Forever My Pet

My Cute Pet Cat Name Leeteuk

Heechul's Pov

       It was a raining day.I was walking home until I saw a little kitten in a box all alone.He was all wet.I kneel down a little and cover the kitten with my umbrella.

"Aww poor thing.Who would leave a cutie like you out in the rain?"I asked the kitten.I petted it with my free hand.The kitten purred and rubbed its body on my hand.So cute!I picked it up.

"Well little kitty,I'm taking you home with me."I said.The kitten meowed happily.I smiled happily.I began to walk home.I took out my key and open the door to my appartment.I put the kitten down on the sofa.

"Welcome little fella to my house."I said.The little kitten looked around the house.It walked toward me and rubbed its body against me.I chuckled.I picked it up and scartched his chin.

"Hmm maybe I should give you a name."I said.The kitten meowed as it heard my cell phone ringed.It seem he likes music.

"Maybe I should call you Leeteuk.Since your a special little kitty."I said.He purred happily.So cute!

"Well Leeteuk I gotta sleep."I said.His ears flop down a little.So cute!I petted him.

"Don't worry you'll sleep in my bed tonight.Just until I get you a kitty bed."I said.Leeteuk meowed happily.I place him down and began to change into my Tom and Jerry Pjs.I picked Leeteuk up again and place him next to me in bed.

"Well good night Leeteuk."I said.He my nose and cuddle next to me.I chuckled.

"I love you too Leeteuk."I said before I turned off the light and drifted off to my dreamland.

Ring Ring Ring!

I hit my alarm clock.

"Good morning Lee-"I said before turning around and see a cat guy sleeping next to me.

"Ahhhhh!"I jumped out of bed.I see the cat guy rubb his eye.

"Who are you?!"I asked.He smiled at me.

"I'm Leeteuk mew."Leeteuk said.

"You can't be Leeteuk!He was a cat!"I yelled.He came close to me and my face.

"But I am Leeteuk master.I just turned human."Leeteuk said before he sat on my lap.This can't be happening!I see his ears wiggling.I poked it.

"Ah."Leeteuk moaned.Uck!

"Please don't do that master it makes me feel weird."Leeteuk said with cute innocent face.I grabbed his tail.

"Ahhh!"Leeteuk moaned.Leeteuk bites my ear.

"Oww!"I yelled.He glared at me.

"I told you to stop teasing me master."Leeteuk said.I felt my heart beat faster as his face went closer to mine.All sudden someone yelling.

"Heechul good morning!"My cousin Yoona yelled.She sees Leeteuk on top of me.

"Uhhh...."I said.How can I explain?

"I didn't see anything."Yoona said leaving.

"Wait!!"I yelled.

"So your telling me that's a stray cat that magically transform into a man."Yoona said.

"Well if you put it that way it makes me sound like I'm lying."I said.Yoona stares at Leeteuk playing with yawn.

"Master look the yarn keeps moving!I'll catch it!"Leeteuk said.I sighed.Yoona laughed.

"You sure have weird luck."Yoona said.I sighed again.

"Tell me about it."I said.Leeteuk finally got the yarn.

"Yes finally!"Leeteuk yelled.I chuckled and patted Leeteuk's head.

"That's good."I said.He purred happily.Yoona looked at us weirdly.

"Are you sure your not gay Heechul?"Yoona asked.

"Uck!I'm not gay!You know I like Jessica."I said.She giggled.

"I know."Yoona said.I felt someone glaring at me.I turned around and see Leeteuk glaring at me.

"What's-"I said until Leeteuk kissed me.I pushed away.

"What was that for?!"I yelled.He pouted.

"Because you were talking about someone else as your pet when you have me."Leeteuk said.Yoona giggled.

"Well I gotta go.Don't want to be late for school."Yoona said.Crap!

"Sorry Leeteuk gotta go to school.Wear these."I said as I put clothes on Leeteuk.Don't want people to think wrong if they see Leeteuk .

"See ya!"I yelled.

"Wait!"Leeteuk yelled before I lefted.I ran with Yoona to school.I see Jessica.She looked at me and smile.

"Hey Sica."I said.She smiled at me.

