One Shot for Love



About the Story:
Pairing: Alexander OC
My first OC-ed chaptered fic. This one's supposed to be a One-shot but as I see it, it went over. LOL. ^^
The scenes were written as if it was a movie (not very detailed, scenes jump from one to another, etcetera).
Genre: Romance, Drama, Humour (IDK really. >.<)
Disclaimer: Part of the storyline is adapted from a korean movie.
About the characters:
Alexander: A young engineer who currently works with Mr. Jung. Love is unknown to him until he met her.
Haeri: Daughter of Mr. Jung who was an architect. Almost ranaway with a married man in the past (not fully emphasized in the story). She's hot-tempered yet emotional. She eventually falls in love with Alexander.
Kang Woo : Haeri's ex-boyfriend; married. He is 5 years older than Haeri. Role will be revealed as the story goes.
Some minor characters



What can YOU do for LOVE if you only have just one shot to have it? Would YOU fight for it? Would YOU forget for it? Or would YOU take away everything just to get it back?


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