Do we still stand a chance?

Tiffany's POV

My last concert had finally come to an end now.
And i guess, my stay in Korea will come to an end soon too.

LA, i'll have to eventually return there.
What is going to happen between Jessi and me?


I walked out of the concert hall and saw a familiar figure sitting by the steps outside the concert hall.

"You're here"

Jessi turned around and wrapped her arms around me.

"I am"
"i've been here since the start of your performance"

I turned around and pulled us apart.
Instinctively, i brought her hands up and examined it.

"Did you listened to me?"
"No seafood"
"No contact with water?"

"I've yet to eat anything"
"And look, it's dry"

"Have yet to eat anything?"
"I told you not to have seafood and not to have food Jessi!"

"Well, we are going for one now"
"Aren't we?"

She tried to throw me with her most innocent smile.
Okay that was really innocently cute.
So tell me, who can actually resist it?

"Okay, let's go for supper"
"A heavy one for you okay?"

"Im not hungry"
"Just a light one"

You've not eaten yet not hungry?
Something's fishy.

"Not hungry?"
"Are you sure?"

"Can we go to those night stalls?"
"It's been a long time since i've been there"

"Of course!"

I smiled and tapped on her nose.

After our supper, we were walking around,
hands interlocking each others'.
Jessi said we were supposed to start anew.
But anew, does her anew means what we are doing now?
Little kisses, hugs and holding hands?

While walking along the night streets of Seoul, we came across this bookshop.
It was a vintage bookstore.
Like where i've always go when i was young.

"Tiff, come in"

Jessi urged me to enter the shop with her and brought me to a corner.

It was a corner of those plastic cute rings.
She picked one up with a pink huge diamond on it and put it over my finger.

"My pinky princess maybe?"

"What do you mean by maybe?"
"I am one!"

I let out a whine and picked a blue one before sliding it over her finger.

"My icy princess maybe?"

I even mimicked Jessi's voice, ending it with a chuckle.

"Forever and always"

"Since we've said our pledge"
"Money please, icy princess"
"Time to pay"

"Why am i paying?"

You're my the guy in this relationship, isn't it Jessi?

"Not you pinky?"

I'll not pay!
Jessi will pay!

"Icy is rich"
"Pinky is poor from concerts"

"Pinky earn millions from concerts"

"Icy earn billions from case solving"

We broke into laughters which earn Jessi a cough.

"Icy is sick?"

She shook her head with a smile.

"Saliva got caught cause icy laughed to hard"

"Come on, Icy will pay since Icy earn billions"

After paying, we left the shop and headed home.
Jessi brought me back to her house, for the first time.

"What happened to your parents, Jessi?"

My eyes are wandering everywhere.
The photos.

The photos were all us Jessi.
How did you even..

It was all my fault to have leave you.
All these photos here, how did you even live through it?
It will make you miss it more, isn't it?

Im sorry.
It must be my fault that you parted with your parents too right?
You had such a good relationship with your parents but you gave it up because of me.

Im really sorry Jessi.
I shouldn't have left because of a moment of folly.

"I left"
"My parents went to US but i didn't want to"
"So i stayed behind and bought this aparment"
"It's kinda small since im staying alone"

"Why didn't you want to stay with your parents?"

I really wanted to know.
But i guess, i shouldn't push her any further.

Im of blame, afterall.

Im sorry, Jessi.

"It doesn't matter so much anymore, does it?"
"Everything is past now, Tiff"
"Your luggages are here"
"You'll take the bed okay?"


"I'll take the sofa"


"Where do you want to sleep?"

"With you"

She let out a laugh and came over to me.

"You sure?"
"Im good at kicking you know"
"I used to be in the school's soccer team"

"It's okay"
"Guess i've a hard ?"

I then went around her apartment, looking at the photos around it while Jessi went for a quick shower.

"Jessi, come over here"
"I'll change your dressing first"

I said smirk as soon as Jessi came out of the bathroom.

Jessi walked over to me and sat down on the bed.
I went over with the packet of medicine gotten earlier today.

"Here, give me your hand"

I unwrapped my bandage slowly, not wanting to hurt her.

The wound is a little disturbing actually.
The doctor had given her the medicine earlier and the blisters have all broke.

"Wait here"

I got up and went to the kitchen, came back only a few minutes later with a piece of warm damped towel.
I slowly placed it over her hand, wiping it gently.

"Does it hurt?"

I blew air onto her hand, hoping to ease the stings.

"A little"
"It doesn't matter"

"What doesn't matter!"
"It does Jessi!"

