•ℒᴏᴠᴇ ℋᴜʀᴛs •


                 "So... Seungho prefers her over ... me ?!!" Cheondung's thoughts were muffled up with his anxiety .


A Story about Love, Mistunderstanding and Mistakes that cannot be undone .

A small misunderstanding caused a scar in Cheondung's and Seungho's relationship. Will they ever manage to take on 

tasks together ?



Hey guys ! It's me , Hunnie with my first fanfic ! :D . I choose to write about seungdoong because I adore that pairing ! 

This fanfic will be QUITE a short one since I want to jump right into the point and not waste anytime of yours writing about extra things that are not relevant :D ~

Sorry if this fanfic was alittle TOO much of drama, I just had to :| kekeke . 5 Chapters in a day... not bad xD ~ There's probably going to be more , trust me! Not completed until it's marked .. and since this is my first project, I'm going to finish it to my best efforts !




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random-user1234 #1
Chapter 9: Oh well, in my fantasies this is how things end XD *since doongie has severe blood loss he needs a blood donor, since mblaq all have same blood type leader decides to save doongie by giving him his own blood, cheondung successfully recovers and he lives happily ever after with his jagi * <33333 hehehe I get carried away sometimes. Keep writing!!! The world needs more seungdoong love XD
Chapter 9: yep, not your usual ending alright :) but its ok :)
another seungdong pls :)
Chapter 7: that's right cheondung, you should've talked to Seugnho before you did that to yourself...lesson learned for you :)
Chapter 6: I will be making MORE chapters soon, haha ! So be posted ! And I'm also going to be correcting all my errors . ^^
Chapter 5: whattheheck cheondung!you should've just cut seungho's neck instead..ahahaha!just kidding (><)