Let Me Reminisce

Let Me Hear Your Voice


“Miss?” I shout. I run over and pick up her scarf from the ground. I wipe off all the snow and stand up straight, calling the girl once more. “Miss!”

She finally turns around and my breath catches in my throat. Big innocent brown eyes meet mine. Long black hair runs down her back and black bangs frame her face. Her face… A little red nose and pink cheeks compliment her plump pale lips. Her teeth chatter. I shake my head, breaking out of my weird and sudden trance. I walk up to her with a smile.

“You dropped this.” I explain, handing her red scarf.

She touches her neck innocently, her eyes widen. “Oh!” She softly exclaims. “Thank you!” She takes her scarf back, brushing her thumb slightly against my palm. I feel my ears go warm, my version of blushing. It’s less embarrassing that way.

She puts her scarf back around her neck. She bows, a genuine sweet smile grazing her freezing lips. Without another word, she turns around, walking back to the direction she was before.

“Wait, wait, wait.” My little sister interrupts. I snap back from my reverie. “Is that it?”

I chuckle at her sudden disappointment. “No, there’s more. I’m just telling you how I met her.”

“What a cliché meeting.” I hear her mutter under her breath, crossing her arms. I laugh out loud this time.

“Patience, you dork.” I playfully reply.

“Keep going, please.” She says, looking back at me with her brown eyes. My smile stays intact.

A few days later, I see a familiar red scarf at the park. My body instantly reacts: I freeze. I watch her, looking to see if it’s that girl. Her hood falls off of her head and I spot a long black ponytail. Without thinking, I start crossing the street, slowly making my way over to the girl. I squint. She sits down on the bench with heaviness, as if her knees were knocked out from beneath her. She hangs her head low and I watch her wipe her cheeks constantly. Is she crying?

Within a blink of an eye, I was already standing right in front of her. I clear my throat loudly. She gasps and peeks up at me, hiding her face. “Do you mind if I sit here?” I ask, gesturing towards the empty space next to her on the bench.

She takes a moment to reply. I hear her trying to calm her breathing, probably trying to lower the sound of her sobs. I stand there awkwardly, giving her time. “I don’t mind. Go right ahead.” I barely hear her murmur.

I smile a small smile as I sit down next to her. Just like a little boy, I swing my feet back and forth, kicking the pure white snow around. A strong, freezing breeze passes through us and I cross my arms, still kicking my feet. I start to hum a Christmas song softly.

“That’s very soothing.” She surprisingly speaks.

I look down at her, trying to get a glimpse of her face. She stares straight ahead this time, her red scarf covering half of her face. Her eyes are the only things visible. I feel my eyebrows rise. Puffy, red eyes… So she has been crying.

“My feet soothe you?” I blurt out. I make a face. What the hell? My feet soothe her? Mentally, I give myself a hard slap in the face. What a stupid reply.

She lets out a huge fit of cute giggles, making my regret of speaking fade. I smile widely. I made her laugh. “No,” She says, chuckling this time. She lowers her scarf, exposing the rest of her face. “The sound of the snow sloshing.”

“How is that soothing?” I ask, curious at her way of thinking.

She grins, finally looking at me. “Just the way it compliments the breeze. For some reason, it warms my cold heart.” She closes her eyes and looks up at the sky the same time two little kids run by and another breeze hits us. I stay attentive to the sounds, trying to understand what she means. I tilt my head to the side, confused. I let out a breath and look at her.

She’s already looking at me with one eye open, a sweet smile on her lips. “I know it’s weird.” She chuckles, looking back down at her lap. “I just think differently.”

“Obviously.” I laugh, amused. “Do you think about the snow differently?”

She looks up at me, her eyes lighting up. “Yes! I think snowflakes are pieces of dreams.”

“Pieces of dreams? Whose dreams?”

“Anybody’s. It’s yours, mine’s, those little kids’, that grandma’s, the president’s… I believe they’re pieces of your dreams, the dreams where you secretly wish they come true.”

“How do you know which one is your piece?”

“You don’t. That’s what is so bitter about it. Snow is beautiful. Dreams are beautiful. There’s always something bitter to ruin something so sweet.” She suddenly turns her body to me, crossing her legs. “Have you ever tried to catch a snowflake and it would quickly disappear once it touches your palm?”

My eyes widen at her abruptness. I only manage to shake my head. It’s unusual, her way of thinking. Yet… it’s so unique.

“What?” She squeals, standing up from the bench. She looks down at me with genuine surprise. “Are you serious? You’ve never tried to catch one before?”

I clear my throat, uncomfortable again. “Uh, my mother never let me out of the house whenever it snows.” I chuckle, nervously rubbing the back of my neck. “Actually, this is my first snow experience.”

She stares at me in disbelief, her big brown eyes wide as saucers. Unexpectedly, she grabs my hand and pulls me to the middle of the park. “What are you—“ I stop short as I watch her. Those same white snowflakes that she talked about were falling down on her. They get caught in her black hair, making it look like she’s wearing a beautiful flowing veil.

“I’m giving you the opportunity to catch a snowflake. Come on! It’s fun!” She yells, running around in circles.

“Seeing that veil of white snow entwine with her black hair…” I run my fingers through my hair, smiling at the memory. I meet my sister’s intrigued eyes. “I had a sudden thought. It abruptly just came and went.”

“And what was that thought?”

I smile sadly this time. “I’m going to marry this girl someday.

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This was such a touching story. I absolutely loved the meaning behind the snowflakes, it provided amazing imagery for each scene. It was incredibly sad when I read that her sister died in her sleep, but I really liked that you tried to portray the story in a realistic way, because not everyone is able to finish the story. Thanks for sharing, I really enjoyed it~! :D
Chapter 6: OHMYGOSH. THAT WAS PHENOMENAL. Phenomenal, I tell you. It was beautifully crafted together and those quotes are so inspirational! You've given me a whole new perspective on snow. Will I be able to meet other dreamers too if I did the same thing that Jay or Clara did? Gosh. This is so amazing. It was so sweet, I can't smiling right now! Well done, author. I really like your writing style too.
Chapter 4: man that's such a sad story, i can't bear sad storieees! :'| gimme some happy scenes pwetty pwease? Actually the story is pretty cool, i like it, but sad Jay is so sad! ç.ç
RadiantBelle #4
Chapter 4: Awh, no...why D;
Chapter 3: ç.ç noooooo poor jayy don't cry babeeee!! :'(((