"Hey Heechul."Jessica said.I see her with  Donghae.I sighed.I forgot she's dating Lee Donghae the captain of the basketball team.Yoona looked at me with a concern look.I forced a smile to her.

"Well see ya Sica I gotta go to class."I said.I walked to my class before Yoona could get me.I feel bad that I'm leaving Yoona but I want to be alone.I made it to my class and sat on my desk.I put my head down and sigh.

" my life."I said softly.Right when class was gonna start I hear girls squealing.

"Isn't that guy cute!"A girl said.

"Yeah super cute!"Another girl said.I get up from my seat and see a talking to Jessica.Who is that guy talking to Jessica?I finally see his face clearly.

"Oh my god!That's Leeteuk!"I said.What's he doing here?I ran outside and see Jessica's face all red talking to Leeteuk.

"Leeteuk."I said.He looks at me and smile.

"Master!"Leeteuk yelled as he ran to hug me.I see a bunch of girl staring at me.Their stare was cold.Even Jessica was glaring at me.

"Heechul why did he call you master?"Jessica asked.

"Uhh well you see Jessica uhh..."I said.I couldn't think of anything to say.I see Leeteuk walk in front of me.He glared at Jessica.

"So your Jessica.Stay away from my master!He's mine!"Leeteuk yelled.

"Leeteuk!"I yelled before he kissed me.I see a bunch of girls turning red and taking picture of us.Finally when Leeteuk stopped kissing me,he dragged me to go home.

"Leeteuk!Why are you taking me home?!"I asked.Leeteuk glared at me.

"Because you promise me you won't leave me alone!"Leeteuk yelled before he cried.

"Mommy what are those guys doing?"A little girl asked.

"Honey don't point it's rude."A lady said.Uck!A lot people are staring at me since I made Leeteuk cried.I patted his head and hugged him.

"I'm sorry Leeteuk I won't leave you alone ever again.I'm sorry."I said.Leeteuk looked at me with teary eyes.

"You promise?"Leeteuk asked.I smiled gently and kissed his forehead.

"I promise."I said.He purred happily and hugged me.

"I love you master!"Leeteuk yelled.I chuckled and hugged him back.

"I love you too Leeteuk now lets go home."I said.

Next Day

"What the ?"I said as I see a poster picture of me and Leeteuk kissing.I see Jessica and Yoona handing out flyer for their club.Yoona smiled at me.

"Hey Heechul want to join our club?"Yoona asked.

"Uhh what is it about?"I asked her.She smiled and pointed at the picture of me and Leeteuk.

"The TeukChul fanclub!"Yoona yelled.I stared at Jessica.She blushed bright red.

"You joined the club?"I asked.She nodded.

"Well to tell the truth,I use to want to ask you out but then I saw Leeteuk kiss you which made me support your pairing.You guys are so cute together."Jessica said.Uck!Jessica!

"Master what's wrong?"Leeteuk asked me.I turned around and see Leeteuk in a school uniform.He smiled and hugged me.

"Me and Jessica did some paper work for Leeteuk to go to our school."Yoona said.Damn you Yoona.

"I love you Master Heechul!"Leeteuk said clinging onto me.I sighed and hugged him back.

"I love you too Leeteuk.."I said while sighing.We walked to class and Leeteuk couldn't seperate from me.He kept sitting on my lap.The teacher looked at us weirdly.

"Umm Leeteuk can you sit at your desk."The teacher said.

"Aww but I want to stay with my master."Leeteuk said.

"Master!!!"All our classmate yelled.

"How can a cute guy like you like someone girly face like Heechul!"A girl said.

"Uck!"I said.

"Yeah and beside Heechul looks dim witted next to Leeteuk who shines like the star!"A guy yelled.

"Uck!"I said.Another stab.

"Him with Leeteuk is like a taboo!"A girl yelled.

"Uck!"I said.Now I'm dead.I hear Leeteuk growl.

"Who the hell do you think you are?!Insulting Heechul!I'll kick all of your asses!"Leeteuk yelled.Next thing I know,Leeteuk is suspend from school for threatening most of our classmate and I had to stay with him or else he'll come and drag me to stay with him.

