c a r a m e l e s q u e --{poster and review requests}--

Hey everyone!

This is just a short post regarding graphic requests. The requests themselves are all right, people generally seem to be following the rules, and I haven't found anyone worthy of the blacklist yet, hence the reason I don't even have a page for it. However, I am concerned at some of the requests' themes. I get a lot of requests that ask for something like "sad but happy" or "funny but serious" and things along those lines. Please understand that a poster can only beeither or, otherwise your designer will have trouble coming up with a poster to satisfy what you want.

Please be more definitive about your choice of theme/mood. I've let this slide for long enough but I'm beginning to get a little frustrated with it because, as much as we would like to give you the best quality graphic, we have trouble reaching that goal because we don't know what mood to go by.

Also, please remember to specify if you would like US to find pictures and for WHICH CHARACTER(S) you'd like us to find pictures of. We cannot help you if we don't have images. And I do hope that you, as the requester, will give us unedited images.

As of this moment, any request with a vague theme/mood will NOT be processed. This also goes for requests where there are no image specifications. The designers are fine with gathering images (unless otherwise stated) as long as you ask for it. Also, we will only acceptHQ images with the exception of various MQ images, but it depends on the request.

I apologize if this sounds a little harsh, but we cannot bring you the best if you don't help us along the right track. Please keep this in mind when you do request, as we would really like to give you graphics that are made to the best of our abilities.

And lastly, the following people are on hiatus:
Su Ann (GD)
Cerebral (Reviewer)
squirtleturtle (GD)

Please bear this in mind as you request and request from only the active members.

This is all for now, I'm currently updating the status pages, so please do check them to see if your request as been processed. I may be opening up staff applications again soon, so please watch out for that!

Until next time!

-- Kim

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Ihateeveryonearoundm #1
kissmemore #2
Chapter 1: I need a poster for a story I have started recently... I am new here and it was hard finding this place.
Story name: It's a date! Just you and Me
Type: story poster
Plzz help
ilabya2 #4
Chapter 2: NAME: ExoticELF1512
STORY: Wolf and the Beauty
Type of Graphic: Story Poster

Chapter 9: um....guys below me - hate to be a downer, but didn't you notice that this shop hasn't been active since 2011?
how can i request for a poster?? :3
nana9604 #8
How do I request for a poster? :)