"Neh omma"

Now im your omma?!

Am i that long-winded?


"It really don't as long as you're here"

I'll here for you forever.

"I will always be here till the day you're sick of me Jessi"

After bandanging her hands, Jessi wanted to get up immediately.

Not so easy.

Wait here.

I pushed Jessi back onto the bed.

"No wait"

I walked off and came back with a pack of colourful markers in my hand.
An evil smirk was on my face.

"What are you doing?"

"Special pinky's remedy"
"Your hand will recover faster with this remedy"

"I don't want a full pinky bandage Tiff"

No worries.
How could i turn by aegi's hand into pink?

"Don't worry it won't be in pink"

I started drawing on her bandage, with my left hand covering it.
Few minutes later, i removed my left hand and threw her my best eye smile
revealing something green on my bandage.


Jessi hissed in annoyance.

"Get this disgusting off me now!"

Omma huh?
This is how the omma treats her aegi.

With lots of love, isn't it Jessi?

"There is my 'GET WELL SOON" Jessi!"
"You'll get well soon with it!"

christmas day;;

I felt this ticklish feeling on my stomach.
Seriously, stop tickling me.

Let me know who is the one behind,
disturbing my beauty slieep,
i will bite the neck off the person.

I reluctantly open my eyes but to see a beautiful angel lying infront of me with a sweet smile.
Her fingers were drawing circles on my half revealed stomach gently.

"Good morning omma"
"Good morning pinky"

I smiled with my half awake eyes.

"Good morning aegi"
"Good morning Icy"

I leaned forward for a peck but was pushed away.
I pouted.


Then i realised that she sounded a little hoarse.

"I don't feel very well"
"I don't want you to fall sick"

I sat up immediately with my hands over her forehead.


"Checking if you're having a fever"

Jessi smiled and pulled my hand down.

"I don't have one"
"Don't worry"

Jessi said as she pulled me in for a hug, ruffling my hair cutely.

"But hugs are still available and up for grabs"

It must be my fault that she is sick.
But Jessi, who asked you to kiss me when im sick!

You're putting me in a difficult position.

"Merry Christmas, Tiff"

I sat there, still frowning with worry.
Jessi chuckled as she pulled me out of bed and pushed me into the bathroom.

"Wash up wash up"
"Stop frowning"
"We've got more to do today!"

Jessi said as she slammed the door closed.


Jessi shouted from the outside.
I chuckled.


I took a quick shower and came out 15 minutes later.
Taking a peep before exiting the bathroom, no one was there.

I smirked.
Coast clear.
Time to get Jessi's present.

I crept to my bag and took out a brown paper bag,
hiding it behind my back i walked out to Jessi with a smile.

"Tiff, are you done?"

I sat down beside her on the sofa and threw her a meeky smile.

"What's with that smile?"

Jessi asked suspiciously as she rubbed her chin with her thumb and index finger.

"Merry Christmas Jessi"
"I love you"

I said as i passed the bag behind me to Jessi.

"What's this?"
"Christmas present?"

"This is my promise for you"

"It's a Christmas present still!"
"You promised me a Christmas present!"

Jessi said with a chuckle as she peeped into the brown bag.
I knocked on her head gently.

"Open it up"
"Don't peep like that!"

Jessi then pulled out a squarish box as she opened it up.
Revealing a necklace i've specially ordered and custom made.

Jessi let out a gasp as she slowly got the necklace off the case.

The necklace that i've it custom made is a necklace pendant,
with a fusion of microscope and violin.
Over the fusion of two items, there laid an engravement - 'JeTi'.

Of course, 'Je' over the microscope and 'Ti' over the violin.
That's our love.
Symbolism of love.


"You like it?"

I really hope she like it.
I didn't know what to get for then.

"I didn't know what to get for you"
"This isn't something very special, but i just hope that you'll like it Tiff"

Jessi turned to me with a smile.

"Of course Tiff"
"As long as it is from you, i'll love it"

"Thanks Jessi"
"I'll put it on for you"

I took the necklace over, Jessi lifted her hair up while i put the necklace over Jessi's neck.
Placing it nicely, i smiled.

"Yeppo jyo?"

Jessi turned behind and smiled to me.
I nodded.

"Open the next one Jessi!"

I told her, feeling all so excited inside me.
I really wondered what will her reaction be.

Jessi chuckled and pulled out a long rectangular box out of the bag.
Opening it up, her eyes were on the item for seconds.

"You still remember..?"


