Chapter 16

Just a Foreign Exchange Student

I had a rough sleep that night, mostly because my mind was all on Kyuhyun and Sungmin. What had gotten into Kyuhyun back there? I knew he was a caring boy, despite his arrogant personality. And Sungmin…I never would understand him. I sighed and groaned, sitting up on my bed. The last thing I wanted to do was to attend classes, but I knew I had to.

Surprisingly, I found a slice of buttered toast on the small table beside my bed. As my eyes adjusted to the morning light, I saw a note. I peered at it closely, taking a bite out of the piece of bread.


I got Ryeowook to bring this up for you. And you seemed pretty upset last night, so I thought you needed something to cheer you up. On a happier note, I’m winning our bet, Geng!


I chuckled and shook my head. It honestly did make me a tad bit happier, but it still didn’t help the rough day that was coming.

The whole time at school was pretty much of a blur for me. If things weren’t tense between me and Sungmin before, it sure was now. He avoided pretty much everybody, and made sure not to even glance at me. It was both awkward and uncomfortable for me. However, I was more worried about Kyuhyun than myself.

After school, I decided to study in the library. Mid-terms were coming up and I had to prepare. Ryeowook was with me, and so was Donghae. As we were silently quizzing each other, we noticed a figure coming in, silently muttering. I glanced up to see Kyuhyun with furrowed eyebrows, staring intently at a workbook open in his hand. In his other hand were about five other workbooks, some of them opened messily. I widened my eyes at this sight. He stopped in his tracks and squeezed his eyes shut, his mouth forming around silent words. I could almost see the light bulb go on above his head when he opened his eyes and smiled in realization. I stared as he sat down, his pile of books toppling to one side, but he didn’t seem to notice.

Luckily, I slid out of my chair fast enough to stop the books from crashing loudly onto the table. Kyuhyun only looked up frantically and pointed at me with a pencil.

“Quantum physics, Hankyung. Do you know anything about that? I barely remember how to describe the behavior of energy and matter that predominate at the atomic and subatomic scales. Isn’t it related to Newtonianism or something? Wait, no it isn’t. Oh my God, I forgot! Damn it…” I didn’t understand a thing he just said. I blinked as he furiously flipped through pages of another workbook. Silently, I retreated back to my own table and stared at Donghae and Ryeowook.

“Kyuhyun’s acting strange.” I stated bluntly. They took quick looks behind me and lowered their heads. In a gentle voice, Ryeowook started explaining.

“He only does this when he’s worried. He buries himself in work – especially math – when he’s nervous or agitated. I don’t know why he’s doing this now.” I pursed my lips and fidgeted nervously in my seat. Of course I knew why, but it felt wrong to tell them the reason. It seemed personal. Ryeowook turned slightly to Donghae.

“Can’t you read his mind or something and tell us what the problem is?” Donghae squinted hard at Kyuhyun before shaking his head.

“Nope. He’s not thinking of the problem right now. All I can see are math equations and stupid history facts that hurt my head.” Whining, Donghae held his head in pain. I chuckled and threw one more look behind me to see all of his books spread open on the table. He gave each one a long hard stare before scribbling something in one book.

“I’m going to try to talk with him, alright? Call Siwon and tell him to talk with Sungmin.” They gave me strange looks as I sighed. “Just trust me.” I added. Donghae shrugged and pulled out his cell phone as he walked out of the library. I took a deep breath and moved to Kyuhyun’s table. When he saw me again, he pushed one of his books in my face with a tense smile.

“Given the basic units of Euclidean geometry, I can prove the Pythagorean theorem, right Hankyung?” I could see the desperation etched on his face as he drowned himself in these problems. I gently laid a hand on his trembling arm and gave a reassuring smile.

“Is there anything you need to talk about?” His smile wavered and disappeared, replaced by furrowed eyebrows. He slumped and the book fell out of his hands. I scrambled to catch it before we attracted everyone’s attention. I set it on the table and slid it away from us as he rested his chin on his hand.

“Sungmin won’t talk to me and I have no idea why!” I narrowed my eyes at him and crossed my arms.

“You must be kidding me.” He glared at me and tightened his hands into fists. He half rose in his chair and leaned forward to me.

“Does it LOOK like I’m kidding?” He snarled. At that moment, Ryeowook slid in beside Kyuhyun and chuckled nervously, leading him back to his seat. He glanced back and forth between us.

“Is everything going well?” He asked quietly. I almost didn’t hear Ryeowook intervene. With narrowed eyes, I examined Kyuhyun. His tousled hair, his heavy breathing…he was telling the truth.

“You’re really being serious?” I whispered. Kyuhyun rolled his eyes and leaned back, glaring at me.

