I Don't Hate You

The Monster Next to Me (Yulsic Version)

Chapter 2: I Don't Hate You


Bad Boy - Mighty Mouth (Listen to this at this part)


Jessica's P.O.V.


I love studying! Because all the hard work that I put in pays off in the end!


There is nothing wrong with the path I've chosen!


This is what I've always believed in my heart.


"SICA!!! SAVE ME!!!"


Now, what?


Yuri has been following me since he decided to attend classes,


he's acting weird. 


No, he IS weird.


"THERE'S A MUGGER! THERE'S A MUGGING HAPPENING AT SCHOOL! Thisguy...suddenlydemandedthatItakeoutmymoney!" Yuri was holding a pitiful student, his face all swelled up because he might've strangled him and only the devil knows what he did to the other guys lying unconcious on the ground.


Looking at it,  I should be really saving those guys from this monster...


Time has flown by and in a blink of an eye, the one sitting next to me who refused to go to school, has already returned to school for a month---


It looks like I should run away from this mess.


Yes, Jessica, you better run run run.


As if that monster can't follow me. 


I, Jessica Jung, feel extremely troubled.


"Yah. I never would have thought that mugging would take place in broad daylight...HIGH SCHOOL IS REALLY SCARY!!!" He said while hugging his knees like some weird psychopath who got locked in an asylum for the first time,


And he was in that position while we were sitting on a public bench.


"From beggining to end, it was a misunderstanding on your behalf, Yuri." I sighed while every inch of his body was trembling. I can feel that since he decided to go closer to me when students walked pass us.


In the last month, 


Because of the misunderstanding with the seniors he sent to the hospital on the first day of school, Kwon Yuri now acts really strange...


You could say that he doesn't understand boundaries!


For example,


"Sica! where are you going?"


"I have to go to sports class! Now, stop following me."


"R-right... I guess doing this is... pretty normal, r-right?" He keeps on fidgeting and he was blushing red. He's even redder than a tomato.


What is happening?


"I'LL DO IT!!!" 


He removed his coat and throwed his button up shirt on the ground.


I didn't know what's the reason for his sudden actions but 


I think he has the right to flaunt that nice pack of abs.


But, I didn't expect him to...








He stripped off his pants and his...




holy mother of...


is he blind?!


We're like inside the building...


with students walking around...


and he suddenly... gosh.


it's right in front of me, okay.




time to turn around. ugh. and run away.


"Huh? Because GD said that in High School Sports Class, both males and females strip to change!"


I can still hear what he was saying.


Damn that old arcade store owner.


He should've explain that they stip in lockers room not in public! Can't he see that Yuri is a nutshell?


It was the first time that I saw the lower half  of a man's body.


Well, my dad is an exception though.


I've seen it when I was kid, accidentally.


Another experience,


"Do I really have to go, Sica?" 


"YES! Lunch break is a fight to the death! Now, GO and buy me a Kimchi sandwich!" 




And then he ran off to the cafeteria while I wait outside.


I was too lazy to line up or get squished by the whole student body while putting my life for a kimchi sandwich.




What's that?


Plates crashing?


Utensils falling to the floor?


I decided to peek in the cafeteria...


Tables and chairs were flying.




Yuri was standing while the other students were lying helplessly on the floor...


"One Kimchi Sandwich, please..." He said 


I decided to run away...again.


Afraid of the trouble that can affect me while being close to Yuri.


Everyone in the school regards Kwon Yuri as a "dangerous man" because of various factors...


He eventually became infamous.


Please don't go home - GD & TOP(Listen to this at this part) 



This has nothing to do with me...


But the problem is...


Yuri is so persistent on sticking with me.


I munched on my melon bread as I sat comfortably, satisfied that Yuri is not causing any trouble again.


I decided to take a nap.


Ah, the sun on my face feels so nice.




where'd the warmth go?


I opened my eyes and found a magazine in front of my face.


"Take me to eat this!" 


He was pointing to  a picture of Monjayaki in the said magazine.


"No." I shoved the magazine out of my face and stood up.