"Here Leeteuk."I said as I fed him fish.He happily ate it.I petted his head.

"Thanks Master."Leeteuk said with a smile.

"No problem."I said with a smile.Right when I was gonna eat as well.Poof!

"Meow."Leeteuk meowed.I turned around and see Leeteuk transform back to a cat.I picked him up and meowed sadly.

"Oh no."I said.

"So your saying he just transform back to a cat.Isn't that what you always wanted?"Yoona asked.

"Yes but ugh I don't know."I said as I petted Leeteuk's ear.

"Well let's say if you want him human,how did you get him to turn human?"Yoona asked.

"Well that's the problem.I just woke up and saw him sleeping next to me."I said.She sighed.

"Damn it!Then we're screwed."Yoona said.I sighed.I stared Leeteuk who was meowing sadly.

"Don't worry Leeteuk,we'll turn you into a human soon."I said.He meowed happily.I smiled happily.I went to the library and looked up some book about magic.None talk about transforming a cat to human.I sighed.I read like about 50 books and nothing.

"I'm sorry Leeteuk but I think you might stay human."I said as we walked home.He meowed sadly.I bump into some guy.

"Oh sorry."I said.The guy looked at Leeteuk and then he smiled at me.

"So your the guy who picked up my magic kitten."Said the guy.

"Your the guy who abandon Leeteuk?!"I yelled.He nodded.

"I wanted to see if anyone would pick him up and I see you were the nicest person to pick him up."The guy said.Wait if he said Leeteuk is a magic cat then he might know how to turn him to a human.

"Hey can you turn Leeteuk into a human?!"I asked him.He laughed.

"What's so funny?"I asked.

"Well the only way to turn him human is that his master will fall in love with him."The guy said.I stared at Leeteuk.The only way to turn him into a human is for me to love him.I gulped.

"Leeteuk do you love me?"I asked Leeteuk.He meowed happily.I smiled happily and kissed his kitty mouth.

"I love you too."I said.Nothing happen.I sighed.

"Your love isn't true.Look deep inside your heart."The guy said.Uck!I stared at Leeteuk.Usually he would try to cling onto me and say I love you.I really miss him talking to me.I felt my heart drop a little.

"Master I love you!"

"You promise to stay with me!"

"Your my master!"

I began to cry a little.All sudden a poof happen.I see Leeteuk transform into a human.He smiled at me and ran to hug me.

"Master you did it!"Leeteuk yelled as he hugged me tigther.I hugged back.

"Yeah."I said as we looked at each other.Instead of him kissing me first,I kissed him first.

"I miss you Leeteuk."I said as we both smile at each other.The guy smiled.

"Well I did my job now onto the next."The guy said.

"Wait who are you?"I asked the guy.He smiled.

"I'm Kyuhyun and see ya."Kyuhyun said before he vanished.Me and Leeteuk stared at each other.We smiled at each other.

"Leeteuk I promise you I'll never leave you okay."I said.Leeteuk smiled.

"Same here Heechul."Leeteuk said.


First ever TeukChul Fanfic 

Hope you like it :3

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Chapter 1: Teuk as a cat, that's new
how cute~ !!!
LittlePsychopaht #3
Chapter 1: So cute :) I love it
hebteuk #4
Chapter 1: that was cute, simple nd different..i liked it :)
Chapter 1: It was cute...
reminds me of DearS anime.
jieyaazman #6
Chapter 1: Awwww, so cute!
jieyaazman #7
Chapter 1: Awwww, so cute!
MwahhhxD #8
Chapter 1: OMFG.!!! Kekeke~!
This was soooooooo amazing Ginku!!!
I was reading this in class and like my teacher came up behind me and was like, "Kateshiki, what're you reading?"
Lol... I let her read it and she busted out laughing xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Love It Ginku,!! :3
Chapter 1: Leeteuk is too cute. I can't help but meow too. Okay, I'm weird. This story is so cute. Write more would you? I would love to read cute stuff again.
TeukTeukTeuk #10
Chapter 1: so cute!!!~~~ ahhh ><
leeteuk is so cute, omg ><
totally love this story!^^