
Seven Days




Junhyung suddenly woke up from his sleep, shooting up from his bed. He was sweating all over from his dream. He was dreaming about Jieun mentioning the kiss and her being joking about it. She was acting closer than necessary.


Junhyung washed up in his bathroom, splashing water onto his face. He stared in the mirror, wondering, “What’s wrong with me…?” Dismissing that thought, he got ready and waited once again at the ddeokbokki shop.


What expression should I have when I see her? It’s been just a joke until now… If we even become friends…


“Yo,” Jieun popped up out of nowhere behind Junhyung, “morning.”


Junhyung was startled out of his thoughts, “Ah…morning.”


Jieun narrowed her eyes at Junhyung, sensing that he was acting a bit weird. “You were acting normally yesterday… why are you so quiet? More than usual too… Oh! And you better not try anything like a morning kiss. Yesterday’s was an accident. All your fault.” She glared at Junhyung’s eyes, although his sunglasses hid them from view.


“Pfft,” Junhyung snickered, “It wasn’t an accident. It was a trap.”


Geez, Jieun thought to herself, Just make it sound like it was my fault, why don’t ya?


~~After going to school and later~~


Jieun yawned, tired from the day’s history lecture. “Ugh, I’m so sleepy.”


“You can take a nap…” Junhyung suggested, “We still have time before our next class anyway.”


“I fell asleep last time during the movie too…” Jieun seemed to travel back into the past in her mind for a moment.


“…I don’t mind,” Junhyung claimed.


“Kay, lend me your lap then,” Jieun suddenly ordered, “I’m gonna use it as a pillow.” It seemed that she was being especially straight-forward that day.


“W-What?” Junhyung spluttered from her sudden decision.


Ignoring his protests, Jieun forcefully lied down on his leg. “…It’s kinda hard though.”


“Tch,” Junhyung scoffed with a twitching eye, “You can expect a guy like me to have soft thights like a girl or anything.”


“Eh…” Jieun drifted off, “this is actually pretty alright, though.”


For you it is, Junhyung thought with discomfort, Meanwhile, I’m…


“Oh yeah!” Jieun suddenly spoke up from her position on Junhyung’s lap. “You’ve dated my best friend Kim Minhee before…do you remember her?”




“Knew it. She has a lively personality, ya know. She’s fun to have as a friend most of the time too. Do you still see her?”


Junhyung coldly answered, “I don’t stay in contact with anyone I’ve dated.”


“…You’ve dated Hyunseung before and now you’re friends.”


“He’s a guy,” Junhyung emphasized, “That’s different. I don’t answer unknown phone numbers either.”


“…You…delete their numbers? Just like that?” Jieun snapped, a dark shadow cast over her eyes as she stared down at the ground, “Isn’t that too much?”


Junhyung calmly stared at her, “Would you be able to stand it if your partner kept on getting calls from someone you didn’t know?”


“Well…that is kind of…” Jieun realized that he was somewhat right. She suddenly began to sound gloomy, “In other words, next week you’ll delete my number too.”


“Uh well…that’s not up to me,” Junhyung unsurely replied.


“Ah, right…” Jieun remembered, “We’re not really like that, so it’s okay, right?” She looked a bit downcast.


Suddenly, a bzzing sound was heard from Junhyung’s pocket. It kept on buzzing while he answered her question, “I guess so. Excuse me for a sec, I need to answer this.”


Junhyung flipped open his phone, placing it beside his ear, “Hello? This is—’’


“You know what?! HYUKSOON’S SUCH A JERK!” an extremely shrill voice transmitted through his phone. [I believe Junhyung’s brother’s name is Hyuksoon, right?] “I ended up calling him, but he was still mad! What do you think about that?”


Junhyung bashfully placed his hand on the back of his neck as he answered, “Well…did you apologize to him properly?”


“Why should I have to apologize?! Are you on Hyuksoon’s side too?!” the unknown voice continued to rant while Jieun listened in on the conversation quietly.


“It’s not that I’m on his side…” Junhyung let out a frustrated sigh, “Hyuna, you cheated on him!”


Jieun’s eyes snapped wide open as she remembered something from the very, very back of her mind.


“Don’t tell Junhyung that I told you this,” Minhee started, “But while I was dating him, he told me about this one girl he actually dated before this whole one week thing started. The girl who dumped him, her name was…Hyuna.”


“That’s not my fault!” a whiny voice that Jieun suspected to be Hyuna’s protested.