"Why not?! This is monjayaki! What's bothering you?!" He shouted, still pointing at the magazine.


"I've already said so many times, I want to concentrate on my studies after school!!!!" I shouted, walking as fast as I can, but Yuri is sure persistent.










This is how it was.


From the time he started going to school, he attached himself to me and wouldn't let go...


Causing me to be distracted on my studies!


Concerning my everyday solitary life of working hard and not lazing around,


it really has a considerable amount of...




"Oh! Jessica."


"Ms. Boa!"


Yuri caught Ms. Boa's attention and she flinched and lost grip on her books.


"Ah, Yu-Yu-Yuri."


"Huh? What the hell are you lookin at?" Yuri asked


"Hey, don't be so threatening!" I pushed him away of Boa, poor woman, maybe she'll die in fear.


What exactly happened the first time these two met?


"I hate people like you! Stay away from me!!" Yuri shouted at Boa.


"Same to you." I mumbled.


Unfortunately he heard me.


He grabbed me by the my collar and was looking pissed.


The hell I care.


I was just saying the truth.


"Wai...Wait. Stop!" Boa said, fear was obvious in her voice.


"Yuri, y-you're suppose to take good care of girls!" She said.


"Jessica, I'll lend you my favorite book, Ok? Now you two, don't fight. Get along well!" 


After that line she ran away.




She's supposed to be a teacher..


Stop Music Right here


Suddenly I heard Yuri saying something.


"That time, his hands hugged me warmly... I couldn't stop my heart from beating faster..." 


Wait, that's familiar.


Oh, I see.


He was reading my book.


I took the book and after I got it...


He pulled me in a warm hug.


This man is full of surprises.


Previously, Yuri said to me...


"Even if the situation was different, I'd definitely still like you."


I Know - Seungri & IU(Listen to this at this part)


In the end, what was that all about?


Thinking over it again and again...


"Teacher! How do you take care of a girl?!" I hear Yuri entusiastically asking a queston not related to our Language Class.


In the end, 


this was the first time I've given up on an impossibly difficult question.


"I suppose you have to be considerate towards her, Yuri." The teacher said.


"What do you have to do to be considerate?!!" Yuri asked almost shouting with pure entusiam.


"I-I guess treating her tenderly would do?"


Oh . That sent shivers from my head to my toes.


He raised his hand and asked another question, 


"How do you treat someone tenderly?!"


I can't take this anymore I grabbed his head and crashed it to his desk.


"Mr. Lee, you can continue with the lesson now. We are losing time because of my seatmate's weird questions."


"Ah yes. Thank you Miss Jung."


Hours passed and I didn't even listen to Mr. Lee.






Morning classes finished.


"They all look happy together..." I saw Yuri looking at the window while I was getting my math notebook.


"In a moment, those guys will go and eat together, or perhaps play dodgeball!"


"Isn't that nice?! To have that experience..."


Oh, i know what he's trying to say...



he showed me that magazine where he found that monjayaki he wants to eat.


"I've already told you! I won't go!"


"Anyways, I'm busy right now! Also, the midterm exams are approaching fast!"


"...I just want to eat monjayaki, Sica." 


"Don't good friends normally hang out in various places after school?" He said while messing his hair again.


"But to be honest, I only..."


"...want to go with you."

Stop music right here.

He smiled.


"Apart from you, there's no one who'd even look at me..."


"Who told you to stare so fiercely at people out of the blue, say threatening words, and then run away?"


"Hmph." was all I heard from him.


"...At the opening ceremony, wasn't there a speech by the representative of the new students?


Normally it's the job of the one who got the highest score in the entrance exam.


Oh I have never ever lost to someone when it comes to studying.


In order not to lose to anyone else...


I have always been very hardworking."


But the representative was not me...


I've lost to someone else. This was my first taste of defeat.


The humiliation of being rejected from everything in life.


"So, this time, the midterm exams, I cannot lose! Right now is not the time to be carefree and eat monjayaki!"


"...especially since I can't solve question seven!!!" I said while Yuri pulled a chair and looked at my notebook.


"Oh, that question! First, you need to solve the coordinates of the intersection."




