part 1;

All I Want for Christmas Is You

Christmas in the EXO dorms is anything but normal. Granted, it's their first Christmas as an actual, debuted group, but they've spent the last Christmas together as well. And it certainly didn't go as anyone had planned. No one really likes to talk about it.

But this year, Junmyeon swears, will be different. He and Kyungsoo have everything planned, down to the last sprinkle on the snickerdoodle cookies they're going to bake (AKA Kyungsoo is going to bake, and the children will decorate).
So when M walks into their dorm and sees a stack of letters on the dining table with the simple word "twinkle" on them, they can't help but think the worst. Everyone shares a worried glance before Wu Fan cautiously reaches out and undoes the candy cane colored twine from around the letters and opens the first one.
The rest of the members crowd around him and peak over his shoulder as the newly folded paper crinkles in the otherwise silent dorm. The only thing written on the inside is "숨  겨  도   twinkle 어  쩌   나  ?"
There is a collective sigh before Jongdae mutters under his breath. "Baekhyun."
On the other side of the hall, where K has just woken up from their nap, a loud shrill breaks through the peaceful silence, and Junmyeon is in the living room before anyone can even blink.
"What is it?" Their leader is wide-eyed, clad in a t-shirt and plaid pajama bottoms, disheveled hair to top everything off.
But he gets no answer, just a very frazzled Kyungsoo who is staring wide-eyed (well more wide than usual) at the current state of his kitchen and the cookies sitting on the counter.
Junmyeon decides to bypass his stunned bandmate and make his way over to the cookies that have a small, folded note sitting beside them, addressed "To: Kris Kringle" in neat cursive writing. It makes Junmyeon want to cry because why is his job this hard this wasn't in the contract.
Before Junmyeon can proceed to comfort a traumatized Kyungsoo, there is a very harsh knock at the door that is all too familiar, characterized by three sharp raps and a heavy kick to top it off. Junmyeon sighs and simply pats Kyungsoo on the shoulder as he walks by, ready to be faced with 187 centimeters of rage and furry eyebrows.
"We need to talk," is the first thing that comes out of Wu Fan's mouth as Junmyeon opens the door.
"I know," the shorter sighs, already getting the urge to rub his temples and massage the bridge of his nose because this definitely wasn't what he signed up for. "What did you get?"
"This," Wu Fan bites, ing the stack of letters into his fellow leader's hands.
Junmyeon would laugh if it weren't for the seriousness of the situation as he flips through lyric after lyric of TaeTiSeo's "Twinkle."
Wu Fan taps his bare foot on the hardwood floor impatiently as he waits for Junmyeon to say something -- anything.
Junmyeon sighs. "It's a game."
"A what," It's more of a statement than a question, and it has the smaller male flinching a bit at the icy tone in the other's words. And he thought it was cold outside.
"A game," Junmyeon tosses the letters and the note on the counter. "Probably Baekhyun and Chanyeol's doing. They like games, especially when they have an excuse for them."
Wu Fan stares at Junmyeon like he's grown a third head and is breathing fire. "A game," he clarifies, enunciating the words slowly so that he knows that he isn't misunderstanding.
Junmyeon nods and winces as another stifled sob comes from the kitchen, or what remains of it. "Yes; don't your kid-- I mean, don't the other members play games?"
"If they do, I'm unaware."
"Ignorance is bliss."
Before the conversation can continue, everyone begins to gather in K's dorm. The members from across the hall begin to wander in, knowing that it's fairly safe considering Duizhang hasn't yelled in the past few minutes. The K boys are slowly trickling out of their rooms, albeit a bit disgruntled and hair messy, but still in tact.
"Where's the breakfast couple?" Jongin asks as he rubs his eyes and goes to fix his shirt (except there isn't one to fix).
Sehun grunts as he rests the whole of his body weight on the other maknae of the group. "Probably doing something stupid," he mumbles, letting his hair fall in his eyes. He needs a haircut.
Minseok laughs from the side, also using another member (Zitao) as a human pillar. "Aren't they always?"
Junmyeon sighs. "Yes, yes they are."
