A Present (A Gift) [TOP's POV]

The Forgotten Prince

Seungri~ah agreed on being silent with my feelings towards his friend and that he will tell me any new information about her. Our alliance was for the better and group since Appa [YG] told us to refrain from having relationship yet until we finish high school.

It's was boring now, Jiyong with all the cute girls clinging to him almost every day, now was even harder as a freshman pursuade him even resulting at auditioning for a trainee and become a dancer for Jiyong. Daesung and Taeyang, on the other hand, focus on their vocal training and studies for now. I, on the other hand too, is busy sulking at the side since I don't have any more courage to approach her, even offering as a friend might be hard to me. To think she already had alot of friends and they are all boys!! Hmmmmm... What if I hang out with them using Seungri~ah as an excuse of my presence their? That might work if Seungri~ah will also hangout with them one of this days... May be I could try.... YAWN so tried... I slept late from a tiring dance training yesterday..... YAWN "Monday Sickness again SeungHyun?!" one of my classmate said, It was Will [fic]."You look awful today, look at those eye bags" he continued. Will was my friend for a long time now. We used to hang out before but because of my training schedules I don’t even had a time to sleep for at least 8 hours.

"I know, okay?!" I said annoyed. "I had a long day yesterday and last Saturday too. I didn't even got alot of sleep because we gone home late last night." I yawn again.

"Ohhhh... I see, you should take care more of you face man. The girls won't like it, you know" he said sounding apologetic.

"Yeah, I know" I said with a tired voice. "I think I need to nap a little."

"Okay man, I won't bother you now," he said excusing himself to go to the cafeteria.


After a some minutes past …

I heard someone shouting my name. Who the hell could it be?!

"Oppah!" A girls voice was screaming outside or our room.

"Oppah!" She screams and I was so tired to wake up.

"Oppah!" She continued this time, I think, she already entered the room and was shaking me to wakeup.

"Yes, Nelly-ah, what do you want again?!" I said blinking my eyes on a sunny window beside me. I look at the beautiful sky with Hannah's smiling face on my mind.

Nelly-ah has been bothering us since the time Seungri~ah introduce us to her. She's been going to our room visitting me and nagging Jiyong too. I continued looking at the sky while talking to her. Ignoring her to be exact...

""Oppah, please look at me" she was begging again. "I have someone, I wanted to introduce to you," Another fan?! "She's my friend" she continued begging. Ahhh... so annoying... I'm so tired of this... so tired of dealing her every now and then...

"What is it now again with your friend?" I said, irritated. "Why don't you just introduced her to Seungri~ah?" he like girls more than me "He is more likely to accompany your friend" I continued.

"Come on, Nelly~ah" a cute voice said interupting our not~looking~conversation. "We need to go back already. It's time, we are going to be late" she continued.

I was thankful of the voice, ofcourse if not for her no one can stop her. But, I suddenly realized that the voice was familiar that it made me curious to who Nelly~ah brought here to be introduce. I look at Nelly~ah only to recognized the person stand behind her, it was the face I always imagine whenever the sky is clear and beautiful, when the stars are shining at the night sky - it was her, I finally said to myself ~ it was 김 한낳The person I adore even at far, that is standing there looking shock. hmmm... But I feel like or maybe I look shock too, shock to see that girl Nelly~ah wanted to introduce to us was her and... she was draging Nelly~ah away from me?! hmmm... interesting reactions maybe...  I almost forgot that Taeyang talk to them awhile ago telling them to just go back later at lunch since break is almost over. But then...

"Oppah! she is my best friend Hannah~ah" Nelly~ah spoke again, dragging me away from my train of thoughts about the girl.

Is she irritated??? she looks like she wanted to argue with me... Hmmm... does my action really irritated her... I want to see her more, this is my chance... Smoothing my reaction, I stand as fast as I can and plan to introduce myself coolly to this beauty infront.

"Annyeong... I'm sorry if I'm rude to you..." Sorry my princess... "I thought Nelly~ah was joking around since she always comes here to interupt me every break." I saw shocking she was at my changing mood to them, Oh no... I think I made a wrong impression to her... Ahh.. I feel guilty already...

"I'm .... " Jiyong suddenly interrupted our conversation. "Hyung." he said with a teasing expression towards me. "Looks like you acted rude towards this cute girl, huh?!" He already broke into a teasing laugh and continues "Your so mean hyung, you should say sorry and treat her sometime." Ahh.. I was iritated at this teasing game of his but still I was thankful that he open up a conversation that can meke me invited her.

"Oh no!" My little princess suddenly said. "It's fine with me, no hurt feelings." she said and continued, "come on Nelly~ah, we need to go or we'll be late to our class." And was dragging Nelly out of the room.

Oh shoot! "ahhh... wait!!" But she already left. Oh, well! maybe next time.

"Hyung, don't be so sad" Jiyong said. "Maybe next time or we could do something so next time will happen soon for you" with a smirk in Jiyong's face, I can already tell that they will do something so Seungri can go and invite the girls out. Taeyang agreed to help since I don't really like make deals with girls who clungs and always stick to us.




I'm so very sorry!!! BOWED and asking for forgiveness... to all the readers of this story...
I was so pre-occupied with lots of stuff and also, I was not really in the mood to write anything at all even in my blog. I had so much idea I just can't write it all.. And I was think of creating another story or what I don't now yet but still looking forward that I could do it...

So very sorry every one...
Hope you all still read and subscribe... :)

Can you give your thoughts about my plan?! I was thinking of writting a story of a soldier woman or a Boy x boy love story but don't know if it will be okay... and I was also in the middle of writing a blog about Gender issues and I can't decide yet... hmmmp....

anyhow hopefully your all well...
Take care...



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Chapter 1: I like it ^_^
chareengio #2
Chapter 1: not bad ;)
This sounds so cuute!!! >.< true stories makes everything sound so much better. Gimme a heads up when upload it:) :) :)