Chapter 13

My beloved oppa


When I finished talking I looked at the clock, it was 4:30 in the afternoon.

‘’I should leave; those people out there have to be desperate because they haven’t seen you’’ I said while I was standing up but he held my wrist to not let me go.

‘’It doesn’t matter, I’ll see them later…we have a lot of things to talk about for example, I don’t know why but somehow I could hear all of you talking or I don’t know if I was dreaming, but I don’t think so because it was so real’’ He said, I was obligated to sit down again.

‘’You were not dreaming, the doctor said that it was not sure but that there were probabilities that you could hear us talking so we all talked to you as if you were awake’’ I smiled at him gently.

‘’Then, was it real? What you told me about your brother, is it true?’’ he asked very worried.

‘’Neh, it was real’’ I approached to him and hugged him carefully ’’Do you remember everything we talked to you?’’

‘’Ani, I just remember that, I guess it was because I was going to wake up’’ he sighed and hugged me back.

‘’I was so worried about you’’ I whispered and kissed him ‘’I’m leaving now, the people out there are going to kill me if I don’t get out of here in this moment’’ I said chuckling while I was standing up.

‘’We still have things to talk about’’ He said, then took my hand and kissed it ‘’Oh silly girlfriend of mine, you still wear the bracelet’’ He smiled looking at my wrist.

‘’Neh, and you’re still having the jacket, right?’’ he took off the blanket and under it was the jacket, covering his chest.

I smiled ‘’Remember, it’s just until I get a real present for you, by the way I’m leaving now’’ and I left.

When I went out everybody came to me asking questions that I couldn’t understand so I just said ‘’Now you can go in’’ and left the place, I needed to go home to keep working on the thesis if I wanted to graduate in the next two months, it wasn’t going to be easy but I wanted to do my best to make everyone proud of me, but first I had to go to the university to get over all the classes I missed and I did so immediately.

When I got home I took a shower and put on my pjs, I had to drink the pills the doctor gave me because my body was starting to hurt, then I sat in front of the pc and started to keep writing my thesis. I looked at the clock and it was nine o’clock and I decided to call Yesung.

‘’Where have you been jagiya?’’ He asked.

‘’Oppa…I’ve been busy writing my thesis…by the way, how do you feel?’’

‘’I’m okay, the guys just left and here are just mom and dad, my brother is at home now but some minutes ago I was enjoying a lot with all of them here, but I wanted you to be here and you weren’t’’

‘’Oh honey, I’m so sorry but you know that I have to finish this as fast as I can and it won’t be easy, when I left the hospital I went to the university to get over the classes I missed and now I can’t go back there until I finish this’’ I said.

‘’It means that I won’t see you until tomorrow, right?’’

‘’No, I wish I could go and spend the whole night there but I can’t’’ I sighed.

‘’You sound tired, why don’t you get some sleep?’’ he asked.

‘’Don’t worry, I’ll rest later’’

‘’I wish I could stand up from this bed and go there to help you’’ he said.

I smiled ’’Oh you silly boyfriend of mine! You better go to sleep…I’ll see you tomorrow….Ah! I almost forget….Yesung oppa, fighting!’’ I smiled.

He laughed ‘’Arasso, see you then’’ and we hung up.

I kept writing and even if my fingers were tired I couldn’t rest, I had to advance that job. When I finally stopped was because I needed to go to the bathroom, when I went back from the bathroom I looked at the clock, it was more than midnight, it was three o’clock. I was very sleepy so I decided to rest for a while in the couch.

When I woke up it was eight o’clock in  the morning , I couldn’t believe that I had slept more than I thought, so I ran to the bathroom to take a shower and after that I put the first clothes I found on my closet, made some coffee and kept working. Ten minutes later I received a call, it was Yesung’s mother.

‘’It’s weird that you haven’t come to see him yet’’ she said.

‘’Neh, is just that I’ve been busy with the thesis’’ I said yawning.

‘’Oh, but why aren’t you in a group to make a thesis? Why do you have to make it by yourself?’’ She seemed interested.

‘’Because I have to show that I deserve the scholarship I got and all the benefits they gave me by coming almost in the end of the career and is a punishment for the weeks I missed’’ I said.

