Final :D

Our Marriage Life


It’s been 3 months since they got married. Yukwon patiently wait for Minhyuk to come home in the living room. Clock showing it past midnight already.


Minhyuk still the same. He stills the same as his behavior when he was a bachelor. He still think he could go anywhere he wanted, going home late liked he usually did before he got married. He just couldn’t leave his bachelor side. Yukwon sick of it.


Since they got married, every weekend is the only times they got to be together without worried of their works but Minhyuk always took that time spending it with his "still bachelor" friend, coming home only when the day turn dawn. Spending little time with Yukwon, as he will spend whole day sleeping.


Yukwon just wanted to cuddle up with his husband, date with him. After they came from honeymoon none of that were happened! Sure! Date at ice cream vendors not too far from their house, 10 minutes walking from their house. That’s it!


Minhyuk needed to act like a married man. Hello~ he got his wife here!! ? He also wondering when the last time they made out.. The last time, they made out was three months ago? Yukwon assumed, before they coming back from their honey moon.


Yukwon never thought of wanting to break this news to Minhyuk hoping he would find it out himself but seeing Minhyuk who barely touch him, kiss him and hoping for him to change he needed to tell this today! For good sake! Minhyuk going to be a father soon. If he going to be liked this, Yukwon will end up divorce him, even though that’s just a lie. No way in the world he is going to divorce him.


Minhyuk went home smiling. He did not drink today. Yukwon sighed in relief. "It will be easy to talk this way," he muttered, he went to greet Minhyuk. Minhyuk kissed him, Yukwon kissed him back. Liked usual, Yukwon doesn’t know if he should called that a kiss or just ‘accidentally’ brush their lips together.


"Why you haven’t slept yet?" Minhyuk hugged him yawning. Yukwon hugged him back. "You.. When are you going to change?" Minhyuk drew out from his neck looking at him, "what do you mean by that?"


"Hyuk, I’m sick of this. You always came home late since the day we----"

"Start our work from honey moon," Minhyuk finished his sentences. He let Yukwon go. "Kwon baby, do we need to bring this up again? I’m tired of it."


"I wouldn’t bring this up again if you will change but no.... You still the same. Is it that forbidden for you to be in this house?" Yukwon started to get annoyed having to repeat the same questions over and over again. "Kwon, I just want to enjoy my life liked how I usually did before our married. I promise I will be the great husband once I satisf-----"


"YOU NOT GOING TO FEEL SATISFIED! IT’S GOING TO BE LONG TIME!! THE FEELING WILL ALWAYS BE THERE!!" Yukwon burst panting hard. He shouldn’t be mad now thinking of the baby inside his womb. "Kwon, we married not too long ago so let me enjoy my time. We still a newlywed anywa---"


That’s it! Yukwon couldn’t stand it anymore, "IF YOU GOING TO ENJOY YOUR TIME LIKED BEFORE WE ARE MARRIED WHY DO YOU EVEN BOTHERED FOR US TO GET MARRIED EARLY? YOU ARE THE ONE WHO WANTED IT!" he is too angry this time. He freaking didn’t want to bring about their marriages, it’s just came out from his mouth. Who cares if they still newlywed? Yukwon still his wife, his responsibilities and Minhyuk should be responsible for the loneliness in his life thanks to his so-called husband.


"I’m your wife. Am I not worthy for you anymore? Am I still a mere boyfriend in your eyes? Am I not even part of your heart now making you starting to be farther apart from me?" Minhyuk eyes widened at the mention of that. He turned away to the door slamming it down, going out probably searching for the bachelor dog a.k.a his friends.


Yukwon couldn’t believe this. Minhyuk went away instead of asking for apologize. "At least our baby is worth right?" he doesn’t know if he should cry or not. But for now not even a single tears fall down from his eyes because it’s just too hurt. His heart hurt too much that he swore he would stab it with knife to stop the hurting hurt.


He just went to the bed, taking their wedding album looking at their wedding picture to release his stress that been lingered in his mind because he doesn’t want that to affect the baby in his womb, their baby. He tries to make him feel at ease by looking at it.