“Do you not know my personality? If I’m being serious about something, I’m being serious. Now leave me alone. I need to finish these problems.” He waved us away, immediately starting to chew the end of his pencil. I motioned for Ryeowook to collect our books and to get out of the library before Kyuhyun really got pissed at us. Quickly, we gathered our things and went outside to the hallway. I let out a breath that I didn’t know I was holding.

“Seriously, what is up with him?” Ryeowook murmured, scratching the back of his head. I shook my head in exasperation.

“I think it’s better if you don’t know.” Before Ryeowook could reply, Donghae came running over with wide eyes.

“We need to get back to headquarters. Now.” He said sternly, grabbing our wrists. 

“Why?” I asked slowly. Donghae just stared at his closed cell phone.

“I think Siwon’s hurt.”


Siwon was stretched out on the couch while Yesung was slumped in a chair when we opened the door to the headquarters. Siwon didn’t even turn our way, but Yesung sat straight up. I noticed an ice pack in each of their hands, uneasiness immediately washing over me. Donghae gasped and rushed to Siwon, helping him up.

“, what happened?” He questioned angrily. Siwon shook his head and gestured towards Yesung, settling back down on the couch again. Yesung removed the ice pack from his cheek and stared worriedly at Siwon.

“Sungmin hit both of us. It hurts for Siwon to move his mouth when he talks, so I’ll tell you what happened.” Yesung said quietly. I gaped at him. Now Sungmin really was too much!

“I happened to be there when Siwon got your phone call, Donghae. Siwon told me briefly where he was going, and I wanted to follow. I also noticed that Sungmin was acting strange today during our classes.” He paused and squeezed his eyes shut for a moment, holding his jaw. Ryeowook affectionately touched his cheek, giving him a smile. Yesung grinned back before continuing. 

“We found him reading on an outdoor table. We knew something was wrong when he threw the book aside and rested his head in his arms. I think he knew we were coming because when we were about to talk to him, he told us to go away. He didn’t even look up!” My eyes immediately darted towards Siwon when he made the slightest movement to touch his jaw. It worried me sick to see him like that, but he sent me a lazy half-smile in my direction. It at least calmed me down a little bit. I focused back on Yesung once more.

“So Siwon tried to start talking with him. You know, the usual. Asking him what’s wrong, if anything was bothering him. Sungmin then lifted his head and gave a really sarcastic smile. He told us that everything was going perfect and everything was fine and well. Siwon of course didn’t believe him, so he asked Sungmin to tell us.” He paused again and rubbed his sore cheek. I could see a bluish tint starting to form, and I saw how his cheek swelled a bit. Ryeowook bit his lip and put a paper towel underneath the ice pack, pressing it against his cheek again. Yesung softly thanked him and continued explaining.

“We knew that he didn’t like to be pressured, but we cared for him. At that point, he just glared at us and told us to ask Kyuhyun or Zhou Mi. Then he told us to leave him alone.” He sighed and looked over to Siwon with a worried glance. I took a seat beside Siwon’s spread legs as he willingly made a space for me on the couch.

“I was confused, so I asked him if it would be easier for him to explain to us. He was getting really annoyed, and I saw how his hands formed into fists by his side. He repeated himself, telling us to leave him alone. Siwon tried to advance again, which was when Sungmin lashed out and kicked him hard across his jaw. It was one of his martial arts kicks that normally would’ve impressed me.” He said, trying to joke around. 

“I could tell that he was surprised and physically hurt when he fell on the ground. I felt angry that Sungmin would do that, so I yelled at him and defended Siwon…which led to him striking me across the face. I was lucky enough to have dodged a little bit, but he still hit me. I lost consciousness for a few seconds, but when I came to, Sungmin wasn’t there. There was only Siwon sitting up, leading me towards the school. I snorted in annoyance and leaned back on the couch.

“What is up with Sungmin? He’s been acting weird all day!” Eunhyuk said worriedly, biting his lower lip. Yesung nodded in agreement.

“Speaking of Sungmin, Kyuhyun hasn’t been acting right either. Last time I saw him, he had piles and piles of these books in his hands!” Yesung pointed out. He held his cheek again and groaned.

“And why did he hit me like that? Jeez, he never acts this way.” He said, annoyed.

“Sungmin sure likes hurting people when he’s angry, doesn’t he?” I mumbled. The room quieted and I received five pairs of eyes staring at me. It took me a while to figure out that I said something wrong.

“What do you mean, Hankyung?” Eunhyuk asked softly. I sighed, pondering whether or not to tell them what really happened between Kyuhyun and Sungmin. I leaned forward on my knees and decided that it was best for them to know and understand.

“Well I was with Zhou Mi and Henry in the kitchen downstairs…” 


“Henry, I don’t need it.” Zhou Mi protested. Henry shook his head and held an ice pack wrapped with a paper towel to his jaw.

