I Love You... ONESHOT

The day I first met you

as I stand here watch you form afar.

What a beautiful sight,

your angelic smile captive me

I enjoy you visiting me everyday.

Taebaby, I enjoy your presents.

To you, I'm like your personal diary

I never told anyone your secrets.

You told me that you loved me

You warm me up with your sweet words

You lay there peacefully under the bright sun

as I block sunlight form your delicate eye


One day you come to me

tears was spilling from your eyes.

Taebaby, please don't cry.

I wish I could embrace

and tell you everything will be fine

but yet I stand here

unable to move

or to speak comforting words to you.

Sorry Taebaby, all I can do is watch you cry.

It kills me to see you this way

Please, no more tears yeobo

I love you

And now you lay fast asleep below me


Minnie its been a months since I saw you

Have you forgotten me?

Where have you gone love?

You left me alone

I yearn to see you again

I miss you touch and you sweet smile

I'm always here for you, Taebaby

I'll be waiting to see you again.


I have grown weaker and weaker since you left

How many years has it been?

Its been a really long time hasn't it?

Taebaby, until I see you face I'm not leaving with out you.

--- Few Months Later

Minnie, you finally come to see me

but I see that you brought someone with you

and the little one.

I see now..

You have found someone haven't you?

I'm happy you found somone to love.

I'm glad he will be able to comfort you

and make you happy

Yet, I fall to pieces...

Now, you leave me here alone under the sun.

Good-bye Taebaby, I will never forget you.

Now, I can go without any regrets

After all, I am just a Blossom Tree

--- Later that year

Later that year,  Taemin and his new husband goes to the store and buy their son, Yoogeun a gift for his birthday. Yoogeun then spotted the toy that he wanted as his little eye widen in excitement. "Umma, I want that one!" Than ran off to the shelves full of Power Rangers and out of Taemins sight. "Yoogeun wait!" Both Taemin and his husband ran after their son, finding him in the stranger arms and the Power Ranger in the young boy's. "Yoogeun!" They ran towards the stranger and took their son as Taemin kneel down, places his hand on his chest catching his breath. "Yoogeun,  don't you ever run off like that without your umma or appa." Embracing their son in their arms. Taemin looked up at the stranger and stood to shake his hand. "Thank you, I  sorry if he caused you any trouble." The stranger smiled at Taemin and reaches out his hand to the blonde. "Oh, he's was no problem at all, my name is Jinki by the way." Taemin then releases his hand giving Jinki a warm and bright smile. "Nice to meet you. My name is Taemin and this is my son Yoogeun and my froggie Minho." Before pecking his husband on the cheek. "You have a wonderful family, I just moved back here from studying abroad."

"That's really nice, well we should be going." Taemin pick up waving saying his last farwell to Jinki. "It was nice meeting you Jinki, I hope we meet again one of these days." As he walked away from Jinki, turning back giving him one last smile until he disappeared from his sight. Jinki stood there for a while before say ing. "Taebaby, I'm glad that we could meet again..."

"Hey Jinki, what's the hold up? We have to go!" Jinki then turned to the group of boys and looked back at the direction Taemin left and finally said these very words...

"Good-bye Taebaby, I will always love you."


Okay everyone what do you think? This is my very first ONESHOT, so I don't expect this to be really good. I hope you liked it anyway...

Thanks for reading!!


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Chapter 1: ????? i don get it.....
xIndigox #2
Chapter 1: Not bad. I read it. Happy now?
I added 2 tags.
Chapter 1: picturing here Taemin as a girl?
That's really sad! You are really good in angst stuffs! You should keep on writing!

BTW, you should add more "tags" so that more people could see your story.
Chapter 1: OMG This is really good! Totally unique and unexpected! Love it! <333