White Thunder


This story will be centered around a girl named Lei Bai, who is half Chinese, half Korean. She and her guardians work for a new entertainment group called Jupiter and they work as the manager and dance instructor of a new group, and she as the helper/bodyguard. The idol group consists of five males named Hwan, Sang-min, Young-jae, Anthony, and Tae-jun. She (Lei) is ultimately mistake for a male at their first meeting and decides to pose as one, as it would be easier to keep an eye on them and not raise suspicion (or the wrath of fangirls. . .). She lives in the doorms with them and the manager, though he's almost always busy and never there. Alas, it's her job to make sure they don't do anything stupid or something that would hurt their careers as young idols.


-Lei Bai: 16, FEMALE (posing as a male), Chinese/Korean, knows many languages, very athletic, musical, and more street-smart then book-smart. Indifferent and cold sometimes, likes to keep a blank poker-face up. A good actor when needed and very stubbon. Dense. Her motto is, "You can always take back what you never said."

-Song Hwan: 19, MALE, Korean, Leader, cool-headed. Cheerful and very charismatic, it's no wonder why he was chosen to be leader. Doesn't like to fight when it's unneccessary and has a good sense of judgement. His motto is, "Let's be friends~."

-Park Tae-jun: 18, MALE, Korean, Rap, more of the quiet broody type. knows when to have fun, though is very serious when he's alone. Has a deep voice and good sense of rhyme and rhythm. His motto is, "Time waits for no one."

-Anthony Kang: 17, MALE, Korean/English, Face, a fashionist. He likes to dress up and is often called the girly one, though in reality he's the manliest out of all of them. Athletic and punctual, he's a natural gentleman. His motto is, "You can't judge a book by it's cover."

-Sung Sang-min: 17, MALE, Korean, Dance, a cheerful happy-go-lucky type. He acts like a kid most of the time, but can become very mature sometimes. Very athletic and graceful, he know many diferent type of dances including classical, b-boying, ballet, and a number of others. His motto is, "Dedication is better then talent."

-Kim Young-jae: 16, MALE, Korean, Vocals, maknae, a spoiled prince sometimes. He likes to be neat and clean, and some would think that he's OCD by the way he hates people touching or moving his stuff. Can be quite kind when he feels like it, even nice, and has the voice of an angel. His motto is, "Keep your hands off me!"


This is a variation of many different stories that I kept writing all throughout the summer and beginning of school. . . It's my original idea, characters, and a lot of other things, because I don't know a lot about Korean stuff. Anyhow, please don't copy anything from my story. I hope it's well enough for anyone to actually want to read it, and I thank you for your time.


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BangHimShipper #1
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^