~~" Dara said and chuckle upon hearing the kids...





"They didn't saw that sofa awhile ago aren't they??" Hye Sun returned laughing while asking Dara..






"Nope.. I drag them instantly here for them not to see the sofa..." Dara said and laugh while Hye Sun just shake her head and went out...





"Are you alright??" Jiyong finally asked when everyone is already out..






"Yeah, I'm fine.." Dara simply said.. She doesn't like the feeling being alone with him..






"Look, we can cancel the meeting and re-schedule it some other time. I think you need rest. You look pale.. You look so stressed..  And.."





"NO! I'm alright.. I'll be busy for the following days and moving this meeting is not a good idea.. We need to discuss what is your proposal and in return I will discuss what is mine... I need all this things to be done as soon as possible.." Dara said stubbornly.. Yes, she can actually move the meeting but she doesn't want to waste time anymore. Better to do everything now while they are here..





"Ok.. If that's what you want.. But if I saw you not in your proper state, I will cancel the meeting and re-schedule it. It would be useless having a meeting when you are out of yourself.. I want to make sure you can do the meeting.." Jiyong said and matches her tone.. But before Dara could answer the door opened again with her staff and started cleaning the mess that was done by the twins and then followed by the drinks they requested and soon the boys arrived with Hye Sun. They can hear the twins laughing and she can guess they are still playing at the sofa. The sofa is situated at the corner that's why it can't be seen from the conference room.





"We will talk later..." Jiyong said as he stand up and sits across Dara.. Leaving Dara speechless..




Daesung   TOP   Jiyong   Youngbae   Seungri

---------------T    A    B    L    E---------------

>>>>>   >> Dara     Hye Sun    >>>>>>




Jiyong hand out the folders to Dara and Hye Sun.. About 6 Folders was given to each of them. The first 5 are the company profile of each of their company and the 6th folder is their proposal. Dara look at the proposal most since she already studied their companies before meeting them.





"What do you think Hye Sun..." Dara asked as the 5 just waiting for their reaction on their proposal. Hye Sun is also Dara's adviser. She normally listen to her ideas first before she discusses what's her ideas also.





"Mr. Kwon just for clarification are you proposing a merger and partnership with PGC?" Hye Sun asked, she knew Dara won't grant this since even a partnership is hard for her to accept what more merging with the Kwons. It may be the Kwons who has the most power when it comes to business but Dara won't lose to them.






"Yes." Jiyong said.. Once the word out Dara lean to her seat and look at them: her used to be friends including her ex-husband. Then she look at Hye Sun and then back at them.





"Sorry to say this but I don't do merger or even partnership. PGC is solely owned by me. I do investments and supports projects but never into partnership. I'm just new here and to be honest with you all, I can't trust anyone just like that. That's why I am not into partnership what more into merging. I am still learning the flow of business and it would be too risky on my part since you are all better and you have been into business ever since. I don't want someone to control me. I have directors working with me but all of them are under me, I don't have to answer to anyone." Dara said and this time using her business tone..





"I thought so too.. But haven't you thought about it? Partnering with others will help you more.. Atleast lessen your job a bit, I mean the loads.. PGC is quite big as we look at it and we are willing to do partnership with you especially with your upcoming projects like you have said at the ball.. And regarding to the merger, I understand and I won't force you on that. But I am hoping we can be partners. We are not actually rushing you, please study the proposal and we can wait." Jiyong said but not in her business tone. He more like act as a friend to her and Dara doesn't like it. Hye Sun saw how Dara grip her chair and it's not a good sign.





"Mr. Kwon, me and Dara will discuss this matter about partnership but for now we will say no to both. But we have also proposal with you. It's either you take our Proposal instead than we take your proposal. You will actually benefit more into our proposal." Hye Sun interrupted before Dara erupts and she handed the proposal to them and let them read it while Hye Sun give Dara a light squeez on her hand to calm her down.





Few minutes passed...





"You want us to handle the PGC projects?" TOP finally said breaking the silence as all of them busy reading the proposal. This shock all of them. Dara doesn't want partnership but she wants them to handle their projects.





"Yes.. It's confusing, I know.. No partnership, no merging.. Instead of doing biddings, I discuss this to trusted people who fits the bill that can handle the projects. This is pure business between us. You will do the job I requested for and you got paid for it. I chose you because you are all the best of the best in the business world. I have too many projects coming up and currently I am busy with the latest one. If you will accept the proposal we gave to you, then Kwon Industries and Choi Enterprise will take over for all the projects. You can do the biddings of projects for us if some can't be handle by your companies but I am expecting the best company will get to work with us not because someone has a lower price and you have to consult me for it before doing the bidding. Also, I have respect for Kang Construction and I want them to handle the PGC Constructions going on. Dong Chemicals and Lee Electronics will mostly supply with DP Telecoms and later on to the manufacturing company I will be putting on. Yes, I am planning to have my own manufacturing company for all my products and this will be might be a big break for all of you especially to Dong Chemicals. I believe Kwon Industries have in house architects and Choi Enterprise have best Engineers that can help me with some of my projects. I will discuss more of it if you want to do business with me but I would like to remind you that this is not partnership, just think of this like you won the bidding of this huge project." Dara said. The boys look at each other and Dara seems to understand it.





"Ok.. I'll just go out so you can discuss about it more and I'll be right back.." Dara said and before she and Hye Sun stood up, Jiyong stop them.





"No need... We accept your proposal.. We understand the rules of No mer

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ApplerJiDee #1
Chapter 13: Always checking..hehhehe..hope you're doing good and you update as soon as you can. Stay safe. Thank you🥰
freckles #2
Chapter 13: Enjoyed reading your stories . . . Still awaiting for your updates . . . Hope u'r doing well n in good health. . . :-D
Lette1022 #3
Chapter 13: Otornim have a heart to update this one please
Lette1022 #4
Good evening otornim kekeke, please i hope you update this story please
jakire28 31 streak #5
Chapter 13: update juseyo!!
ApplerJiDee #6
Chapter 13: Please update....
-monette- #7
Chapter 13: Such a wonderful story. Hope you'll update often authornim
ysk_29 #8
Chapter 13: Update pls ??
hello_kittyxXx #9
Chapter 13: Update juseyooo T.T
Lette1022 #10
Chapter 13: Omg omg this story is beyong wonderful...please update again please