All he wants for Christmas is... Me?

All he wants for Christmas is... Me?

It was Christmas Eve and I was alone. All alone. I was lying on the couch, thinking about how it all started. Two days ago, as we were returning to the dorm after another tiring day of rehearsals, our manager had told us what seemed like a great piece of news. We were gonna have some days to rest. In fact, One week. We were all like Oh Gosh! One week! ONE WEEK! LIKE... SEVEN DAYS! It was so great. Everyone was excited. Jinki Hyung had immediately said he was gonna see his parents for Christmas. In fact, everybody wanted to go home for this day. Then I realized... I couldn't go home for Christmas. My parents wouldn't even be home that day. ! I was gonna be alone for Christmas. Alone for Christmas. Alone for Christmas. Alone for Christmas. Alone for Christmas. Alone... It kept ringing in my head. I was trying to find something that would help me avoid a lonely Christmas night when we arrived at the dorm. As I pushed the door open and got in, I felt someone touching my shoulder. I turned around and saw Minho looking at me worriedly.

“Hyung, are you okay?” he asked me.

“Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?” I asked him back.

“I don't know. You looked depressed.” he simply stated.

“Oh. It's nothing. I just realized I can't go home to see my parents for Christmas. They left Korea last week and they won't come back until New Year.” I answered him.

“Ah. But can't you do something else? Why don't you go on a vacation?”

“Yeah... I could... But... Everyone's gonna spend Christmas with their families... And... I wanted to do the same.” I admitted as I felt my cheeks starting to burn.

“Oh. I understand. Err... Hyung... Err... Do you want to come with me?” he asked. I looked him in the eyes. He blushed slightly and avoided my eyes.

No. It's okay” I said “I'm sure I'm gonna find something fun to do.” I smiled at him and he smiled back. “Okay Hyung” he answered and went to our shared room. I was about to go watch TV in the living room when I froze, remembering what happened only seconds ago. Why was he blushing? I thought to myself. I jumped when I heard Taemin's voice “Hyung, why are you standing in the middle of the hall? And, what's most important, why are you blushing like a schoolgirl in love?”


The following day, they were all gone except Minho and I. He said he would leave later. In fact, I was quite happy Minho hadn't left yet. First, as long as he stayed at the dorm I was not alone. But, above all, I was happy it was Minho who was here with me. For some time, I had realized I felt more and more comfortable around him. It's true that we weren't very close when we debuted. But, as time passed, things changed. In fact, I now considered Minho as my precious friend. My very precious friend. Even more than a friend. Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop! I thought. He's a friend, ONLY a friend. I decided that watching TV would probably distract me, so I left my bedroom and went to the living room. There, I sat on the couch and turned the TV on. What seemed like a great idea wasn't in fact that great. Although the show that was currently aired seemed pretty good, I couldn't stop thinking about Minho. To make things worse, I remembered what Taemin had told me last evening. Blushing like a schoolgirl in love? What is that even supposed to mean? I kept hearing Taemin's voice calling me. Hyung! Hyung! Hyung! “Hyung!” I jumped as I felt a hand on my shoulder. I lifted my head to see Minho standing behind the couch and staring at me.“Yah! Don't scare me like that!” I shouted. “Why didn't you answer when I called you?” He then looked closely at me and added “Hyung, why are you blushing?” I jumped once again. “What? I'm not blushing!” He smirked. “You are.” It was too much for me. “Enough!” I said and I rose from the couch and headed to the bedroom. I kept sulking until Minho left the dorm and didn't even tell him goodbye. I regretted it later that night, alone in the empty dorm.


