Chapter 18

Just a Foreign Exchange Student

The slamming of the door was what caught my attention. It was also what woke me from my sleep.


                “What the…” I grumbled, still drowsy. I squinted at the gentle light pouring out of the digital clock and groaned when my eyes started to focus. 3:30 A.M.


                “Are you serious, Ryeowook? What are you doing?!” I cried out crankily, my voice cracking from lack of sleep. All of a sudden, he shoved me off the bed and kicked the mattress.


                “Don’t ing talk to me.” I banged my head on the floor, the impact fully awakening me. I sat up and turned to him angrily.


                “Are you kidding me Ryeowook? What just happened?” I heard crashing and shattering, which forced me to rush to the light switch. I flicked it on, only to meet the surprise of my life.


                “Oh my God…Wookie…what the hell did you do?” I whispered. Everywhere I could see, all my things were broken. Shattered. Crushed. My mouth dropped at the destruction that just occurred. And right in the middle was an extremely pissed off Ryeowook. He stormed towards me and started pushing me harshly to the door.


                “Get out.” He hissed. I started protesting, but he only pushed me harder. He was definitely stronger than he looked.

                “Wha – Ryeowook! It’s 3:30 A.M.! Where do you think I’m going to sleep?” I yelled. He opened the door and kicked my side, throwing me to the floor.


                “I said get out!” He screamed, slamming the door in my face. I was left in the middle of a hallway, staring at my own room. At 3:30 A.M.


                Needless to say, I was speechless.


                I scrambled to my feet and looked for my room key.


                “.” I muttered. I just remembered that I left it back on the room on the desk table, which was now probably toppled over on to the floor. I sighed, knowing that there was nothing I could do. I listened for the crashing to stop before gently knocking on the door.


                “Ryeowook…can you at least tell me what happened?” I said softly. There were some shuffling noises inside the room, sending hope through me.


                “I really don’t want to talk about it. And no, I’m not going to let you back inside.” He spoke gruffly. I threw my hands with despair. Now where was I going to go? I was exhausted, and I definitely wasn’t going to stay up until classes started. Plus, it was cold out in the hallway.


                That was why I found myself standing outside of Siwon’s and Donghae’s share room five minutes later. I sighed and leaned against the door, thumping a fist against the wood. I closed my eyes for a second as I heard a couple of groans and soft talking. My consciousness was starting to swirl just when the door opened.


                I fell forward and automatically stretched out an arm to catch myself. My hand reached the wall as I looked up to see Siwon’s tired face. He rubbed his eyes and helped me stand.


                “Am I hallucinating or just half conscious?” He asked hoarsely. I managed a chuckle and swayed on my feet, the lack of sleep starting to get to me.


                “Look…I’ll explain tomorrow. But can I just stay for this night? Please…I’m exhausted and I just need a break.” I pleaded. He stared at me blankly and yawned.


                “If I let you stay, does this mean that I can go back to sleep?” He rasped out. Without another word, I pushed past him and went straight towards the empty bed. I was semi-glad that Donghae didn’t even wake up, but the other part of me just didn’t care at that moment. I flopped onto the mattress and was about to go to sleep when Siwon spoke up again.


                “Hey, can you at least fill me in a little bit about what happened?” I waved a hand blindly in his face.


                “Tomorrow…” I muttered into the pillow, falling asleep in a matter of seconds. I missed his chuckle and the way he pulled the covers over my body like a little kid. With a sigh and a few shuffling, there was complete silence in the room as Hankyung fully drifted off to sleep.




                “Hankyung…Hannie? Hankyung!” A harsh whisper hissed into my ear, making me wake up a little bit. I waved a hand, turning to my other side.


                “Don’t make me get the bullhorn.” The voice said gruffly. I sat up groggily, blindly pushing the covers off of me.


                “Alright, alright. I’m up. What do you want?” I snapped. I rubbed my eyes, and when I opened them again, I found myself face to face with Donghae’s curious expression.