Eventually, all ten members that are present decide to make it a stay-at-home-and-lay-around-in-our-pajamas day as they bicker over which movies to watch (everyone vetos Sehun's suggestions of Mulan and Cinderella, much to his distaste). They figure that Baekhyun and Chanyeol have to come back eventually, and when they do, it'll be ten against two, and hopefull the majority will win.
Unfortunately, they all fall asleep with Cinderella 3 still flashing on the screen (Lu Han can be quite scary when it comes to Sehun, they find out), and no one is awake enough to hear the small cackle that accompanies the creaking of the door at two in the morning.
As the whole of EXO (sans Baekhyun and Chanyeol) begin to wake up the next morning, or rather early afternoon, there are quiet gasps as each person opens their eyes.
Above the television, where there is a small ledge to put small trinkets and such, there are six neat stockings hung in a row, a small name card sticking out of each.
Sehun rolls off of his convenient spot that is made of Jongin and Kyungsoo and manages to crawl over to the stocking with his name poking out of it. He lifts the stocking off of the hook, and is not very amused at what he sees inside.
Everyone else notices his facial expressions and move to grab their respective gifts. The M members watch as, one by one, their bandmates' expressions grow either dark or disappointed (moreso the former than the latter).
And it doesn't take more than Jongin's stale comment of "There's a Krong plushie in here" for the other half of the group to bolt across the hall and see what awaits them.
As they wait for the others, the three remaining members proceed to dump the contents of their stockings out on the floor in front of them and search through them. There's Pororo socks in Kyungsoo's, a small, still-cold carton of white milk in Sehun's, and a book on parenting in Junmyeon's.
It's very timely that a cross yell echoes throughout the whole floor of the dorms, obviously coming from M's dorm.
Junmyeon wants to cry.
It's the next day when the two leaders force their members out for last minute Christmas shopping; Sehun and Lu Han, Jongin and Kyungsoo, Yixing and Jongdae, and Minseok and Zitao. Junmyeon and Wu Fan stay back, still waiting for their mischevious children to return home and explain the whole fiasco that has been the past two days.
Also, they have to sort through the stocking goodies and throw out anything questionable that the manager would throw a fit about (exhibit A: the found in the bottom of Sehun's stocking).
Wu Fan grumbles the whole time, muttering things about "stupid kids" and "good thing I'm Chinese" under his breath, except he says it with a bit more color than that.
Junmyeon decides to ignore it and just smile that smile he always manages. That is what he signed up for, the fake smiles; not this nonsense.
"Xiao Lu, what do you think about this?" Sehun calls from across the aisle, holding up a light blue, knitted hat with fluffy spheres hanging off where the ear flaps end.
Lu Han grins. "I like it," He strides over to the younger and snatches the hat away before prancing up to the counter to pay for it. "Thanks for the Christmas present, bao bei."
Sehun would smile, or maybe blush, but he finds it hard when he discovers that his wallet is missing from his back pocket.
As the couple are walking out of the store, trying to avoid the watchful eyes of their ever-so-vigilant fans, Lu Han decides to look over their receipt, "Just to make sure."
"Sehun-ah, look at this," Lu Han tugs on the younger's sleeve, slowing him to a stop to shove the receipt into his hand.
"The bottom, look at the bottom," Lu Han points reeatedly at the very small print inked at the end of the receipt.
Sehun stares for a moment, then frowns considerably and curses under his breath as he crumples up the piece of paper. "Those idiots, I swear I'm going to kill--"
"Look! I found them, it's Hunhan!" There's a shrill scream from the other side of the street, and Lu Han grabs Sehun's arm before they both bolt as fast as they can.
"But Hyuuuung," Jongin whines for the umpteenth time, and, if he were with anyone but Kyungsoo, he would've been smacked into silence by now.
"Jongin," Kyungsoo starts, pausing from through the size medium sweaters to look at his junior with a somewhat stern stare (Jongin just thinks it's a cute pout). "for the last time, we are not getting matching pajamas."
Jongin thinks his persuasion might work if he drapes himself over the elder as he pouts and plays with Kyungsoo's fingers between his own. "But they have Pororo and Krong ones on sale, and only until today!"
"No, Jongin, I am not buying those. We're here for other people's Christmas presents, remember?"
"Well what if Junmyeon hyung doesn't want a sweater?"
"And what else would he want?"