We are walking along the streets near our school.
The school have finally ended.

Gosh, i can't believe that im here with Jessi,
heading to a Science Astronomy shop.

I had to give in to going with her since she had been pestering me for days.
But i really had no interest in it.
Im basically dragging my footsteps while Jessi is happily dragging me into the store.

"Tiff, here here!"

I walked over to Jessi who is at a corner of the shop grumpily.
Jessi picked out a star gazer and turned to me with a hopeful smile.

"Tiff, shall i buy this star gazer?"
"Like this, we can go and star gaze for a night"

"I don't like to star gaze"

I really don't like to star gaze Jessi.
Why do you have to drag me into it?

"Tiff, star gazing is really interesting"
"And awesome"
"I went there once with omma and appa"
"It was really great, i want you to try it out too"

"I really don't want to, Jessi"
"I've no interest in star gazing"

I sighed.

"Tiff, just once?"
"You'll change your mind for sure"

"Jessi, can you please stop pushing your interest onto me?"
"If you like star gazing so much, go and watch it with your parents!"
"You don't have to ask me along with you!"

I exasperated desperately.
I really wanted to get out of this so much.

Jessi nodded as her gazed dropped.
She put back the star gazer and walked off to the reference book section and grabbed a few before leaving for the cashier.
Looking at her dejected backview, i knew i've hurt her.

But i couldn't help it.
I don't like it, why must she force my to like it?


end of flashback;;

I pulled Jessi in for a hug and smiled.

"Of course i do"
"I knew i shouldn't have said those words in the first place"
"I knew i've hurt you so much that afternoon Jessi"


"It's Christmas"
"Supposed to be a joyous season Jessi"


I put a finger over her lips to silence it.
Man, i really want to kiss it.

"Now, look at the bottom of the star gazer"
"It's another promise from me to your, my princess"

Jessi turned the star gazer around and found an engravement on it.

"As long as you bring this star gazer with you, i'll always be by your side and star gaze with you"
"I love you"

"Star gazing?!"
"Really, Tiff?!"

I didn't expect to see such a happy expression from Jessi with just this small promise to her.
The happiness, the smile on her face was way beyond my expectation.

Every step i take, closer to you Jessi,
made me realise, realised that i had been so wrong in the past.
I'll change for the better, Jessi.

I promise.

Give me some time.

"But Jessi"


"Where is mine?"

"What yours?"

Jessi shot me a confused look.


I replied with a pout.

How can she forget about my Christmas present?

But then again, i said i'll change.
So i can't ask much of her since she've done so much for me in the past.

Guess with her just by side, im satisfied.

"Im so sorry Tiff.."
"I was too busy, i didn't have time to get you one"

Jessi told me with an apologetic look as she scratched her head guiltily.
Instead i threw her a smile and wrapped my arms around her waist.

"It's okay"
"As long as you're here with me for Christmas"
"It's the biggest blessing and best present i've ever got, Jessi"

"Okay, im really sorry Tiff"
"But, are you hungry?"

Jessi asked with a smirk as she gave a little pat to my stomach.
I nodded, chuckling at her actions.

"Shall we go and have our brunch now?"
"I've somewhere to bring you"

Should we go or should i make Jessi stay at home this Christmas to rest?
Her voice sounded hoarse with coughing fits once in awhile. 

"Jessi, are you sure you wanna go out?"
"We can stay at home if you want"
"You can rest at home on a day like this"

Jessi frowned.

"On a day like this, we shouldn't be frowning!"
"Neither should we stay at home!"

Jessi told me as she put her index finger and thumb between my eyebrows and straightened out the crease.
Letting out a smile, she brought me up from the sofa and dragged me out of the house.

Jessi then brought me to a street which i've never seen before.
The whole layout of the street is totally like America.

"Where is this place?"
"Why is it that i've never even been here before?"

"Because it has never been here till recently, pabo"


Even the eateries, restaurant along the streets are like those of in America.
Jessi then dragged me straight into a crowded restaurant.

Walking in, the fragrance of the food filled my nose.
She pushed me down by a window seat with a sweet smile.

"Wait here, princess"
"I'll be back"

Jessi then walked off to the area of well laid out food.
They all looked so heavenly delicious.

I saw Jessi, walking around with two plates on her hand,
carefully putting the different types of food on it.
Once in awhile, i would spot her smiling to the plate of food infront of her.

10 minutes later, Jessi came back with a huge tray in her hands.
She came back walking like a robot, all so stiff because her tray was so full that she might drop it anytime.

