L and Leejoon to the rescue

It happens for a reason part 2 [HIATUS]

The day of the execution was today. Jiyeon was still hidden in the depths of Konoha. Lying flat down on the gem water. 

" let's go. " Uncle Sunggyu and Taecyeon came in ( is 1st generation people ) 

" Am I free yet? " Jiyeon asked as she stayed calm. Not realizing that today was her last day 

" lets go. " Taecyeon broke off the seal and pulled her away with his Chakra chains. Still, none of them replied to her 

once they were out of the place, there were 30 anbus outside, waiting for her with steal medal chains 

" uncle Sunggyu? " Jiyeon tilted her head and looked at him 

" don't call me uncle. " he glared at her 

they lead her down the road and to the stone path stadium, where everyone was gathered around. Looking excited and angry 

" the beast is here!!! " 

" kill her! " 

" we must not let it live!!! " people shouted and Jiyeon widened her eyes. She wasn't being realeaed, she was being executed 

" yah!! " she shouted as she struggled to move but then she was whipped by a chain. She titled her head and widened her eyes

" Uncle Hoya... " she teared up. Why was he hurting her? 

" move! " uncle G.O said as she walked up to the stadium. Where she as then chained around a 300 feet steal medal rode that was wider than a house. 

" why? " she whispered as she looked down to the crowd, and sitting on the row if chairs, were all the Kages except for Kahi and the othe Konoha representative 

" yah! That's Jiyeon ! " kwangsoo shouted as he barged into the stadium but was stopped by the ANBUS 

" let him enter.. If anything, kill him. " Bongsun said 

Kwangsoo ran up in there as he kneeled down to Jiyeon. Her chakra was being slowly drained by the steal pole. 

" jiyeonah! " kwangsoo shook her as she slowly lifted her head. She was sweating so much. 

" you believe me right? " she muttered 

" yes! Don't speak. I'll get you out of here. " he whispered to her as she whipped away the dust in her pretty white face

" don't. They'll kill you too. " she smiled 

" thank you for believing in me uncle kwangsoo. " she smiled as her eyes were slowly closing 

" Don't fall asleep. " she shook her 

" please.. Tell Kahi. " she leaned in a whispered in his ear and he nodded as tears were flowing down

" stay strong. " Jiyeon smiled and he nodded. Then he was taken away by the anbus 

" now. " jongkook sent the signal and Hoya, Sunggyu, Taecyeon, and Woohyun ( second generation ) were getting ready to use their lighting jutsu to finish her off 

they blasted her with a bolt of blue lightning and she screamed and fainted 


jiyeon's POV 

" where am I? " I woke up, lying on a pond of rain water. In front of me, was a large steal caged room. 

" You think, you could finish me off like this !? " A loud angry deep voice spoke 

no one POV 

" what? " she whispered and then a claw came running down the cage and she jumped. An eye looked at her and he sniffed her, smelling her pain that she was trying so hard to hide for all these years. 

" you're not that girl. " he said 

" who? What girl? " she asked 

" you look just like her. Like them. A worthless human being. " the voice said 

" you're - you're a fox. " she said 

" what does that matter. I'm still a beast to you all..... Let me out! " he shouted 

" how? " she asked 

" you don't want a poor innocent me to die with you, right? " he asked 

" I heard stories of you. If I die, you're going down with me. " Jiyeon shouted

" big mistake! " the kyuubi roared and then part of his chakra released out 

" take it.. It's calling you. I can feel your darkness rising. " the kyuubi smirked. He wanted Jiyeon to use his chakra. So she can break free, and so can he.

the reason why his chakra was able to flow outside,was because of Jiyeon. She was lacking confidence.. He could feel the darkness inside of her. But then, 

" no. " she whispered and then, the darkness was gone. There was no more hate. Nothing left 

" can't you see? They don't trust you anymore. I thought they were your family. Why are they doing this to you? " he asked and she just looked at him

" I would die, then to let you free. " she said and then he somehow had a grip of her with his chakra and- 


She was now back. Awaken, but couldn't realize it. The beast has taken over her, 1 tail was realease, and then another, 


L and Leejoon quickly woke up from the ice bed and looked at each other 

" do you sense it? " L asked as he got off the bed. He felt a strong chakra in the air 

" it's the nine tails... It's here. " Leejoon said as he felt it too. 

" lets go, " L said but Leejoon pulled him back 

" you do know if we go, we won't come back? If we use just a bit of our chakra, we're done for. " he said 

" the nine tails finally appeared. Its Been hundreds of years since it appeared. And, it's at its weakest. The jinjuriki must be weak right now . " L said and Leejoon nodded.like the others they also teleported to Konoha 


" what's happening?! " Jongkook shouted 

" it's the beast! " Haha shouted 

" hurry up Hoya! " Bungsun rushed them to hurry up and finish Jiyeon off. 

