Changjo's Not-So-Awesome First Kiss

Digging Your Own Grave - Teen Top Stories


It all started on February 14, 2012


Jonghyun slammed the dorm room door shut, and flung himself on the couch. In frustration he buried his head in a pillow and stared screaming and kicking as furiously as he could. This day defiantly wasn't going as planned, even though he planned everything perfectly.


“Whoa there maknae. What's wrong with you?” Minsoo said from the near-by arm chair.


With a pout and exasperated sigh, the not-so-little maknae told his leader about his day. He talked about he had been planning for weeks to confess to this one girl. He talked about how he planned out everything, from what flowers he'd give her, to what he'd say, to what he'd wear, and even when and where it'd happen. Then he talked about how everything went downhill, the moment he stepped into school that morning.


As it was valentines day, girls immediately swarmed him with gifts. Contrary to popular belief, it wasn't the entire female population of the school, but it was enough to prevent him from giving his crush her first gift. Seeing as he would not be able to talk to her until lunch, the poor boy sulked quietly though-out the day's lessons.


Lunch wasn't much better though. Girls swarmed him again, but to make matters worse, they ran over him!.....and his the maknae had not eaten since breakfast that morning. His second gift to his crush was not destroyed in the process, but instead picked up by a squirrel that found it's way into the cafeteria. Jonghyun saw that same squirrel later in the day. It was using half his hand made scarf as a dress/shirt. The other half was captured by a pair of birds and wound neatly into their nest.


The end of the day was his last chance to talk to her, confess to her, or even just see her. But as he neared the place he normally saw her waiting after school, he saw another boy giving her a flower. Then a box of chocolates. Then a couple ring. The girl smiled brighter than Jonghyun had ever seen her smile, as she put on the ring, put the flower in her hair, and fed her new boyfriend chocolates.


When he finished his story, Jonghyun was on the verge of tears. Minsoo comforted the maknae as well as he could, which honestly wasn't very well. In the end, Jonghyun told the story once more and sat in tears in the arms of Daniel. He let him cry until he fell asleep, and didn't wake him until it was time for that night's practice.







June/July 2012


The next few months weren't very...enjoyable for the maknae. He was uneasy. His thoughts kept betraying him. Every time he turned around, there was Niel. There were those luscious lips. He forgot exactly when he started thinking about his hyung's lips, but he did. They just looked so soft, and kissable, and-




Jonghyun shook himself of his thoughts, and tried to re-focus on the task at hand. Teen Top, and their soon-to-debut label mates: 100%, were filming their show, but Jonghyun wasn't paying much attention. Every chance he got, he seemed to be sneaking glances at Niel's lips. No one had caught him yet, but it did leave his band-mates wondering about him.


The rest of Teen Top recognized that something was off about Jonghyun, they just didn't know what. In just a few weeks, he went from his normal, bouncy, 4D self, to the quiet, reserved, please-don't-bother-me-hyungs maknae that he was when they first debuted. No one said anything about it though. They only assumed he was going through something at school again, but didn't want to talk about it this time.


Jonghyun was suddenly snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the day's mission being called out: An acting challenge. Ricky took charge and started calling out their roles. Jonghyun would be the prince, and Niel would be Park Ha.


“Nooo!” Jonghyun cried out. He couldn't do this. Being so close to his hyung with those kinds of thoughts are dangerous. He couldn't risk anything happening, but his cry went unheard. Ricky went on with naming who would play what, and then they all scattered to find their costumes and study their lines.




Surprisingly, the challenge didn't go too well. Neither team completed the mission, and in the process, Teen Top was not able to act out the scene where Jonghyun and Niel would “kiss”. The maknae was overjoyed, but that joy was shorty lived. Suddenly it was decided to just ignore any more NG's and finish the acting out the scripts they were given.


Panic filled the young boy. What was he to do?! He couldn't possibly keep calm while acting that out, then everybody would know how much he's been thinking about his hyung, and the whole situation would be horrifying!


“Chanjo, Niel-hyung, you're up, last scene!” Ricky whispered.


