redolence of sakura blossoms

Pretty Shadows



Chaptertitle: Redolence of Sakura Blossoms

Part: 3/3

Summary: The train runs from someone who needs to takes it home and stops for someone who’s lingering among the scents of sakura blossoms.





Yoona likes to be around crowds of friends. She detests the feeling of being alone. Although during the times she’d been abroad, she had always been alone. It’s a weird habit; Yoona doesn’t like being without noise, but when she’s on a new journey, she likes to be alone. Yoona knows it’s strange, but maybe it’s because the new environment gives her a brand new feeling. She doesn’t bring her friends along and neither do her friends volunteer to accompany her. They all know this weird, un-kickable habit of Yoona’s and find it strangely adorable.


So, for the first time of her traveling life, Yoona felt alone; truly and entirely alone. She had always hated the empty feelings; it brings her mood down and affects her entire day. She thought that without Jongin, it’d just be another journey alone. She thought that since she’d been so used to traveling alone for years, she’d be fine without him. She doesn’t expect that just being with Jongin for a few weeks is able to change her habit of years.


Yoona smiles despite the aching throb at every heartbeat. Jongin had always been influential; that, she had realized after spending a few hours with the guy. He puts on the greatest veneer, but beneath he’s hard to read. There are secrets and stories about him that he doesn’t say of but instead shows through actions and words. Jongin is always able to influence the people around him, and Yoona is no exception.


It had been days since Jongin left. Yoona doesn’t keep count because she doesn’t want to. It feels weird keeping count of the days he had left although Yoona knows that should have been the usual thing to do. Her father had also been a wild traveler, thus she had always seen her mother keeping counts of the days and dates with a red marker on the calendar. Yoona didn’t understand the action when she was young, but know she knows the feeling of it.


Yet Yoona doesn’t keep count. She thinks it doesn’t matter how long two people have been separated. What matters most is that they’ll meet again no matter after how long. She keeps that thought in mind and smiles. Jongin had always snide that she’s different from other girls, and well, Yoona is proud to be different. It’s extremely boring to be the same, and she knows Jongin likes her difference.


The rose Jongin left has already started to wilt a few days ago. The once glorious and vicious red dulls to a brownish-black. The petals are withering and Yoona knows they don’t have much time to survive. Yet it’s hard for her to throw them away because Jongin had been the one who touched them, selected them and gave it to her. The rose contains Jongin’s touch, warmth and scent that Yoona finds herself lost in.


She feels a little foolish, being mesmerized by a simple, withering rose. Yoona smiles at her own foolishness, she’s almost able to imagine how Jongin will make fun of her given the chance. That guy never rest until he angers her and then he’ll avoid her in fear of her power fist. Well, Yoona thinks, her lips twitching slightly, at least that guy still fears her. Or else it’ll be chaos between the two of them.


Winter in Rome is chilling. The cold is like fresh, cooling water that splashes onto her every single day. Yoona quite likes the chilling to the bone weather. There’s not much snow to be seen, but that doesn’t matter. She’s able to see a lifetime amount of snow in her life since she’s a Korean. There’s lot of fresh rain though, and Yoona enjoys the cooling liquid. The weather is unpredictable, and it suits Yoona’s taste because she likes to accept challenges.


She had left Beijing for Rome three days after Jongin left. It’s not that she counted; it’s just that in those few days, it’s almost too easy to remember the number of days Jongin left her alone. It took her a plane ride to Rome to forget about the days. The rented apartment had been easy to deal with since she just had to return the key to the security guard. It’s a little like checking out from a hotel, although it’s more like checking out from an apartment.


She had fallen asleep on the plane and before she knew it she’s already in Rome’s land. The foreign air seems to be exceptionally fresh. It refreshes the sleepy head for a small moment as she admires the huge country. She checked into a small hostel for backpack travelers because of the lack of luggage with her. Giggling, Yoona is pleased to find herself living back her old life (but the back of her heart tugs as she thinks of Jongin).


She took a nap for the first day before scrambling around the large, maze-like city; getting lost once in a while, Yoona shops like a shopaholic that she had never been and eats all the delicacies that is bestowed upon her. When it comes to food, Yoona is as stubborn as a bull. It’s not almost impossible, it is impossible for her to give up her food. They’re her life, and no, she’s not sharing (so get your claws off, no thank you)!


Rome is really breath-taking like how others had told her. Truthfully, Yoona had never quite thought of Rome. If not for Sooyoung who recently recommended her about the Percy Jackson series, Yoona wouldn’t have been obsessed with the plot and Percy (who kinds of remind her of Jongin), she wouldn’t have read the latest book and got curious of Rome. When Yoona is curious, it’s just as bad as when she’s stubborn.


Rome is indeed overwhelming. The thought that maybe she and Jongin might just cross path each other in this exhaustingly huge capital city crossed her mind once one night and it scared her. She shook her head and looked out of the glass window; Rome suddenly reminds her of the Forbidden City, the more beautiful they are, the darker the history they have. Why do beautiful things always have to be built on places with histories of destruction and pain? Too extravagant, Yoona is slightly suffocated from the overwhelming beauty.


Suffering a slight headache from jet lack, Yoona stays indoor for the day. There’s a young lady that lives alone in the room opposite hers and occasionally they’d meet. She looks Russian, gorgeous and charming. Her smile was kind and radiant when they first met and Yoona remembers her ever since.


Apart from the occasional nods of head as form of greetings since neither speaks the others’ language, the interaction between them is almost nonexistence. Yoona thinks the lady is really gorgeous and kind, but there’s a soft sadness in her eyes. Her eyes are a beautiful hue of ocean blue, warmth and filled with kindness. Yoona finds herself absorbed into those orbs, filled with exhaustion and regret.


She doesn’t ask, and the girl doesn’t tell. They meet, they greet, they smile, and they part. Until one day, the lady says something in heavily accented Italian. Yoona is picking up the language since she’s already in the country, and learning new stuffs never hurts. It took her a while to comprehend and translate to her own understanding, and by then, the lady had already left.


It took her two days later to fully understand what that lady had said, and Yoona is left with a numb sadness and confusion.


“Will you be able to forget what you’ve left behind and learn to cherish what you’ve already possessed?”


Yoona isn’t sure why the lady told her that. She knows that sometimes when someone tells you something, it’s not necessary advice. Sometimes, that person may be looking at you, speaking to you, yet the words aren’t for you. Sometimes it’s for someone who’s not there, and other times it’s for them. Sometimes, even when you already know the answer, you have to ask someone else. Not for an even better answer, just to answer your own answers; because only then will you be willing to accept, albeit painfully and reluctantly.


