
Time Capsule

Chapter 4: Eyeliner


I’m the last to step out of our van, partially because I’m scared of what’s outside. I wonder to myself; will there be dinosaurs, cotton candy clouds, zombies?

When I finally take a look outside, I’m surprised to see that everything so far seems normal. The backstage of Music Bank still looks the same, and once I’m in sight, the fans start screaming even louder, while some snap pictures at an increasing speed.

The wind blows, sending my long hair flying. I hold it down until the gust subsides. The two tiny puncture wounds on my arm are hidden from sight, well under my jacket. They started stinging a long time ago, but they’ve stopped hurting anymore. I think they’ve stopped bleeding, too.

In front of me, the hyungs enter the building in a single line with smiles plastered to their faces. Jonghyun hyung is wearing large, dark sunglasses. They don’t stop to acknowledge the fans, bow their way, or even shoot them smiles.

This behaviour puzzles me, because we’ve always liked thanking and greeting the fans, but I don’t think much of it and just turn slightly as I walk, to smile and wave to the girls that have probably been waiting since early in the morning to see us.

They see my little actions, which makes them scream even louder than they were already.

“Saranghae Taemin!”

“You’ll always remain our eternal baby!”


I smile at all the encouraging words the girls are spewing, and bow once more before entering the building, the fans’ cheers quietening down as the door swings closed.

I think CNBlue arrives right after us, because I can hear a particularly loud fan shout out Yonghwa’s name, even through the soundproof door.

I follow after Minho hyung, who is the last one to leave the van besides me. Minho still hasn’t said anything to me, and there’s this little part of me that’s shattering, since he doesn’t seem to be keeping to his promise of taking care of me.

As we walk, it seems like all of the people who pass us bow to us, staff and idol alike. There are a few groups who I don’t recognize, and a six member group with their hair dyed a matching blonde catches my eye. For those that I do realise, their hairstyles have changed drastically and they all look very different compared to when I last saw them.

We finally reach our dressing room, and I take the last costume on the rack since there’s no way it’s not mine. It’s a black ensemble, long hugging pants, a wife beater and a dress jacket on top with shimmery things encrusted on it.

When I push aside the curtains, I see that all the hyungs are already dressed, and are getting their hair and makeup done by the various noonas. The sound of blow dryers fills the room, but its silent other than the sounds of the hyungs being worked on.

Key hyung is finished first, and he stands so that I can get ready for the dry run. By the sounds of it, they’ve already started rehearsing for the show later.

Kibum hyung’s eyes narrow, and he smiles encouragingly at the makeup and hair noonas, before walking away, shoving his shoulder into mine on the way.

Onew glances at us for a second, before he returns his gaze to the mirror.

It comes as a shock, as all of the hyungs have heavy eyeliner, and the makeup is applied so their features stand out. Their hair looks like it took two full bottles of hairspray to keep it in place, but they seem to compliment them in a way our mushroom hairstyles didn’t.

I sit straight on the padded chair, and wait for the noonas to start on me. They pause for a second, and bow before starting work.

The first noona takes a comb and runs it through the full length of my hair, gently. I shiver slightly at the feeling, and for once I’m glad that I have long hair. The second noona sits on a wheelie chair and starts to spread a few drops of BB cream around my eyes, since my dark circles have become more prominent.

I relax in my chair, patiently waiting for the preparations to be finished. I’m silent and still, at least until the makeup noona starts to apply eyeliner on me.

I’ve never had to don on eyeliner before, so initially it’s a surprise, but I grow worried when I see that the approaching hand is shivering.

“Your hand is trembling.” I comment, looking straight at the noona.

Just from that one sentence, her expression turns to one of terror and fear, and she steps back. Her face pales to a white.

The atmosphere tenses, and it’s silent.

I shrug it off, and smile at her encouragingly. “Is noona cold? Or tired?”

falls open, eyes widening in response as her trembling hand becomes more prominent. I must look confused, because I’m feeling very confused as to why she’s acting so terrified of me. I only asked her if she was okay, after all.

Before I can speak, I feel somebody tugging roughly at the back of my collar, and I’m practically dragged out of the dressing room. It wouldn't have hurt normally, but it does now, since the person who's pulling my collar is also pulling on my hair. 

When the person finally stops, I turn around and come face to face with none other than Kibum hyung, my scalp hurting from the abuse.

Again, he interrupts me before I can talk. There is a deep, disappointed frown on his face. His voice is harsh, yet hushed because we’re not the only ones backstage. “What the hell is wrong with you Taemin?”

This time, it’s my turn to frown. The hyungs have been acting weird ever since I woke in this place, so what right did they have, did Key hyung have, to question what was wrong with me. “What do you mean? There’s nothing wrong with me.”

“Stop scaring them, Taemin.” Key continues, almost ignoring what I said altogether. “And what do you mean what’s wrong with you? You’ve been acting so… different since morning. Almost like you’re civilized. Almost like when-” He cut off abruptly there, the look in his eyes disappearing before I can name it.

"But I was only trying to be nice-" I started, only to be interrupted yet again.

Key hyung just shook his head. “Whatever. Stop trying to act nice, Taemin. Just get everything done properly. We’re all professionals. So do your job.”

With that, he gives me one more frown and turns around, disappearing into the changing room with a paper sign reading “Infinite” hanging on the door.

I'm just more confused than ever, since I was only trying to be nice to the noona.

There is a different set of stylist noonas when I get back, though they still act like I’ve done something bad to them.

The hyungs still don’t acknowledge me, and all I can think is that my brain is too muddled to function, and that I want to go home.












A/N: I updated. Go check out the foreword, because it's been updated with an important part of the story.

Shinee's dry run next time.

I wonder how Taemin will do on stage, when he doesn't know the dance moves..... or does he?


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Chapter 4: I'm worried. Would little Taeminnie know how to dance to Sherlock? Dx
Quwanda #2
Chapter 4: jesus...Key...T_T

I don't Like this key at all!!

where is Umma Key??

Onew, Minho and Jonghyun just seems so .... Argh DX

My poor minnie....
Pigeonautumn #3
Taebaby, you better be patient, okay? TT
And I'm really scared that he would forget the songs... And SHINee would be furious at him TT

So you better update soon, Awesome author XD
Chapter 3: Why so mean Key? T_T
Chapter 3: Aww, porr Taemin...
I can't wait to find out what's going on. >.>
Please update soon! \(^.^)/
Ah, this is so good! ^^^
I wonder why all the members are treating taeminnie like this, in the future...? Its so sureal :o
but anyways, I shall look forward to your aesone updates! Happy new years! `('-')`
Quwanda #7
Chapter 3: Oh No....No No No This is SO not Good! O_O...
Happy new year Author-Nim! :D

:( Poor Taemin....Ouch Key.
Pigeonautumn #8
Damn I forgot to subscribe last time. But I've subscribe now XD

asdfghjkl I LOVE THIS AAAHHHH*Spazzing like crazy*