"That's a lot"

Jessi smiled and placed the plate infront of me.

"American breakfast for our LA girl"
"Milk or juice?"

Jessi was holding onto two glasses of drink in her hands,
one in orange while the other in orange.

"Juice please"

I said with a flirty wink.

"No flirty winks around"


"You'll shock the guys around here"
"And i don't allow it"

"Awww Jessi!"

I laughed as i looked at my plate.
It was well arranged with egg benedicts, mini croissants, mini pancakes, mini sandwiches and salad.
Jessi had it arranged so nicely that the plate looked so appetising and colourful.


I nodded with a smile.
But Jessi turned around and let out a cough.

"Are you okay, Jessi?"

"My throat was getting a little itchy"
"It's fine after a drink, don't worry"

I hope i don't have to worry Jessi.
But i can't help it.

When you love someone, the worry comes from the bottom of my heart.
Not something you can stop.

After our brunch, we went on out for a movie since the both of us didn't have anything in mind to do.
We just needed each other's company, that's all.

We are strolling down the cold streets of the heart of Korea - Seoul.
I stopped by this roadside stall which caught my attention with the items they were trying to sell.


I shouted at the latter who are now infront of me by a few metres,
waving frantically at her while pointing at the roadside stall beside me.

"What's wrong?"

Jessi asked as she came over to me with a confused expression.
I pointed to the hair accessories infront of us.

"Let's buy one of these"


"It's Christmas afterall Jessi"
"We must also have something that relates to the season"

"Don't you have me already?"

Gosh, Jessi!
You're getting so mushy!

But, i like it.

"Well, i do"
"But i'll love you more if you have this over your head"

I said as i picked up a red reindeer horn hair band and placed it over her head,
giving it a playful flick.

"Firm and strong horn"

I teased with a smirk.
Jessi didn't want to lose out and immediately picked one up from the stall and place it right over my head.

"I guess, a brown one for you then?"

Her fingers came out and gave it a pat.

"Solid and strong"
"Not bad at all"
"You've grown really strong horns, reindeer"

I laughed.

"Of course"
"I've been eating really healthily"

"But i guess, my red one is stronger"


Mine is obviously stronger with the normal colour of a reindeer horn.

"Nope mine is"

"Nope mine is stronger"

"It's mine!"


The stall owner coughed a little with an awkward expression.

"Excuse me"
"Are you all still buying my hair bands?"

Jessi's face turned red immediately, looking all so flustered.
Quickly fishing out her wallet, she left a 50,000 won bill and ran off holding onto my hands tightly.

Jessi, you're embarassed?
Oh man, you're too cute to be true baby.

"Why did you run away, Jessi?"

I asked her, blowing air into my hands to keep them warm.
It is freezing here.

"It was embarassing"

Jessi said with a shrug as she grabbed onto my right hand with her left and stuffed it into her pocket.
Pushing my hands to grab onto something warm, i smiled.

"Feeling better now?"

"Much better Jessi"

"I just want you to stay warm, Tiff"
"That's the only way you can thank me"

So sweet!
But Jessi, i want you to stay warm too.

"Where are we going now?"


Jessi replied as she pointed to the empty ice skating rink infront of us.
It should be the best season to skate now, why is the ice skating rink infront of us empty?

"But i don't know how to ice skate, Jessi"

Instead, she threw me a smile.

"You don't have to know how to ice skate, Tiff"
"Just wait here"

Jessi then went into the ice skating rink,
disappearing behind the ice skating rink.
Minutes later, a beam of light shone onto the centre of the ice skating rink.

There Jessi is, standing in the middle of the limelight,
with a violin over her shoulders and a violin case lying infront of her.

But wait..
Is that what im seeing right now?

Just then, a sweet melodious melody filled my ears.
This song, this melody had always been my favourite.

'A thousand years'.

This song came from the famous movie - Twilight.
I love this novel and movie for the love of Edward and Bella were so strong.
Enjoying and submerging myself in the sweet melody, i couldn't help it but felt a little irritated when the music had stopped.

Nevertheless, i turned opened my eyes and saw Jessi,
advancing towards me with her violin in her left while the case on her right.

Placing it infront of me, Jessi smiled.

"Merry Christmas baby"


What are you trying to do with me, Jessi?

"Just for tonight, you're my baby"
"Open your present up"

"I thought you said you had forgotten about it?"

I can't believe that Jessi had all these arranged and planned out for me.
I don't know, can't figure out how my expression is right now.

"That's because i lied"
"Lies had to come in for surprises to work"
"Don't it?"

