Not Ready


Hwang Chansung. Graduate of Korean Art High School. Captain of the soccer team, part of the mathematics club and now the captain of the 31st Company. 

They say all is fair in love and war but how can a bunch of students transition from 'boys' to 'men'?


Hello, anteze here! This is my first fanfiction post..well ever really! To be honest this was a story I wrote for school but since I used all the 2PM members' names i figured why not post it here? Sorry there are no pairings and I know this is probably extremely historically inaccurate but this is just fiction with a dash of history. It's a small oneshot and the ages of the members are kinda scrambled a bit but like I said this was just something I did for school a while ago. I hope this doesn't disappoint and any constructive criticism is welcomed! 


During the ‘Running Man’ stage-play, their fight scenes would go on for almost half an hour, with special spotlights for every person that was shot. But this isn’t theatre. All that were shot hit the floor before the Kalashnikov finished its recoil. The moon, acting as an ironic spotlight, showed that this was instant, brutal and real. 


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SeraizaLee #1
Chapter 1: If more students wrote for school like the way you do, I bet the teachers would be really happy... ^_^