Yoona never saw the Russian lady again but she thinks the lady knows what she has to do and therefore left because she no longer had to stay. Sometimes you have to move on to catch up, and sometimes you have to move on to move on. Yoona doesn’t know which category the lady belongs to, but she knows that if one day they meet again, maybe she’ll see a happy smile on that lady’s beautiful face.


Yoona looks at the sky, clean like it’s just been washed. There’s a small smile on her face as she thinks of Jongin and wonders if he’s also looking at the same sky as she is. It reminds her of the day they had first met. The sky had been a hue of clean blue too, especially after the light drizzle.


“Do you miss me as much as I miss you?”






It’s been around a week and two days since Jongin left. He doesn’t like to keep count of things; the thought of being in charge of something – like numbers – irritates him to no end. But it’s no longer up to how he wants, not when a certain girl by the name of Im Yoona barges into his life so unexpectedly.


Jongin smiles to himself as he toys with his camera in his hands. He still remembers the time when they first met for the first time; her brows had been creased in a faint effort, like she wanted to be in the Forbidden City yet afraid to be in it. Jongin isn’t surprised; the glamorous palace gave him the same feelings once. To someone who likes to fly free, the palace is a cage with chains that chains a person’s four limbs.


He still doesn’t understand why he took a picture of her at that time. Maybe it was just because he wanted to tell her that she wasn’t alone in that huge yet empty palace. He doesn’t regret what he did at that time, only that he really didn’t expect to ever see her again. Jongin moves on very quickly from places to places and people to people. So he doesn’t understand why she stays in his mind without his knowing and before he knows it, he had taken another picture of him.


She had looked like an angel that descended on Earth that day. Jongin knows that he can never forget anything about Yoona, although he doesn’t understand why. Never had anyone affected him this much and although Jongin is beyond confused, he’s happy at the same time.


Jongin had washed all of the photos he had taken in Beijing and showed them to the rest who demanded to look. He has, of course, hidden the photos of Yoona. Feeling selfishly satisfied, Jongin will never show them the picture of Yoona before he finds her again. He wants to be selfish like this and he likes it. He likes the fact that Yoona is his alone and he can’t wait to hug her again, savoring the fact that she is real and she is his.


Kyungsoo might have noticed something different about him, but he doesn’t tell anyone. He smiles to himself and thinks that Jongin changed, but in a good way. It doesn’t take a genius to know that Jongin is in love, and Kyungsoo is more than confident that his guess is right. He knows that he doesn’t need to tell anyone since Kris had always been the most observant one between them, and Joonmyeon somehow always knows. Yixing might be a little forgetful and clumsy, but even he will find out eventually, with the help of the curious Sehun, of course.


Jongin knows he can’t hide it against Kyungsoo and Kris (please, one guy knows him for as long as he lived and the other guy is a superb psychologist). He doesn’t need to tell them anything and he’s grateful that they doesn’t speak about it. Jongin doesn’t want to say anything about Yoona yet because it hurts to even think of her. He had left her for too long and Jongin is more than determined to find her.


It’s rare to see Jongin actually serious, but hey, Kris isn’t going to complain. A serious Jongin is as a serious Kris. He takes his job with more responsibility and actually completes the photo-shoots with extra time to spare. Kyungsoo is grateful to whoever changed Jongin and Kris might have prayed to the skies in thanks of the sudden change in Jongin.


There are at least three more photo-shoots to complete and Jongin is already hoping for them to be done. He sighs and places his camera on the table and hope that he wouldn’t have to waste too much time. He hates the thought that Yoona has to wait too long but he couldn’t simply just walk away. As much as Jongin is playful, he doesn’t break his promises, not to Yoona or to Kris. He will finishes what he’s supposed to finish and he will find Yoona.


He wonders if Yoona had opened the velvet small black box he had left behind. The letter had contained his apologizes and his promise to her once again that he will return to find her. The letter had also contained a single sentence that hopes she will not open the box before he returns. Jongin knows Yoona will not, but he couldn’t help but be slightly worried.


The black box… Jongin’s lips tugs upwards into a small smile. It will be a surprise to Yoona, unexpected and fills with happiness. Jongin clasps his hands together and grins. He can’t wait to return to Yoona’s side once again and finally open the black box with her.


It will be a surprise fills with unexpected happiness indeed.


“Kim Jongin, if you will stop daydreaming and grinning like a freak that scares little children like Chanyeol does, get your of the chair right now,” Sehun’s monotone voice drawls and it snaps Jongin out of his daze.


“Will you be more respectful, Oh Sehun!” Jongin hollers across the room, “And I do not grin like a mad stalker like Chanyeol!”


“Hey, what does this have to do with me?” Chanyeol screamed from his shared room with Baekhyun, who’s failing to stifle his giggles, “I do not scare children okay, Oh Sehun, you little rude brat! That’s Kyungsoo’s job with his huge eyes that’s about to pop out anytime! Baekhyun, stop laughing, you’re supposed to be on my side!”


But Baekhyun had already lost himself in burst of laughter while Kyungsoo, his face black, storms towards the room Chanyeol is in. Joonmyeon laughs softly behind his hand while Kris snorts to himself. It doesn’t take long to hear the expected scream of pain and fear from Chanyeol as Kyungsoo storms out of the room and goes towards the youngest’s room.


Sehun’s scream was the last thing they hear as Joonmyeon and Kris falls apart on the sofa into unlikely heap of giggles and laughter.


“So, are we still going somewhere?” Jongin asks, his face twitching in annoyance and in an attempt to not smile.


“Who told you we’re going anywhere?” Kris, who manages to stop himself from laughing, asks curiously. For a moment, two curious people stares at each other like two fools before Joonmyeon joins in, looking equally curious. “We’re resting for today, Jongin.”


“OH SEHUN!” Jongin’s look of curious annoyance evolves into real annoyance and irritations as he walks towards the youngest’s room, only to yelp in shock when Kyungsoo suddenly opens the door and appears in front of him, slamming the door behind.


“Sehun called you to buy him some pizza from across the street,” Kyungsoo calmly explained, “But it’s fine, I’ll just call the restaurant. Since it’s a rest day, I’d rather not cook.”


Jongin gulps and inches away from Kyungsoo because it’s easy to see that the actual reason Kyungsoo refuses to cook is because Kyungsoo has that eerie look in his eyes and the last time Jongin had saw them, he didn’t dare to return home for three days (albeit it’s his own fault for not cleaning up his room even after being told four times).