Jessi replied with a wink as she unlocked the violin case,
flipping the case open.

There laid a beautiful yet familiar violin.
Yes, it was that violin i've wanted two years ago that cost a whopping 5,000,000 won.
And now, it is in the hands of Jessi.


"When there's a will, there's a way"
"So will do present me the honour to have a piece of music played with you?"

Jessi asked me, with a polite bow.
I smiled and picked up the violin and bow immediately.

"Why not?"

I then walked to the centre of the rink with Jessi, and we both placed the violin on our shoulder.
Closing our eyes, Jessi whispered.

"River flows in you or wedding dress?"

Thinking that 'River flows in you' is a tad harder piece, 
i'll play that instead.

"River flows in you"

"Right, i'll harmonize"
"At the count of 3"

I took a deep breath and indulge myself in this peaceful night.


Then, the calm and relaxed melody started coming out of the violin of mine.
This violin, as like its built, the sound produced is solid, full and warm.

I was totally engrossed in my own playing when another melody came in.
It was Jessi and the melody just fit into this song so well that it got harmonized nicely.

I didn't know, didn't know Jessi had put in so much effort in learning the violin.
Despite her busy work, she didn't forget about me, about my words.

Ending our performance with a bow, Jessi and i walked out of the skating rink with a huge grin plastered over our faces.
While keeping out violins, Jessi asked.

"Are you happy Tiff?"
"Do you like it?"

"Like as in violin or?"


I chuckled as i slung the new violin over my shouders.

"I love both"
"Im happy of course"
"But you know what?"


Jessi then casually brought my right hand with her left again and stuffed it into her pocket,
making me grab onto her warm packs.

"Im just making sure that you're warm"

Jessi blurted out with a shy smile.

"I just want you to know"
"That i love you even more Jessi"

Man, that was mushy.
But i had the feeling that those words have to come out of my mouth.

Jessi smiled and nodded.
We are walking back to our home when someone shouted from the opposite of the road.


Jessica's POV

It's finally Christmas.
Merry Christmas, Tiff.

I was lying on the bed, beside Tiff,
giggling at her half revealed stomach.

Then this stupid idea came into my mind.
I started drawing circles gently on her stomach.

Finally, her eyes slowly shot open.
I smiled.

"Good morning omma"
"Good morning pinky"

Tiff smiled with her half awake eyes.
Gosh that is cute.

"Good morning aegi"
"Good morning icy"

She leaned forward for a peck but i pushed her away.


Tiff asked with a pout.

My throat were feeling worse than yesterday.
I doubt it would be a good idea to.

"I don't feel very well"
"I don't want you to fall sick"

Tiff sat up immediately with her hands over my forehead.


"Checking if you're having a fever"

Giving her an assuringly smile, i pulled her hand down.

"I don't have one"
"Don't worry"

I then pulled her in for a hug, ruffling her hair.
I wanted to comfort her, no kisses but hugs at least.

"But hugs are still available and up for grabs"

I didn't want to lie to her.
But now, i think i've regretted telling her the truth.

Look at her, she must be blaming herself now.
TIff, it really ain't your fault that im sick.

"Merry Christmas, Tiff"

Tiff sat there, still frowning with worry.
I let out chuckle as i pulled her out of bed and pushed her into the bathroom.

"Wash up wash up"
"Stop frowning"
"We've got more to do today!"

I said as she slammed the door closed.


It is unfair right?
I told her 'Merry Christmas'.
Yet she didn't tell me a single 'Merry Christmas'.


I smiled satisfied as i settled myself down onto the sofa in the living room.

Tiff then came out 15 minutes later, with something hidden behind her back
I let out a mental chuckle.
How cute can she get?

Thinking that by hiding the bag behind her, i won't be able to spot it?
Oh Tiff!

"Tiff, are you done?"

Tiff then sat down beside me on the sofa and threw me a meeky smile.

"What's with that smile?"

I asked suspiciously as i rubbed my chin with my thumb and index finger.

"Merry Christmas Jessi"
"I love you"

Tiff said as she passed the bag behind her to me.

"What's this?"
"Christmas present?"

"This is my promise for you"

"It's a Christmas present still!"
"You promised me a Christmas present!"

I let out a chuckle, peeping into the brown bag.
Tiff knocked onto my head gently.

"Open it up"
"Don't peep like that!"

I pulled out a squarish box and opened it up.
I gasped as i pulled the necklace out of the box gently,
revealing a necklace with a fusion of microscope and violin.
Over the fusion of two items, there laid an engravement - 'JeTi'.