" you'll a pay. " Jiyeon's red blazing eyes shoot open as she spoke in the voice of the Kyuubi. It, and her evil self has taken over her body. It was as if she was under some sot of spell. 

" stop it before the beast is realease!! " Jongkook said as he ran up onto the stadium and preformed a seal jutsu that Maru taught him. It was also a forbidden jutsu.

The seal started draining all the dark chakra out of Jiyeon and she now came back to reality. She was now breathing heavily. 

" Jiyeonah.. " Suzy, IU, Eunjung, Nicole, and Hyomin whispered as they stood in the far back, tearing up. They couldn't face what they were seeing. 

Hoya took the matter into his own hands and rose up his hand. The clouds started to shift. From a light and bright day, to a gloomy and depress day. Rain, started falling hard, and lightning started to roar the sky.

" Jiyeon was staring at him with her sad and tired eyes. The one that she likes. Is the one that will be killing her

" I thought you like me. " she whispered as a little grin crept on  

" I would never like a traitor and a beast like you! " he glared at her and she regretfully smiled. So this is what it's like to be heartbroken. She thought. 

She calmly smiled and closed her eyes. ready for what Hoya has to do. 

Just like a god, Hoya drove a lightning bolt straight through Jiyeon and then she collapsed while be bind up by the chains. 

Woohyun ran over to check what happened, and- 

" she's gone. " he said and he felt her palm and her neck . 

Most of the crowd cheered in joy, while the 5 girls and some others didn't say a word, and just stayed quiet. holding back their tears. Kwangsoo, was the only one that burst out crying

" what sick people. " Two voices spoke as they flashed down on the stadium with a loud crash, causing the ground to shake and tremble. 

" They say that we're cold blooded demons, but you people, aren't any better. " L said as he walked over to Jiyeon 

" can we still save her? " he whispered to Leejoon 

" lets hope Minho can. " he said and L broke off the chain of chakra like it was nothing. 

The crowd and the others were shocked at their sudden actions. Who were these people? They thought 

" who are you!? " they shouted . Being scared of seeing what they were capable of 

" The ones that have returned . Remember that. " L smirked as a sudden rush went through his body and he lost balance and tipped over when he caught himself by holding onto Leejoon 

" they're the akatuski! " Haha shouted as the ANBUs ran up to catch them, but they had vanished. Leavening no trace what so ever. 


they teleported back to the hidden rain. Where their hide out was, and set Jiyeon by the basketball court 

" why did you bring her back? We're suppose to find the Kyuubi. " Leejoon asked 

" we were too late. I couldn't sense its chakra anymore, " L replied 

" but her. She saved us twice. Now it's our turn. " L said 

" dude... Her chakra, it's almost completely gone, " Leejoon said

" I can't believe her village would do something like that to their own. What has the world become " L asked 

" I guess, it's time to step into the world again. " Leejoon said 

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SummerKpop #1
Chapter 12: Awesome story,just like Part 1 <3 Every Second Checking If You Had Updated<3
although I wish it was jijoon :o
Chapter 12: new reader! Update soon!
Retsel_ #3
Hi... new reader I really like It happens for a reason. ..
And I have to say that I really love this the 2nd part. .!!!!
Please update soon. .!!!!
Retsel_ #4
Hi... new reader I really like It happens for a reason. ..
And I have to say that I really love this the 2nd part. .!!!!
Please update soon. .!!!!
Chapter 12: ahhaa!!so that's why Jiyeon doesn't want to return..uh I smell jealousy here..or, maybe not..and I bet Minho was giggling like crazy there..
*imagine Minho smiling like an idiot..uh that was so ridiculous XD
berryberry96 #6
Chapter 12: you updated <33333333
i am a loyal fan of your stories thanks for not letting me down ;)
yeonniestan94 #7
Chapter 12: yeayy.. thanx for updating!! new reader here, so i hv been waiting a long time for this chapter.. i reread the first part of it happen 4 a reason while waiting... keep on updating...!!!!!<333 ^o^
Chapter 11: Yeahh!!finally you come back!!it's like 2 months after you left us hanging XD I was amazed on L's courage to get the flower to save Jiyeon..seems like he treasured her so much..don't tell me the dark poison gonna take Jiyeon in exchange to the flower..oh the voice also made me blank about not saying the words..what words?
Summer_marshmallow #9
Chapter 11: You updated!!!!! I'm so happy, I thought you're going to abandon this story...