                “…Did I miss something last night?” He questioned. Still tired, I stared at him blankly. He put his hands on his hips and leaned closer.


                “First of all, why are you in my room? Second of all, why are you in Siwon’s bed?” He said with a scowl. From lack of sleep, my brain wasn’t working too well that morning. As I tried to recall last night, the scowl on Donghae’s face morphed into a sly grin.


                “You know, you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to…” In a split second, I whacked a pillow in his face and rested my chin on my hand.


                “I’m being serious, Donghae. Ryeowook kicked me out of my room last night.” I said disbelievingly. Donghae stopped rubbing his face and turned to me, shocked.


                “Are you sure we’re talking about Ryeowook?” I huffed and stared at him.


                “Of course, unless I was rooming with his evil twin.” I said sarcastically. Donghae shrugged.


                “I don’t know, what Ryeowook did does seem pretty evil…” Donghae mumbled. I had the temptation to smack him across the head again, but decided against it.


                “Donghae! Can’t you focus?” I said desperately. Donghae waved his hands and chuckled nervously.


                “Okay! Sorry! Well…what happened last night for him to do that?” He asked. I scratched my head in thought.


                “I was just sleeping when Ryeowook came barging inside the room. He was destroying everything, crashing into everything, and then all of a sudden he was pushing me outside my room. It was actually pretty scary to be honest. I didn’t think Ryeowook could be like that.” Donghae breathed out at the surprising news.


                “Me neither.” He sighed. I turned around to the still sleeping Siwon and turned back to Donghae.


                “Should I wake up Siwon and tell him? Then maybe we can get his opinion.” I suggested. Donghae shook his head and smiled.


                “No need. He’s already awake.” He quipped happily. I raised an eyebrow and turned to Siwon again. I wasn’t convinced when I saw his steady, slow breathing.


                “Siwon’s an early riser. He almost never sleeps this late. I bet he’s listening to our conversation right now.” Donghae stood up and walked around the bed to Siwon’s side.


                “You sure?” I asked slowly. Donghae nodded. He gently shook his shoulder, calling his name. After a couple unsuccessful tries, he looked up at me with a mischievous glint in his eye.


                “There’s a reason why he’s an actor.” Donghae grinned. All of a sudden, he reached out and shoved him out of bed. I stifled a laugh as I heard a shriek and a groan from the other side. Siwon’s head popped above the mattress as he turned to glare at Donghae.


                “Hae! Really?” He moaned and let his face fall on to the blankets. Donghae cocked his head to the side.


                “Wait…you were really sleeping?” He questioned, absolutely clueless. I flopped lazily back on to the bed and laughed.


                “Told you.” I said smugly. Donghae shrugged hopelessly.


                “He really usually doesn’t sleep this late! Especially before school!” He whined.


                “I really don’t. But I would have had more sleep if someone didn’t wake me up at such an ungodly time.” Siwon said crankily, nodding his head towards me. As he stood up and stretched, I started protesting.


                “Woah, hey. It’s not my fault Ryeowook kicked me out of my room!” Siwon stopped stretching and eyed me curiously.


                “What? That doesn’t sound like Ryeowook at all.” Donghae nodded at Siwon’s statement.


                “Yeah, we covered that about two minutes ago.’ He muttered quietly. Siwon ignored Donghae and tore off his shirt, slipping into something decent.


                “Then we should probably go to Ryeowook and see what’s going on.” I groaned in disapproval and to my side.


                “Crap…I was hoping to sleep some more.” I mumbled. I then heard Donghae sigh and soon I felt him pulling on my arm.


                “Hankyung, please come with us!” He begged. I clutched on to the pillow I was laying on.


                “Later…” Siwon chuckled and I heard Donghae huff.


                “Ryeowook is your roommate…And besides, if you don’t resolve whatever problem he has, you’re going to have to stay here for a long time without any fresh clothes, your own personal belongings, or anything in your room.” I narrowed my eyes and sat up.