Of course, 'Je' over the microscope and 'Ti' over the violin.


"You like it?"

Im really surprised.
I didn't know you'll come to this extend in preparing presents Tiff.
In the past, you would always just buy it off from a shop and wrapped it up for me.

"I didn't know what to get for you"
"This isn't something very special, but i just hope that you'll like it Tiff"

It is already very special.
And what's more when it is from you, Tiff.

"Of course Tiff"
"As long as it is from you, i'll love it"

"Thanks Jessi"
"I'll put it on for you"

I lifted my hair up while Tiff put the necklace over my neck.

"Yeppo jyo?"

I turned around and smiled to Tiff.
She nodded in return.

"Open the next one Jessi!"

I chuckled and pulled out a long rectangular box out of the bag.

You still remembered about the star gazer incident?
I thought you had long forgoetten about it, Tiff.

"You still remember..?"


We are walking along the streets near our school.
The school have finally ended.

Tiff and i are heading to a Science Astronomy shop after pestering her for days.
Sigh, if only she could spend some time with me, taking note of my interest,
how nice things would have gotten.

"Tiff, here here!"

Tiff then came over to me grumpily.
Nevertheless, i still carried this tiny bit of hope, picking out a star gazer and turned to her with a hopeful smile.

"Tiff, shall i buy this star gazer?"
"Like this, we can go and star gaze for a night"

"I don't like to star gaze"

I heard it is really romantic and sweet to star gaze with the one you love at night.
Why Tiff?

"Tiff, star gazing is really interesting"
"And awesome"
"I went there once with omma and appa"
"It was really great, i want you to try it out too"

"I really don't want to, Jessi"
"I've no interest in star gazing"

But it will be really fun, Tiff.
You can get to see all the different star signs of the horoscopes which not everyone is able to do so, Tiff.
Just this once?

"Tiff, just once?"
"You'll change your mind for sure"

"Jessi, can you please stop pushing your interest onto me?"
"If you like star gazing so much, go and watch it with your parents!"
"You don't have to ask me along with you!"

I know.
I totally get it, Tiff.
I can't even get you to accompany me for once, for something i like,
for something that interests me.


end of flashback;;

Tiff pulled me in for a hug and smiled.

"Of course i do"
"I knew i shouldn't have said those words in the first place"
"I knew i've hurt you so much that afternoon Jessi"


"It's Christmas"
"Supposed to be a joyous season Jessi"


She put a finger over my lips to silence it.

"Now, look at the bottom of the star gazer"
"It's another promise from me to your, my princess"

I turned the star gazer around and found an engravement on it.

"As long as you bring this star gazer with you, i'll always be by your side and star gaze with you"
"I love you"

"Star gazing?!"
"Really, Tiff?!"

I didn't expect you to agree to star gaze with me Tiff.
Not once, but all the time for now as long as i have this with me.

I will.
I will take care of it with all my life.
I promise.

"But Jessi"


"Where is mine?"

"What yours?"


I had to lie.

"Im so sorry Tiff.."
"I was too busy, i didn't have time to get you one"

I shot her an apologetic look and scratched my head guiltily.
Instead Tiff threw me a smile and wrapped her arms around my waist.

I knew she is upset.
I knew she love presents.
But i had to lie to keep the surprise going.

Sorry, Tiff.

"It's okay"
"As long as you're here with me for Christmas"
"It's the biggest blessing and best present i've ever got, Jessi"

"Okay, im really sorry Tiff"
"But, are you hungry?"

I gave a little pat to Tiff's stomach.
She gave me a nod, chuckling at me.

"Shall we go and have our brunch now?"
"I've somewhere to bring you"

I hope you'll love this place, Tiff.
I had a hard time looking for it.

"Jessi, are you sure you wanna go out?"
"We can stay at home if you want"
"You can rest at home on a day like this"

It's Christmas!
We should be out together to celebrate this joyous season and not stay at home,
spend our time in bed, Tiff.

"On a day like this, we shouldn't be frowning!"
"Neither should we stay at home!"

I told her as i put my index finger and thumb between her eyebrows and straightened out the crease.
Letting out a smile, i brought me up from the sofa and dragged her out of the house.

We then arrived at the American streeet of Korea.
It is a newly built street catered to the Americans as well as the Korean American 

"Where is this place?"
"Why is it that i've never even been here before?"

"Because it has never been here till recently, pabo"

Her eyes were all over the whole layout of the street.
I then dragged her straight into a crowded restaurant.

