I Don't Know What I'd Do Without You

Lost Without You

Being with your boyfriend Yongguk had to be the best time of your life.



He was sweet, kind and everything you loved in a guy.



You walked down the busy street filled with shops hand in hand with him.



He gave you a gummy smile and swung yours linked arms as you walked.



"Jagi~ why don't we buy something~"



"Hmmm okay~"



He beamed at you. 



"Omo, that place looks nice!" You said geustering to a jewlelery store.



Yongguk nodded. Suddenly something caught his eye.



"Jagi~ stay here and Oppa will go buy you something. Okay~"



"Wae? Whay can't I come?" You pouted slightly



He gave you a seductive smirk and leaned in whispereing "I want to surprise you." He said huskily.



His transition from cute to downright y amazed you.



You nodded mutely and sat on a bench as he melted into the crowd outside the store.



After a few minutes of waiting you noticed a little girl walking around by herself crying.



You went up to her crouching down on your knees to be the same height as her.



"What's wrong?" you asked



"I can't find my umma~" she sobbed



"Where did you last see her?" You said 



"Outside the pink store." she sniffled.



"Pink store?" You got up craning your neck, about half a block down there was a store with bright pink bricks and a pinkish roof.



You looked down at the smaller girl and said in a comforting tone. "What's your name?"



"Eun Ji." she answered



"Arasso, Eun Ji, Unni will walk you back to the store and we'll try and look forn your Umma there."



She nodded and reached out taking your hand in her tiny one.



You walked with her to the front of the store when you heard a frantic woman's voice yelling,






Eun Ji's mother saw her and ran up to her child crushing her in a bear hug.



"Omo, you gave Umma such a scare." the woman looked up at you and smiled thanking you.



You bowed and waved goodbye to Eun Ji adn her mother. "Thanks Unni." she said smiling.



You walked back in the direction of the jewelry shop, hoping Yongguk was finished with his "surprise" shopping.



You sat down on the same bench and waited......



and waited......



and waited......



after half and hour you went into the store and went to the man at the counter,



you described Yongguk and asked if anyone like that came into the store.



The man said yes but that he left over an hour ago.



You reached into your pocket for your phone, your battery was dead.



You left the shop and looked around for Yongguk frantically.



You sat down on the same bench hoping that Yongguk would come looking for you.



Glaring into the crowds of passers by you noticed a familiar face.



You stood up and ran over to Yongguk hugging him tightly.



"Yah! Where were you! I was so worried!"



"Mianhae, I left to help a little girl find her mom."



Yongguk sighed and wrapped his muscular arms around you resting his head in the crook of your neck.



"Just don't do that again. I don't know what I'd do without you." He whispered into your hair



You nodded smiling.









"What took you so long in the store?" You asked



He lifted his head and smiled at you pulling out a small velvet box from his back pocket.



He opened it and showed me the contents.



Rings, two, matching rings. Couple Rings.



Your breath hitched a bit.






He placed the ring on your finger and then put his own on.



"Don't make a habit of wandering off though," he said



"Otherwise I'll have to buy a bell for your neck like a cat." he teased.



You playfully swatted at his shoulder.



Yongguk then pulled out another small box, this time with a necklace and a housekey instead of a pendant.



"Oppa...this isn't....the key to your house?!"



Yongguk shook his head smiling proudly.



"No it's the key to our house."














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MVPloveonew #1
Chapter 1: Omg what is that gif from?
Chapter 1: kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~ our ? :>
BANAZelo #3
Chapter 1: Aw this was really cute! :D
ermagoshx3 #4
Chapter 1: omo soo cuteee!!
Chapter 1: Owww, cute ^^
So cute ^^
I like it ^^
jaerenceyoo #6
Chapter 1: aww so cute ^_^
Chapter 1: My feeeeels! <3
Aww~~ Soo cutee!! Love it when Bang acts cute and my feelings for him, cannot explain how I feel about him and his iness