Go Away, Kibum

I Think I Love You

               Jonghyun POV

The next morning a camp advisor woke the four of us up.

"Whaaat...?" I groaned

I turned my head to look at the clock on my phone

6:03 AM

"YAH! Why are we getting up so early?! It's six in the morning!"

"Just get up and quit your whining!" The advisor yelled at me.

Why the were we getting up at 6 in the goddamn morning?

              Key POV

I sat up in my bed trying to open my eyes, why were we getting up this early?

"Taemin-ah... Wake up."

I heard a slight groan from the younger boy, he was actually quite hard to wake up.

"Taemin-ah... The camp advisor wants us outside hurry up and get out of bed."

I began shaking him awake, just hearing more groans.

"Doing that won't help, you know." I heard a voice say from behind, grabbing my shoulder afterwards.

"Sure it will, it wakes him up every morning."

"Every... Morning?"

"Oh, yeah, we live together. His family wasn't... Really a family."

I turned around to see Minho just staring at Taemin after what I had just said...

"Oh... I see." the tall boy said with a sorry tone of voice

"Okay, do you want to know what we're going to be doing this early in the morning?"

"S-Sir... Will we get to have b-breakfast..?"

"Lee Taemin, can I finish what I was saying, please? Don't interrupt me!"

"YAH! He was just asking! You don't have to be so harsh, it's 6 in the damn morning, I'd be hungry too!"

I didn't mean to go all diva on the camp advisor like that, but he yelled at my best friend, why wouldn't I?

"Kim Kibum.... Get over here, NOW!"

I look over at Taemin who was looking kind of worried, while Jonghyun stood beside him giggling like an innocent fool.

Why was Jonghyun being so immature?

"Ugh... Why? Not like I can go home or anything, I'm the one who helped set up the look of this place, I can just take it all away."

"...Who said I was sending you home? Just get over here."


I walked over to the advisor, he gave me a stern look and didn't dare looking me in the eye

"Why are you like this, Kibum?"

"...Sorry, sir." I did a 90 degree bow and turned around to walk away, but then he grabbed my shoulder.

"YAH! I wasn't done... You dare do that to your elders?"

"We're just hungry, you make us get up this early then you don't dare feed us? We deserve a proper cycle. Weren't we taught to eat breakfast every day?"

I stopped walking away then glanced at Minho, Jonghyun and Taemin.

Minho seemed to notice then looked over at Taemin and nodded. What are they doing?

"Yeah! Ke-.. Kibum's right!" I cracked a smile

Then, he finally gave in and let us eat our breakfast.

Jonghyun POV

While we were eating breakfast, I thought the cabin groups had to sit together, but I saw Kibum and Taemin sitting alone at a table seperate from ours and everybody elses.

"Hyung, what are you looking at?"

"N-Nothing... Ah-- Minho, why aren't Kibum and Taemin sitting at the same table as us? Aren't the cabin groups supposed to sit together..."

Minho gave me a puzzled look.

"Where did you hear that, Jonghyun? Nobody said that."

"It's just, the other cabins are sitting together..."

"Do you actually want to sit with them or something? You seem so eager."

"What? I never said that... Aish, just shut up and eat."

While we were eating our breakfast, the teacher made everybody quiet down a bit more because it was getting too noisy.

After everything got quieter I could hear Kibum's voice, Minho could too, but he wasn't paying attention to it, he was too interested on the games he had on his phone later on.

"So, Key, do you like any guys this year?"

"What? What are you talking about... Pabo~"

"Well, you aren't interested in girls, so I was just wondering..."

Like any guys?


Just hearing that made me furious. I hated gays... Who would like a gay, anyways? They are interested in the same as them... That's disgusting.

"Umm.. No, Taemin. Not yet, at least. Do you?"

Taemin.. Was gay too? That's just disgusting, why would they want to be gay?

"Well, there is this 1st year..."

1st year? Who did Taemin like... He seemed pretty close to Minho, was he... No!

"What's his name, Minnie?"

"Promise you won't tell?"

"I promise" Kibum giggled, ugh...

"...Lee Jinki!"


"I'm done, I'm going to exercise!" I stood up, I had heard enough.


I had walked over to our cabin and packed their stuff.


When we finished eating Taemin and I started walking back to the cabin, when Taemin suddenly stopped when we were almost there

"What's wrong, Minnie?"

"I'll meet you back at the cabin, I have to go see somebody for a second, sorry hyung~"

"Arasso. Go ahead~" I nodded.

I continued walking back to the cabin, I wonder if Jonghyun and Minho are still eating lunch?

When I opened the door I saw Jonghyun standing near Taemin and I's beds, why was he there?

He was packing our things.

"Jonghyun-ah.. What are you doing?"

He stood straight up from bending over to pick up our things, and began walking towards me...

What was it that pissed him off so much?

At this very moment, Jonghyun was standing there with his cold hard eyes just about in lock with mine

Seconds later I felt a pain in my cheek...

...I was on the cold hard floor in the cabin

"J-Jonghyun-ah.. Why are you doing this?"

"Get out."

He threw my bag and slammed it against my stomach, making it hurt in pain.

I don't remember my bag being this heavy.

Why was he being like this?

"Hyung... Really... What's wrong? Did I do something wrong?"

"Don't talk to me, and just get the out!"

"J-Jonghyun.. Tell me."

"Go away, Kibum!"

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Following the comments below, no, they are the same age as they are in person.
Chapter 2: N ONEW IS YOUNGER THAN ONEW? Did I read wrongly....
Chapter 1: Waitttttt soooo key is younger n Taemin is older?! Plus Minnie is older than Minho?!
Chapter 9: Please disregard some errors you may see, I'll fix those once I get on a computer. I promise. XD
eunhaeshipper15 #5
Chapter 7: The lies! :O LOL jk, that's okay, we can wait :3
SohAnna #6
Chapter 6: What song are they listening to???
hongjek #7
Chapter 4: where art thou key?!
SohAnna #8
Chapter 3: Thank you for the update!!!
And so far im loving it!!!