                “You know, I hate it when you are right.” Siwon threw me a shirt and a pair of jeans.


                “Just borrow my clothes for now. They might be a little big on you, but I’m pretty sure it’ll be fine.” Donghae briefly pointed to the door with his thumb.


                “We’ll just wait outside until you finish changing.” He said, motioning Siwon out the door. I waved, tearing off the shirt that I was wearing. I looked around, slightly glad that Donghae kept his side of the room neat, ever since he had cleaned it up for him.


                I set down the jeans on a nearby desk as I finished fiddling with the shirt. I then picked up the jeans again, only to realize that I picked up something else along with it. I unraveled the denim material and found two pictures face down. Curiously, I turned over one and widened my eyes in surprise.


                The picture was worn out and obviously old, but clear nonetheless. It was a picture of Siwon and Heechul laughing. It seemed like a camera picture from the quality. They were noticeably younger, probably still in their early teenage years. Heechul had an arm around Siwon’s shoulders, both of them holding up a peace sign.


                Somehow, I knew in my heart that I was wrong before. There was nothing going on between them. Their gestures and their body positions…it was all too casual to be a relationship. And yet…too close to be called friends. Were they together after all?


                The questions just kept coming, each one surpassing my curiosity than the last one. For some strange reason, this picture didn’t come across as unsettling. It was a childish atmosphere, but it made me confused. What exactly was the relationship between Heechul and Siwon?


                A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts, making the pictures slip through my fingers.


                “Hankyung, you ready yet?” Siwon’s voice drifted through the door. I scrambled for the pair of jeans and quickly started changing.


                “Uh…yeah! Almost ready!” I called out, immediately forgetting about the second picture. With only one brief glance, I could only tell that the picture was ripped in half. Purposely. The thought struck me as strange, but I knew that the problem with Ryeowook was much more important. The thought of that second picture fled my mind as I slowly opened the door into the corridor. With a small conversation, we were already on our way into Ryeowook’s room.




                I lightly rapped against the door and called out Ryeowook’s name. There was no answer. I sighed and stood squarely in front of the room.


                “Ryeowook, can’t you at least tell me what’s going on?” There was a throaty chuckle on the other side and a few noises.


                “Ha…no.” Ryeowook said curtly. I stared through the door, wishing that I could slap some sense into Ryeowook that moment.


                “You know, considering that you locked me out of my own room at three in the morning, I think I deserve at least a conversation right now.” I jumped back when the door rattled with a loud sound. I blinked in surprise as Ryeowook spoke up again.


                “And how about you just shut up and leave me alone?” He ordered menacingly. There was definitely something wrong with Ryeowook when I heard that. I slowly turned around to Donghae and Siwon with a blank face.


                “Okay that’s it. Do any of you have water by any chance?” Donghae raised an eyebrow and tossed me the bottle of water that he was holding. I grinned and poured it all over the ground, letting it pour into the room through the small door crack. Donghae gasped, extremely annoyed.


                “What are you doing?!” He cried out loud. I watched Siwon watch me with interest while I replied to Donghae.


                “Improvising.” I stated simply. I got on my hands and knees, starting to control the water particles by lifting it up and off the ground. I pressed the water up against the door, sliding it up to the lock. Carefully, I tried to listen to the water creeping into the lock as I fiddled with the gadgets inside the lock. One by one, the water pressed down the tiny buttons, ultimately ending with a clicking sound. I smiled in triumph and successfully opened the door.


                “Impressive.” Siwon mused. While Siwon stood coolly, Donghae was kneeling on the ground, aghast.


                “That was amazing! What…you didn’t improvise, did you? You must’ve practiced!” He breathed. I shrugged, opening the door.


                “No, I didn’t practice. I…improvised.” I repeated. Out of nowhere, a slim hand starting jabbing harshly into specific points in my arm.


                “Wait – Woah, hey stop!” A sudden numbness took over my arm, and it slipped off the doorknob. I stared at my arm as it fell limp to my side. I couldn’t control it. Unbelievable.