He's right.


Wait, how'd he know that.


Must've been a blind guess.


"Sica, look, you've got this wrong! X doesn't equal 8, it should equal 4!" He said whil pointing his finger at my notebook.


Lies - BIGBANG(Listen to this at this part)


"당신은 함께 나에게 거짓말 했어요. Translate that into english." I said.


"You'been lying to me all along?" He answered.


I remember now.


On that day...


The representative of the new students didn't show up.


Representative of the new students, Kwon Yuri.


Back off, Yuri.


I'm going to beat you.




"Hey! Sica!!! Why did you suddenly run off yesterday?!" He said waving his arms everywhere.


I glared at him and turned away.


"What's-What's up with you?"


"...sorry, Yuri! During the time before the midterm exam, you are my opposing competition. Please stop interfering in my studies!" 


"Studying is pointless! Since it's got fixed answers, it should be very easy, right?!"


So picky...


"Jessica, you don't hate me just becuase of this, right?" His eyes filled with worry and unsureness.


Come on.


I didn't even mention the word 'HATE' !


Ah! So annoying! Why have my emotions been so badly affected by that?!


Time to study.


That's right! I've got nothing to do with other people!


From the beginning until now, I have always led my life like this--- 




No one's P.O.V.




"Where'd Jessica ran off to?!"


"She went off with a group of second years that looked terrifying!"




Jessica's P.O.V.


Why did it turn out like this?


That's right!


Ever since I cut off ties with that guy, everything has gone downhill!


I only want to calm down and study properly.




"Hey you bastards! What are you doing with Jessica? Huh?!" He slammed the door and rushed to the 2nd year students.


"Yuri, that's enough." I got hold of his necktie and pulled him


"We're going back." 


"I want to slaughter this bastards!" Yuri said.


"Hey calm down Yuri! Nothing's happened to me, you idiot!"


Yuri was too occpuied on beating the crap out of those innocent students, he forgot I was behind him.


So when he was about to punch someone, his elbow hit my poor nose.


I fell down and some female students assisted me to stand up.


I really can't take it anymore...


I don't want to be friends with you anymore!


"Yuri! I don't want to play this kind of friendship game with you anymore! I've suffered enough!"


"I don't want to see you again!"


He let go of the sophomores and looked at me.


As if his eyes were pleading me to take back those words.


But I wont.




I was so frustrated I started kicking the video game machine.


I can't play when my mind's shifted to another person.


"Hey! Why are you so violent, Yuri! Don't break the things on my store!" GD said while he lighted up another cigarette.


I decided to sit on the couch and talk about stuff with GD.


"How's Jessica?"


"Even that person wishes me to disappear..."




"Enough. I'm used to it anyway."




...do I always end up like this?


Jessica's P.O.V.

Replay - Shinee Piano (Listen to this at this part)

There he is walking towards me...


but it will be like other days,


we just walk pass each other...


The guy that everyone is afraid of,


why would he be scared of me?


I will not regret it.


"I don't want to see you again!"


Because this is how I truly feel.




"I guess you were looking to have some sort of bond or relationship between us. I'm sorry but I can't return those feelings!" I said.


"...after all, I don't see any value to them."


He didn't say a word, instead he continued walking away.


away from me.


A day passed and the midterm exam results was posted.


I ended up in 1st place.


What is this?


I've clearly achieved first place...


I clearly should be happy.


Yuri's P.O.V.


"Honesty! It's not as if I like saying it! If it's not getting cheated by others, then it's getting into fights! Do you really not have any choice?" GD asked me while I was lying on his couch.


"Please be more sincere towards him and become friends with him!"


"What is there to cry about?"




Why are you doing this to me?


I feel so empty.


You're the only one I can get along with.




Oh, wait. That's Jessica standing by the door.


"Oh, Welcome, Jessica! Wanna play batting game again?" GD said with a business smile.


She walked closer to me and showed me a piece of paper.




"Even though you were sleeping in the time of the exam, I still beat you, I am first!" She said proudly.


WTF, she came here just for that.


