Heavenly Whispers

gotreal's Recommendations

Jessica Jung, currently 22 years old, is waiting for her boyfriend, Siwon, to come back from his 2 year military service. Jessica marks off her calendar each day he's away and it's about 3 months until Siwon's arrival home. Lee Donghae, 26 years old, was in a car accident and his body has been lying in a coma ever since. Since then, while his body is rendered completely useless, his spirit roams free, walking around the streets of Seoul. Jessica runs into Donghae, but the two find it strange as Jessica is the only person who can see him. Despite criticisms, accusations of talking to herself and being strange, Jessica continues to spend time with Donghae. As they grow closer, they remedy each other's loneliness as well as discover a heart-wrenching solution that explains their strange connection to one another.


the fact that only you can see me


proves that every moment we shared was destiny

you make the loneliness disappear .


I swear! This is one of the best fanfic. I'm quite sad since there are lesser fanfics about suju ='( So, I'm gonna be recommending this story! Haesica! My OTP! Sorry for other shippers^^ But I hope you guys will check this out. And oh! Here's the story link^^

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Chapter 1: Waa, I just haven't got the chance to thank you properly for DMC^^. Thanks so much, Dear! ^^
Chapter 2: Haesica, one of my favourite otp. I'm gonna start reading this now. Thanks for recommending this fic. :D