Heart Spell

Heart Spell


Candles lit in the candelabras all around them, and Jiyong gave her a soft, romantic kiss, that made her heart flip.

It’s time to fulfill the Heart Spell, Dara,” he murmured against . “I have already given you my heart, and I have waited for your response long enough.” He pulled back and looked into her eyes. “I call on you to either accept tradition or deny me entirely.”

Dara her lips. She only had to speak the words and they would be bound together, heart to heart, soul to soul. Man and wife in this life, and in the next.

Your answer, Dara….”

Her gaze flicked to that tempting mouth hovering so close to her own, and she sighed. “You’re a serious danger to my sanity.”

Am I?”

His voice had taken on a husky timber, and she cursed him in her mind. It wasn’t fair that she should find him so irresistible. But then, for the Heart Spell to work there had to be an underlying attraction, one strong enough to bind. Never mind the fact it had to be strong enough for the Coven Council to even recognize it.

After all, what good would the ritual do if there was no passion to hold the bond in place?

Presley, speak now or—”


Oh, fine,” she relented, ignoring her own excitement at the thought of joining with him. “You know I always intended to do it, and don’t pretend you weren’t already certain of it.”

A devilish smile curved his lips, a split second before he leaned down to kiss her. She promptly stopped him with her finger.

Just one more thing, Ji. If we’re to do this now, tonight, I would like a few concessions from you first.”

Dark eyes glittering, he pulled her closer. “Name them.”

I will not give up my mortal carousing, as you like to call it, and I’m keeping my candle workshop—including the house in Japan. If I live here with you, I’ll need it to keep up appearances.”

He responded by nipping lightly at her lower lip. “And?”

And Moon goes where I go.”

The cat? But of course.”

He nibbled at her chin and moved lower to kiss . Brows furrowed, she closed her eyes allowing the current of desire to swirl through her. The feel of his hot hands on her bare body beneath the bathroom was nothing short of intoxicating.

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xe2d2205 #1
Chapter 12: Happy ending ! Ha I like it. Thank you ...
Chapter 12: Sweet..thanks for the wonderful adaptation authornim..
Thank you soo much for sharing this wonderful story!
Chapter 12: awww!! that was awesome!! totally!!
Chapter 12: Authornim thank you sooooooo sooooooo much 4 sharing dis wonderful story (^з^)-☆
The 3 last chapter is very hooooot!!!
Chapter 8: Kyyyyyyyaaaaaa!!! I want moooooorrrrrrreeeeee !!!
Chapter 7: Wat is Dara going to answer?? I'm very curious !!! Is she going with him??
Chapter 6: Authornim Thanks 4 the update (^з^)-☆
Please update soon (*^^*)
kpopluvervy #9
Chapter 3: update more plz <3 <3
Chapter 2: Authornim please update moooooorrrrrrreeeeee !!!