However the moment his heart started to ease down he couldn’t help but letting the tears out knowing how happy they are before they get married. The day of their marriage, their honeymoon.


*knock knock*


Jihoon went to open the door to see Minhyuk. "Oh look, married man is here," Jihoon snickered opening the door for him. Minhyuk went in lifelessly slumping down onto the couch next to Jaehyo. "What’s bringing you here back?" Taeil asked him. Minhyuk just hummed before going to his used-to-be room, sleeping there. "I think he fight with Yukwon," Jaehyo told him.




Yukwon force his eyes opened when he heard someone keep ringing his door bell. He doesn’t even think nor has hoping for it to be Minhyuk. With a loud groaned he went to open it to see his mother looked alike friend, Kyung. The energetic Kyung; Kyung umma.


"Umaya.. Yah, what happened to you Kwonnie?" he asked motioning at Yukwon’s eyes bag and puffy eyes. "Nothing I just couldn’t get enough sleep."

"I know you are too happy having a baby but you need to take care of your health for the sake of that baby," Kyung went to the kitchen putting the groceries down containing healthy food for Yukwon. "How do you know about it? I haven’t told anyone yet," Yukwon followed him to the kitchen rubbing his eyes.


"Kwonnie, I know you are stupid but please…. don’t make it too obvious,” he laughed earning a glare from Yukwon. “Stop being stupid, the hospital you go is where I darn working you idiot."

"oppsie I forgot. Where is Zico?" he asked him.

"I’m here!" Zico came in with their 3 y.o baby Jiwon in his arm. "Annyeong Jiwon~" Yukwon ruffle his hair. Zico let him go and he ran to the living room with his new toys.


"Now, where is Minhyuk hyung?" Zico turned to ruffle his hair. "I just realize that," Kyung nodded his head. Yukwon just stayed silent. "He..... I don’t know neither," he let a tears fall. Kyung quickly hugged him. "Oh boy, don’t tell me you two fight and you crying the whole night?" Yukwon just nodded his head. "What happened Kwonnie tell us."


Yukwon told them everything. "It’s happened for three months already but you never tell us anything about it?" Kyung getting mad at him. "That Lee Minhyuk, I will beat him some sense when I saw him later," Zico got angry at Minhyuk. "Did he even know that you pregnant?" Yukwon shook his head. "Kwon.. What are you going to do? All of this stress feeling wouldn’t do any good to your baby," Kyung told him. "I know."


Zico and Kyung offered Yukwon to live with him for the time being so Kyung could look after him. Yukwon turned it down saying its better living in his house. Zico and Kyung had to go home since Kyung parents coming from New Zealand today, leaving Yukwon alone.


He still hasn’t got any call, voice mail neither a text from Minhyuk. He should be worried of their baby but he worried of Minhyuk more.






Taeil pulled his blanket away while Jihoon splashed him a bucket of cool water. Minhyuk jolt up. "Yah! What the was that for?"

"Please, its noon already. Wake up you idiot and go to your home. Yukwon must be waiting for you," Taeil pulled his ears dragging him to the bathroom telling him to go home after he got shower.


Minhyuk just sat on the couch after he got his shower. "Aren’t you going to go home?" Jaehyo asked him earning a vigorous shook from Minhyuk. "You fight with him don’t you?" Taeil raised his eyebrow. "Yes! Yes! Happy?" Minhyuk sarcastically said. "Why?" Jihoon now asked him.


Minhyuk got a huge amount of curse from them and a smack of pillow on his head by Taeil telling he is an idiot over and over again. "Yah! What’s wrong!"


"You’re an idiot! You told us Yukwon did not mind you going with us. He cares for you. Yah! Do you even touch him these three months? Do you even made out with him for these three months? You make it liked we are at fault when you are the one who asked us to go out!" Jaehyo nagged him pulling his ears. Minhyuk winced in pain, rubbing his ears.


