
Far From Perfect

''Where did you find this place?'', I asked Jongin as we sat across from each other at a cafe. We had driven for roughly 30 minutes before arriving at a cute cafe at Ilsan. I had stepped out of the main building at the same time Jonghyun did, in a loose, pale creme dress. He had, however, refrained from talking to me the minute he saw Jongin take my hand and lead me inside the car. I had caught him with a hard expression on his face through the tinted passenger-side window. I had smirked at my victory. 


He was jealous already.


''I used to come here with my family.'', was Jongin's simple answer as he ate a cherry from the basket of cherries the waiter had put in the middle of the table. I nodded, looking around. Since it was already autumn, the leaves had started changing colour and it contrasted beautifully with the pale coloured buildings. ''And I didn't get to compliment you when I picked you up.'', Jongin suddenly said. I tilted my head and asked, ''About what?''


''You look beautiful.'', he said as he touched my hand. I blushed softly and retracted my hand and put it on my lap shyly. I could see that from the corner of my eye that he was pretty satisfied in the way I acted. ''Do you want anything?'', he said as the waiter returned with our drinks. ''A red velvet cupcake would be nice.'', I answered while playing with my straw. ''One red velvet and one chocolate cupcake, please.'', Jongin said to the waiter, who rushed away to get us the cupcakes.


''I have something to ask, Jongin.'', I said after taking a refreshing sip from my orange juice. ''Ask away.'', he said as he leant back on his chair. ''How'd you know lilies were my favourite flower?'', I asked him while sipping some more orange juice. He chuckled at the question. ''I'm gonna be honest with you. I asked Hyorin when she was in our studio.'', he confessed as he laid his head on the table, obviously humiliated. 


''I'm sorry! I should have googled it and- I'm sorry, Eunhee.'', he apologized. I ruffled his black locks and smiled when he looked up at me, his chin still resting on the polished table. ''It's fine, Jongin.'', I assured his worried state. He didn't get to say anything in return since the waiter had arrived with our cupcakes. ''Yours looks too pretty.'', Jongin complained when he bit in to his. I bit in to the red cupcake and stuck my tongue at him.


''Yah~'', Jongin whined as he looked at my cupcake. ''You should have ordered one for yourself too, you know.'', I said with an exasperated sigh. ''One bite? Please?'', he begged while he released his aegyo. ''No fair!'', I countered as I poked his cheek. ''You get a bite out of mine too.'', he wiggled his eyebrows. ''Fine.'', I agreed, finally.


We switched cupcakes and took a bite out of each one. I looked at Jongin's chocolate cupcake in my hand and wondered how something could taste this good. ''Yah!'', I exclaimed at him. ''This is delicious! How could you want mine?'', I blamed him. I looked up at Jongin who had red cake crumbs over his lips and ended up laughing. ''Yours better visuals.'', he counter-attacked. 


''You got a little something on your lips.'', I pointed at the crumbs stuck on his lips. ''Wipe it off for me?'', he said, showing off his smirk. ''Pabo~'', was the only word I said as I leaned over and brushed off the red crumbs off his full lips. I didn't expect his hand to come up and wipe off a bit of chocolate icing from the corner of my lips. I had covered my face up when he off the icing off his finger.


''You know what that was?'', he asked, taking my hands away from my face. I shook my head, refusing to meet his mischevious eyes. ''An indirect kiss.'', he answered making me blush and chuckle. ''You're too much, Jongin'', I answered him by ruffling his dark locks once more.




''Aren't you cold?'', Jongin asked as we walked toward the main building. He had parked his car two blocks away and had insisted that he wanted to walk me to the dorms. I didn't bother arguing since he'd shoot me his aegyo yet again. The cold autumn air brushed against my face making me shiver. ''I'm not.'', I said as I rubbed my arms. No sooner when I uttered those words, Jongin had taken off his jacket and wrapped it around my shoulders.


''I'm not cold, Jongin.'', I denied as I shrugged off his jacket. ''You're keeping it on.'', he said as he put the jacket on me once more. ''But I'm not-'', I kept denying but he wouldn't hear any of it. ''Your hands being this cold shows you aren't? I'm not taking any chances.'', he stubbornly said while engulfing my small hand in his warm one. 


We reached the main building in a few minutes and Jongin stubbornly refused to go away until I was safely inside the building. I gave him his jacket back and walked in to the building, turning around once and waving him goodbye. I pressed the button for the elevator and was surprised to see Jonghyun inside. ''Hello, Choi. Went out on a date?'', he said smoothly but it had a hard edge to it. ''It's none of your business.'', I said as I pressed the 'H' button. The elevator started moving immediately.


''Whose the guy, eh? I wanna give him my congratulations.'', he said to my ear. ''It's none of your business, Kim.'', I said while shooting a glance at him. His suit looked somewhat crumpled and dusty, and his face showed signs of exhaustion while his eyes didn't lose their hardness. ''You really should work more. You're going home too early.'', I joked, not showing any hint of laughter. 


''Really? And will you work with me?'', he asked, one of his hands snaking around my waist. ''When pigs fly.'', I replied as I moved away from him, which resulted in his hand falling limply to his side. ''It's Jongin, isn't it?'', he suddenly said out of nowhere. I froze. ''H-How did you...?''


''Minhyun told me. I like that boy.'', Jonghyun said with a satisfied expression on his face. I sighed in defeat. ''I'm killing Minhyun.'', I muttered under my breath. ''Don't do that~ I need someone to give me updates. It certainly won't be you.'', he explained. I scoffed. ''How's he? Jongin?'', he asked, but to be honest, he had very bad timing.


The elevator doors opened up to the dorm's floor and I found Jonghyun, leaning against the elevator doors, waiting for an answer. ''He's a thousand times more decent that you'll ever be.'', I shot at him before walking toward the dorm.


Eunhee's dress:

I cannot believe I'm making my OC date Kai. KAI. O:

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MY STORY'S TRENDING TODAY! O: I just had to take this hyperness somewhere, MIAN!


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Chapter 19: I DEMAND A SEQUEL.
Chapter 1: I was so fooled rite dere
LoveCuteFanFics #3
Chapter 19: Loved this fanfic. Great writing! :) <3
Chapter 19: So short :/ i was expecting more though still but good :)
Chapter 19: AWEEE HAPPY ENDING!!!!!!!
shaitto #6
this story is absolutely amazing :)
Chapter 18: new reader~ Waaa~ Can you please update now? as in NOW? haha. I am a bit demanding, yeah, but, eff. You're story is good~ Fluffiness overload~ I completely forgot that I have a lot of school papers to do! :)) This story is very refreshing :))
Chapter 18: Talk about short :/