
Endless Rain

I look over the road through my window and back to Yixing hyung beside a wooden table. Even if it’s raining cats and dogs outside, I can still hear him humming a Chinese song. With sweet dimples on both side of his cheeks, he lifts up my mug. Again, he changes things made of glass into a vase. Today it’s forget-me-not flower in my green mug, reminds me of ... someone.

Ten years had passed and I’m still waiting for my old prayer to be granted. There’s that little house in baby blue infront of my flower shop & cafѐ and a dead Gerbera Daisy on its window caught my eyes. Feel my chest tighten, I shift my gaze to it’s supposed-to-be-orange broken door. I can still remember when I stood there, innocently waiting for him everyday.

I bite my lower lip for the stinging feelings behind my eyes. Everything seems so different. Even the silent road I usually passed by under the pouring water of December rain. The stones are getting old as mosses creeping on them, being eaten by the mean time. Imagining when I stood there 10 years ago –when everything looks new and shining under the grey sky, I look back at those moments in rainy season.



The droplets were ticking at the top of my head as I watched a man in white shirt –around 20 years old, across the street. Wet season was coming and that’s mean I’m going to have some bussiness to do. Beside me stood a cute boy with his grey hair sticked on his forehead, sweating. I patted his head, giving him a small smile as a sign that everything will be okay.

The traffic light turned green and the rain became heavier. I quickly opened my umbrella and placed it above my head, protecting me and Sehun, the grey-haired boy, from the cold needles of water. I led him to a woman in red mini-dress and short blonde hair.

“She’s your first customer. You know what to do, don’t you?” I whispered to him when we’re about 10 meters away. Sehun nodded before he ran his little feet to the said woman, brought his umbrella as well. Growing a smile as I saw him bowed cutely at the woman, I turned around to find my own.

 I decided to walk straight forward, across the street to be exact. “Excuse me, sir. Do you need umbrella?” the man I’ve been watching a few minutes ago looked at me with his wide eyes. He patted my head, nodded as a bus passed.


Usually, I’ll just walk behind my customer, shivering as the fabrics of my shirt absorbs the rain drops. Have my payment in a plastic bag, I’ll find another people that needs umbrella. But this man is different, not a careless individualistic bussiness man that leaves me hug myself behind him. He shifted his umbrella to me, trying not to get wet by the downpour on his shoulder as well.

I just smiled and held my hands up, motion him that I’m okay without the umbrella. Again, he’s different. Instead of continuing his way home, he shook his head, saying my umbrella is big enough for us both. So I bowed to him and he did the same.

“Let’s go, my home is a few blocks away from here,” he smiled, eyes on the road where peoples running away from the rain. All I can did is just nod as a reply because he already walked away, hand holding the umbrella while the other one carrying his bag.


“Hey,” his voice called, maybe bored with the silence between us –besides the noises from the rain and everything it falls on to. With a smile I looked up at him, allowing him to ask anything or tell me about everything he wants.

“Since when you become an umbrella renter? You should be in your class now, aren’t you?” the way he frowns made me feel guilt. I lied to my parents, saying I went to school but in fact, I’m running on the street, looking for extra money.

“I don’t remember when exactly it was. I must be around 4 or 5 when I realised my parents doesn’t really have enough papers to keep me in school. So I come to a conclusion that I should find my own money and this is all I can do.”

“By skipping class? Don’t you think they’ll upset if they find out?” I could heard his voice higher. Great, he probably hate me now. Because seriously, who likes bad boy?.

But instead of scolding me, he wrapped his hand which was carrying his bag around my shoulder. With his calm voice, telling me I should be thankful for having such a great parents and start dividing time between studying and working. He also told me, with glassy eyes, that I have a better life than him, who had no parents at all.

It was kind of embarassing but I held his hand, swaying it all the way to his house. And I was more than happy to have his smile, bright as the sun that hiding at the back of the greyish cloud.


The rain was drizzling above us like it’s going to stop at anytime. I was listening to his and my footsteps, smiling stupidly when the water splashed on our pants. The man, Kyungsoo he is, was singing a song all the way in a soft tune, fits perfectly with the tipping rain.

We’re in a lonely road. Wet stones and walls led us to a corner. I saw a citrus-orange door attached to its red frame, brighter than the other. Blossoms under the blue curtained window looked really sweet. I recognized some of them as Carnation, Gerbera Daisy, Buttercup and Freesia –blame my father to be a gardener. Ahh, how I miss that place.

He stopped immediately infront of the warm-looking house. With a beautiful smile he gave me some bucks and my umbrella. I clearly remember before I turned around, he had his hand held mine firmly. He told me to wait and ran to his door, hopping in with a wide grin. I was wondering why when he came back, blue flowers in hand.

“My name is Do Kyungsoo, okay?” he handed me a bucket of forget-me-not flowers and I knew what does it mean.

I shook my head saying, “I-...Jongin won’t forget you. We’ll meet again soon!”

I leaved him on his doorway. My twelve years old Kim Jongin walked away with pink cheeks, in hopes the rain will unite us again, everyday.

But the rain doesn’t...




a/n: how’s it?  I have to play Lucite Tokki’s Rainy Day while writing because weirdly I can’t write this story without rain ><;;

fyi, the setting was in a tropical country (wherever you want it to be) and Kai worked as an umbrella renter, offering his umbrella to everyone in needs.

please anticipate the next chapter~!

here’s the link for Lucite Tokki’s Rainy Day :

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