Chapter 2

Friends 'til the End


I grab the microphone for the tenth time that night. With a huge grin on my face, I bounced along with the rhythm while Yoseob sits down to take a breather. While I waited for the intro to finish, I grab my drink, chugging down my sixth bottle of soju for that night. Yoseob stretches out his hand to grab my arm.

“Yah, stop drinking!” he laughs, “You’re drunk!”

I pry my arm off of him, and continue to sip the drink. “Shut up Yang Yoseob! I’ve paid for this anyway!” He rolls his eyes, letting go of me. Finally, the music comes on.

Oh... Oh... Wooah...

Oh... Oh... Wooah...

Oh... Oh... Wooah...

Oh... Oh... Wooah...

“Crap,” I mutter under my breath, realizing what the song was.  I knew very well from the tune what it was, I Remember. It played in my head each night during our high school days. I always shed tears now as I listen to it, bringing back the memories I’ve longed to forget.

Yoseob cheers in the background, waiting for me to sing his song. I finish my drink, sending a rush through my head. Thanks to the alcohol, I was able to let go of my worries. The song was starting now and I begin to harmonize with the tune.



All of our memories that used to be like hell

I don't know why all of them are still stuck on my mind

I will remember all of our past days, you who used to play with me

Thanks to you everything flip flopped for me

There is no longer the past image of me who used to smile in front of you brightly

No matter what kind of love comes for me, it's funny, my crinkled heart

I tried everything to forget you

I hoped that I would have recovered the fastest

And you would regret looking at me

That's right, even my music that you used to ignore so much

Now that song is spreading around the streets of Seoul (Rock on)

Holding on to our past habits

I drowned effortlessly in your nightmare like memories many times

But still, because you were the one I loved

I will never forget, Yes, I Remember

I take a deep breath, feeling the sadness of the song all of a sudden. Being the singer that I was, I poured out all of my emotions as if I really was standing on stage.

Even when I close my eyes, the light that used to shine on us is still there

Our precious times, I'll cherish them deeply

Even when the pain comes in many times

Those days we promised of forever

I will never forget those moments until the end

I Remember

I curse myself mentally. My vision was going blurry. Dammit, Eunji, why must you always get carried away?

I Don't Know What You Done to me

Just Like That

Give it up, I don't do stuff like love, I Came Back, Yeah

Throw It all away, I don't need anything else

Now I can fall asleep without you

Your empty spot, the spotlight lights it up

Basically, I can't believe the quality of the dream I dream

I go crazy in this reality that tossed me away

I'm Hot Stuff, people like you ask me to meet them

The pain I give them solicitors, it's my way of living weak

What is left of me after all these farewells

I learned that in the end there is no such promise of forever

But those words made me come this far many times

You, who let me go with your own hands

Don't ever look back even for one last time

If you do, I will believe that your thoughts are similar to mine

I will never forget, Yes, I Remember

My cheeks start to feel wet. I tried to stop my tears but they continue to roll down without my permission. I wanted to wipe them away but doing that will make it obvious. Instead, I turn away so that Yoseob won’t notice.

Even when I close my eyes, the light that used to shine on us is still there

Our precious times, I'll cherish them deeply

Even when the pain comes in many times

Those days we promised of forever

I will never forget those moments until the end

I Remember

Just then, my breath hitches up in my throat and I couldn’t continue singing anymore. I dropped the microphone accidentally and immediately covered my tear-stained face with my hands. The music continued playing without anyone singing.

The promise we made to stay together

Forever (I'll keep it right here)

Even though I might end up walking this road alone for a while

I will show you my everything

I rush to the exit, hiccupping. Yoseob has stopped the music now and was rushing after me.

“Eunji-yah!” he calls after. I didn’t stop running. It was too embarrassing to be caught now. I’ve successfully hidden my feelings for him for the past years and I won’t ruin that simply because of my carelessness. It’s all the alcohol’s fault, I cried. If I had been thinking properly, this never would’ve happened. I run outside the building, ignoring his calls. I turn the corner, heading to an empty place. I didn’t know where I was heading. I just hoped that I could get away from him successfully.