“Stop it, Zhou Mi. You’re hurt and this needs to be treated. Does it hurt anywhere else?” Henry said, examining his jaw. Zhou Mi shook his head and tried to keep still as his fingers ran across his chin.

“You don’t need to do this Henry.” He murmured, trying not to move his mouth. Henry pulled away and tossed him a strange look.

“You’re my best friend. Of course I need to do this.” He walked to the mini-fridge and pulled out two water bottles. Zhou Mi just pressed the ice pack against his jaw and stared at Henry.

“But I could’ve taken care of myself. You could’ve gone somewhere else to chill.” Henry shrugged and tossed a water bottle in his direction. He sat down on the bed across from Zhou Mi’s and looked at him right in the eye.

“I’d rather stay here.” He stated simply. Zhou Mi shifted uncomfortably from his piercing gaze and looked away.

“But I’m not going to be doing anything! You can go outside, hang with Hankyung’s friends-” Zhou Mi stopped when Henry sighed and turned around.

“Are you trying to push me away, Zhou Mi?” He widened his eyes in shock and shook his head. Henry fell back on his bed and the radio, turning so his back faced Zhou Mi.

“Then let me stay here.” Henry mumbled, probably falling asleep in Zhou Mi’s opinion. He stared at the still figure and grinned widely. He almost didn’t realize that his jaw hurt from the stretch.

“Sure.” Zhou Mi said softly, moving to sit on Henry’s bed.


“The strangest thing is, is that Kyuhyun had no idea what I was talking about when I talked with him in the library.” I finished. Everyone was quiet as they tried to take in what I had just put out. Yesung shook his head, almost as if he was reassuring himself.

“Kyuhyun would never do that. I’ve been his roommate ever since I stepped into this school, and…I just know that he would never do that.” He choked on his words, breathing heavily. He was his roommate. I could tell that he was hurt by this. Ryeowook took his hand and squeezed it.

“I have to stand by Yesung on this one. Kyuhyun’s a kind-hearted kid, even though that’s hard to believe.” Ryeowook said, nodding his head. We heard Donghae take a shaky breath, and I was honestly surprised when I saw a couple stray tears fall down his cheeks.

“Donghae…what’s wrong?” Eunhyuk whispered, wrapping an arm around his waist. Donghae let his head fall forward before answering.

“I don’t want this to happen.” Eunhyuk fixed his sunglasses and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

“What are you talking about?” Donghae wiped his eyes with the back of his hand and looked up, red-eyed.

“Why else would this person sabotage someone like that? They’re trying to break out friendship circle. And so far, it’s working.” We couldn’t reply to that. It amazed me how good of a point he brought up. Suddenly, Siwon sat up and groaned, holding his head in pain. I jumped at the sudden movement and shot a worried glance at him.

“What’s going on?” Yesung cried out, standing up from his chair. Siwon fell to his knees, dropping the ice pack on the ground.

“…” He muttered, holding his head with both hands. Automatically I fell down beside him and gripped his arm. Almost instantaneously, his breathing slowed and he removed his hands from his head. Ryeowook stared at this whole scene with an open.

“…What just happened?” He said quietly. Siwon only looked up with a pale face.

“I have no idea. It felt like I was losing control of my own thoughts. It was really weird, and – ah, !” He held his head again with one hand, squeezing his eyes shut. I didn’t remove my grip from his arm for a second. In a moment, he panted heavily, releasing his hold once again.

“I don’t know what’s happening, but it feels like it stopped for now.” Out of nowhere, Donghae slid underneath Siwon’s arms and wrapped his around his waist. I saw how his eyes and nose was red, and how more tears streaked down his face.

“Siwon hyung…this is scaring me…” He whispered, his voice cracking in the middle of his sentence. Siwon laughed and rubbed Donghae’s arm soothingly.

“Everything’s going to be fine. Trust me.” He murmured. I motioned to Siwon that I was going to find Sungmin. I needed to talk with him and straighten things out. Siwon nodded and started comforting Donghae.

I opened the door and went outside, going to the place where Yesung explained. Hopefully, he was where he was before. Luckily, I found him sitting glumly at a table, staring at the surface. I sighed and advanced towards him. He didn’t even look up when I stood in front of him, nor did he move when I slid into the empty bench.

“Sungmin…” He turned so his back faced me.

“Go away.” He snapped curtly. I was taken aback, but I wasn’t going to give up so easily. I sighed and scooted closer to him.

“Is there a reason why you come here?” I asked quietly. I was secretly glad when he slowly turned to face me. His expression was cold, but curious.

“Why do you ask that?” I shrugged and smiled.

“Usually when one is hurt, they come to a place or they do something that makes them feel better.” I stated. He snorted and turned around again.

“It’s true!” I exclaimed, ecstatic when I got a chuckle out of him.

