
Living with not one, but two guys

After that "friendly conversation with the 5 girls, everything was fine. if you call being stared at and being talked about fine, then yeah, everything was fine. I found out that SHINee was actually the group of Minho, Taemin, Jonghyun, Key, and Onew. I tried staying away from them, but how could I if my group of friends are also theirs? I tried avoiding them most of the time.

No still knows about me living together with the boys, except Sulli ofcourse. I intend to make it stay that way. Everyhting was good. My grades, things at the house, and my parents still not finding me. I do miss them though. Even if I hold a grudge against them for wanting to marry me off to someone I don't know, I still love them. They are my parents afterall.

Oh, did I mention that things were going quite well at home? Oh, yeah i did. Minho and Taemin have been very nice lately. They help with the cleaning now, but that's about it. They still yell at me at times though. Oh well.

Today is casual Friday... We get to wear whatever we want,but of course it should be appropriate.

Considering that people who go to Hallyu are very high class, I tried on a variety of clothes for 3 reasons. 1, to fit in. 2, not to be too flashy--which is sorta the same with 1 and 3, to be comfortable with what I'm wearing.

I tried this \/ on first..


T-2388 Noble Ruffles Collar Sleeveless Chiffon Blouse

I know I'm from a wealthy family, but I just don't like wearing stuff like this. Sure, I LOVe branded and fashionable clothing. just not this kind. I only wear this kind when I really need to. I prefer jeans. Why I have that in my closet? Well, when I ran away from home, I did not decide what to bring. I just grabbed all of it and left.

In the end, I decided on wearing this:

Double-ed Long Blazer+ Rhinestone-Detail Print Tank Top+Capri Jeans+Open-Toe Platform Boots (It's okay right? tell me if it's not... It's kind of rushed.. I just searched whatever came to my mind and ended up with this.Tell me if you think it's better with jeans...)


Sulli said that there's nothing much to do on Fridays, especially the first Friday of the year. Teachers would just give you homework and stuff and some will just finish up the lesson for the week. Other than that, students have nothing to do.

If you're all wondering how I get to school, I'll tell you. Sulli picks me up and we go to school together. But, on Wednesday, she was running late so I hitched a ride from(/with [I'm not sure which one is appropriate to use]) Minho. We stopped a few meters away from the school so that no rumors will be created.




I heard Sulli's car horn so I immediately grabbed my favorite bag and went downstairs.

Omo! I forgot to eat breakfast. Ah, it's okay. It's still early. Maybe we could drop by some fast food place or a cafe near school.

I looked at what Sulli was wearing. She was wearing this:

Set: Chiffon Dress + Rosette Belt



So, if Sulli is wearing that, the other girls must be wearing dresses too. So much for blending in... *sigh*

My stomach grumbled. I brushed my teeth, but forgot to eat? How stupid of me.

"Sulli-ah, can we stop by a fast food restaurant or something? I really need to eat if I don't want my stomach to grumble the whole morning." I said.

"Oh, you didn't eat breakfast too? Well, I didn't eat aswell so I guess we can stop by that cute cafe near school. I hear the food's really good there. I haven't eaten anything from there though. I just know that their Caramel frappe is mui delicioso! haha.."

So we ended up eating there.

Sulli was right! The Caramel frappe's really good.

After eating, we went to school. Good thing I have breath freshener!

Everybody was wearing stylish outfits. Most of the girls were wearing dresses or shorts. *sigh*(again) The guys were also wearing stylish outfits.

The day went pretty well. The Kara girls didn't bother me today. Speaking of the Kara girls, I found out that they all picked someone from SHINee... and they've been crushing on them for a long time.

We were dismissed at 4 pm and I went home directly. Minho and Taemin said that they probably won't be home 'til tomorrow 'coz it's guys' night.

Yes! Freedom. It was really warm today so i wore my favorite distressed denim shorts, a tube that covered my chest and a see-through net blouse. What? It's not every day I get to dress like this. I live with boys.

Time passed by quickly as I decided to clean the house and ofcourse my room. It was already 6. I didn't really have the appetite to eat dinner so I just baked some cookies. while the cookies were in the oven, I went upstairs to grab a blanket and pillow from upstairs. I set them down on the couch. I picked out the movie That I was going to watch and placed it on the table.

When the cookies were done, I took them out and placed them on a plate.


Oh! That's my phone.

I hurriedly went upstairs to pick it up. It was Sulli asking me if I was free tomorrow. We're going shopping! She said she'll come and pick me up at about 10.

I went downstairs, directly to the kitchen only to see my plate of cookies gone.

"YAH!!!! WHO THE HELL TOOK MY COOKIES" I screamed. Knowing that I was the only one at home, I was scared that someone took my cookies.



"Aaaaahhh!!" I screamed when I saw 5 figures moving in the living room. I grabbed what my hand was able to grab, which happened to be a big lollipop (it was in the counter's drawer.). I slowly walked towards the living room with a lollipop.(lol) One of the shadows was coming closer.

Omo! Omo! Omo! I got ready to hit that person with the lollipop.

Omona! It's almost here.






*WHAM!* I hit that person with all my might.

"AH! Bwoh-ya!" Onew screamed.

Wait, what!? Onew!? What is he doing here?

"Why are you screaming, hyung?" Omo, it's Key.

"Someone hit me with a... lollipop?" He answered. While they were busy talking, I took that opportunity to go upstairs.

I was almost there when I was pulled. I covered my face. I didn't want them to know that I live here.

"Where do you think you're going? What are you doing in Taemin and Minho's house?" Key asked.Someone please save me.

"Onew hyung, Key, what are you doing there?" Thank God, Jonghyun!

"WHo is this barely covered chick?" When he said that was when I realized that I AM barely covered.

I ran towards the living room, making sure they don't see my face.I grabbed the blanket from the couch and covered myself and and locked myself in the bathroom.

I can hear them talking outside:

-- "Why do you have a girl in this house?"

--"Who's girlfriend is she?"

--"What's here name? She's really pretty."

They were still talking outside about why they shouldn't bring a girl home. It's been 20 minutes already Why are they here anyway? Aren't they supposed come back tomorrow?!!?!?

"I really need to use the toilet" Someone said. Omo! No!

"Please open the door , miss."He said.

I breathed in deep and opened the door, keeping my head down and going out.

Unfortunately, my blanket got caught on the door and was pulled off me.




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tarquin #1
please!! update!!!
Chapter 19: Taestal :(
Update soon~! ^^
Chapter 19: Update soon... hwaiting
DreamCatcher13 #5
I wish there was though.. that's okay. :)
DreamCatcher13 #6
you should finish this. arasso? :)
taestal please
choiminjung #8
aaaaaaaah i love it!!! update soon:)
Update soon~~~~