What does not meet the eye?

We will reach the top together


Park Junsu made shoving motions at the rest of the room and turned to face the three new

trainees.  From what he could see, two of them had definitely gotten in through their looks,

not that it meant anything of course. He had already had a chance to observe the third

boy - he looked sort of like an anchovy, anorexic, with a small head, long arms and

complete with very badly defined eyes. But to Junsu, that didn't mean anything either. It

probably meant he had enough talent to make it into this agency without the aid of a

stunningly attractive appearance. Sensing that the atmosphere had turned awkward,

Junsu decided that introducing the newcomers would be a good idea. Turning around,

he poked the girl sitting behind him and motioned for her to turn around. 

"Well, introduce yourself, ahjumma"

he teased, receiving a sound slap on the back of his head for the trouble. Donghae,

Eunhyuk and Sungmin looked at each other nervously, hoping they would not be sharing

the same training space as what seemed to be a very strong girl. She turned to study

them so suddenly that they flinched and moved back a step. The girl looked at them

curiously, then decided just get on with the introductions.

"My name's Jessica, are you all new?"

Apart from her obviously non-korean name, Eunhyuk noticed that she had a weird way

of speaking. The words kind of got rolled up on her tongue and he had to bite the inside of

his cheek to stop himself from laughing out loud. Unfortunately, neither Sungmin nor

Donghae had the same self control and collapsed into helpless peals of silent laughter.

Jessica turned haughtily to the two of them. 

"Well I can assure you that I have had my share of being teased by the instructors, and do not need you to do that additionally."

She snapped, not really in a good-humoured way and stalked off. 

Sungmin looked guiltily at Junsu, whom he now totally thought of and trusted as Hyung. 

"I think we hurt her feelings."

He said with the innocence of a kid that had never been treated harshly in his life. After all,

he had the cute and happy knack of getting out of any trouble that bothered him. 

Junsu shook his head, reassuring his Dongseng but already, his mind was elsewhere.

He wandered whether Jessica had purposely just dropped her bombshell. Then Donghae

tapped him on the shoulder.

"What did that Jessica girl mean when she said that the instructors ?"

It worried him to think that the instructors would tease a foreign girl, and not good-naturedly,

of her accent. Junsu sighed and returned back out of his train of thought. 

"Have all of you signed your contracts?"

He asked in a much more serious tone. Sensing the change in his attitude, the three new

boys just nodded mutely.

"Well then," Junsu sighed, "I guess I'll have to explain what really goes on here. And let me just

say, it's not pretty."

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