                “What do you want?” Ryeowook said, crossing his arms. I gaped at him.


                “What did you do to my arm?!” I cried out. I couldn’t even feel my arm! Donghae chuckled nervously behind me and spoke up.


                “Ryeowook has a disadvantage when it comes to body strength…so he studied about the internal body and its pressure points. Yeah…I probably should have told you earlier.” I glared at him and turned back to Ryeowook.


                “Look, I just want to know what happened. And maybe sleep in my own room tonight.” I tried, careful not to temper him. He stopped fiddling with his fingernails and narrowed his eyes at me.


                “Yesung. And Henry. That’s really all I need to say. Now goodbye.” I reached out my good arm as Ryeowook started closing the door.


                “But wait, I need to-” I started saying, only to have the door slammed in my face. I sighed in disappointment.


“Great. Just perfect. I visited Ryeowook  to get a numb arm and to yet again get kicked out of my room. Is it okay if I stay in your room again?” I asked, rubbing the back of my head. Siwon shrugged and Donghae nodded his head eagerly.


“Of course! You know, I still owe you a lot for saving me from the falling tree in the beginning of the year.” Donghae mentioned cheerfully.  I thought back to that time and laughed.


“That was a long time ago. It doesn’t matter much.” I informed.


“Anyways, we should go see Yesung and Henry and find out what happened.” I suggested. Siwon nodded in agreement and led the way.


“Oh, and as for that arm, the effects won’t wear off for a few hours.” Donghae piped up. I groaned loudly as Siwon laughed.


“Don’t worry, it’s not like you were the only one to experience Ryeowook like that. Try having your legs disabled for a whole night.” Siwon grimaced as they went down the corridor to Yesung’s room.




“Oh, hey guys. What’s up?” Yesung said, yawning. Siwon crossed his arms and stood in front of the doorway.


“Okay. What happened last night between you and Ryeowook?” He questioned suspiciously. Yesung gave us a blank stare and shook his head.


“Nothing happened. I went to bed, slept, and woke up. I didn’t see Ryeowook once last night.” He thought. Kyuhyun suddenly appeared behind him, resting an arm on his shoulder.


“Hey, how’s it going? Why’re you guys here?” He said forthright, munching on a granola bar. Donghae popped up in front of Siwon and smiled.


“Investigation!” He said cheerfully. Yesung ignored Donghae and turned to me.


“Did something happen to Ryeowook?” He asked worriedly. I scratched my head and shifted my weight to my other leg.


“Yeah…except we don’t really know what exactly happened.” I said. Yesung bit his bottom lip and started to push past us.


“Maybe I should go see him…” He suggested, only to be pushed back by Siwon.


“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Siwon stated. When Yesung shot him a curious expression, I sighed.


“Let’s just say I don’t really have an option in sleeping in my room anymore.” I joked. Yesung then shot a worried glance at me, so I quickly shook my head and smiled to reassure him. Kyuhyun moved so he was leaning against Yesung again and looked up at us.


“Sorry. We don’t really know anything either.” I found it weird that Ryeowook would blame something on Yesung, while Yesung didn’t even know what we were talking about. I tried not to think about it too much.


“Hey Hankyung, what happened to your arm?” Kyuhyun pointed out. I looked down at my still-limp arm and almost wanted to laugh.


“Ryeowook. Ryeowook happened.” I spoke truthfully. “But I’m fine. Or at least, I will be in a few hours.” I quickly added.


“So Kyuhyun, not meaning to change the topic, but what’s the situation between you and Sungmin now? I’m just curious…” Donghae asked innocently. Kyuhyun laughed and flipped a hand at the mention of the topic.


“Don’t worry. We patched things up a day ago. Everything’s fine now. Although I still don’t really know what happened…”Kyuhyun pondered.


“Anyway, about Ryeowook…are you sure we can’t go visit him? Just to check and see what happened.” Kyuhyun added. I shook my head.