“It’s okay Soo, I’ll call,” Kris takes up the job with a chuckle as Kyungsoo plops himself on the couch. Yixing can see that Kyungsoo is too exhausted and tensed after a week of running around for photo-shoots and walks up to massage the other’s shoulders, “You don’t always have to tire yourself out.”


Jongin, despite the situation, smiles to himself as he takes a seat on a bean bag. He’s strangely reminded of the times when he was with Yoona. The girl always had a reason to scream at Jongin and the two of them would run around the rented apartment or anywhere they’re at, just for some fun. He thinks of Yoona and wonders how she’ll react to his other friends.


He’s sure Yoona will be able to settle in just as easy as he had at first. She’s always the thrill-loving and adventurous girl. He knows his friends will accept her just as easily.


“I really, really misses you,” Jongin smiles as he whispers to the sky outside the window, wondering at the back of the mind if Yoona is also under such beautiful skies and thinking of him too, “I misses you so much.”






Yoona thinks she’s out of her mind, but that doesn’t stop her as she stands in the fountain, letting the splashing water drench her throughout. People walks to and fro stares at her, obviously surprised at seeing a girl in the middle of a fountain, shivering from the cold yet smiling at the thrill of doing something others didn’t dare to.


She kinds of, a little, blame Jongin for all the sudden rush within her. He had always been the one that’s unpredictable and does things on impulse. She doesn’t know when had roles changed between them when she became the one who did thing in a rush of adrenaline while he would worry over her and stop her from doing dangerous things (but he kinds of fails because in the end the two of them does the thing together).


Her clothes, a simple tee and jeans, are drenched throughout but it doesn’t matter. She sinks herself into the knee deep waters and closes her eyes before she lies down, earning surprised gasps from people around her. She doesn’t care about them as she sinks herself underwater. It’s a cool feeling to feel the water enveloping her body, the soothing touch to her skin.


A tiny smile tug at her lips as she remembers the last time she had been underwater. Jongin was still with her at that time. Actually, he was the one who pulled her underwater, saying that he had always wanted to try kissing underwater since it’s the newest fashion. Yoona hasn’t had time to roll her eyes before she’s underwater; slightly suffocated with the sudden cut of air supply.


Before she could even kick Jongin and swim above, Jongin had grabbed her hand and pulled her towards him. Yoona opened her eyes by a millimeter in time to see Jongin’s smirk and feels his lips on hers. Yoona feels him breathing into her and she closes her eyes to reciprocate the same action. Forgetting the need for air, Yoona presses herself closer to Jongin.


She can still remember the kisses. The first time she kissed Jongin, he tastes bittersweet like the chocolate ice cream he ate; the second time she kissed Jongin, he tastes soft sweetness with a fresh scent of mint that Yoona found herself addicted; the third time she kissed him, she could still savor the bittersweet grape wine flavor at the back of his throat.


This time, Yoona tastes the saltiness from the seawater and uniquely sweetness that belongs solely to Jongin. The pulled apart when they finally broke through the water, both panting heavily for air and because of the passionate kiss. It had been Yoona who kissed him and pulled him underwater again.


Smiling, Yoona sits up; breaking through the water as she lets the air fills her lung while Jongin fills her memories. More yelps of shock and gasps of surprise are heard as Yoona suddenly sits up, effectively shocking everyone. Some of them almost dialed for the police in fear that this is another case of attempt suicide.


Ignoring everyone else’s surprised, curious and confused gazes, Yoona steps out of the fountain and walks away; people parts way for Yoona to walk past them, unsure of what to make of her actions and what happened previously. Yoona doesn’t care about what they think as she strolls back to her hostel.


After a fresh bath, Yoona sits on her bed, her thick blankets huddling around her. Her nose is a little blocked from the small cold she’d gotten on the way home. It’s her own fault for walking in a chilly day while being thoroughly drenched. The earphones that Jongin had purposely left behind are nicely tucked in her ears as she listens to music.


She sneezed softly before letting out a sheepish smile as she leans against the wall, feeling comfortable with the warmth surrounding her and slowly drifts off to sleep, thinking about Jongin more than usual. A tear trickles down her cheek as her eyelids closes.






“Thank you for the wonderful work!” a middle-aged man smiled greasily and bows towards Jongin and the rest. He claps his hands once and out came two freshly dressed young teens that looked eerily alike, they both smiles beautiful before bowing towards the photographers with soft echoes of thanks before being led out by the middle-aged man, their manager.


“So, one more photo-shoot for this week and we wrap up for some well deserves break, what do you say?” Kris claps his hand to gain their attention and everyone breaks into cheerful, exhausted smiles.


“I was so afraid you’d say otherwise,” Joonmyeon sighs and smile, grateful for a break after running around from city to city and places to places just for photo-shoots that tires them out.


“I wouldn’t want to face Kyungsoo’s iron fist,” Kris raises a lone brow and replies, feeling slightly bemused. Joonmyeon laughs as the two of them walks towards Kyungsoo to help him pack the make-up stuffs while Sehun is picking up the rubbish along with Chanyeol and Baekhyun.


Jongin is left alone to go through the photos and choose the best ones to send to the twin’s signed company. They are upcoming idols that require all the help before their debut to help secure their positions in people’s heart. Jongin thinks that they aren’t that bad looking and he had heard of their demo song before, thinking that they’re not too bad, as long as they continue to improve.


“Jongin, let’s go get a cup of coffee after this, will you?” Kris pokes his head through the make-up room door and asks.


“Sure thing,” Jongin agrees with a smile at the thought of coffee, although his gaze never left the screen, neither did he raise his head to look at Kris. However, Kris took the satisfactory answer with a smile and return to continue helping Kyungsoo and Joonmyeon.


It’s an hour later when Kris and Jongin are walking down the road, disappearing by the corner and ending up in a small, cozy café that is mostly hidden from sight. Yet, the aroma always manages to lure customers in, and that had been how Kris found this shop a few years ago (Jongin had snickered that Kris has a nose of a dog when it comes to coffee).


“You have something to say to me, don’t you?” Jongin asks with a smile, stirring his cup of lukewarm mocha, leaning on the armrest of his chair.


“You’re getting more observant,” Kris chuckles, adding a teaspoon of sugar into his own cup of latte caramel macchiato, “The last time I asked you out for coffee, it took you half-an-hour to realize I had been intending to ask you about how’s photography. I can’t believe you really.”