“It’s where he gave me a math problem and…maybe I’ll explain it to you some other time.” He said gently. I laughed a little and placed a hand on his shoulder. He flinched, but relaxed soon after.

“You know, I talked to Kyuhyun a while before.” He stiffened and stayed still.

“And what did he say?” He hissed through gritted teeth.

“Strange thing is…he doesn’t know what happened.” Sungmin slumped in disappointment and turned to rest his arms on the table, but he still didn’t face me.

“I don’t understand either, Sungmin.” I didn’t expect a reaction out of Sungmin. I was shocked to say the least when his eyes watered with tears.

“It hurts to act tough all the time.” He whispered softly. And I especially didn’t expect him to turn and rest his head on my shoulder. Awkwardly, I wrapped my arms around his petite figure and felt him tremble.

“You don’t have to…” I said with a smile. He chuckled grimly and buried his head deeper into my shoulder.

“It’s a force of habit.” He mumbled. I left it at that and sighed. I finally broke through and succeeded in something. I just hope that it would still be the same tomorrow.

“You tell anyone about this and I’ll snap your arm in half, Hankyung.” Sungmin murmured. I laughed and hugged him tighter.

“Love you too, Sungmin.” And when I heard him laugh, I knew everything was going to be okay for now.


He threw Heechul against the wall, ignoring his cries of pain. He stood over his fallen figure and smiled crookedly. Heechul glared at him and gritted his teeth, knowing that he could do nothing.

“Do you want to explain to me why it didn’t work on Siwon?” Heechul bravely stood up and spat on the other man’s feet, receiving a stream of profanity coming from the latter’s mouth.

“How the should I know?” The man stepped up to him and narrowed his eyes, curling his fingers around Heechul’s shirt.

“Maybe because it worked on Kyuhyun and you were the one who did it.” The man released his hold on his shirt and pushed him back harshly. Heechul could only glare at the other who turned around and walked to the middle of the room.

“Do you still have a soft spot for that boy?” He asked sweetly. Heechul widened his eyes and looked to the ground.

“How could I not? Do you think I want to do something like this to him? Only heartless bastards like you would dare say something like that!” The man gritted his teeth and turned back around to fling his fist across Heechul’s face. He breathed heavily, staring at Heechul’s crumpled body on the floor.

“Remember that I could break you anytime I want. I may not have abilities like you, but I can remind you of your family, what they did to you. How your parents-” Heechul started shivering, curling into a fetal position.

“Stop it…just stop it…shut up!” He cried out, pressing his hands against his ears. The man hovering over him took a step back, smirking.

“I have control over you, Heechul. You can’t do a thing about it.” He cackled, walking towards the door. Heechul shakily helped himself up with one arm, glaring at the retreating man.

“You’re sickening! It’s amazing how Siwon ever put up with you.” Heechul snarled. The man stopped in his tracks and smirked.

“It’s amazing how I ever put up with Siwon. ing little half breed he is…like you aren’t any better. And yes…sickening…why thank you.” Heechul gritted his teeth and stopped himself from launching himself at the shorter figure as he strolled out the door.

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HaruKoiUta #1
Chapter 19: I just found this story and really love it! :) I hope you update someday soon! I can't wait to read what'll happen next! XD I'll patiently wait till the day you update so I'm glad you didn't gave up on this series! ^^
mle_hung123 #2
For all my lovely subscribers:

I know that this story has been on a sort of unspoken hiatus, and to be honest, I'm not too sure on when the next chapter will be up.

For all my SiHan stories Ive been going through a writers block for some reason and I promise that I wont give up on my series. Really.

You all have been so lovely amd patient and really, it hurts me to disappoint you all.

lilacpeachpuff #3
I agree with this person below me, you should totally update :D. I miss this story. I'm going to read it all over again <3
lilacpeachpuff #4
You should update this story one day soon and then I'll love you even more~~~ ehehehe <3<br />
p.s. I didn't know you had like a million other stories! :O *goes and checks them all out*!!
JongBB93 #5
Waaah! Nice story! I love SiHan. Update soon! ^^
Dongho_Eunhaeee #6
Awesome. I re read the whole fic from the start again hahaha (: <br />
Love the way you phrase your words lol. Please. Update. As. Soon. As. Possible. <br />
I'll be waiting for you. And the fic. <br />
And my y siwon ;D
lilacpeachpuff #7
wow your writing is so... I don't even know what word haha... lovely, informative, descriptive? I'm not sure but it's SO GOOD! for lack of a better word haha<br />
anyways I loved the update!<br />
I hope theres more sihan love soon, I'm going to explode. >_<<br />
:O I just realised we don't even know what "power" Siwon has yet<br />
*buzzing with excitement for the next update*<br />
thank you as always! :)