Just a Fangirl


I'm just a fangirl.


What does that word mean to you? To me, it explains my whole personality, my whole life. 

Every rookie K-pop fan evolves.

First stage is: LSS (Last song syndrome); LSS is when you hear a K-pop song and it gets stuck in your pretty little head. Then, after a week, it gets stuck to your daily routine. Finally, you become tired of it.

Second is: Body Rhythym; Body Rhythym is when you get hooked on a K-song (Like LSS) but starts dancing right to the rhythym and in perfect sync. Then comes two more songs, then three, then it comes to manier songs and waits until you get the perfect steps and memorized all the parts. From top to bottom.

third: Starting first bias; This is practically the most important moment in evolving to a fangirl. You will never forget your first Bias, and never will. (Even me, the author never did. And it's MBLAQ's Mir.)

fourth: Favorite groups; This is the second to the final stage. It's practically how it's titled. (Author likes loves B1A4).

Finally, the last stage: FANGIRLING. This includes what you're doing now. Reading fanfics, obsessing over your biases, etc..


But my fangirling is a whole different level. I'm fangirling over my Bestest friend.



Lim Haejung, the fangirl.

She was a fan of H.O.T in 1999. Haejung loved to practice H.O.T's choreography, practice their raps, and do what every fan does, go to concerts.

And she was only 7 years by that year. She was acquainted with Ahn Tony. They met at a fansigning event and Tony found the little girl interesting. After that, they became close. Like father and daughter. Up till now, they're still in contact.

But besides that, because of their 'Appa and daughter' relationship, Haejung had befriended other artists. Like B1A4, Exo, 2NE1, and all the others.

Right now, she was obsessed in B1A4's Jung Jinyoung. Her bestest friend.



Jung Jinyoung, the idol.

He debuted in 2011, along with his fellow B1A4 members.

He isn't much described as he is known all over asia. You probably know him, 'cause I do.

But he's an awesome singer-songwriter. The best one, probably. He is bestfriend's with our main lead, Lim Haejung.




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Chapter 2: Hi! Nice story! Im looking forward to the next few chapters!! Haha..BTW,you should use the 'Hide Chapter' button. It really helps..:)