Jongin grins. "He would want us to be happy on Christmas."
"And you being happy on Christmas requires me to buy those pajamas, I'm guessing?"
"Now you get it!" Jongin's smile grows wider, and he reattaches himself to Kyungsoo like the koala bear that he is.
Kyungsoo almost admits defeat, but then something catches his eye. "Jongin, you said these were on sale?"
Kyungsoo smiles. "I don't think so. Look at this."
"What?" Jongin frowns and looks at the tags on the pajamas. "What the--"
"Shhhh!" Kyungsoo slaps a hand over Jongin's mouth to keep a very loud, attention-drawing yell from leaving his mouth.
Jongin effectively the elder's palm so that he can speak. "Can we still get them?" he asks, armed with a puppy-dog pout and big round eyes.
"No, Jongin, they aren't on sale."
They end up walking out with three bags instead of one anyway.
"Ge, do you think duizhang would like this?" Zitao holds up a quite flamboyant, leopard print sweater.
Minseok snorts. "It'll be his favorite present that he gets this year, Taozi."
At that, Zitao's eyes light up, and he doesn't hesitate another second before paying for it. Then he proceeds to bounce up and down while he patiently waits for Minseok to finish picking out his present for Lu Han so they can go home and wrap them.
"That'll be 23,000 won," the cashier looks completely and utterly bored so Minseok tries to hurry and pay the teenager. The cashier bags the green sweater (with a deer and jingle bells on the front, of course) and hands Minseok his change before telling them to have a nice day.
"Thank you," Minseok is about to turn and leave when the cashier calls out to him.
"Um, I was supposed to give this to you. I almost forgot," the teenager holds out a note awkwardly, urging Minseok silently with his eyes to hurry up and take it I have a break to go on.
"Oh okay," Minseok thanks the cashier once again and walks out of the store with Zitao before bothering to look at the note.
Yixing and Jongdae stumble through shopping a bit, but Yixing is grateful that he's with one of the Korean-speaking members and not someone like Zitao because God that would be a nightmare.
"Ge," Jongdae calls, but then switches to regular, but simple Korean. "what do you think Baekhyun will want?"
Yixing stifles a laugh. "Are we even allowed to get them anything? With the way things are going, Duizhang might ban them from even being a part of Christmas." They both know it's a lie, though, because when it comes to being sentimental, Wu Fan is a big softy, even if he'd never admit it, even on his death bed (maybe not even then).
Jongdae rolls his eyes and keeps looking through the assortments of eyeliner and hand lotion that line the shelves while Yixing debates whether Chanyeol likes cinnamon or spearmint toothepaste better.
"Oh my God," Yixing and Jongdae start at the same time, staring at each other with wide from across the isle.
"Does yours say--"
Somewhere in Seoul, in a very top secret location that no one knows of, a plot is being drawn out.
"We're in the basement of your house planning how we're going to sneak Christmas presents in the dorm, Yeol, not mapping out mission impossible." Baekhyun points out, but is soon silenced uncerimoniously by a hand over his face.
"Shhhhh, someone might hear us," Chanyeol doesn't even look at his best friend, and Baekhyun is kind of glad, because then he'd see him rolling his eyes.
what am i even doing
idk what this is hopefully you find something funny
yoojin i hope you're happy
part 2 will be up tomorrow
oh and there are so many stereotypes in this excuse me
EDIT: so i fixed it. lol i edited it so much it'll make much more sense and hopefully be better now.
so yeah. part 1 on christmas eve and part 2 will come on christmas day~
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Chapter 4: omg i seriously hate jongin right now
that stubborn brat
it would be pretty funny to see kyungsoo's breakdown about not being able to return pajamas though omfg
and joonmyun is the forever ignored, why-do-you-guys-do-this-to-me, poor little soul tbh lololol
gOddaMN chanyeol and baekhyun are annoying little ____ks with their oh so fun games for a freaking ornament wOah ok i need to stop
but yeah this was really fun to read and i very lub you bb
Chapter 1: woOOOoOOoHhOOOoOoO christmas fic ~
i seriously just cracked up reading this
because i mean
a parenting book omfg
what is all this going on at the same time orz
i think it's great and pretty funny so far AND WHERE IS THE NEXT PART RACHEL