“At least I’ve improved,” Jongin pouts his lips slightly before smiling at the tall guy in front of him. “So, what exactly do you want to ask me about?”


“Well, I think it’s quite obvious,” Kris replies, smiling his usual warm and carefree smile that makes him look gentle instead of his usual scary -face, “You’re in love, huh? Who’s the sorceress that managed to charm and tame you?”


Rolling his eyes at Kris’ childish statement, Jongin took a sip of his mocha, feeling the warm fills him up from within before answering, “Don’t make it sounds so scary. Yeah, I’m in love. Kyungsoo and you already noticed it, right?”


“Yup, I’ve confirmed with Joonmyeon too,” Kris nods.


“And so the exact reason why you asked me out for coffee is?”


“Jongin, do you truly love this girl?” Kris’ smile disappears in that nanosecond – Jongin thinks that Kris’ face changes really too fast – and questions seriously. Jongin sighs and understands that Kris meant well, and ponders the question seriously as well.


“Kris, I know I’m never really interested in girls and doesn’t really treat them well,” Jongin starts, contemplating about his words that’s about to leave his mouth soon, “But yes, I really, really do love this girl. She’s not just another slight infatuation. I love her, I miss you and I promised her. I’ll be back to find her again and by then I’ll officially introduces her to you guys.”


Kris is silent for a moment as he listens to Jongin’s words before breaking into an assuring smile that comforts the heart of Jongin to know that Kris doesn’t disapprove. He doesn’t necessary has to have the approval of Kris, but he treats him like his real older brother and feels pleased to know that he’s no longer an immature, reckless young brat in the other’s eyes.


“Be assured to know that we will welcome her with open arms,” Kris smiles, gorgeously and blindingly, “Of course, your open arms in case you kill of any of us.”


Jongin laughs and smacks Kris as hard as he could across the table before the two of them settle down in the café and drinks their coffee. Jongin had never really understood the beauty of coffee until he met Kris. The guy is like a mania when it comes to coffee and coffee beans and sometimes it’s almost ridiculous, but anywhere that has wonderful coffees, there’s definitely Kris.


However, Jongin feels a sudden itch at his nose and places down his cup after a panicked sip. Kris shoots him a bewildered look as Jongin softly sneezed unexpectedly. Kris blinks, staring at the equally confused Jongin before letting out a small, smug smile.


“Someone’s missing you~”


“Kris Wu Fan!”


Jongin glares at Kris hotly while feeling his cheeks fire up from the blush that he’s unable to will it away. Kris laughs as he walks away to order coffees for the rest of them while Jongin finishes his coffee. Despite the embarrass blush, Jongin’s face is filled with sweet happiness at the thought of Yoona, and Kris acts like he doesn’t see it from his peripheral vision, his lips curls into a beautiful smile at the thought that Jongin finally found someone he loves (at the same time blinding the poor lady behind the counter, dazing the poor girl into blushing at the handsome guy in front of her).






A week later, Yoona finds herself sitting on front of the desk in the hostel room. In front of her lies the small black box that Yoona isn’t sure if she wants to open. She still remembers the content of the letter that Jongin had left for her (she remembers down to every single details), and Jongin had specifically told her not to open the box.


Taking the box in her hand, Yoona pouts as she toys it around her hands, trying to guess what’s hidden within, what’s the secret that Jongin is hiding. She’s desperate to know the content but she refuses to open it without Jongin by her side. Stupid Jongin, Yoona grumbles, he should have known that she’d be very curious about it, and still he doesn’t allow her to sneak a peek.


Sighing, she throws the box into her packed backpack and walks out of her room. Smiling, she checks out of the hostel with a few chats with the owner. Her language picking skills improved, inflating her ego slightly, as she walks out of the window and waves for a cab.


It’s been around five weeks, Yoona thinks. A month and a week more, and yet there’s still no news of Jongin. She sighs, knowing that Jongin had already skipped a lot of his important work for her and is unwilling to be selfish, but she’s already hoping that she’s in Jongin’s arms right now.


Looking out of the window, she remembers the conversation they had a day before Jongin left without any warning. Jongin had asked if she wanted to return to Seoul with her, but she had been unwilling. Jongin didn’t force her anymore and albeit Yoona is glad, she’s also upset. The thought of having to separate from Jongin for such a long time kills her slowly inside and Yoona mumbles under her breath that the moment Jongin returns, she’s going to deliver him some painful kicks.


She’s at the airport once again as she gets of the cab. Shaking away all the unhappy thoughts, Yoona smiles as she walks inside the huge building and awaits her flight. She smiles to herself, knowing that will give Jongin a shock and a hard time to search for her, but Yoona, like Jongin is a few ways, isn’t the type that stays in the same place for too long. As beautiful as Rome is, the feeling of novelty she once had slowly fades away and Yoona knows that’s when she has to leave. She cannot stand being in a place that bores her.


“Well, as much as I do miss you and hope that you’ll find me sooner – take this as punishment for making me wait too long, Kim Jongin,” Yoona giggles to herself before the announcement for her flight is heard as she disappears beneath the glass doors once again, carrying nothing but her backpack with her.


Her flight to Tokyo, Japan takes off hours later with Yoona falling asleep in her seat, finally feeling the exhaustion of walking around from places to places. In her dreams, there’s Jongin with the most handsome smile and there’s the two of them, happily together. In her sleep, Yoona smiles with sweet happiness as Jongin kiss her once again.


She can almost feel the distinct sweetness of Jongin’s lips and savor the fresh mint scent that he belongs solely to him whenever he kisses her. She smiles against the soft action and presses her body closer to Jongin’s, seeking the warmth of his body to heat her cold one.


“I miss you,” Yoona murmured into the kiss.


“I missed you even more,” Jongin replies, pressing his lips closer to hers, “I missed you so much that it hurts at every breath I take.”






“Jongin, you’re free to go now,” Joonmyeon smiles his usual angelic smile as he tells Jongin one night from nowhere.


“What do you mean…?” Jongin asks, feeling strangely detached from his body. He thought he could distinctly remember kissing Yoona in his dreams. He shakes the sleepiness out of his eyes and blinks for better focus.


“You’re free to go find your lover now,” Yixing chuckles, repeating the words that Joonmyeon had said earlier. It takes Jongin a full minute to understand the meaning of the words before he yelps in happiness as he hugs both of them.


“Are you for real?” Jongin asks, feeling like everything is a dream, “You’re not kidding me, right?”


