Chapter 8 - Cooking Lesson 1

♥ Forever Loving You ♥: Season 1

Chapter 8 - Cooking Lesson 1

*In the car*

Manager: (sniff, sniff, sniff) I smell something sweet things. Weird, isn't it driver?

Driver: Yes. (he look at the mirror view) By any chance, is it you, L-shi?

L: (annoyed) Yes. It's me. Here! (lending them the package) You can eat it.

Manager: Oh. (taking it and look inside) But, there's only two. We'll both share one bun and you take the other one.

L: I don't want to eat it.

Manager: YAA, this jerk. That won't do. Let me taste it. (cut one bun into half and give another half to the driver. Mmmmm (swallow) It's very delicious. The taste is like one in a million. Of course, the taste of homemade food is very delicious. Isn't it driver?

Driver: Yeah, I agree. Mmmmm.

Manager: YAA, L-shi, you'll have to taste this. Since it's your house assistant who made this for you. Here. (lending the package)

-Myungsoo stare at the package and hesistate when taking it.

Manager: YAA, L-shi. Don't be so ego. Eat it.

L: *sigh* (annoyed) I understand (take it abruptly) but I'll eat it later. Not now.

Manager: I get it. I am not forcing you to eat it now. Anyway, thank you for the sweet bun. It's really delicious. hehe.

L: Tch.


~~At last, he didn't eat the sweet bun. He gave it to the small child that accidently hit him on the street. That child look poor and very hungry. He really regret it though, but it was worth it ~~

*In the evening*

-Myungsoo come home at 6pm

You: Oh, Myungsoo-shi. (bow to him) You're back. Good evening.

-You smile so brighlt that Myungsoo feel for it. He have fallen for you.

L: (to snap out of his fantasy) SHUT UP!

You: Oh (got startled and confused) Okay.

-Then, he went to the kitchen

L: (look at you) YAA, why is the table empty? Where is the dinner?

You: AH (scratch your head) I told you that cannot cook any dishes. I will waste the supplies.

L: Ah! (put his arm on his waist, look up and sigh) So, what did you ate for lunch?

You: AH, I cooked ramyun noodles and the sweet bun that I made this morning.

L: What? (smirk) Ramyun? Ahah. That's why you look so thin.

You: I'll take that as a compliment. hehe.

L: Wait here! I'll change my clothes first. (he leave to his room)

You: (bite your lips) So scary.

==== 5 minutes later =====

L: (finish changing clothes and close his room door) (talking while folding his sleeves up) Take the frying pan and slice some onion leaf. We are making some omelette.

You: Ah, okay. (taking everything out) How many eggs. Myungsoo-shi? (showing two eggs)

L: 4 is enough.

-While cokking omelette, you were hilding the frying pan. You really don't know how to control it

L: See. (hold both your hand from behind)

-You can't help but blush a lot

L: (look at you) Concentrate! Look at the eggs and then (flip it) flip it!

You: Woah~ (laughing) COOL!

-Myungsoo look at you and then blush.

L: (again snapping out of it) Shut up and do it well!

You: (stopped laughing and change to poker face) Ah, I get it.

==== After finish preparing dinner, it's DINNER time =====

*At the dinner table*

You: (clap of joy and look at all the food) Woah, Myungsoo-shi. We cooked so many today.

L: (crossing his arm and smirk) We? I thought I was doing majority of the cooking.

You: AH, right..

L: Tch. Let's sit down and eat. (both of you sit)

You: Thank you for the meal! I'll eat well.

L: Stop it, and lets eat.

You: Ah okay. (look at Myungsoo and bite your spoon. L was taking some kimchi) Thank you, Myungsoo-shi. (he look at you while chewing his food)

L: About what?

You: Without you, I won't be able to cook dishes again. You make me believe that mistakes can be repaired sometimes and make me realize that giving up without trying is like being a coward. Anyway, we didn't waste any supplies today. Really, thank you very much. (you smile and grab some food)

-Myungsoo stare at you with those like stare. :D

L: I-I am doing this not as a celebrity, but as your master. And-and, also my thanks for baking those sweet bun this morning although I didn't get the chance to eat it.

You: Aigoo~ I see. You're so kind, Myungsoo-shi. I think I need to make the sweet bun again.

L: No NEED! Just make me some iced caramel macchiato, it's fine.

You: Ah, that won't do. I owe you for this dinner and the house expenses. So, I want to reply it back.

L: No need! Just stay healthy, sleep well and take care of my house. Besides, I have a cat there. Take care of it as well.

You: But, that cat. By any chance, you adopted it?

L: Yes. I was about to go out and I saw that cat it front of my door. So, I picked it and take care of it. That was when I was still a trainee. Now, I am rising star, I have no time to take care of it. That's the reason why you're here.

You: Yes. (sadly answering)


*The next next morning*

KNOCK KNOCK - someone knock your door while you were putting on your pants.

L: Haerin-shi! (knocking the door) Haerin-shi!

You: Oh, Wait! (open the door) What is it, Myungsoo-shi?

L: Pack some dry clothes now. I have a celebrity party at Jeju Island and drama shooting. I am bringing you along. Be ready in 3 hours.

You: Party? Oh, okay. The Myungcat?

-You call the cat, Myungcat because you just don't know what to call it.

L: What? Myungcat? Aish~ Don't worry, I have send it to the vet. So, don't worry. Worry yourself first (leave)

You: Ish~ As if know the name. Got angry for no reason. (close the door)

==== After packing ====

You: I'm ready! (jumping to him) I don't know what kind of party it is, but I packed some formal and casual clothes.

You were wearing. It was summer, of course, and Myungsoo just use a simple denim jacket with a t-shirt inside and was wearing jeans.

L: Tch. (dragging his luggage and put on his sunglasses) Let's go!

You: Ah, okay~ (take his luggage) I'll take it!

L: (avoided you) No NEED! Just take care of your own things. (walk)

You: Tch.


Chapter 8 END

Can't wait to know what happen in Jeju Island? 


Once again, thank you for reading, subscribing and commenting.


I am so sorry for any spelling mistake because I think and type fast to save time and to upload more chapters for you readers. So, I am so sorry and thank you for the understanding.



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MinJung11 #1
Chapter 38: I am a fan of Juniel too!!And I enjoyed this fic!!
ctnajihah #2
Chapter 39: finally.. i done read this fanfic.. <3 it
ctnajihah #3
Chapter 2: i read chap1 n... i <3 it... *_^
-neverwinter #4
Chapter 38: I just read the article part XD
am I late or..? lol , anyways, love it. omgad, I'm going to miss this story lol.
I want a sequeal o/ lol
Visua-Llove #5
Chapter 38: heeeeeeeey i wanted a sequel when they get married !!
HHMLove #6
Chapter 38: The story is really nice. Love it. :)
Chapter 38: I DEMAND SEASON 3!!!!!! ouwaaaaah TT_TT IM SO GONNA MISS THIS!!!!
-neverwinter #8
Chapter 36: omfg, no. Another cliffhanger! ;A;
I should have wait until you update the next chapter orz

Anyways, your writing style is getting better and better o u o (y)
Love it.
infiniteLement #9
Chapter 36: Cliffhanger?!! Asdfghjkl.
Chapter 36: Queen of cliff hanger.. LOL... Its really made me gone crazy... But anyways I WANT TO KNOW WHAT DOES HE SAID!! Update soon.... :DDDDD