That Slow Motion Moment




Now alone in a world that had once sparkled as bright as the diamond ring perched on the hand - the jewel stained with crimson. A world that had once been lively and loud - the sound shattered by gunfire.  


Now alone because of a single person's selfish desires.


This was for Poster Paradise's Secret Santa Event.


They worked hard to organize all of this! Thank you~






"She's what?!"


"She's been taken away..." Never before had Niel seen so much anger and fear in L.Joe's thin eyes - the thin eyes that showed either nothing or happiness. In all the years he had known him, happiness or blankness was all he saw - never fear. Now that he could see it, despite his calm demeanor, Niel was shaking on the inside.


He was starting to wonder if this had been a bad idea.


"And you didn't stop them? Niel, how could you?" L.Joe seemed slightly hysteric, his voice lowering in pitch to a rather scary growl.


"Th-they threatened to kill her." Niel shivered under L.Joe's strong grip - scared.


L.Joe never cried.


In all those years...


"They might kill her anyway." He growled. He lowered his head, keeping the vice-like grip on Niel's shoulders and through his bangs, Niel could see sparkling drops of tears plop onto the ground. After a moment, L.Joe let go of Niel's shoulders and turned away. "Are you coming?"


That was what Niel had been waiting for. He almost breathed a sigh of relief.


"Of course."


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Chapter 1: To my secret santa, Taffy ;)
Heyllo! I believe we haven't met before & if have then I will be quoting you "if we have, hell, I'm so sorry for my bad memory." Haha That is a very nice way to put it. Haha So since we both have horrible memory it's all cool if we did or didn't. Haha. Anyways! Back to the one shot!
It was bittersweet~ But thank you for the wonderful gift!!
Happy Holidays to you too!! :)))