"Hoping to be bachelor back? Why are you even bothered to say that when you are the one who begging for dear life in front of his house, for his parents to allow you to get married with him. After you married him, you just abandoned him like that? Is he even worth? Is he a toy for you to play with?" Minhyuk flinched at Taeil words. He suddenly remembered Yukwon asking him the same thing.


Of course, Yukwon is more worth more than his life more than his parents. Yukwon was his everything. If he did not see Yukwon next to him when he awake, he feel empty, panic. Yukwon is the one who gives him energy with those 1000 volt smiles of him. He loves Kwonnie. Yukwon is just worthy.


But why is he being so stupid? Because he really is! He shouldn’t have been like that!


Truthfully, Minhyuk still couldn’t adjust at the terms being someone husband, married man. Of course he wanted to be with Yukwon for the rest of his life, to be more than just Yukwon boyfriend. But the terms husband is too heavy for him, too burdensome because he has used to the term "boyfriend" for 5 years. It’s kinda awkward. He tried to be comfortable with it but he doesn’t know that hurting Yukwon at all.


Minhyuk went out running towards their apartment.






Yukwon eating his lunch when his stomach gave a sudden pain, it’s hurt too much. He clutched his womb, the pain is too unbearable. He was sweating like crazy, panting hard. He grabbed his phone calling for Minhyuk lots of times, no answer. Couldn’t bear the pain anymore he called Kyung.


"Annyeong Kwon-...... Kwonnie, what wrong??" Kyung panic hearing Yukwon had trouble breathing.

"Ky.... Kyung.. It... It’s hurt"

"What? What? What happened, Kwonnie?"

"My... Baby... My stomach... its hurt," Yukwon looked down as he felt something flowing from his thigh, he was bleeding hard. Yukwon cried. *Please let my baby be safe. Let my baby be safe* he cried.

"I… bleeding"

"WHAT? SINCE----" his talked cut off with the sound of Yukwon fall to the floor with his phone, faint. "ZICO LET’S GO!! MOM PLEASE TOOK CARE OF JIWON!!" Kyung is now crying too. "Let Yukwon and his baby be safe," he prayed on his way to Yukwon’s house. "Faster Zico."


Minhyuk standing in front of the elevator contemplate whether he should go or not. He was about to touch the elevator button, going up, when he saw Zico and Kyung running towards the elevator on the other side. Zico saw him, running towards him punching him straight in the face right away causing Minhyuk to stumble down. "What the ?" Minhyuk stood up. Kyung stopped Zico. "If something is wrong to Yukwon and his baby, you will be die for. I will never forgive you for the rest of my life."


"What do you mean? Baby?" Minhyuk widened his eyes in panic. "Did he called you?" Kyung impatiently asked him while looking at the elevator which still hasn’t darn available. Minhyuk took his phone from his pocket, "no he did n-........My phone went silent," 8 missed call form Yukwon. He quickly ran towards the emergency stairs. Both of them followed suit.


"Kwon, what happened to you?" he said crying running to their house. He punched the passcode to see Yukwon laying on the floor face pale, his bottom bleeding. He quickly went to him taking him to his arm, cradle him, crying, "KYUNG WHAT THE IS WRONG WITH YUKWON??" he yelled at frozen Kyung by the door. Both were crying. "No no no, it can’t be," he keep chanting as he went to Yukwon. "He was bleeding hard. Zico, prepared car right now," Zico froze for a few seconds in disbelieved before he went out prepared his car.


"Kwon baby.. Wake up. I’m here. I’m sorry. Baby wake up," Minhyuk keep shaking his body. Kyung just sat there knowing their baby was in danger. Low chances for it will survive.


"Carry him, come on. We don’t get enough time. He needs to go hospital right now. He may lose too much blood now," Minhyuk carried him bridal style to the car. Zico driving as fast as he could to the hospital where Kyung was working. Good thing it’s just nearby. Yukwon was immediately taken to the emergency room.


Minhyuk fall to the corner hand still covered with Yukwon blood, running his hand through his hair. "What had I done?" he cries.


