「 chapter one ♡ 」

Silhouette D'amour。


   MP3 :  Jason Mraz - Lucky



It was a warm, summer morning, Hae Rin awoke at the sound of birds chirping outside of her window. She sat up on her bed, still dazed. What she had dreamt last night had been so real, so beautiful, she almost wanted to cry when she woke up. She rubbed her eyes, then stretched and yawned. She put her feet into her black slippers which lay on the floor beneath her bed, and lazily walked to her closet, chose her outfit and then to the bathroom and took a shower. It was still pretty early, but it was Hae Rin's custom to wake up before Kai did.

Kai was Hae Rin's older brother. He was a tall slender 23 year-old with a slightly dark complexion, and a muscled body. He had jet-black hair tand piercing black eyes. And though he was a little distant and cold with Hae Rin, she was his life, and so was he to her. They had been orphaned at a very young age and had to live with an uncle who neglected them both. Once Kai turned eighteen, he and Hae Rin moved out.

Hae Rin showered quickly, and was now drying herself. She observed her reflection in the mirror. Looking closely at the reflection of her eyes, Autumn gazed with amazement at their deep black color. She smiled and began brushing her silky hair. She put on her clothing and then observed her lightly-tanned, slender body in the mirror. "Why am I such a twig?" she asked her reflection as she poked at one of her ribs. She turned and looked at the reflection of her back. She sighed when she caught sight of her spine bones sticking out. 
"Will I always be a skinny twig?" she sighed in despair. 
"Well, clothing helps..." she mumbled as she stepped out of the bathroom and closed the door behind her.   

She walked to the kitchen where Kai awaited her. He took a sip from his coffee as he read from a novel, then his eyes slightly drifted in the direction Hae Rin was coming from.
"Morning," he whispered as his eyes went back to the book. 
"Morning," Hae Rin silently repeated as she took a seat opposite of Kai and poured herself some cereal in a bowl.   After a while of awkward silence, she had been done eating.

"Um, Kai ? I'm done," she spoke shyly, pushing away her, now empty, bowl.
"That's great. Come on, I'll drop you off," Kai said as he took one last sip of his coffee and put his book down. Kai drove her to school and waved at Hae Rin before driving away. 
"Guess it's a new school year," she mumbled nervously as she walked into the building.  

Hae Rin, unlike many girls, was quite a nervous and quiet person. Though she didn't fear people, she would much rather keep to herself. She was also not the type to  put on makeup so constantly, she preferred the natural, classy, look she had.

She continued to walk as she wondered about her thoughts when suddenly she slammed into someone. 
"Ow!" She exclaimed as she fell to the ground. 
"Next time, watch where you're going," spoke a cold, sarcastic voice. It was Sehun. 
"S-sorry," she stammered as she awkwardly stood up.   
She was quite short compared to this tall, handsome stranger. She blushed at the sight of his cute face. Sehun stared at her for a few more moments before walking away without another word.

"Oy... I guess I started off on the wrong foot..." she muttered to herself as she walked off to her first class.  
The day went about in what seemed like a crawl. A few seconds seemed like an eternity to Hae Rin. She was now sitting in her Math class rolling her eyes as the bell sounded for lunch. Hae Rin was about to fall asleep when it rang so that she almost immediately jumped out of her seat. A few had been observing her and slightly laughed while others looked at her as if she were demented. She tried to ignore the silent judgment from her peers as she gathered her belongings and headed out the door towards her locker. Once there she placed her back pack inside and took out a guitar case.

Hae Rin never liked cafeteria food, and besides, staying indoors when it was so beautiful outside was like prison to her. Hae Rin walked outside, to the courtyard, where she took a seat under a tree. She enjoyed feeling the warm, gentle rays of the sun illuminate every particle of her being. Then she slipped out of her shoes and sat as kindergarteners do,criss-cross, applesauce. she took out an acoustic guitar from the case and began tuning it. Once it had the perfect pitch she began playing. "Lucky " She began singing.

She loved playing music of her favorite genre, . Though she wasn't aware of it yet, someone had been watching and listening to her from a distance. She continued playing, each time with more soul, until she reached the end of the song, where she stopped and put the guitar away. She leaned back against the trunk of the tree and watched others as they socialized with one another. It was times like these when she felt very lonely. She suddenly felt a bit drowsy and slowly drifted into a light sleep.



 Text Messaji - From: Paandaboo!

So what  do  you think of the first chappie ?

i gave all my soul and free time for this fanfiction. 

It  better  be  good  :3

oh btw , here's a cup of hot choco late for  HaeSicaistheBest


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Chapter 3: pls update author-nim~~^^
HaeSicaistheBest #2
Chapter 3: thanks to sehun hero, haerin isn't get ... you update fast, eh? ;u;
i'm so happy... but now i feel the next is kinda common like "hero gets the girl from bad guy & they falling in love. end."
make it different ok ^^d
HaeSicaistheBest #3
Chapter 1: aw thank you ^ ^
btw nice update
it must be sehun stalking haerin
don't be naughty to sleep haerin sehun
HaeSicaistheBest #4
nice foreword, update soon, and include a cup of hot chocolate too