A New Assignment

Fifth Period Love

“What do you think the boss wants to see us for? Do you think the department is giving us a commendation?” Taemin stirred another spoonful of sugar into his coffee, took a small taste, and decided it needed more. A rolled up ball of paper bounced off the side of his head. He dropped the spoon causing the hot beverage to splash on his suit. He turned to glare at his partner. “Yah! What was that for?”

Jiyong shrugged. “You’re already driving me nuts; I don’t think you need more sugar or caffeine.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Taemin sneered. He hated it when Jiyong treated him like a child.

“That’s the fifth time you’ve asked me what the boss wants to see us for in the last seven minutes. Here’s a newsflash, Taemin: I still don’t know any more than you do.” Jiyong threw another paper ball at his partner’s pouting, jittery face to emphasize his annoyance. “You’ve drank so much coffee that you can’t hold still let alone aim a gun straight. Thank God we’re not in danger of getting ambushed here or I’d be screwed with a useless partner like you.”

Taemin slouched in his chair and stared down at his trembling hands. It was true that maybe he’d drank too much coffee, maybe he’d overdone the sugar a tiny bit. He had to clasp his hands together just to keep them still. He frowned at his foolishness. One of the top five rules that every agent lived by was to remain steady and in control of one’s own body so that one could quickly and accurately respond in any situation. He sighed heavily, disappointed with himself for forgetting such a basic thing.

Jiyong took pity on his young colleague. He uncrossed his ankles and rolled his chair over close enough to ruffle Taemin’s fluffy hair. “I didn’t mean that, Tae.  You’re a great partner. I trust you with my life.”

“I know. I trust you with mine too,” Taemin answered with a small smile.

Jiyong smiled back for a moment before clearing his throat and rolling his chair back to his own desk.

“Ah, I thought we were going to hug it out.” The younger boy held out his arms playfully.

Jiyong snorted. “Not even in your dreams, Lee Taemin.”

“Are you guys done with all this touchy feely crap, or should I come back later?”

Instantly, Jiyong and Taemin stood from their seats and smoothed out their suits. Standing side by side, the two bowed.

Eunhyuk laughed. “Relax! I was just kidding. It’s good to see that you two get along so well after nearly three years of service. Some pairs start off good, but eventually, the constant pressure and high risk nature of the job drives them apart.”

“That won’t happen, sir. The danger only makes us a stronger team!” Taemin punctuated his statement by making a V for victory sign with his fingers and raising his arm in the air.

“That’s exactly the kind of enthusiasm that made me decide that you two would be perfect for this very important case.” Eunhyuk quickly passed them each a folder filled with all the necessary information and a flash drive with the documents they’d need to fill out for their new identities. While they were distracted, he began slowly inching back.

Jiyong raised an eyebrow as he watched the director try to step away. He couldn’t figure out why Eunhyuk seemed anxious about giving them their assignment. He and Taemin loved every job they’d been given. They lived for the thrill of the adventure, the danger of the secretiveness of it all. Whenever they were between work, they were forced to sit at headquarters where the boredom always made Jiyong grouchy. The boredom also made Taemin drink way too much caffeine, but Jiyong liked to mess with his partner to entertain himself instead of admitting that he understood why the younger boy did it.

“What is the mission?” Taemin asked innocently.

Eunhyuk froze and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “You’re supposed to guard the President’s daughter. She’s been receiving anonymous death threats, so you’ll need to pose as high school students and live at the dorms to keep her safe until the perpetrator is caught.”

“AWESOME!” Taemin was more than excited. He’d been recruited for the secret government organization just as he’d left middle school because of his exemplary grades, so he’d never gotten a chance to experience a normal high school. Jiyong had been recruited at the same time, but he’d been in his first year of high school, so he was less happy about the task. School wasn't fun.

Still, he was curious as to why Eunhyuk was suddenly looking so nervous.

“What’s the catch?”

Eunhyuk sighed. He had hoped to be out of the building by the time they realized what their undercover identities were. He should have known Jiyong would be suspicious.

“Well, you see…”

Taemin cut him off with a loud gasp. With hands that still trembled from too much sugar, he held out a photoshopped picture from the folder. In it he was a girl.

“It’s an all girls school,” Eunhyuk finished quietly.

Jiyong and Taemin stared at each other with wide eyes.

They were supposed to be GIRLS?!

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angiesaysrawr #1
updaaaaaate pleeeeaaaaase ;_____; am crei cosh ob yew this story line is way to good to abandon
angiesaysrawr #2
free2bhappe #3
Chapter 3: I'm enjoying this very much. I would love to read more soon.
New chapter please! YOU NEED TO UPDATE SOON!
Chapter 3: ajhsajee I really don't like minho and yuri together xD but the gtop interaction was so amusing a teasing top is lovable >_< can't wait to read more :D
StormyDay #6
Chapter 3: this is very exicting.
please update soon.
sujing #7
Chapter 3: ooohhh!! i can't wait to see what happens next!! update soon please!
Chapter 3: Lol so GD kissed DongHae lol.....
Lol we can say that the first meeting with their future lovers (I'm a little forwardㅋㅋㅋ) disant go well but that add some spice to the relationship lol can't wait for the TOP classㅋㅋㅋ
TheWhiteRen #9
Chapter 3: I DEMAND MOAR!!! plz :)