“No, Kim Jongin. Now get your out of the house with your things and go find that lady,” this time, it’s Kris who answers as he throws a ticket towards Jongin’s face.


Jongin manages to catch the piece of paper before realizing it’s an airplane ticket, set for tonight, to Rome. Jongin’s eyes widen in surprise, he blinks the tears away and hugs all three of them before scrambling to gather his stuffs in a simply backpack and rushing out of the apartment.


“Be sure to find her!”


“Show us to her soon!”


But Jongin doesn’t hear them anymore as he rushes out of the building. He skids to a surprised stop to see a car in front of him, and Chanyeol’s the one behind the driving wheels.


“Hey man, get on! We’ll send you to the airport,” Chanyeol grins.


“No way, I value my life too much! I still have to survive to find Yoona, and I won’t survive if you’re the one driving!” Jongin shakes his head and protest.


“Hey –”


“You heard Jongin, now let me drive before I knock you out of my car,” Baekhyun growls from the passenger seat.


“– Fine!”


Jongin finally gets into the car and Baekhyun speeds off before both of them are able to put on their seatbelt. Jongin feels green in his stomach while Chanyeol’s cheering and screaming for Baekhyun to go faster.


“No don’t go faster!” Jongin screams, his face pale and glaring at Chanyeol with all his might, “If we die I will kill you.”


“You can’t kill someone who’s already dead though,” Chanyeol pouts and tries to reason with Jongin but Jongin already lost his focus on him as the airport comes into view.


When Baekhyun finally swerves to a stop, Chanyeol crashed into the side door while Jongin already dashed out of the car. Baekhyun shoots the running figure a bemused look, “And he still says my driving is scary.”


Jongin is panting heavily when he finally arrives by the gates. Thankfully, there’s still a little extra time and Jongin soon calms himself down enough to get through the gates without being mistaken for a runaway wanted criminal as his heart quicken in pace. Not because of the Baekhyun’s crazy driving, not because of the run, but at the simple thought of being able to see Yoona again.


To see Yoona again; Jongin smiles to himself, happily and a little exhausted. He closes his eyes and images of Yoona fill his mind almost immediately. Yoona doesn’t have to wait anymore; he’s finally able to fulfill his promise to her.


“Wait for me, Yoona. Wait for me.”






Jongin doesn’t find Yoona. Rome is an overwhelming country that takes his breath away when he first step onto the foreign land. He yearned to stay and take photos but Yoona comes first and Jongin’s heart isn’t ready for anything when Yoona’s not around him. Without Yoona, his heart is unable to focus and he easily overlooks the beauty of Rome.


His language skills have never been good, but he has photos of Yoona that he’s thankfully able to show people. He’s searching for his lover that’s not technically lost but it doesn’t matter because it means the same thing without her by his side. She’s lost, in a way, from him. But when the path is finally clear, Jongin finds himself getting lost instead.


He finds himself running around people who nods at the photo of Yoona and replies that they have seen the familiar-looking girl before. For a moment, he’s slightly taken aback by the amount of people who recognizes her and wonders why some of them even have looks of surprise and bemusement when they talk about her.


Chuckling to himself, Jongin couldn’t help but admire Yoona. She’s always able to leave some impression of her wherever she goes. Perhaps that’s her way of leaving behind evidences and imprints that she had once been there, and did something worth remembering.


However, Jongin’s happiness is short-lived when he finally found the small hostel Yoona had once lived in. His answer is a simple ‘she left’ that Jongin isn’t sure of how to make of. Yoona left? She left, without him? Jongin finds it hard to accept. She promised to wait for him, so where is she now? Had she finally became impatient and decided to leave without him?


“She said to pass this letter to the guy who’ll come looking for her,” the middle-aged lady behind the counter says and passes a letter to Jongin who accepts it in a moment of bewilderment.


He thanks her before leaving. The letter in his hand, Jongin isn’t sure if he wants to know the content or not. He braces himself, thinking that perhaps it’s Yoona’s rejection after waiting for such a long time, or perhaps it’s her accusation as to why he’s gone for too long. Jongin chuckled bitterly and slowly opens the letter, his heart unwilling to slow down.


Jongin, by the time you’ve read this letter, I think I’m already on the plane out of Rome. I’m really sorry for leaving so suddenly, but you know me the best, right? I’m the type of girl that cannot stand boredom and Rome isn’t really that fun anymore after a few weeks. Well, no place is that fun without you. I’m really sorry, Jongin. I am still waiting for you, in Japan. Will you still come and find me? – Yoona


Jongin’s eyes widen as he stares at the letter in his hand for a few moment. He’s trembling against his wishes and before he realizes it, he’s already dashing down the road, frantically waving for a cab to the airport. The letter is still tightly held in his hands, his heart thumping hard against his ribcage and a smile finally reappears on his face.


He’s not afraid of searching, he’s simply afraid of losing Yoona. Jongin smiles to himself, feeling like a fool. But Jongin is afraid; he needs Yoona and he isn’t afraid to show it. Sighing in relief, Jongin closes his eyes and prepares himself for another journey. And this time, it’s to Japan; to Yoona, and to their future.






For the first time after leaving Yoona, Jongin finds himself savoring the beauty of nature once again. Yoona had taught him a lot of things; she taught him how to appreciate life and everything it bestows on them, however Jongin had quite lost himself in her at that time to actually appreciate anything else apart from the goddess that goes by the name of Im Yoona.


Jongin knows, at the back of his mind, that he should hurry. Yet, for some reasons, Jongin finds himself taking a slow pace as he walks around Tokyo, taking photos and searching for Yoona at the same time. The back of his heart understands what Yoona is trying to do; she isn’t just punishing him for making her wait, she’s also letting him enjoy nature and beauty once again.


He knows she wouldn’t mind if he takes his time this time. Images of her smile fills his head once again as Jongin wanders around the cooling city, and he instantly breaks into cheerful grins, unintentionally influencing everyone else around him into smiling for no reason.


Winter, harsh as it can be, is also a beautiful season. Especially in Tokyo, especially in the heart of Jongin; his heart is filled with everything beautiful. His camera in his hands, Jongin finds himself around places that he doesn’t remember how he got to but is more than glad to be there, immerged in the sweet, warmth beauty.


It’s his fourth day in Tokyo. He has a sudden urge to take a train one morning from nowhere and that’s what he does, buying his tickets and disappearing into the crowds; his backpack with him, his camera in his hand, while the crowd slowly lessens. By the time his train arrives to the platform, Jongin is one of the few that’s left behind.


