
▼ Garfield Matchmaker [ CLOSED ]


1. You must only have one account.

2.  or Yuri is not allowed.

3.  to the dm, thank you.

4. Please use brackets when talking OOC (Out of character)

5. Going o a hiatus/ leaving? Dm the base account

6. Do not follow anyone outside of this roleplay or talk to them

7. Be active

8. Password is thefatandlazycat

9. Lastly, have fun! c:


How to join :

1. Subscribe, then go to the masterlist to choose an idol

2. Comment and wait for an admin to approve

3. We will reserve your idol for a maximum of 4 days only

4. Mention the base account to get verified

5. Don't follow anyone unless an admin verfies you.

6. Follow the base account and admin IU + Eunhyuk

7. If you're going on a hiatus/semi-hiatus, put [H] or [SH] by your name

8. Put this in your bio "Official Roleplayer of @GMatchmaker | [idolname] | [birthday] | #liner | single/taken by [partner's name] | Anything about you

Eg. Official Roleplayer of @GMatchmaker | IU | 16th May | #93 liner | Single | Nation's little sister

9. Your username should be like this : GM_(idol name)

10. Comment your profile link below so that we know you're done



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woohyunsass #1
Chapter 1: Suzzyyyy has arrived.
-AhRa- #2
Chapter 3: Can I reserve Rome from C-Clown?
Chapter 2: May I reserve Daehyun from B.A.P?
Checked and updated

- Admin IU
woohyunsass #5
Chapter 5: may I reserve Miss A's suzy?
XXSensei #6
Chapter 1: →» checked by admin eunhyuk
XXSensei #7
→» checked by admin eunhyuk
Chapter 2: can ai reserve krystal?

XXSensei #9
Chapter 1:

hurr hurr le (admin) anchovy has arived~