"What is this about? Do you really hate me that much? To the point where you didn't hesitate to come all the way here just to tell me this?!" I grunted, disappointed of the reason she came for me.


"...Yuri, it's not that I hate you..."


A glint of hope sparked before me as I heard those words come out from her.


"I really..."


"...don't hate you!"


"That time I saw you cry when you accompanied me home, it truly shaken the insides of my heart."


"I completely forgot to tell you...a few days ago...I was really grateful that you ran to save me..."


"I really felt happy, Yuri." She smiled.


I can't take my eyes off of her.


She's so lovely when she smiles like that.


I wish she can smile like that every time I see her.


Jessica's P.O.V.

First love - Na Yoon Kwon ft. IU(Listen to this at this part)

From then on,


Everyone agrees,


that recently, Yuri has become very civilized.


Bur since that day, he seems to want to hear me say "thank you" so he's desperately looking for chances to help me.


"Would you like an eraser?" "Do you want me to buy you some juice?"


It's suffocating.


That's right, another one of Yuri's changes.


It's a little scary.


"You're a little calm today Yuri, eh?" 


"Hm. really?"


"Even though I don't really understand, you said studying is very important, right? As long as you think it's important, I will also consider it important!" He grinned like one of those chesire cats.


So is this what he's been asking the teacher, 'taken care of' ?


Wait, am I being take care of?


"What? Already finished studying?" Yuri asked me.


What is this feeling. Damn brain, remembering random things!


"Yuri, let's go eat monjayaki." 


With that said, he pulled me out of the library.


On our way to the monjayaki restaurant, I can't help but smile at a giddy Yuri by my side chattering monjayaki every second.


"You look really happy today." I said.


He stopped in his tracks and looked at me.


He grabbed my cheeks and...


kissed me.


I stood there frozen like a statue.


He backed away. "Weird."


"My heart didn't start racing!"


"Why is that? I felt it a few days ago, but today my heart didn't start racing!"


"Oh, but I still love you, Sica!"


Oh my gosh. I've been kissed.


That was my first kiss!


My heart is about to bounce out of my chest.


"Hey we should hurry to the restaurant, Sica! Monjayaki!" He said like nothing happened!


We arrived at the restaurant but my heart is still beating like crazy.

He ordered one for him and I ordered five with pork pieces. I need to fill my attention with something else to forget that kiss.


"This...is the first time I've eaten such tasty food."


"As long as I'm with Jessica Jung, it will always be extremely tasty no matter what I eat!" Darn it, can he stop that!


The mysterious throbbing in my chest, I can't stop it...


What do you call this?


Even though I can't stop thinking about it.


But it's a good thing that monjayaki tastes good. It's my first time.




OMG Thank you to everyone who subscribed and appreciated this fic. Thanks for the comments. I hope You guys will like Chapter 2. Haha. K bye for now, time to study . yeah.

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Chapter 3: this is the first time I read this kind of yulsic story.. it was awesome..

....and that chicken thou o.O"
Yey cant wait for the next chapter
Zulmrih #3
Chapter 1: Tonari no kaibutsu kun gooood
Yul will be crazy in this story just like in the anime
uyul04 #4
Chapter 3: omg..finally sica admit her feeling toward yuri,,
but i doubt yuri ll understand it since the kwon have a kid mind afterall,,
and i hope sica ll ask yuri to being mature person
and there is it,,taeyeon come now,,and hope he can make group with yuri, sica and fany so the loneliness that they felt now can be reduce slowly
Chapter 3: yuri was kind hehe he give way to sica to be number 1 in the midterm :)
Chapter 3: ok, i don't understand Yuri's behavior, is he crazy or something! and did he just brought an alive Chicken at school?!!!
ReenzLoveSoshi #7
Chapter 2: ok.. this is sooo cute!!! sis yuri deliberately lose to sica in midterm? seems like sica is falling for yuri. this is gg to b interesting~
Chapter 2: Oh my, i like this story!! yuri is cute XD
uyul04 #9
Chapter 2: awww yuri so cute
but he is so damn scary too..
his mind so innocent wonder how ll sica handle it
Chapter 1: waah he's like a child here