And now it was Christmas Eve and I was alone. I shook my head. Thinking about all this wouldn't make me less lonely. I decided that I would have some fun for Christmas. I took my phone and mailed the Super Junior Hyungs. One of them would probably be available to go out with me. Just in case, I also mailed the SNSD Noonas. Unfortunately, 5 minutes later, all hope was gone. They were busy. ALL OF THEM. I was sure they were lying. They were probably having a great party and didn't want me to in. Too bad for them! I thought. I was gonna have the night of my life and they would all be jealous when I'd tell them later. I rose from the couch and went to my room. I chose some styled clothes and went out. I was pretty confident about finding something to do. After all, it was Christmas Eve. There was always something to do on Christmas Eve. I went to some restaurant we often went to after rehearsals. They had a special Christmas menu. I enjoyed the food but I was a little nostalgic. Usually, Key would be nagging about this or that, Jinki Hyung would be eating, chatting and laughing all at the same time, just like Taemin. And Minho... Minho would be sitting right next to me, eating, sometimes laughing to a joke another one had made, and smiling. Smiling. Ah, I missed his smile... I missed him... Stop! It wasn't a good idea to come here after all. I left the table, paid the waiter at the entrance and went back to the cold streets of Seoul. As I was walking, it started snowing. I liked the snow, especially for Christmas. After all, there had to be snow in the streets for Christmas. At least, that's what I thought. After some minutes of walking, I realized I was heading towards the dorm without even noticing. Wait! Wasn't I gonna have the night of my life! Shoot! A hot cocoa and a good movie will do! And so I was back at the dorm. I entered and took off my shoes and coat. I went straight to the kitchen to make my hot cocoa. I added some marshmallows in it. Fine! Now, what am I gonna watch? I thought as I went to the living room. I put my cup of hot cocoa on the coffee table and started to search for the perfect movie that would help me enjoy the night. I jumped when I heard a sound coming from my bedroom. I scanned the room to find something that could be used as a weapon. I finally took one of my shoes and slowly headed towards my room. I tried not to make any sound. When I reached the door, I slowly opened it and what I saw took my breath away. Someone was standing right there, in the middle of the room. He was standing right there. “Min-Minho?” I asked, almost whispering. He turned around. “Oh, Hyung. You're here. I thought you went out.”

I was out but I decided to come back and watch a movie... Wait! What are YOU doing here? Weren't you supposed to spend Christmas with your family?” I asked incredulously.

“Sure I was. But as I was helping my mother wrapping the gifts, we talked and she asked me what I really wanted for Christmas.”

What? She waited until today to ask you what you wanted for Christmas?” I started to laugh.

He chuckled. “I thought exactly the same! And I told her. But she said she wasn't talking about presents.”

“So what was she talking about?” I asked curiously.

She told me 'If you could have just one thing for Christmas, what would it be?' And she added it could be anything he answered.

I started to think, if I could ask for one and only one thing for Christmas, what would it be? I knew exactly what I would like to have. But, it was something I would probably never gain: Minho's love. I stopped my thinking before it started running wild and instead asked Minho “And... What would it be?”

“It's a secret!” he said and winked at me.

“What? Why won't you tell me? I'm your Hyung, you have to tell me!” I warned him.

“What kind of logic is that!” He laughed. “Okay! I'll tell you... But only if you're nice to me for the rest of the night.”

I thought for about 5 seconds. Should I just punch him or should I laugh? I finally chose the second one and added “Okay, I'll be the nicest Hyung you've ever known!” and I winked at him.

“You're already the nicest Hyung I know” he whispered.

What?” I was shocked. Did I hear wrong or...?

“Err...” he was avoiding my gaze.

“What did you just say?”

“Nothing! Hyung, didn't you say you wanted to watch a movie?”

I was about to do it when I heard you make some noise in our room” I stated “Do you know I thought it was a housebreaker?”

“I'm sorry Hyung! I didn't want to scare you.” He seemed embarrassed.

“Yah! I was not scared! And you are the one who would have been scared if I didn't recognize you! I was about to kick your !”

“Wow, Hyung! I didn't know you were such a hero!” he laughed.

“Yah! Don't laugh at me!” I was getting angrier by the second.

“Okay, okay. Don't be angry Hyung. Come, we're gonna watch a movie.” As I didn't move a foot, he came closer and took my hand. “Come on Hyung! I promise I'll stop making fun of you.”

“You promise?” I asked.

“Yeah, I promise.” He smiled at me.

I looked at our fingers still intertwined and then I looked up at him. He blushed, smiled and headed towards the living room without letting go of my hand. I was blushing like crazy. We reached the living room and he finally released my hand. I was a little disappointed. He told me to sit on the couch and chose a movie before joining me. As the movie started playing, Minho took a blanket which was lying on the couch and covered us both. After some minutes, I leaned forward to take my cup of (not so hot anymore) cocoa and took a sip. Minho looked at me. “Hot cocoa? Can I have a sip too?”

“There's milk and cocoa in the kitchen. You can do it yourself” I answered him.

“Hyung!” he whined “I don't want to miss the movie. Plus, you already have a cup. Why can't you share it with me? I'm not sick, you know?”

“Who knows? You could be sick and just hide it to infect me” I said, trying not to laugh as I saw him pout.

“Hyung!” he whined once again “Am I that mean?”

“Err... Should I be honest?” I .

“Yah!” He then looked at me with his big eyes and pouted once more. “Please, Hyung!” He was so cute I couldn't resist.