Kyung went next to him, patting his shoulders. "What happened to Yukwon?" Minhyuk asked him pulling his knee towards his chest. Kyung sighed. "He pregnant one month," at that Minhyuk looked at him. "Yes, he pregnant one month with your baby, honeymoon baby. What everyone wish for. His plan was to tell you last night but it ended up with you two fighting."


"Why? He should just tell me?"



Kyung glared at Zico as he will just make the situation more worse. "Minhyuk, I’m not sure about it but I don’t think your baby will survive. Yukwon bleed too hard, with all the stress that he has been holding for this few months its affect your baby. I’m sorry but I don’t think your baby could make it. Let’s just hope for Yukwon to be safe," Kyung patted his back. Minhyuk only cried knowing this was all his faults in the first place.


After half an hour, a doctor came out blood all over his clothes. Minhyuk quickly stood up asking him. "Thanks goodness, you brought him early, if you late a few more minutes he would be died. He lost too much blood but we already gave the same blood to him, good thing we got a lot of supply of his blood type. He is survived but his health is very poor condition right now, he may not awake for few days since we gave him lots of sleep pill to let him get as much rest as possible, too calm his emotion down. But....."


*Okay so far so good* Minhyuk thought knowing Yukwon is safe. But he wanted to know about their baby. "I’m sorry to say but we couldn’t save your baby at all. He was having miscarriages. We tried our best to save the bean, to make it stronger but it couldn’t, we have to take it out for the sake of the mother," Kyung cried in Zico’s shoulder. "I’m sorry," the doctor last says before he went away.


Minhyuk let out tears too, their first baby gone because of him. He went in to see Yukwon sleeping peacefully on the bed. His face is pale. Minhyuk sat on the chairs next to the bed, taking Yukwon’s hand in his hand, kissing it mumbling, “I’m sorry" all over again.


Two days had past, Yukwon still haven’t waked up. Minhyuk would always be there with him 24/7. Kyung worked there so he could easily visited Yukwon during his break time. Minhyuk would always ask for forgiveness.


It’s late at night, Kyung shifted ended and decided to stay with Minhyuk but had to go home because of Jiwon, leaving Minhyuk alone there staring at his tired wife. He doesn’t know how to break the news later if he wakes up later. Yukwon really hoping for their first baby.


Yesterday he went home to take his clothes. He saw a big box in their closets. It was full with books about pregnancy, health baby. Yukwon even bought a shoe. Small green shoes for their baby for boys and girls since he didn’t know if their baby boy or girls.


Minhyuk slowly fell asleep on the couch when he saw Yukwon fingers slowly moving. He went next to Yukwon holding his hand. "Kwon baby~" he coed sweetly rubbing his cheek. Yukwon opened his eyes to see his husband worried face. Yukwon smile wanting to greet him but he couldn’t due to his dry throat. Minhyuk saw this quickly fetch warm cool water for Yukwon. He helped Yukwon to drink. "You want more?" Yukwon shook his head went to lay back. "I should call a doctor," he ready to go away but Yukwon hold his wrists.


Minhyuk stayed stood next to his bed, bending asking what. "Our baby?" Minhyuk froze. "Tell me our baby still in here right?" he rubbed his stomach. "Kwon... Our baby...," he looked at Yukwon straight in the eyes. "Please," Yukwon pleaded tears ready threatening to fall down. "I’m sorry," was all Minhyuk could say. Yukwon knew behind those words therefore he let his tears off. Crying hard.


"Hush kwon.. Hush," Minhyuk place his forehead against Yukwon rubbing his cheek. "Our.. Baby…" Yukwon looked at him, "hug me," Yukwon desperately said. Minhyuk took no time laying himself next to Yukwon on the bed hugging his wife tightly. Letting him cry in his chest.


"I’m sorry. It’s my entire fault," tears flowing from his eyes too. Minhyuk heart full with guilty when Yukwon cry out, "I just want our baby back."




One week later..


Yukwon had been discharge last two days. He attempted to throw away the box but Minhyuk stopped him saying he should placed it safely and ended up Yukwon cry again saying it’s remind him of their baby.