I pushed her down by a window seat before walking off the the crowd of food laid out nicely by the counter.

"Wait here, princess"
"I'll be back"

Picking up two plates under the counter, i let ut a small smirk looking at the food laid out infront of me.
Carefully and gently arranging the different types of food on the plates,
i would smile at it once in awhile, imagining Tiff's reaction at the arrangement of food.

10 minutes later, I came back with a huge tray in my hands.

"That's a lot"

I placed the plate infront of Tiff.

"American breakfast for our LA girl"
"Milk or juice?"

Im now holding onto two glasses of drink in her hands,
one in orange while the other in orange.

"Juice please"

Oh man, Tiff where did you learn those moves?

Juice, so milk for me then.

"No flirty winks around"


"You'll shock the guys around here"
"And i don't allow it"

"Awww Jessi!"

Tiff laughed as she looked at my plate.
Her eyes were fixed on the plate, looking at the plate with hungry eyes.


Tiff smiled.
At times like this, my throat has to itch.
At times like this, i had to cough.


"Are you okay, Jessi?"

"My throat was getting a little itchy"
"It's fine after a drink, don't worry"

Tiff looked so worried.
Don't worry, im fine Tiff.

I will be fine, for you.

After our brunch, we went on out for a movie since the both of us didn't have anything in mind to do.
We just needed each other's company, that's all.

We are strolling down the cold streets of the heart of Korea - Seoul.
I didn't even realise that Tiff was gone until she shouted for me.

Focus Jessi!
Concentrate and pay more attention to Tiff!

Headache is nothing!


Turning around, i ran back to Tiff's side.
She is standing by a roadside stall, selling Christmas hair accessories.

I wondered what do Tiff want.

"What's wrong?"

She then pointed to the hair accessories infront of us.

"Let's buy one of these"


"It's Christmas afterall Jessi"
"We must also have something that relates to the season"

"Don't you have me already?"

Im here, why do you need something else?

Im your the ice princess isn't it?
I fit in the cold, Tiff.
And Christmas is cold too.

So, we're somewhat related, isn't so?

"Well, i do"
"But i'll love you more if you have this over your head"

Tiff then picked up a red reindeer horn hair band and placed it over my head,
giving it a playful flick.

"Firm and strong horn"

But i didn't want to lose out and immediately picked one up from the stall and place it right over her head.

"I guess, a brown one for you then?"

My fingers went over and gave it a pat.

"Solid and strong"
"Not bad at all"
"You've grown really strong horns, reindeer"

Tiff laughed.

"Of course"
"I've been eating really healthily"

"But i guess, my red one is stronger"

All these tiny bits of conversation we have are what made our life sweet, Tiff.
Have you realised it?

I love you for the way you are now.
In the past, and now.
I love you Tiff.

But now that you've changed, i hope that we can stay like this for long.

"Nope mine is"

"Nope mine is stronger"

"It's mine!"


The stall owner coughed a little with an awkward expression.

"Excuse me"
"Are you all still buying my hair bands?"

Gosh, that is embarrasing.
My goodness!

I felt a sudden heat rushing up my cheeks.
Guess im blushing right now.

I then ran off holding onto Tiff's hands tightly.
While running, Tiff were chuckling to herself so cutely.

You must be laughing at me, right Tiff?

"Why did you run away, Jessi?"

Tiff was blowing air into her hands to keep them warm.

Is it really that cold?
It's okay, i'll keep you warm.

"It was embarassing"

I shrugged and grabbed onto her right hand with my left, stuffing it into my pocket.
Pushing her hands to grab onto something warm.

"Feeling better now?"

"Much better Jessi"

"I just want you to stay warm, Tiff"
"That's the only way you can thank me"

Because i don't want you to fall sick, Tiff.
It was killing me inside when you're sick lying on the bed, crying you eyes out.

Now you're here with me, i'll keep you safe and healthy.
I promise.

"Where are we going now?"


I pointed to the empty ice skating rink infront of us.

"But i don't know how to ice skate, Jessi"

You don't have to know how to ice skate, Tiff.
All you need is your pair of eyes and ears, with that loving heart inside you.

"You don't have to know how to ice skate, Tiff"
"Just wait here"

I then went into the ice skating rink, disappearing behind the ice skating rink.
Minutes later, a beam of light shone onto the centre of the ice skating rink.

Im here, standing in the middle of the limelight,
with a violin over my shoulders and Tiffs present lying infront of me.

Without further ado, a sweet melodious melody flowed out of my violin.