“We just tried that, and I don’t think that way works for now. I am pretty worried for him, but I don’t think we can really do anything right now.” I said thoughtfully. Yesung sighed. I figured them keeping their distance from each other was safest for now.


“…Let’s go meet up with Sungmin and Eunhyuk. I think they’re in headquarters right now.” Kyuhyun suggested, abruptly changing the topic.


“That’s a very good idea.” Siwon piped up, eager to get the topic of Ryeowook behind us.




“Hey.” Sungmin waved, not looking up from his book. Donghae huffed and started to peer over his shoulder.


“Why do you keep reading? Anyways, I swear you were reading that same book last month.” When Sungmin felt Donghae’s hot breath on his neck, he drew in a quick breath and rushed to the other side of the couch. Kyuhyun then laughed and went to his side, steering Donghae away from him.


“Donghae, don’t mind that.” Kyuhyun slapped his shoulder playfully. All of a sudden, Eunhyuk stood abruptly, catching our attentions.


“Oh, Donghae, didn’t you have a question for Hankyung?” He said, raising his eyebrows and nudging Donghae. I decided to pay no attention since I was deprived of sleep. I settled into the seat beside Siwon on the couch, stretching my legs onto his lap. There was a slight murmur in the background with both Eunhyuk and Donghae whispering. I flipped over to my other side, getting ready to doze off when their shuffling stopped.


“So are you going out with Siwon?” They both asked in unison. There was an eerie silence in the room as I felt Siwon’s legs stiffen. My eyes popped open and I propped myself up in disbelief.


“…Excuse me?” I muttered. Siwon slowly picked up my pant legs between two fingers and stood up.


“This suddenly just got awkward. So I’m going to go now…” Siwon took a step to the door only to be stopped by Kyuhyun.


“Out of all people…” He murmured.


“You know, come to think of it, I’m curious about it too.” He crossed his arms and peered at him.


“If I say yes, can I leave?” He asked curiously. Kyuhyun nodded.


“Of course we’re dating!” Siwon exclaimed giddily. I flipped to my other side and threw my pillow in the direction of where he was standing.


“Sorry, Hankyung. I’m leaving this one to you.” He saluted with a smirk and walked out the door. I snatched another pillow and groaned into it.


“And to think that I just wanted to sleep.” I mumbled. Eunhyuk even had the nerve to climb on top of me, digging his elbows into my ribs and resting his head on his hands. I coughed in surprise into the pillow.


“So are you? Are you?” Eunhyuk asked with a hint of lightheadedness in his voice. Sungmin sighed from somewhere off to the left followed by a page turn.


“There is also the option of leaving him alone and finding out later…” Sungmin murmured. I heard Kyuhyun scoff.


“No one cares about what you think. At the moment.” Kyuhyun quickly added. I threw the pillow off to the side and stared into Eunhyuk’s sunglasses-covered eyes.


“No.” I answered. Eunhyuk dug his elbows deeper into my ribs.


“Okay, can you not break my ribs anytime soon?” I gasped. He simply grinned.


“Well I don’t believe you.” He said smugly. I not-so-gently shoved him off and sat up.


“And you’re not really giving me a choice, now are you?” I countered. I stood up face-to-face to Kyuhyun.


“Hey, I don’t believe you either.” I crossed my arms to match him.


“Okay fine. You’re smart. What’s your definition of ‘dating’?” I asked sarcastically. He looked upwards for a second and turned back to me.


“To go out with someone in whom one is romantically or ually interested.” He stated. I stared at his serious expression.


“Explain?” Kyuhyun sighed, as if I was considered stupid.


“Going out, as in going someplace with someone, going to eat meals with someone or going to get a drink with that someone alone. Romantically interested, as in taking a liking to someone depending on their personality, or looks. ually interested…well…” I held up a hand to Kyuhyun’s explanation.


“Please don’t finish.” I said tiredly. Kyuhyun shrugged.