Junhyung slightly turned back to see that Jieun was still standing there, “Sorry, Hyuna, I’m…”


Jieun suddenly whipped Junhyung’s cellphone out of his hand and simply pressed a button to end the call. She looked glaringly down at the name of the person who had called Junhyung, “…Hyuna.”


She threw the phone back at Junhyung who caught it, still stunned from her sudden actions.


“So, you… can just delete all the numbers of the girls you’ve dated like it’s nothing, but you still have the one number of that girl you like? Well, that’s not fair,” Jieun scoffed with a menacing expression.


Junhyung stared at her with for once, widened eyes, “Why are you so angry?”


“Why?! Well…” Jieun stopped, her face starting to redden. “Because I’m the one dating you right now, so why shouldn’t I be angry?” She burst, any of the bad feelings she had kept inside released.


Jieun stomped away to exit the hallways, leaving Junhyung alone to slump against the wall.


He stared at his phone which was still on, so Jieun hadn’t actually ended the call, but there was no sound coming out.


“Are you crying?” Junhyung questioned Hyuna. “Why don’t you just forgive him? He cheated on you once and that was a year ago. Didn’t you get your revenge?”


Sobs and sniffs were heard from his phone, “Once, ten times, it’s all the same. It doesn’t matter with how many times.”


“Yeah…I guess it is hard because you love my brother more than anyone, Hyuna. I’ve always been jealous of him, to be so close and important to you.”


“…” More sniffs were heard, “Junhyung, you must be some kind of masochist or something.”


“I’m not,” Junhyung firmly denied. “No way.”


The sobs had finally quieted down, but sniffles were still audible, “…Hey, Junhyung? I love you…”


“Yeah. I love you too.”




After exchanging good-byes with the others in the dance club, Junhyung headed out to exit the campus when he was stopped by Jieun’s voice.


“Not bad,” she commented as she leaned against the school gates.


“Wasn’t it?” Junhyung smirked.


“You idiot,” Jieun snorted, “What are you getting all cocky about? You’re supposed to show up to club activities. That’s how things are.”


Instead of driving home like the two usually would, they started to walk their way home instead. During the way, Jieun suddenly decided to apologize.


“…About what happened at lunch, I’m sorry. Now that I’ve thought about it, did I really need to throw a fit like that? Even I don’t get it. I mean…” Jieun turned to look at Junhyung with a blank look on her face, “What was I mad about?”


Junhyung chuckled, “How would I know? But you don’t need to apologize.”


Jieun stared at him with a questioning look as he beckoned her over to whisper into her ear.


“I’m the type that likes to be tied down, I think.”


Two passing girls from their school squealed and exclaimed, “What’s this? What are you two whispering about?”


“I want to know!”


“…This guy here,” Jieun gestured towards Junhyung with a very blank face, “He’s a masochist. No matter how much of a sadist he may look like.”


“EEK~!” the girls surrounding them shrieked.


What?! was the thought that kept on running through Junhyung’s mind.


Jieun simply laughed before they continued on their path home and the fangirls had dispersed.




Somewhere else, a girl with wonderfully styled orange hair sat at a round table by herself in a café. The ends of her hair were styled into wavy curls. She donned flashy accessories and stylish clothes.


Hyuna stared at her closed cellphone that laid on the table. Leaning over to rest her head on the table, she sighed, “…What’s the attitude for?”


“Hyuna, I’m not going to answer your calls anymore.”


I love you too, but… just like how you always put my brother first, I also…


Tears welled up in Hyuna’s eyes as a man entered the same café that she was at. “Hyuksoon,” she breathed out.


Have someone more important to me than Hyuna is. Someone I love from the depths of my heart.


Sorry for the super late update...if you read my long-ish comment on this story, you'll know why and stuff... ㅠ.ㅠ I missed writing this story...and here you go, Thursday! I think it's the longest chapter/day as well...hope no one abandoned the story!

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Awww, I love how you made a Junhyung version of Seven Days, One of my most favorite manga of all times!!!:D This was awesome and I love it!!!!:D Kekekekeke, Super cute and I love how you made your own changes here and there in your story!!!:D
This is one of the best stories I've have ever read! Such a cute ending
jenjeneee #3
Aww, such a cute story. The ending made me smileeeee~
YoruxRuki #4
@BabySeobbie: Hehe I will~~ in fact I'm working on a Dongwoon series.. (even though he's my #4 bias in BEAST) but I didn't really get past writing the 1st chapter since I've been busy with final projects and stuff.. I still have 2 days of school left! So yeah~
Awwww!!!! Such a cute story!!! Please write more stories~^^
YoruxRuki #6
@helloimse: Haha thanks so much for commenting :P ~