Today, they were cuddling on the bed with Yukwon in between Minhyuk legs playing with Minhyuk’s fingers in front his waist. "I hope you change not because we losing our baby but because of yourself want to," Yukwon turned to look behind at Minhyuk. Minhyuk smile, "No, I don’t. Before that I got a very “enjoyable” curses and nagging from Taeil, Jaehyo and Jihoon. I went home realizing I was wrong until I saw Zico and Kyung. I don’t know why they are so frantic. Zico punched me. I saw I got c----"


"Hey hyukkie, stop it," Yukwon giggle. "You had been saying that since the day I woke up. I knew everything. I understand. Do you need to repeat it? I getting sick of that," Yukwon laughed. Minhyuk just pinched his nose before kissing it.


"I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have neglecting you. I’m.... Just afraid. I should have looked after you more. I’m sorry that I was darn idiot er the most stupid husband in the world."

"Why did you said that?"

"Zico called me that way."


Yukwon smile kissing his cheek, "Don’t be. I’m sorry too, I should have consoled you. I should have talk to you instead just let you that way. Stressing yourself"

"No, I more to blame I’m the cause to our bab----" Yukwon shut him up with a kissed. Minhyuk kissed him back.


"Both of us were to blame. Both of us still stupid in this marriage life thinking it would be the same as our “couple” life. We will learn it one by one."

"We will," Minhyuk kissed his head.


Yukwon pulled away from Minhyuk running towards the toilet. He was throwing up again. Minhyuk pulled his hair before he shoved his entire head inside the toilet bowl. "Babe, I think you really need to go check up. You had been throwing up lately, tired, nausea. Maybe it was side effect from the medicine."

"Should I? I’m sick of it too," Yukwon washed his mouth. Minhyuk nodded, "let’s go now," they went to hospital.


At hospital…


"So you keep having headache, nausea, tired?" Yukwon nodded too lazy to repeat it again. "It sounds liked you were pregnant," the doctor known as Mr. Park said looking at his record. "Sir, yourself knew what happened to me. Don’t make me having high hope," Yukwon slightly annoyed at Mr. Park statement.


"I’m sorry. Let’s just ultrasound first," Yukwon sighed he really don’t want to do it. Yukwon lay on the bed holding onto Minhyuk’s hand.


Mr. Park started looking left, right, up and down. Yukwon don’t even want to look at the screen playing with Minhyuk’s finger *He not going to find anything. I hate you* he thought.


While Yukwon was in his own thought.  Mr. Park widened his eyes when he saw something, it’s definitely a baby but how come? Its look healthy showing it’s been there for long time already not a newly made. But how? He surely saw the seeds of Yukwon baby in his hand. He was the one who took it out from Yukwon by himself.


Minhyuk saw his face. "Sir, what’s wrong? What is that thing?" he pointed at the medium size circle liked on the screen. Yukwon looked up, widened his eyes it’s the same as what he saw when he first doing ultrasound but... No way was that their baby.


Yukwon stare at the surprise doctor and nurse next to him. "We sure we really had taken out seeds of your baby already Mr. Park himself taken it out but… h... How come there is--" she point to the screen not being able to say anything. Yukwon just lay there wanting an explanation. Of course he is happy but there is no way it’s really their baby.


Then realization hit the nurse she went away to look for Yukwon old record. Before Yukwon was handled by Mr. Park he was handled by Mrs. Kim before she moved away. She went back with Yukwon old record giving the picture and statement of the first ultrasound to the doctor understanding how all of this happen.


Minhyuk just lamely sat there as he don’t freaking understand what happened. Mr. Park smile to himself. "Me with Mrs. Kim is the one who handle him before that. I totally forgot about this."

"So, the other one still survive. That’s miracle. I don’t even saw the other one during the operation. They know how to hide well."


"Excuse me. What do you mean by the other one?" Minhyuk asked him. Mr. Park showed Yukwon his first picture during his first ultrasound. "You saw this right?"

"Yes, I still had a copy of this in my house."