‘’Well, I don’t think that’s fair…anyways, I’m calling you because we need to go home to take a shower and I was wondering if you could come to take care of him just for a while‘’

‘’It’s ok, I’m going there, don’t worry… I’ll be there in ten minutes’’ and I hung up.


I put the laptop in its bag, took my purse and went downstairs; I took a cab and got in the hospital in less than ten minutes. When I saw Oppa’s parents they were outdoors, and when they saw me they stared at me weirdly.

‘’Are you okay?‘’ His father asked.

‘’Perfectly ahjussi’’ I smiled.

‘’Don’t call me ahjussi  please, now we are family’’ He smiled ‘’Call me abeoji, in the end you’re like the daughter I always wanted’’

‘’Oh! I don’t know what to say…abeoji’’ I was feeling  the warmth all over my cheeks, I was blushing.

Oppa’s mother smiled and said ‘’You can call me eomma too, I feel you’re like a daughter so I’d like you to treat us as if we were your parents’’ she hugged me and I hugged her back.

‘’Thanks, this means a lot to me, I can’t tell you to call me daughter because not even my real parents call me like that so just call me Leah as always, now can you explain why were you looking at me in that way when you saw me?’’ I asked.

‘’No offence but you look…well, you don’t look like a human being’’ said eomma.

I laughed ‘’Eomma, thanks for the honesty, but is just that lately what matters the less for me now is the way I look…now go home and rest, come in the afternoon so for that time you will be relaxed, I know that sleeping here is not the best thing’’

‘’Yeah, you’re right, see you later then…ah! I almost forget to tell you, he’s been asking for you since he woke up’’ abeoji said appointing to the room ‘’Aigooo…he’s like a little kid sometimes’’

When I went in the room he smiled saying ‘’It seems like you didn’t get any sleep last night’’

‘’I did but in the couch, it wasn’t the best place to sleep even when it is for six hours’’ I smiled and rubbed his hair.

He gazed at me like trying to see something better ‘’Does it hurt?’’ He said rubbing the scar on my neck.

‘’Ani, just when I touch it’’ I answered.

‘’It seems like you had stitches there’’ He said.

‘’Yes but when I woke up they already had taken it off’’

‘’What happened there?’’ He was worried.

‘’In the accident, a big piece of glass got embed in my neck, the nurse said that I had luck because it didn’t cut any vein or nerve, if it had been so, then I would have died’’

His face expression got a bit bitter “I don’t know what to say…”

‘’You silly, just don’t say anything’’ I sat in the chair next to him and took my laptop to keep working on the thesis.

‘’That thesis is going to take my girlfriend away from me’’ He said pretending to be sad.

I laughed ‘’Aigo! If you don’t want me to become a beggar you have to let me finish this to become a professional’’

‘’You won’t have to work, I’m going to work for you and me’’ He smiled.

‘’Of course not! Are you insane?!  I mean, that’s an offense for me. I can earn my own money so don’t even think about it!’’

‘’Oh! I’m sorry Miss, I didn’t mean to offend you’’ This time he obviously was enjoying to see me *mad*.


Oh! That smile... *w*

Annyeong beautiful people!!! I guess this chapter wasn't very good but keep looking forward to the others and It'll get better ^^

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Chapter 19: Waaah! I miss this story. Keep it up!
EuniceElaine #2
Chapter 17: Wahh.. update soon,
EuniceElaine #3
Chapter 16: Henrrryyyy... don't cause troble.. xD still, I love you.. hahahaha

Update soon please.
Chapter 16: Oh! Henry is back that's mean troubles! Why is her mom sad? Hmm?!
Update soon~
EuniceElaine #5
Chapter 14: Update soon Please.. ^^
octa82_ichigo #6
Chapter 12: Finally Yesung is awake ^.^ update soon please (y)
Chapter 12: Yay~ Yesung is awake.^^ Kya kya. Update soon~
Chapter 12: yay yesung is awake :3
Chapter 9: love it :)) the plot is really cute x3
Chapter 9: OMG! What happened to Yeye oppa?! I hope he is ok. Update soon~