Oh no. It was time. Jonghyun could feel his hands shaking, and his heart starting to beat quicker. He calmed his breathing as well as he could as he listened to his hyung recite his lines. Time seemed to slow down. Jonghyun's eyes were glued on Niel's lips until finally the time had come. Slowly and gently, he placed his thumb on his hyung's lips, closed his eyes, and leaned in.


It was almost heaven, for what felt like hours, Jonghyun rested there basking in the fact that he was so close to his hyung. So close to those lips.


But it ended all too quickly.


Then Niel said his last lines, and the scene was over. Teen Top cheered, and Jonghyun did his best to cheer along, but his mind was still on the almost-kiss. And it would be on the almost-kiss for the next few weeks.









Mid July, 2012


“Awesome, now how about a little fan-service for all of the Angels?” The director called all of the members back on set to do the final group shots.


Ah, fan-service. It wasn't easy to do this. Faking that something is going on between you and your best friends just to please your fans is a lot harder than it looks, so the boys drew names to see who'd pair up with who. In the end, the couples for the “Be Ma Girl” promotions would be: RickJoe, ChunCAP, and ChangNiel.


The boys got into position waited as the camera clicked, then shifted their poses every time the director barked at them. They were all so focused on the photoshoot, but Jonghyun's thoughts were elsewhere.




He knew it was all just fan-service, but it lately he felt something else. Through-out the years of being in Teen Top, even before debut, it was always Niel that took care of everyone. He sure everyone had what they needed before taking anything for himself, and never ignored the members when they were in need of comfort.


Just for a moment, Jonghyun looked down at Niel. “Hyung's lips....”


“Nice poses boys! L.Joe, show some agression. CAP, can you smile a bit more? Changjo, perfect!” The director shouted.


Jonghyun suddenly looked up in embarassment, but he didn't know why. He was only looking at his hyung, was that such a crime? one called him on why was he so embarassed?








Late July/ Early August 2012


Teen Top sat bored in the small kitchen, waiting for 100% to get back from shopping. They were filming for their show again, and everyone was hungry. Finally, seven boys walked though the door carrying un-cooked food to prepare before their very eyes.


It took about an hour, but everything was cooked, and the thirteen boys settled down to eat. Because the production crew was still filming, they talked a bit. Jonghyun was only hungry, so he paid no attention to them. That is until he heard Niel talking to Minoo.


“Hyung, I have my eyes on you first!” Niel shouted across the table.


Jonghyun cast a suspicious glance at Niel. His hyung wasn't allowed to do a duet with someone else! At least not before they did one together first. For


For the rest of the meal, Jonghyun paid attention, just in case something like that happened again. They played a few games, each of which Jonghyun wasn't too interested in. That is until, Chunji suggested the “I love you”. Now the maknae was interested.


First, Hyukjin went. Jonghyun was very good at keeping a straight face, so he went un-phased by his hyung's attack. Then it was Jonghyun's turn. He turned to Niel, looked into his eyes and kissed his hand. With a gentle smile, he said, “Saranghae,” but to his dismay, Niel replied with “I hate you.”


Like clockwork, Jonghyun had to pretend nothing was wrong, so he turned to Hyukjin. And then Niel burst out in laughter. He was embarrassed. Niel was embarrassed and shocked that Jonghyun kissed him! Jonghyun couldn't have been more happy than he was at that moment. His hyung might actually like him-




Where did that come from? Jonghyun....he only liked Niel's lips...right? And...and it was because Niel was always so kind, and he was still upset from not having his first kiss yet, and....and....


The game started over with Jonghyun still lost in though. When it was his turn, he wanted to know: what did he really feel for Niel hyung? And did Niel feel the same way? So he leaned in, inching closer and closer to Niel's cheek before whispering: “Saranghae”.


And Niel broke down laughing. With a huge smile on his face, he fish-lipped boy couldn't contain his embarrassment. Jonghyun, on the other hand, was quite happy. His hyung was embarrassed to have the maknae kiss him! This must mean something, right? Jonghyun laughed aloud with the other patrons in the room, thinking that what he felt for his hyung was something more than it should be...but that was okay. He liked that feeling.









After “Be Ma Girl” promotions were over, Teen Top went their separate ways for vacation. Jonghyun wasn't too happy to be away from his beloved Niel-hyung, but they'd all be back soon enough, and that was alright with him.