Finally, I spot an empty park. Tired, I decided to take refuge behind the children’s slide. I close my eyes, trying to catch my breath. I remain silent, hugging my knees closer to my chest. The loneliness I felt back in the days came back again. Tears spill from my eyes and I scold myself over and over again. Why does the same thing have to keep repeating itself? Haven’t I learned my lesson enough?

“Eunji…”  I sigh. It was Yoseob. Harshly, I wiped the tears and crawled out from hiding. It was no use running now. In the end, he’ll still find me.

“Sorry oppa,” I sniff, avoiding his eyes, “you know girls, they get emotional all the time.”

He walks closer to me, engulfing my hand with his. I remain still, staring at the ground. “Tell me Eunji,” he says gently, bringing my face up to meet his eyes, “what’s the matter?” He caresses my cheek with his thumb, and I felt butterflies all over my stomach again. I sigh, it was now or never.

“Oppa,” I say to him, feeling helpless under his gaze. “Do you still remember that time I started to ignore you in high school?”

His eyebrows crease and he stops caressing my face. “Yeah, I remember. Why?”

I sigh deeply and all of a sudden I felt a tremendous amount of courage. “Do you know why I was mad at you?” Oh alcohol, how much I love you.

“Ahni, you never told me,” he answers truthfully. And you never bothered to care, I thought.

Well, the truth's bound to be spilled. I laugh, feeling like a madwoman, “It’s because you stood me up!” I shouted. “You ing stood me up when I wanted to confess to you!” I continue to laugh, feeling a large weight being taken off of my shoulders. “That’s right! I loved you Yoseob, and I probably still do!”

He stares at me, surprised. His mouth was agape, not knowing what to say, “E-Eunji…I…”

“When you started being too busy for me, did you how scared I was?” I say, my voice wavering. “The thought of you not needing me anymore, do you know how scary it is?” I ask him forcefully and then, my tears decide to make another appearance. I laugh at my craziness, “So then, I tried to move on. I told myself you found a new best friend..." I pause for a minute. "But then, you came back. And guess what, Yoseob?! I was stupid enough to crawl back to you! And why did I do that?! Why do I fall into your trap all the time?” I cry. I sniff, as the tears continue to roll down. Oh, what a mess I must look like.

Yoseob sighs, holding my hand tightly. “Is that all?” he asks like an idiot. I look at him, angered. How can he ask that so thoughtlessly after I just poured my heart out to him? I raise my hand, ready to slap him. However, he grabs it and holds onto it tightly. I pull away from him, but he was obviously stronger, with me being drunk and all.

Then before I start raging again, Yoseob leans in close to my face. He crashes his lips onto mine. I try to pull away but he on my bottom lip, asking for entrance. He wraps his arms around my waist pulling me closer and as if it was an automatic reaction, I embrace my arms around his neck. The kiss started to become passionate, and I can already feel him smiling through our kiss. His tongue enters my mouth and we fight for dominance. Just then he nibbles on my bottom lip, causing me to moan. He smiles, and then pulls away. We both stand there, in each other’s arms, catching our breaths.

“Do you now know why I’ll never let you get away?” he asks, huffing. I look at him curiously and he grins, “It’s because I love you too.”

I smile, feeling cheesy. “I hope that’s not the alcohol talking. ‘Cuz it’s definitely not for me.” He laughs, tucking my hair behind my ear. And this time, I was the one that leaned in to continue our kiss.

I'm sorry, I >.< but thanks for reading anyway :) Hope you liked it :D

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marialolin #1
Chapter 2: The real eunji who can confess her feelings first to the man she likes.
I"m waiting for the ending of this fic to happen in real life?
Thank you for a beautiful story ?
Why does this story have to be this good . And authornim , why did you write this awesome story ? Now I am starting to get envy of you ! XD
Chapter 2: Awww! This is cute~
Yoji woo!
kimdedol #4
Chapter 2: Beautiful story^^