He takes his seat in an empty carriage and watches the scenery out of the window changes as the train moves on from places to places. He isn’t sure of his destination, but Jongin is glad for the vagueness. He simply bought a ticket with a name that interests him and somehow he’s not afraid of getting lost.


“Eiheijiguchi, Eiheijiguchi.”


Jongin got off the train and finds himself alone in the midst of cooling air and empty roads. He takes a photo just to remember the beautiful place before slowly wandering around aimlessly. Without an aim in mind, Jongin finds himself tracking up the mountain. A few buses travel past him before he finally reaches a temple-like looking building.


The back of his mind vague remembers Eiheiji and remembers about what he had read on Wikipedia out of boredom. It is one of two main temples of the Sōtō school of Zen Buddhism; it’s English name meaning ‘temple of eternal peace’.


Panting slightly, Jongin takes a seat on a boulder and watches the scenery around him. He closes his eyes to rest them for the moment as he thinks about how tempting eternal peace sounds like. Jongin thinks that he’d already experienced most of the thrill in life due to his recklessness and doesn’t mind finding peace with Yoona for eternity. He thinks of settling down with Yoona and blushes, but the smile is unable to be hidden.


“Eternal peace…it sounds pretty boring. But if it’s with you, it’s quite tempting.”






Yoona doesn’t remember when had been the last time she visited a temple. Her memories filled with only Jongin, Jongin, and more Jongin. Selfishly pushing away thoughts of everyone else, leaving only the two of them as she selfishly misses him. Yoona knows she’s selfish, but they all say love is selfish. As long as it’s Jongin, Yoona doesn’t mind being selfish.


The resounding claps of the wooden claps is soothing to her ears, although they sound exceptionally clear and crisp in a mountain full of lushful trees and in a temple where she’s alone. She did the same things as how native Japanese prays and threw her wish, clasping her hands together and prays with her eyes close.


Jongin fills her mind the moment her eyes are closed and her lips instantly form into a beautiful smile. She thinks of Jongin and thinks about what he might be doing currently while praying. She isn’t sure of what’s she’s praying – to reunite with him again sooner or praying for his safety. Her mind is slightly distorted whenever Jongin comes into the picture but Yoona thinks the Gods understands her thoughts anyway.


“I’m waiting for a lover,” Yoona softly whispers. The sakura flowers blossoms beautifully around her, varying in different hues of pink. The wind picks up their lingering scent and refreshes her. “I’m still waiting.”


There’s sounds of another’s footstep that startles Yoona, though she doesn’t turn around to welcome the newcomer. The temple is a public place where everyone else are allowed to come; Yoona thinks she’s just surprised at company when she’d been alone for too long.


Howbeit, the soft and fresh scent of mint mixed in the scent of sakura doesn’t escape her and Yoona gasps softly. She feels a familiar presence although the back of her mind tells her it’s impossible. She’d been waiting for so long to the extent that she can’t be sure if this is another illusion.


Her eyes turn teary as she feels the familiar warm enveloping her, securing her trembling body in strong arms. His chin rests on her left shoulder, breathing onto her neck, sending goose bumps down her back. Subconsciously, Yoona relaxes and leans into his embrace that she had been waiting for so long and tears suddenly gushes out like waterfall.


“I’m here now, Yoona,” he whispers into her ear, sending shivers down her spine, “I’m finally back with you.”


“What took you so long?” Yoona asks, gasping for breath from the sobs that she’s trying to suppress.


“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize there’d be that many shoots,” Jongin apologizes, feeling guilty for leaving her, “I didn’t expect you’d leave Rome too.”


“I was intending to punish you.”


“I know, I figured.”


“But I think I’m regretting that decision.”




“I missed you too much, it hurts, Jongin. It hurts.”


Jongin softly kisses her closed eyes and hugs her closer, feeling her touch and trail kisses down her nose.


“I know, it hurts for me too. I’m not ever leaving you again.”


“Don’t you ever dare.”


Yoona closes her eyes as tears overspill and Jongin closes off all proximity between them as he kisses her. Soft and loving, he presses his lips against hers and hoping to fill her cold, shivering body with the entire warm his body is able to provide. He kisses his love into her; he kisses his soul into her, unwilling to let her go every again, and Yoona reciprocates the action.






“Let’s run away again.”


“I’m okay with that; where to?”


“Nowhere in particular, just around Japan?”


“Let’s stay here for now.”


“… Jongin, I—will you make me wait again?”


“No, not ever again, Yoona. I’m not going to let you go ever again.”


“Will you stay by my side from now on then?”


“Since when did Im Yoona become such a lady?”


“I’ve always been a lady, Kim Jongin!”


Jongin laughed teasingly; it always cheers him up when Yoona get angry. He thinks she doesn’t realize it yet, but when she’s angry, she unconsciously pouts slightly, her eyes wide and her cheeks puffed. She looks adorable and Jongin couldn’t help but anger her all the time just to see her angry side.


He grabs her hand out of a sudden, surprising her with his strength as he pulled her towards him. In that unexpected moment, Yoona who did not have the chance to realize what happened, stumbled over her feet and fell into his waiting embrace.


She raises her head with intention to scold him, yet when she sees the seriousness in those beautiful brown orbs, Yoona’s anger ebbs away. Instead, it’s replaced by a sudden quicken pace of her heartbeat that beating painfully fast against her ribcage, and a sudden heat rises up her cheeks. It’s been a long, long time since they had been this imitates and Yoona couldn’t help but trace the outline of his eyes and the curves of his lushful lips.


“Jongin, what—”


“Hush, Yoona. Hear me speak, will you?” Jongin smiles, the gentlest smile Yoona had ever seen and she falls deeper into his everything. Jongin softly kisses her forehead before continuing, his gaze not once leaving hers, “Yoona, I’m really sorry for leaving, and to leave you for so long. I promised that there will never be a next time because I will never let go of this hand anymore. Trust me, Yoona. I’ve never felt this way to any girl before and never had I been so worried and anxious to fulfill my promise; to find you again and to have you in my arms. It kills me to live without you, Yoona. I don’t want to ever leave you again, not even for a single second. I love you.”


Yoona’s eyes are glassy as she stares at Jongin. She tries to blink away the tears the blurs her sight of him but the tears wouldn’t stop. She feels Jongin hugging her tightly and she can only do the same, leaning in his embrace and trusting that he will always be around to protect her, shield her from any harm.