It was well into November, almost December, when he managed to get so close to his hyung again. Their time spent together was sparse. Jonghyun noticed, Niel always seemed to be doing something with Minsoo-hyung following him like a lost puppy. He hated it. There just couldn't be any NAP! It HAD to be ChangNiel! Why couldn't Niel-hyung see it though?


This is why, when Niel command them to play the paper-kissing game for a broadcast, he leap at the chance to get closer to his hyung.


He told Niel in the middle of the game, “Niel-hyung you come stand here!” and pointed to the spot beside him.


“But I'm the king!” Niel protested.


Darn. He had to think of someway to get Niel to play with them. If he couldn't be close to those luscious lips again, he'd die!


“Hyung! You're lips are the ulitmate suduction here!”


Bingo. And Niel shot up from where he was sitting. Jonghyun smiled to himself. This was it, the moment he was waiting for.


The game started, and as Niel passed the paper to Jonghyun, the younger lingered as long as possible, just to feel those lips brush against his, even if it was though a thin piece of paper. He quickly passed the paper to Changhyun and went back for seconds of Niel's lips when-





Jonghyun collapsed.


Our...Our lips. we.............they..................I..................WHAT?!”


The whole room was in schock, screams of protest could be heard from Niel and Chanhee. Minsoo was laughing at their misfortune, Byunghun tried to play off everything as cool-ly as possibly possible, and Changhyun was running around yelling “why, why why?!?”. Jonghyun just sat there, frozen, processing what just happened, until it finally clicked.


“Oh! Our lips really touched!” He yelled.


But Jonghyun still couldn't think clearly. He wanted this right? These past few months, that's all he's been thinking about: Niel-hyung, Niel-hyung's lips, and how increadibly soft Niel-hyung's lips looked, but now that they actually kissed.....


It wasn't all it's cracked up to be...


Suddenly regretting his thoughts of the last few months, Jonghyun finally went into panic mode.


“Ah, manghaetsuh! Ahhh!!!......My lips were......STOLEN!”


He collapsed on the couch with dread written all over his face. Why did he think kissing Niel-hyung would be nice? Why did he even think he liked Niel in the first place? Poor maknae didn't know, nor did he want to remember.


“I had saved my first kiss for my future girlfriend....” He remembered aloud. That's right, Niel comforted him when his crush hooked up with some other guy, but then why all the fuss about Niel and his lips?!


To make matters worse, tt's not as if the other members helped too much.


“You lost your ity.” Chanhee said simply.


“My ity....I lost my ity!......I feel so terrible......” Jonghyun cried.


He sat with his head in his hands, lost deep in thought over how horrible the situation that he thought would be wonderful, turned out to be horrifying.


Due to the horendus situation, the director called for a ten minute break for the boys to collect themselves before proceeding with filming. The boys scattered. Minsoo, helped Niel up to get some water, while Chanhee and Byunghun walked off somewhere. Jonghyun stayed with his head in his hands, until Chanhyun came up to him.


“You alright?” Changhyun asked.

Jonghyun was astounded his band-mate just asked him that. “Do I look okay?” He replied.


Changhyun tried to laugh it off, but only made the situation even more awkward.


“Was it weird? Kissing Niel-hyung, I mean.”


Jonghyung thought for a second. It was definatly not what he'd thought it would be like, but he couldn't say that.

“His lips were too moist. It was like kissing a marshmallow that's already been in someone else's mouth.”


Changhyun burst out laughing and ended up on leaning on the younger to keep himself upright. Jonghyun smiled. It was nice to see Changhyun so happy. I mean, he's always happy, but when Jonghyun was the one to make him smile, it was even better.


Plus, his lips looked really nice at the moment.





I just had to write about this. I mean, there have been pleanty of accidental kisses though the paper kissing game, but Changjo's reaction was just too good.


Word count: 2402












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Chapter 1: Hahahhahahaha, I love that gif. I've been hunting for that gif for months.
Chapter 3: these are cute! update soon!
Chapter 3: Byunghun .. Byunghun ..
Chapter 1: Update soon ...
aerin01 #5
Chapter 1: felt like reading the chronology of changniel....which happened to be true in some points xDD