my husband (one shot version)

my husband

‘’DINNER IS READY!’’ jeanine said to her husband who was sitting in the livingroom. She put the food on the table and smiled at the result.  Normally she wouldn’t really put a lot of effort in it, but today was different. It was their one year anniversary. She sat down and waited for her him. ‘’chicken, my favorite!’’ he said as he entered the kitchen. ‘’it smells so delicious.’’. Jeanine’s cheecks turned red. ‘’I hope it will taste as good as it looks.’’ She said with a concerned face. They started eating, and suprisingly it DID taste great. She was happy that it turned out like this. ‘’you should cook this more often!’’ he said with a laugh. ‘’maybe I will.’’ She replied with a smile.

While they were enjoying the food, Jeanine couldn’t help but look at her husband. He was just so charming in every way. His eyes, his smile, his laugh. He was perfect. Well, except for his addiction to chicken. After they finished dinner, she decided to do the dishes, since she didn’t want her kitchen to look like a dumpster. ‘’can I help you?’’ she heard her husband say as he put his arms around her. ‘’well, you’re not really helping this way.’’ She teased. ‘’is this better.’’ He said and he started to move the dish brush with her hand. She could only blush. She looked up at him and smiled. ‘’I love you.’’ She said. ‘’I love you too.’’ He replied and pecked her on the lips. She leaned her head on his shoulder. She couldn’t have been more lucky then with a husband like onew.

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