Okay, okay!” I said, trying to sound angry to hide my embarrassment when I thought that it would be like an indirect kiss. “But don't drink it all!” I blushed a bright red after I realized what my last comment implied. Did I want an indirect kiss? Hell yes! Wait...! NO! No, no, no! I must stop thinking like that. I started to repeat it on and on in my head. Stop thinking like that. Stop thinking like that. Jonghyun! Take a hold of yourself!

“Hey, Hyung. Are you alright?” Minho asked. He seemed worried.

“Yeah, yeah.”


“Yeah, I'm sure” I said “ Stop making that face!” I added.

“What?” he asked and after I could even try to answer to him he said “Okay, let's just watch the movie.”

“Okay. By the way, you can drink it all. I mean the cocoa, I don't want it anymore.”

“What? But you told me not to drink it all!”

“Yeah, but now I don't want it anymore” I simply said.

“Weathercock!” he whispered before intensely watching the screen like he was captivated by the movie, although he hadn't paid attention to it for almost half an hour.

I decided not to say anything anymore. After that, we both watched the movie silently, until the end. I yawned and looked at my phone to see what time it was. “Oh Gosh!” I said “It's almost 2am!”

“What? You're kidding me?” Minho looked at me, shocked.

“No. Look for yourself.” I said as I gave him my phone.

“Oh Gosh! You're right! I think it's time to go to bed.”

“Yeah” I simply answered. We got up, I brought the empty cup to the kitchen, whereas Minho went to the bathroom to take a shower. After he left the bathroom, it was my turn to take a shower. When I was ready to sleep, I went to our shared bedroom. When I entered it, I saw that Minho was already lying in his bed. “Are you asleep?” I whispered. “No” he answered and opened his eyes. He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back and then turned to my bed. I lay down and turned my bedside lamp off. I heard Minho whisper “Goodnight Hyung.” I was about to tell him the same when I remembered something. “Minho?” I waited then added “Do you think I am a nice Hyung?” He didn't answer straight away so I thought he was already asleep. Just when I was thinking of sleeping too, he said “Yeah, a really nice one.”

I was quite shocked at his answer. I wasn't expecting it at all. Maybe he was franker because he was half asleep. This was my chance. “So, can you tell me now?”

“What Hyung?”

“What would it be, the one thing you'd like to have for Christmas?” Before he could protest, I added “You promised you'd tell me if I was nice to you!”

“You” he whispered.

“What 'you'?” I asked him, confused.

“The only thing I want for Christmas, it's you” he calmly said.

“M-m-m-me?” I couldn't believe what I had just heard. Was it even real?

Then he repeated “Yeah, you.”

I was so shocked I couldn't say a word. I waited for 5 or 10 minutes and then I said in a shaky voice “Min-Minho?”

“Yeah Hyung?”

“Can I sleep in your bed tonight? I'm cold.”

“Of course” he answered.

I got up and joined him in his bed. He moved back so I could lie down beside him. He then wrapped his arms around me and held me tight. I was so happy. I had waited for this for so long. Feeling a surge of confidence, I slowly moved my head towards his and kissed his cheek. I was blushing like crazy, but he couldn't see it thanks to the dark. I felt his fingers touch my neck, then going up to my face. My heart pounded in my chest, I was breathing quickly by the second. And the next thing I knew was that I could no longer breathe. Because he was kissing me. Minho was kissing me. For real. I had dreamed many times of our first kiss. But it was so much greater. His lips were so soft and plump. It was like they were made to kiss mine. It was like magic. When he broke the kiss, we were both out of breath. I leaned my head on his chest and I could hear his heartbeat. It was fast, really fast. I smiled and wrapped my hands around him. I was about to fall asleep when I heard him whisper sweetly “I love you Hyung.” I snuggled closer and answered ”I love you too Minho.” Not long after, Minho was asleep and I knew I would be sleeping soon too. Just before I drifted off to sleep, I thought in the end, it was a good thing that I couldn't spend Christmas at home.



A/N: So it's my second oneshot. Hope you like it. It's almost Christmas Time, so I wanted to write something related to Christmas.
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Chapter 1: OMG THIS IS SO ADORABLE. ;O; My otp! <3
lantism #2
Chapter 1: woohoo! crack pairing I love (?) lol,i know its too late for comment but... yeah like this ff
littlejjampong #3
Chapter 1: awwww.. that was soooooo sweeeeeeeeeeeeet... please create more!!
Chapter 1: ahh... so nice, i'm giggling here. haha
Chapter 1: so cute
best jongho story ever
Chapter 1: I want more!! haha!! It's very cute. :)
reitachan #7
Chapter 1: So cute momen that they have