'A thousand years'.

This song, has always been your favourite right Tiff?
Are you enjoying it now?
Am i playing it with the way you like it to be played?

Tiff then turned and opened her eyes right after the music stop.
Here i am, walking towards the girl i've always loved and wanted.
No one else but her.

Placing Tiff's gift infront of her, i threw her a  smile.

"Merry Christmas baby"


Just for tonight, Tiff.
Be my baby, for just tonight.

"Just for tonight, you're my baby"
"Open your present up"

"I thought you said you had forgotten about it?"

You're surprised, aren't you?
Or are you more of touched then surprised?

"That's because i lied"
"Lies had to come in for surprises to work"
"Don't it?"

I then unlocked the violin case,
flipping the case open.

Yes, it is yours now Tiff.
It is that violin you've wanted two years ago that cost a whopping 5,000,000 won.


"When there's a will, there's a way"
"So will do present me the honour to have a piece of music played with you?"

Tiff smiled, instantly picking up the violin and bow.

"Why not?"

We then walked to the centre of the rink and placed the violin on our shoulders.
Closing our eyes, i whispered,

"River flows in you or wedding dress?"

Actually i've learnt it online for the two pieces of music.
As well as the harmonization part too, Tiff.

I just hope that i won't screw things up.

"River flows in you"

"Right, i'll harmonize"
"At the count of 3"

I took a deep breath and indulge myself in this peaceful night.


Then, the calm and relaxed melody started coming out of the violin of Tiff.
The violin, as like its built, the sound produced is solid, full and warm.

Tiff looks totally engrossed in her own playing till the part where i came in.
Maybe because my standard isn't as high as Tiff's, but i just felt that the melody just fit into this song so well that it got harmonized nicely.

Ending our performance with a bow, the both of us walked out of the skating rink with a huge grin plastered over our faces.
While keeping out violins, I asked,

"Are you happy Tiff?"
"Do you like it?"

"Like as in violin or?"


Tiff replied with a chuckle as she slung the violin over her shoulder.

"I love both"
"Im happy of course"
"But you know what?"


Slowly, i brought Tiff's right hand with my left again and stuffed it into my pocket,
making her grab onto my warm packs.

"Im just making sure that you're warm"

"I just want you to know"
"That i love you even more Jessi"

I love you, Tiff.
More than you love me.
I could risk my life, just for you.

We are walking back to our home when someone shouted from the opposite of the road.


I turned around and saw something falling onto Tiff from the top.
Quickly pushing her away onto the ground, the item hit me and now,
im totally wet.
My hair drenched.

I quickly went over to Tiff to help her up, not even bothering what was being thrown down.
I felt so apologetic for pushing her away onto the ground like that.

"You okay Tiff?"
"Sorry for-"


This time round, i had my arms around her waist and fell on to the ground away from the spot inches away,
when a loud thud was being heard.
I covered Tiff in a protective manner when something wet splashed onto me.

It was red.

I turned around and there it laid, a lifeless body infront of me.
I looked up back to the building,under the dim light i saw a guy in black with a mask and cap.
Could barely make out what he looked like.

But i knew, his eyes,he is smirking at me right now.


A/N: Conversations are in BLUE, flashbacks conversations are in TURQUOISE while the conversations being overheard will be in LIGHT BLUE.
Sorry readers! My Christmas date chapter has been delayed due to some accidents.
So here it is, your Christmas date.

Jessica is sweet, isn't she?
I want to have my boyfriend like her in future.

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Alright, i hope this upcoming story as well as the poster attracts you peeps because ive made it myself!


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Chapter 22: Ahhhh its almost finish....pleas come back for this story thornim☺️
Chapter 2: Eventhough yultae falling in love with tiffany...but fany's love is only for sica
Chapter 22: Please comeback authornim.. ╥﹏╥ Please update this story. Its been o long since you last updated this. I hope you are doing fine. I will be waiting for you to continue this story. I'll root for you! Hwaiting! (๑>؂< ๑)۶
otnine0922 #4
Chapter 22: Will there be a possibility that you will update your story?? I hope you come back author ssi
otnine0922 #5
Chapter 22: Will you ever finish this story author ssi i really miss and love this story.... it's my nth time reading it
Kidzero_ss #6
Please update your story again~~ :( it's really good
Chapter 22: Authornim.. where are you..?please update your story
we really miss your story..it's really good
ophilpia #8
Chapter 22: Authornim.. where are you..?
Please update this story
Authornim, please do update this story again~~