Jongin leans forward and gently kisses away the tears from the corners of her eyes, trailing the kisses down the trail her tears had left behind. Yoona sees the look in Jongin’s eyes and she falls even deeper in love with the guy in front of her. Never in her life had she met such a unique, different guy that her soul the moment they met and Yoona is glad for her heart to be stolen by this thief.


Jongin closes all proximity between their lips and Yoona feels the familiar, soft lips on hers. He had always been gentle and delicate with her, as if afraid she’ll break, and even more afraid that he might do something wrong and hurt her. Yoona, for the first time in her life, braves up the courage and hugs Jongin’s neck, pressing him closer and kissing the breath out of both of them.


She tastes the saltiness of their tears, there’s a suitable amount of sweetness within it that lingers, savoring the fragrance of each other’s at the back of their throat and smiles with so much love and happiness that Yoona thinks she might drown sooner or later.


“I love you too.”






They spend the times together like before Jongin had left when they were still in Beijing. The only difference now is that on some morning, Jongin will simply sit by the balcony with Yoona on his laps, the two of them looking out at the morning scenery, where the exotic view of the falling snow takes their breaths away. Sometimes, Jongin will pull Yoona out to have fun; throwing snowballs and building snowmen.


“This is Snow-Yoona, and this is Snow-Jongin!” Jongin declared proudly.


“Those look nothing like us!” Yoona complains, but the smile in her eyes betrays her.


“Don’t you wish we are like them?” Jongin asks, patting gently on Snow-Jongin.


“What do you mean?” Yoona asks, confused.


“Snow-Jongin and Snow-Yoona can stay side by side forever, and when the next morning comes, they’ll melt together, waiting for the next winter to arrive and once again they’ll be Snow-Jongin and Snow-Yoona again together. They’ll always be together,” Jongin smiles, his eyes shows nothing but warmth, affection and love, “I’m envious of them, a lot.”


Yoona couldn’t help but chuckle, “We can always be like them. We don’t have to melt together at the next morning; we don’t have to wait for the next winter to be beside each other again. Because we’ll always be by each other’s side, we’ll never melt and we’ll never separate.”


Jongin takes Yoona aback by the sudden kiss and leaves her breathless, flushing in soft pink under the soothing sunlight as the two starts another battle of snowballs, their laughter filled with nothing but happiness and love for each other.


During other mornings when they have nothing to do, when Jongin is sleepy against Yoona’s warmth touch, he hugs Yoona in his strong embrace. She doesn’t struggle but simply lies beside him, and the two of them snuggles comfortably against the thick blankets against the chilling cold of winter.


Jongin steal kisses of Yoona now and then and pulls her closer. Yoona giggles and tickles of Jongin, and he’ll wake up with a mischievous grin. Yoona will only smile as she hugs his neck and pulls him in for a morning kiss and Jongin decides that it’s absolutely wonderful to skip a day or two once in a while as he kisses Yoona back with more force and passion.


Some nights, they’ll stay awake all night as they feed each other snacks talks about nothing but random nonsense. Jongin tells her about Kris, about Kyungsoo and the rest of his friends. Jongin tells her what he did during the photo shoots and what funny accidents happened.


Yoona tells him about Sooyoung, her best friend; she tells him about how Sooyoung knows Kris from high school life and she has a crush on Kris although she’ll never admit, not even over her death body. She tells him about what she did in Rome, what beautiful things he missed and where she wants them to go.


Jongin finds ‘them’ a beautiful word and kisses her before she’s able to continue. Yoona will only smile at him and playfully punches his arm for interrupting what she had been trying to say (he’s always able to wreck her line of thoughts) and continues to tell him everything about her; all the things that he never knew.


“Yoona, remember you asked me about why I’m a photographer?”


“It’s hard for me to forget anything about you, Jongin.”


“… I think I’m ready to tell the story now, to let go.”


“You don’t have to push yourself, Jongin. But feel free to tell, I’m willing to hear your story; I want to know everything about you.”


The night is spent as Jongin tells Yoona about the story that the dance had told her the first time she saw it. He tells her that he had once aspired to be a dancer, he tells her that he adores dancing more than anything else in his life, he tells her that all he ever wanted to do is to just dance.


She learns that he had injured his back once, she learns that the others try to force Jongin into a life that he doesn’t like to be, she learns that Jongin quitted because he doesn’t want to dance for fame or popularity, all he ever wants is to dance. A simple request that’s not met and thus so he left. She learns that he can never forget about dancing, but she also knows that he does not regret his decision.


She cuts him off with a kiss and smiles as she holds his hand. Jongin is surprised, but he likes this side of her. They both stay silent and share another kiss. At the deepest part of Jongin’s heart, he’s thankful. He’s thankful that he met Yoona, he’s thankful that she understands, he’s thankful that he had finally let go, and most of all, he’s thankful that he has Yoona.






“By the way, Yoona, where’s the black box that I’ve given you? Did you open it?”


“It’s still in my backpack, and no, I didn’t. Seriously, what’s the mystery about it? Stop making me so curious!”


“Trust me, you’ll know it soon. Give me the black box for now though.”


“Alright, fine. But you have to tell me about it, okay! I don’t like to be kept in suspense.”


“No worries, it is for you after all.”






Two weeks later, Jongin brings Yoona away. They finally leave the Eiheiji Temple. Yoona is curious about what Jongin is so mysteriously trying to hide about, but she’s unable to get any more information from sealed-lips Jongin apart from that he’s going to bring her somewhere.


“Can’t I even get a hint?” Yoona pouts and pleads.


“Nope,” Jongin chuckles, “Don’t worry Yoong, it won’t take too long. Just try and be patient okay?”


Yoona pouts her lips as a form of unhappiness but nods her head with reluctance obedience as she gets onto the rented car Jongin somehow managed to get from somewhere in the middle of nowhere. She raises a lone brow at the sudden appearance of a car but doesn’t question anything, knowing that Jongin, somehow, always has his ways.


It’s not too long of a drive, as Jongin had promised. Yoona had slept during the road down the mountain due to her lack of sleep on the previous night, feeling excited and put out at the same time when Jongin told her he has a surprise for her and no he’s not going to tell because a surprise is meant to be kept a secret.


By the time Yoona wakes up, they’re back in the city that Yoona had long left forgotten for the few weeks she had stayed up in the mountain, detached from all passing time and the bustling cities. Jongin parks the car, finally, after a long ride by a small restaurant.