"Did you even saw this?" he point to the very far seeds only quarter of it shown on the picture. "No, I don’t know. Mrs. Kim only told me that the centre one was my baby," Yukwon tried to understand the situation but his brain just wouldn’t let him resulting his blank face. Don’t even start with Minhyuk!


"Mrs. Kim hadn’t got to tell him about that," the nurse said. Mr. Park made an 'O' sound. "Actually.. You were having a twin," he beamed. "So... Yo.. You mean the other one survived?" Minhyuk asked gulping. The nurse nodded excitedly congratulates them.


Yukwon just lay there stunned. His baby supposed to be twins. But he don’t care at least the other one survived. He tucked Minhyuk down hugging him tight saying, "our baby is here" repeatly. Minhyuk only know to say thank you kissing his forehead he was darn speechless.


"But Yukwon-shii," Mr. Park start. "As much as you were happy now, you should be extra careful. You just having misscarrige and the chances of having your baby survive are low. So I hope you be more extra careful, follow all our instruction if you don’t want that to be happened again."

"Yes, I will, as long as our baby safe until the day I deliver them… and… I take back that I hate you. Thank you ^^" Mr. Park just look at him confused.



*12 months later*


3 months Lee Minji baby cried in the middle of the night. Both intertwined body on the bed groaned. Minhyuk was the first one to awake kissing Yukwon who trying hard to open his eyes. "It’s okay Kwonnie, I will go for her. Just go to sleep."


Minhyuk didn’t want to burden Yukwon anymore. He had been away for three days outside the country for business at Busan, having to leave Yukwon alone in the house with his mother constantly coming to help him, he sure Yukwon was tired.


He went to baby cradle on the other side of their bedroom where Lee Minji located. Their parents told them to use the other room for Minji liked what people usually does but, both Yukwon and Minhyuk thought Minji should sleep in their room until she is old enough. They just couldn’t let Minji away from their eyes.


"Annyeong my daughter~" Minhyuk cradle her in his arm. He put his fingers next to Minji’s mouth and she tried to it up Minji, wanted to drink [If you put one of your fingers near baby mouth and they tried to it up, it meant they wanted to drink]. Minhyuk looked at Yukwon. He must be too tired to give her milk right now so he just made instant milk for her. He lay her back, making the milk before cradle Minji back in his arm humming a song while standing waiting for her to go sleep. Yukwon smile, "Hyuk, just bring her here. Let her sleep here. It’s going to be late if you want to wait till she finishes it."


Minhyuk lay her next to Yukwon and himself next to her. He yawned. "Sleep well my daughter."



*4 years later*


"YAH WOO JIHO!! WOO JIWON JUST KISS MY DAUGHTER ON!!THE!!!LIPS!!!" Minhyuk whined taking her away from Jiwon. Innocent Minji just keep playing with her one piece Tony dolls.


"Yah! Jiwon is a man too. He knew what he is doing. No need to be mad. They just a kids."

"He just took my daughter third kiss [In Minhyuk mind: First kiss was Yukwon and second kiss was himself]"

"No need to be protective. Minji still going to do it with Jiwon when they big enough to know all of this."

"Why are you so sure they going to be together?"

"Because I’m his appa, I know how Jiwon feel."

“Well, sorry to say he not going to be with her.”


They continue bickering about it. Yukwon and Kyung just laughed at them in the kitchen. "I don’t think he would let Minji go once she grew up. He grew too fond with her."

"I swear it’s the same goes to Minji. She preferred being with Minhyuk than me. Believe it or not, Minji unconsciously rubbing her stomach when she was boring following Minhyuk bad habit. She is a girl for god sake," Yukwon rolled his eyes. Kyung just laughed at him.


*ding dong*


Minhyuk went to open the door; three beasts quickly came in greeting Minji, "HAPPY FOURTH BIRTHDAY URI MINJI!!!!" Taeil, Jihoon, Jaehyo hollered together.


“Yah yah! Why is she your Minji?” Minhyuk complained smacking their head.



The end~




Revised – 13/11/2013

·         English is not my first language. I’m sorry for any grammar mistakes. Asking for your kind understanding :)


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