“So are you dating him?” To be honest, I did have to think over this. I put a hand to my mouth and thought back.


There was the time when he bought both of us bubble tea way back in the beginning of the year. I winced. There goes the drinking part.I thought. I didn’t think we ever went out to eat, and I was pretty sure I wasn’t “romantically interested” in him.


Though I did remember staring at his hair when I slept in his room before…no, that didn’t count. And I did admit to myself a while ago that I liked him. …this was harder than I expected.


There was no doubt that I cared for him, maybe too much for my own good. And I still wasn’t sure if the feeling was mutual. Then again…there was that time when he invited Zhou Mi and Henry over here, about two weeks before.


“Do you care about me?” I questioned. Siwon looked confused, but answered anyways.


“Of course I do. You’re…you’re one of my best friends.” He said with a smile.


“Do you really care for me?” I asked after a pause. Siwon stared at me as if I’d gone crazy.


“Why are you so insecure all of a sudden? You out of all people should know that I really do care for you.”


I let my hand fall to my side as I groaned inwardly. I was in deeper farther than I expected.


“Yeah…Sure, okay. I’m…dating him.” I admitted reluctantly. Donghae squealed and ran in my direction. I ducked in time to avoid his bear hug. He gave me one of his goofy smiles as his arms flailed in his loose shirt.


“Hankyung!” Donghae cried out, going for another hug. I bolted towards the door while I still had the time. As I slammed the door behind me and breathed a sigh of relief, Siwon chuckled beside me. I jerked up again in surprise.


“Jesus Christ, don’t I get a break?” I whispered under my breath.


“Glad to know we’re on the same page.” Siwon said cheerfully. I stared blankly at him.


“Wait…you heard what I said in there?” I asked disbelievingly. Siwon shrugged helplessly.


“Hey, don’t think that I wasn’t curious either.” Siwon said wryly.


“Can I just have the room key? I feel like sleeping.” I said tiredly. Siwon smiled and threw me the little rectangular-shaped card. I rubbed my temples with my fingers, turning around and heading for his room. I heard him laugh openly behind me, so I couldn’t help but smile.


But Siwon didn’t need to know that I was happy about this. Nor did he need to know that I fell asleep to his scent when I went to his room. Eh…he’ll figure it out when he sees me passed out on his bed. 

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HaruKoiUta #1
Chapter 19: I just found this story and really love it! :) I hope you update someday soon! I can't wait to read what'll happen next! XD I'll patiently wait till the day you update so I'm glad you didn't gave up on this series! ^^
mle_hung123 #2
For all my lovely subscribers:

I know that this story has been on a sort of unspoken hiatus, and to be honest, I'm not too sure on when the next chapter will be up.

For all my SiHan stories Ive been going through a writers block for some reason and I promise that I wont give up on my series. Really.

You all have been so lovely amd patient and really, it hurts me to disappoint you all.

lilacpeachpuff #3
I agree with this person below me, you should totally update :D. I miss this story. I'm going to read it all over again <3
lilacpeachpuff #4
You should update this story one day soon and then I'll love you even more~~~ ehehehe <3<br />
p.s. I didn't know you had like a million other stories! :O *goes and checks them all out*!!
JongBB93 #5
Waaah! Nice story! I love SiHan. Update soon! ^^
Dongho_Eunhaeee #6
Awesome. I re read the whole fic from the start again hahaha (: <br />
Love the way you phrase your words lol. Please. Update. As. Soon. As. Possible. <br />
I'll be waiting for you. And the fic. <br />
And my y siwon ;D
lilacpeachpuff #7
wow your writing is so... I don't even know what word haha... lovely, informative, descriptive? I'm not sure but it's SO GOOD! for lack of a better word haha<br />
anyways I loved the update!<br />
I hope theres more sihan love soon, I'm going to explode. >_<<br />
:O I just realised we don't even know what "power" Siwon has yet<br />
*buzzing with excitement for the next update*<br />
thank you as always! :)