It’s a small ramen restaurant that instantly brought out her hunger at the smell of the wonderful delicacies. Jongin had laughed at her huge appetite and orders two bowl of ramen for them.


“You’re still not telling me, right?”


“Nope, you can find out by yourself when it happens.”


“So I take it that we have not reached the place?”


“Not exactly, it’s not too far away from here. We’ll walk there later.”


Their ramen arrives and Yoona dives into the food before Jongin could even take his chopsticks and he chuckles at how adorable she is whenever it comes to food. All unhappiness of the surprise she’s not allowed to know yet flies out of her mind and all she cares is the food before her. Well, she is starving after half a day of ride on the car.


An hour later, Jongin is leading Yoona down the path. Yoona isn’t sure of where they’re going but for a moment, it doesn’t matter anymore. Her eyes widen with delight at the blossoming sakura trees by both side of the path road, in all hues of breath-taking pink.


It takes her a while to realize that they’re the only two walking down the path and she wonders why. The sky is darkening as the minutes passed by when Jongin finally comes to a stop and before Yoona could ask, her breath and all the words she’d been trying to say are stuck at the back of .


She doesn’t know since when did Jongin found the time to actually do all the things, but she knows she is beyond touched as she looks at the candles placed on the floor formed in a heart shape. It takes her sense of smell a while to register in the aroma fragrance that comes from the candles.


The clock strikes seven, where the sky darkens and the two sides of the pave way suddenly light up. She had not noticed the small light bulbs placed beside before, her attention had been caught with the beautiful blooming sakura.


“How—when did you do all this—is this even allowed?” Yoona asks, unsure of which question she’s asking first.


“I wanted to do so myself, but I didn’t have time and I didn’t want you to get suspicious so I called some friends to help me do it,” Jongin smiles and explains, “And yes, this pave road is allowed for all couples to do things for each other. This is the exact reason why this pave way was created in the first place.”


“Oh,” Yoona thinks she sound stupid but that happens when your mind it thoroughly mind-blowned and it’s hard to think when her heart and her mind refuses to cooperate.


She scarcely felt the pull that forced her to face Jongin, his expression serious and slightly nervous. Yoona couldn’t understand why is he looking almost anxious, her mind is still not back in the right state and it’s kind of impossible for her to think of anything logical at all.


“Yoona, I’ve been wanting to ask you this ever since I came back, but I figured you and I both need time, so I waited,” Jongin seems to be sweating, yet they’re both in the cold night of a winter and Yoona thinks it’s either she’s getting illusions or this might just all be a dream, “Yoona, I’m not good with words and I’ve already told you those that I wishes to say when I found you. So, this is the only thing I want to ask: are you willing to spend the rest of your life with me?


The awfully familiar small, velvet black box suddenly appears in Jongin’s hands as he kneels down on one leg. The box is finally open after such a long and Yoona couldn’t help but gasps. Of all the things she had thought of, she had left that particular option out.


It is not her fault, for she thinks it’s impossible for two people who just met not too long ago and just fell in love. She doesn’t consider the option because she’s unsure, as much as she hopes for it to be. Of all the things that she had left out, of all the things that she could have guessed.


A ring. A simple, elegant diamond ring rests in the inside of the box and Yoona feels giddy. She’d already been unable to think straight, this time she thinks Jongin had just took away all her ability to think. She isn’t even sure if she’s looking right.


She looks at Jongin and sees the hopeful and nervous expression on his face and all of a sudden she feels like crying. Her eyes turn misty and Yoona understands. She doesn’t need a thousand words of love declaration or a thousand actions to prove anything at all. All she needs is one Jongin and she knows she’d fallen too deep to ever think of escaping.


Her mind doesn’t even process a single thing but she nods her head. She doesn’t need to know, to think or to do anything. She simply nods her head vigorously, replacing all the words that she finds herself unable to say, her tears falling at the same time.


The back of her heart and the relieved, filled with happiness expression of Jongin’s face tells her she has done the right thing. She doesn’t even need Jongin initiate anything this time. She flings herself around Jongin, her arms around his neck as she sobs into his chest. He smiles, eyes teary, and hugs her closer.


“Yes, oh my gods, YES! Yes, yes, YES! A thousand yes!”






Happiness comes in many forms. For Kim Jongin, it came unexpectedly during a certain autumn season in Beijing when he meets a girl that changed his life for eternity. He had only been playful when he decided to take her photos and since then, Jongin finds himself unable to pull himself out of her spell.


For Kim Jongin, happiness comes in the form of Im Yoona, the love of his life.





[a/n: Fluff is so not my style. Please forgive me for all this stupid cheesy stuffs, really. I can’t stand it myself so don’t ask. I don’t know why I wrote all these either. It’s supposed to be angst, but I suppose I’ve been writing too many angst, orz. I hope you do enjoy~ No; there’ll be no sequel or anything. Finally, after three months and going, I’ve completed this. Oh well, everything is worth it for Yoonkai <3]

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YoonHaeChoding #1
Yoonkai So sweet! <333 Seriously no word can describe how good this is. *squeals*
fantacy #2
Chapter 3: Come back just to read your story again !! It's so beautiful written. I think this is the best Yoonkai fanfic I ever red.
PuffyEyesKAI #3
Chapter 3: One word, "DAEBAK". This is just furbfisb, author-nim. I can't explain how beautiful this story of your is. YoonKai FTW! This is, I think, one of the best stories I've ever read. With just three chapters, you manage to make me feel in love by just reading your story. Author-nim jjang!!! :D
sehun17 #4
this is really really beautiful!..i smiled and cried at the same time!..thank you for sharing!..
Chapter 3: oh God, it's good to know that I was alone while reading this...
I'd been smiling like an idiot and crying throughout the story, and you were the one who I would put the blame on if anybody found me at that situation lol
This story is too beautiful and I really love the little but detail things you constantly put on it. The places, the friendship, and the romance; oh dear, you made them so well!
Wait, you are also the one I will put the blame on if someday I become a photographer like Jongin or a world traveller like YoonA because this story is too good!
If only life was that happy to allow me to do so, it would be nice to be in both Jongin's and YoonA's feet.
Oh well, thank you very much for writing and sharing this beautiful story of YoonKai! <3
Chapter 1: The story was so cute and fluffy XD
NDSLKNDKLNDFEK!!!....Im loving this fic. <3
Chapter 3: It's so beautiful.

Who could say "no" to Kim Jongin?
Chapter 3: Asdfghjkl this is just beautiful.
I love you authornim. <3
YoonKai ftw.
I want a sequel~ keke