


Yongguk pulled open the door with two fingers, careful not to spill his soda as he proceeded back outside from buying his lunch, which consisted of a chicken burger. He had plans for the day, he was going to hang out with Daehyunnie and maybe go out later. He winced as he stepped into the harsh sunlight; it was way too bright after the dimness of indoors. He scowled a little and sipped his drink, enjoying the fizziness that tickled his throat.

He had only just made it down the few steps from the store and was about to take a bite of his particularly delicious looking burger when she passed by. His hand froze and his mouth hung open involuntarily as he watched her, absolutely unaware of his presence. Her hair was hanging forward into her face, so she flung it back over her shoulder. He wondered if she was just wasn’t acknowledging him or if she just hadn’t noticed him staring. He had a slight niggling feeling that he wasn’t important enough for her attention, but he didn’t understand where the thought came from.

His eyes drank in her every feature, from her large, curved eyes to her dark brown hair that hung just above her shoulders. The light brought out a auburn highlights in her hair that made Yongguk want to run his fingers through it and see if it felt as warm and soft as it appeared. She was wearing a pink cardigan that brought out the colour on her pale skin and a bone skirt that stopped above the knee. She held a folder under one arm.

She was like an angel descended from heaven to torment him.

He was suddenly hyper aware of what he was wearing; the bright orange pants, the vest and the white shirt. That, combined with his golden hair gave him a very striking image in a sea of dark hair.

In the few seconds as she walked past, he memorized every detail he could, he wanted to imprint her image in his mind. And then she was gone. It was far too short a time, he wanted, no, needed to see her face again, to maybe even talk to her. He motioned forward, when the piercing honk of a car broke him from his trance.

He had time to turn, to take in the green car bearing down on him, and the blonde haired driver at the wheel whose expression was one of pure horror. The bumper hit Yongguk’s legs first, forcing him to bend forward and brace his hands on the bonnet, attempting to keep the car from crushing him by pure instinct.

The car jerked to a stop barely a moment after it hit him, but it was too late. The jerking motion sent Yongguk flying backwards, his burger and drink flung into the air with him. They bun and patty dropped onto his face as he fell towards the unforgiving concrete, but he barely noticed.

He didn’t cry out, or make any sound; his thoughts were back onto that beautiful girl, and a stupid gummy grin lit up his face. A small and more sane part of his mind wondered how crazy he looked, getting hit by a car and smiling about it.

The boy driving was jarred forward painfully into his seat belt, however it didn’t prevent his head bashing into the unyielding steering wheel. Stars dance around in the boy’s vision before everything went turned to darkness. He cursed himself for driving so fast; he was late getting lunch with his hyung and wasn’t paying attention to the road as he should have. He had been thinking about food.

Yongguk’s flight seemed to last for eternity, yet it could have only been a few seconds at the most. He had enough time to realize the driver had been his younger friend, Daehyun. Poor Daehyun. Yongguk knew even in his haze that Daehyun would have a hard time dealing with this.

His head hit the concrete first with a sharp crack. He felt no pain, only warmth that seeped through his hair. It stained his golden hair crimson. Despite the heat in his head and the sunny day, his body began to feel cold, an inexorable chill seeped into his bones that he had no chance of fighting against. However, he didn’t want to fight it. He could almost see the girl again, but her features were twisted with disapproval.

And then everything went black.

Daehyun gasped and blinked quickly, still grasping the wheel tightly, turning his knuckles white. He shook his head roughly, trying to clear it, but it throbbed terribly. He flung the door of his car open and staggered out, holding his head. He glanced at his hand, and it came back sticky with blood. Ice shivered down his spine, but he ignored it, rushing to Yongguk’s side.

Before he reached his friend, a peculiar circular pattern swirled on the ground beneath him, but when Daehyun blinked it was gone. It was strange. He supposed it was because he had a concussion; he was seeing things.

He felt on his knees beside his hyung and shook him, begging for him to wake up, his voice cracking. Yongguk wasn’t breathing, he could see his chest didn’t rise and fall. Daehyun began to panic in earnest now, he grasped his head briefly in shock before shaking Yongguk again.

“Wake up hyung! Don’t do this!” His voice barely came out as more than a whisper.

He almost gave up, his vision blurred a little and he blinked hard, trying not to cry. That was when Yongguk’s eyes flew open. He blinked once, twice and a third time. Daehyun wondered if it was the concussion again and he was seeing things.

But Yongguk sat up, with little assistance from Daehyun who had one hand on his chest and back before dropping them. He was smiling again, and he stretched, like he had just been sleeping.

“Hyung, you’re okay!” Daehyun smiled. “I’m so glad you’re okay! I was so worried, I’m so sorry I hit you with my car and I thought I’d killed you! I shook you and shook you but you wouldn’t wake up”. He spoke at a million miles a hour, and Yongguk didn’t even try to make sense of what he was saying.

Suddenly Yongguk remembered the angelic girl and glanced around wildly. He couldn’t see her; she had gone. How could she not have noticed the car crash? But he remembered what path she was taking and he sprung up and hurried off after her, completely disregarding Daehyun.

Daehyun watched him sprint away and realized his hyung hadn’t heard a word he had said. That was unsurprising. He could be very single minded when he wanted to be.

But what perplex was what trailed behind Yongguk, poking out of the back of his pants. It was a long red, arrow-like tail.

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Chapter 1: ;A;
update sooooon
Although Yongguk died ;A;
Chapter 1: You're a very good writer, Author-nim!
i love it♥