
You'd Love That Nerd If You Were Me

Minkyung was at her house, in her living room, sitting on her couch, deep in thought.

*What's happened to me? Ever since that 'Niel' kid insulted me, I feel... weird. I don't know how to explain it, but... it's like... he's always in my mind and... I get butterflies just by thinking of him. I don't know, maybe I'm dying, it feel that way*.

Minkyung laid down on the couch and tried to calm down *What did I do to deserve this... pain. Every time I see him with that 'Shy Girl', Park Hana, I feel like my heart is ripping in two*.

She went to the kitchen to make some tea. She got a pot and filled it with water. She put it on the stove top and turned the temperature on 'high'. She went to the cupboard and toke out a box of tea bags and she toke one. She just had to wait for the water to boil. 

Minkyung walked to the bathroom and grabbed a facecloth and she the tap, and she lightly soaked the cloth.  She went back to the kitchen and she made her tea. She toke the damp facecloth and the tea and she went to her roomMinkyung laid on her bed with the facecloth on her forehead and the tea on her table sidesk.  *What is this? I feel warm inside, it's yucky! But I like it*. 

She exhaled and she slowly fell asleep.




Niel was at his home lying down on his bed. He exhaled *I have this weird feeling in my heart, what is it...? Could I possibility like...* He didn't want to think about it *No, no. I can't like her. It'll just get in the way, I need to protect her*.

Niel changed the subject *Tomorrow's Christmas Eve, Yay!*.

He soon fell asleep.




You were in the living room, just sitting on the couch.

CAP, Miyoung and Ricky went out shopping, Changjo was in his room, Chunji was in the kitchen not doing anything and L.Joe was hanging out with Wookwang.

You sighed *Ah, Wookwang is so cool, I miss him, I haven't seen him in a while*.

Tomorrow there is going to be a Christmas party at your house *Almost everyone will be here, Miyoung, Jihyun, L.Joe and Jonghyun oppas. The person who is missing is... Dad*.

*I still haven't thought of how to explain Niel to everyone. They haven't asked since that day they saw the bracelet*. You laid down on the couch and sighed *My family is acting very weird, maybe I should talk to someone*.

You hopped off the couch and you thought of who to go to *Chanhee or Jonghyun..? I'll check Jonghyun first*. You walked upstairs to Changjo's room.

You were in front of the door and you stopped *Should I go in...?* you finally lightly knocked on the door... no answer. "Jonghyun oppa, are you there?" you opened the door and walked in.

In the room you saw a sleeping figure... it was Changjo. You didn't want to leave now, so you walked in more. You walked closer and closer to him. You eyes widened *What the....*. You could clearly see the tear drops on his face. You felt like crying yourself *What happened? Why was Jonghyun oppa crying?*.

You lightly wiped the wet tears off of his soft face "Jonghyun oppa, if something bad happened to make you sad, you'd tell me right?" you softly said so you wouldn't wake Changjo up.

You slowly backed out of the room and closed the door behind you.

Outside his door, you couldn't hold it in anymore. You sank down against the door you bawled your eyes out *What's happening to myself, what's happening to this family* you thought as you sobbed.

Inside Changjo's room, he subconsciously said in his sleep "No Hana, please don't cry and please don't leave us for that 'Niel' kid" another tear rolled down his face.


Chunji was in the kitchen and he heard a light noise. He couldn't tell what is was, so he walked closer to where he thought the noise came from. With every step, he could hear the noise better. When he was at the staircase, he realized what the noise was. He heard a faint sob from the staircase and he decided to walk up the stairs. 

When he reached the top of the stairs, his eyes immediately searched for the source of the cries.

He instantly froze when he saw you, crying in front of Changjo room. He slowly approached you "Hana" he said in a soft voice.

You looked up and saw Chunji looking at you with a worried look on his face. You tried to hold in your cries when you saw him, but more tears fell down your face. *I feel so weak now. I don't know why, but I can't stop crying*.

Chunji knelt down to you. He wiped you tears off of your face "Hana, what's wrong?" he asked.

You finally stopped crying and looked straight at him "N-nothing, oppa" your mind was full of thought.

"Oh, really? They why are you crying" he said.

"Um..." *Because Changjo is sad inside and I can't help him* "... because I hurt my finger" you lied. No one accually knew your close relationship with Changjo.

"Really, let me see!" he grabbed both of your wrist "Which one is it?" he worrisomely asked.

"Ummm..... left" you guessed.

"Okay, let's go" he lifted you by the wrists and led you downstairs. He sat you on the couch "Wait right here" he walked out of the living room and in a couple seconds, he came back with a first aid kit.

"Okay, so which finger is it" he asked you.

You slightly moved your pinky finger "Oh, pinky" Chunji said.

He opened the first aid kit and picked out a small reusable bag "Wait" he ran into the kitchen and he came back with the small bag that now had 3 ice cubes.

He handed you the bag "Ice your pinky"

"Okay" you said in a low tone.

Chunji had so many questions to ask *Why was she in front of Changjo's room? Why were you really crying? I know you didn't hurt your finger*. Chunji didn't want to pressure you to answer his questions, so he just sat on the couch, next to you.



Authors Note

Disappointed with this chapter...?

Sorry that this is a short chapter.

Jihyun will be introduced in the 'Christmas Party' chapter that I'll post tomorrow.

Merry Christmas to my wonderful readers.

Bye-Bye~ :)

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I know I've been off and on this FF for a bit, it's because I have 5 storys to update. I'll update tomorrow~~!! I want to see comments, I'll love you forever~!


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Chapter 27: OMO I wonder wats gonna happen next......
laurenfowell2013 #2
Chapter 26: I want Niel to come and take hana away from wookyung while their on their Date.
I want Niel to end up with Hana.

good luck in the dace competition
frostysnowprincess #3
Chapter 26: I dance too so I understand :)
Pxnellyxq #4
JanRox #5
Chapter 25: ohhh no... What will happen next??? Update soon
frostysnowprincess #6
Chapter 25: Babo Wookwang...
Chapter 24: Man!! Im even more confused now! I dont know anymore!! Woona or Nina?!!! Didn't expect Wookwang to be..clingy tho, that was just..a WoW.. but awww poor Niel~~ :( hmmm..wonder what Hana's gonna do.?
frostysnowprincess #8