
Living with not one, but two guys

Sorry if it's going kind of fast


@@Sitting on the bed@@

It's been a week since the boys came. I then realized that a lot of things can happen in a week.

Ever since that night I saw Minho, I always feel uneasy when I look at him. I've been cooking breakfast for the three of us the whole week. I don't know why, but I think it's because I got bored.

Minho constantly bumps into me and doesn't even say sorry. He even poured water on me when I fell asleep on the couch.

These guys don't clean at all. I do all the cleaning in this house.

As for Taemin, he just gets food off my plate every meal and doesn't even say so.

Ugh! Don't even get me started on how I felt on those handful of incidents I want to erase in the history of the earth! The universe even!

First of all, the time when Taemin suddenly barged into my room without even knocking, seeing me in my UNDERWEAR!!! Ugh! You may be thinking... Why didn't she lock the door? Well, the door to the rooms don't have locks. It's the kind that you just push open.

Second, I fell on top of Minho. How it happend? Let me explain. I was arranging the top shelf in the kitchen, I was standing on a stool. When I was about to get down, Taemin suddenly pops up beside me and his face was inches away from mine. From too much backing away, I fell from the stool and landed on Minho.

Third, I bumped into Taemin and I had to hold onto him for support after slipping .

Ugh! Just thinking about it makes me sick.

I think these guys are bipolar. At times, they just yell at me for no reason and then there are times that they help me and ask me if I'm okay.

It's a lazy Sunday afternoon for me-The day before classes start. I'm going to attend this school called "Hallyu University" (BTW, it's totally mad up..) The school offers high school and college. Sulli goes there as well. I really hope that those guys don't attend the same school as me. (ofcourse, you guys know that there's no drama if they don't attend the same school, right?)

I have decided on something. I WILL NOT LET ANYINE KNOW THAT I LIVE WITH GUYS!

I got up and went downstairs. I wanted to enjoy this last lazy Sunday afternoon.

I dipped my feet in the pool, feeling the cool water. I started thinking about ifs and what ifs like:

*If I hadn't left home, what could have happened?

*If I was not well-off, could I have been loved by my parents more?

*What if I accepted the marriage? Would I have been happy?

*What if...

I didn't even finish the last one. I couldn't dare say it or even think it.

Suddenly, I felt a pair of arms pick me up from the ground and carry me into the water. Good thing my monthly visitor had not arrived yet. (you guys know why, right)

My head reached the surface and I immediately searched for the person who lifted me.

I turned around and saw Taemin. See? This is what I meant by bipolar. He was yelling at me this morning and now he's smiling at me. I glared at him, but his smile just got wider and he said "What? I just wanted someone to accompany me swimming. Minho hyung went to play soccer."

I walked towards the stairs and was about to go back up and dry myself when he surprisingly grabbed me by the waist back into the water.

"Taemin!!! Yah! Let me go! Chu gu le? Yah!" I complained. He didn't answer, but just kept his arms where they were.

Taemin and I spent half of the afternoon in the pool. Neither of us talked. All that you could hear was laughter.

After swimming, we dried ourselves and just sat there dipping our feet in the pool, playing with the water, and Admiring the beauty of nature. I admit, It felt really awkward, but also nice at the same time. it gave me the feeling like.. I wasn't alone.

"Taemin, I'm back!" I heard Minho yell form inside.

"I'm out back, hyung." Taemin yelled back.

Minho came out in a white T-shirt and sweat pants. He was carrying some plastic bags.

"Taemin, here's the banana milk you wanted." He handed over one bag to Taemin.

"...I'm going to go inside now." I said, yet it was barely audible, and started gettin up.

As I walked past Minho, he handed me the other bag.

"What's this?" I asked.

"... I noticed you were kind of dwon because we were out of Gummy candies, so I bought you some." He said.

I took the plastic bag and peeped inside. I saw my favorite brand of gummy bears inside.

"Thank you, Minho." I said and then walked inside.


So, I finally updated. I'm  sorry if this is such a boring chapter. I've been occupied with watching dream high. hehe...

This chapter was just kind of rushed(?)

If you have any suggestions or ideas of what you want to happen next, just leave comments or posts on my wall.


I thought I posted this last Wednesday, but i guess I saved it as a draft...

*** to those just viewing this... hope you subscribe and comment!  ^.^***



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tarquin #1
please!! update!!!
Chapter 19: Taestal :(
Update soon~! ^^
Chapter 19: Update soon... hwaiting
DreamCatcher13 #5
I wish there was though.. that's okay. :)
DreamCatcher13 #6
you should finish this. arasso? :)
taestal please
choiminjung #8
aaaaaaaah i love it!!! update soon:)
Update soon~~~~