Complicated Love Square


BEST FRIENDS should never fall IN LOVE with the same guy! 

BEST FRIENDS should never fall IN LOVE with each other!



Park ChaeSuk otherwise nicknamed as ‘Chae’ is a quiet, polite and an innocent girl that everyone likes after getting to know her. Chae has two best friends that had always been by her side ever since she was in elementary school.

Best friend number one, Goo EunAe and best friend number two, Lee Byunghun/L.joe.

The only difference between the three of them was that both EunAe and Ljoe are tremendously, insanely popular and Chae isn’t. The weird thing was Chae liked being unnoticed by people, she didn’t mind being a wallflower. Both Ljoe and EunAe were well known around other schools for their pretty faces, plus it adds as a bonus because Ljoe is a member of Teen Top.

Kim Myungsoo along with his group, Infinite transferred into Woollim High early April when the school year starts, and because of this, the girls in Woollim high turned into a pack of wild, ear-piercing, screaming fan girls.

EunAe soon finds herself in love with Infinite’s visual, Kim Myungsoo, while Myungsoo finds himself helplessly attracted to Chae. In addition to this love complication, Ljoe is in love with EunAe. Unfortunately, Chae was too blur to notice  that Myungsoo had already developed feelings for her. 

What will happen to the four of them?





"Love can be sweet, happy, and beautiful, but it can also be bitter, sad, and ugly. The possessive side of a person’s heart may lead to jealousy, betrayal, disloyal, and unfaithfulness."



Female lead  : Park Chaesuk



A wallflower everywhere she goes.

She is not as tall or as outstanding as her best friend, Goo EunAe, that is why she is constantly ignored and forgotten by many people except her parents of course.

Some students might even say that she is EunAe’s shadow, because she always follows EunAe everywhere.

Because of her small stature, she has lots of difficulties in doing sports.

Both EunAe and Ljoe treat her like their treasure or gem, in other words she is a precious friend to both Ljoe and EunAe.

She was like a little sister L.joe and EunAe never had. In addition, she is very naïve and innocent. Whenever she is in need of help, Ljoe and EunAe is always there for her. 



Male lead : Kim Myungsoo (L)



Handsome, attractive, charming, flawless etc. Every girl’s dream guy. Tall, kind, wonderful, friendly and more.

Out of all the girls he could choose from, he chose to fall for Park ChaeSuk. Why?

Kim Myungsoo may look cool and calm on the outside but he is actually quite dorky on the inside.

His friends don’t even know what he is thinking about half of the time because he all he does doze off into space. In short, Myungsoo is a 4D person. 



Lee Byunghun (L.Joe)



Member of Teen Top. Has a pretty face but his character is a little quiet and cold making it difficult for fans to approach him. Doesn’t smile much or show his true self unless he is with Teen Top, Chae or EunAe.

He had known Chae and EunAe since he was at the age of 8. He is both Chae and EunAe closest guy friend. He knows them better than anyone else.

Has a crush on EunAe for 5 years now and still isn’t willing to confess his feelings for her. He will soon discover EunAe’s feelings for Myungsoo and later on changes his heart. How?  


Goo EunAe

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Pretty, has a cheerful character, outgoing, smart, has smooth and clear skin. In other words, PERFECT.

Most fans of Teen Top hated the fact that she was super close with Ljoe. To top that off, the fans could do nothing about it, because Goo EunAe is P-E-R-F-E-C-T. She is flawless. Boys in Woollim high are heads over heels for Goo EunAe.

Despite being popular and all, she acts nothing like a queenka. She is kind, gentle, helpful, modest and polite. The only bad point about her is that she is a chatterbox and a blabbermouth.  

Will her good character stay? 



Infinite ~Myungsoo, Sungyeol, Woohyun, Sunggyu, Sungjong, Dongwoo, Hoya

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Teen Top ~Ricky, C.A.P, L.joe, Niel, Chunji, Changjo





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larabishay #1
Chapter 13: I had wait for about 3 years for the update authornim
Chapter 12: He's in denial. Yup that's it. He's just thankful that Chae is such a supporting friend. :)
Chapter 13: :/ awe. well, i'll patiently wait. XD Hwaiting, author-nim!
Chapter 13: Hwaiting! Hope you ace the exams! Don't worry, we can wait! Exams are exams, and waiting isn't the end of the world! Much love! Comeback in your free time!
Chapter 13: No, I'll be patiently waiting :) So good luck :D
Chapter 12: Omo. I knew L.Joe will soon have "feelings" for Chae! My hypothesis was correct! Debaek! So interesting! Update soon, author-nim! Hwaiting!!!
Haruhi-Chan #8
Chapter 12: ??? ;^; I'm confused XD Anywayyyyy CHAEJOE SHIPPER!
Chapter 12: ChaeJoe shipper!!! Ahahaha... Update sooooonnnn,author... Best!!
Chapter 12: Would it become a love square the other way. EunAe loves L.Joe. L.Joe loves Chae. Chae loves Myungsoo?
Anyways its DAEBAK author-nim. Please do well in school and I hope you update soon.