1st Encounter with Mr. Stranger

Annoying Handsome Bastard Called Sehun [EDITING]
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“Aishh .. I really hate this Maths class . I don’t understand why Mr. Baek is so grumpy and never makes any jokes during his class and God his voice is so flat and boring . Its like a lullaby for me”Jia mumble as she annoyingly taps her pencil on her desk .

“Yahh .. shut up will you ? Just stay focus and try to understand it okay ? Taping your pencil annoyingly doesn’t help you to score A in Maths okay “ JaeAh said as she glance at Jia.

“Wu JaeAh , how come you can stay focus in every class ,stay at home even during weekend and never socialize with your peers , don’t have lots of friends , no boyfriend , no social networks account except Facebook and you only use your fb account to play games which you haven’t use for about 2 years already . Is your life just about being top 5 in school , get scholarships and be a lawyer ?” Jia said as she looks at JaeAh . Curiously .

“No . It’s just …. I don’t like to be around people so much because I don’t want to get hurt again okay ? I don’t trust people that much nowadays . And I want to excel in my studies so one day I will be a great lawyer and make lots of money , so I can go travel around the world okay ? Now you already get your answer already , look at the blackboard at stay focus you dummy” JaeAh said as she knock her friend’s head with her  ballpoint pen .

“Aishh .. I am not a dummy okay ? I still score B in Maths . That’s is actually quite okay . And whats the point of having you as my friend if you cant teach me tcch” Jia mumble lowly as she doesn’t want to attract Mr. Baek’s attention .

JaeAh just smile half-heartedly as she heard Jia’s complaint and just continue to jot down all the important notes and formulae.

Suddenly , she feels her stomach start to ache and her miss down there starts to feel uncomfortable too.

“Jia , I think I need to use the toilet for a moment . My stomach suddenly hurt like hell . Please write down the important notes for me kay?” she said as she looks at her friend .

“Yea sure . You don’t need me to

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Chapter 3: Please update pretty please .
Chapter 1: Seem like this Oh Sehunnie is so famous.
Chapter 5: sooo interating
update soon
Chapter 5: Please updateeee
Chapter 5: Go go go go lil' birdie!! XD
sweetdimpless #6
Chapter 4: please author-nim please update i'm beggin u
Chapter 4: can't wait for the next chapter. Seriously, can;t wait. !!!!!!
cracker37 #8
Chapter 4: lol xD,sehunnie you're so innocence. i like this chapter :3
Chapter 4: eonni~ i saw this story! you wrote about my beloved bias in EXO!! xD so it's just impossible for me to ignore heheh :p

i think Sehun isn't that bad.. maybe he just loves to annoy Hyeri.. since he's being nice to Jia..

and i squealed at the cameo Jongupie <3
Update soon!!!!!!