
Our Messed Up World


Hello my beloved readers & subscribers. I am sorry for this awfully late update and for not being able to write more stories like I've previously assured you guys. Truth is, I had gone on a crazy ride with my studies and also personal issues. There is also a problem with the way I begin to think of my current story, as I struggle to make it as real as I picture it in my head. I do not want to drag the story, like I did with YNS, and at the same time I do not want to leave anything unravel. This newest chapter is actually written months prior to my disappearance. I am sorry in advance if it wasn't as good as you thought it will be. I have thought of taking a long break, but didn't have the heart to because of you guys. I will try to update more after this. thank you. and I love you guys.

Ever since that night, Taeng and Tiffany started to live their life as housemates/couple. They do everything together, eating out, watching movies, going on dates, just about everything else.

However, there was always that one thing that bothered him too much. He didn’t know how long he could keep it from her, but for him, he wanted that thing to stay hidden from her for as long as it could.

“OUCH!” Taeng rubbed his head, and gave a glare at the person who just hit him.

“Serve you right! How dare you ignore me?”

“When did you become so clingy of me?”

Tiffany laughed sarcastically with the absurd question. “Stop zoning out, and help me with these.” She lifted her arms that were full of bags. Grocery bags.

“Fine.” But Taeng didn’t get the bags from her, he picked her up instead and throw her into his car trunk where the previous plastic bags were.

“YAHHH!” Tiffany yelled and stumbled back to her feet, leaving everything lying messily on the ground, and chased after the sneaky guy.

“They’re at it again.” Jessica said and proceeded to pick up the abandoned groceries.

Yul helped his girlfriend and gave an agreeing nod. “Seriously? Now they are not even afraid to show their affections in front of us, when they used to be so discreet about it.” He snickered.

Their friends had only known about their newfound relationship when they accidentally bumped into each other on their dates at the amusement park.

“We should have just asked Sulli about it. That sneaky couple.”

Sulli was the first one to know about their relationship because Taeng won’t hide anything from his favourite dongsaeng.

“And we could have been the last one to know if we hadn’t bumped into them.”


The couple sighed out, disappointed at their friends’ ignorance, before carrying the grocery bags into their house. Jessica and Yul decided to have a gathering for a group of their friends, inviting even the Wolf Gang.

“Why the long face?” Taeng asked, as he took a few bags from Jessica and helped them emptied it out.

“Because you .”

“Auww, come on. You’re not mad at me about that thing again?”

“How could you? We had been bestfriend for the longest.”

“Had?” Taeng raised his eyebrow.

“Yup. I want to resign from being your BFF now. It’s tiring, and not even rewarding at all.”

Taeng pouted and hugged her friend from the side. “Please don’t. You’re the best I ever had.”

“No.” Jessica shook her body, trying to get out of his grasp.

“Sica-ahhh.” Taeng whined.

“Hey, lay off the aegyo thing. And that is my girlfriend you’re rubbing against.” Yul warned his leader.

The two bestfriends who were fooling around immediately let go of each other.

“Eeeewww, Yul.” Taeng scrunched up his eyebrows.

“What? You’re a guy, maybe you’ll get from the rubbing.”

“With this thing?” Taeng gestured towards Jessica. “No way!”

“What the hell is that supposed to mean, Kim?” Jessica protested.

“No offense. But I have never had any thoughts about any other girl than Fany, especially you.”

“Good, keep it that way.” Yul said.

“Why? Am I not y enough for you, Taeng?” Jessica tried to seduce his friend, giving him goosebumps all over his body.

“What the hell?!” Taeng shouted and stepped backwards from her advances. “Yul controls your girl.”

“Sorry, but you have just awakened her ego.”

“Am I ual enough for you now?” She purred in his ears seductively as she trapped him between her and the wall.

Taeng gulped.“FANY~~~!!”

Jessica laughed hearing his outcry for help. She stepped back and immediately, she was embraced from behind.

“I got too.” Yul whispered into his girlfriend’s ears.

She turned around and gave him a deep kiss, smirking as she heard Taeng’s cry.

“What was the yelling about?” Tiffany rushed into the kitchen. She was out in the living room, entertaining the boys, giving them snacks when she heard the scream.

“Thank god.” Taeng muttered out before hugging his girlfriend tightly. “I only love you. You. Only.” He chanted more to himself.

Tiffany raised her eyebrow, but her hands were already patting his back, calming him down.

“What happened?” She asked when he pulled out from the hug.

“He just admitted that he has thoughts of you all the time.” Jessica answered nonchalantly.

“WHAT?!” Tiffany’s eyes widened.

“No, no.” Taeng shook his head, but it was too late.

Tiffany gave him a few hits on his arms and one hard one on his head.


 “Boss?” Suho had walked in, with a very confused expression on his face. It was rare for him to see his leader getting hit like this.

Taeng grabbed Tiffany’s hands and brought it down, before straightening himself. “What do you want?”

“The boys are getting hungry. We are wondering when we are going to actually get to eat?”

“Didn’t Fany just give you some snacks? Wait quietly for the food, or go home.” Taeng said harshly.

Tiffany pinched his side for his cold answer. She didn’t know why he had to answer like that instead of doing it nicely. Taeng had always been so cold towards the boys except for Chanyeol, and she didn’t know why.

“We’re going to start cooking in a few minutes. Can you help me start the fire first?”

Suho smiled and nodded his head before exiting the kitchen.

“Why do you like to abuse me?”

“Stop being such an . He was just asking.”

“But they should have waited patiently. We’re the one who is feeding them.”

“You mean us.” Yul interrupted.

“We’re the one who paid for the food.” Taeng argued back.

“This is OUR house.”

“Well, we can always take the party to my house.”

“Like you would do that. No one from the gang had ever been in your house.”

“You’ve been there.” He defended.

“You know what I meant!”

“ENOUGH!” Jessica put an end to the two friends’ bickering. “Take these, and start cooking them.” She commanded the two men. “And do not start another fight, or you’re both would be eating my fists.”

Yul and Taeng shut their mouth instantly, and went out to do what the lady of the house just told them.


Tiffany giggled as Jessica gave her a little wink at the end of her outburst.



The party almost went out of control with the boys from the gang doing their usual fights, trying to impress their leader.

“Stop picking on your fellow brothers, Chen.”

“But they started it.”

“And you should be the one ending it, since you’re older.” Yul told him, as he stepped in between those boys.


“Now, all of you, hug it out.”

“EEWWW. NO!” The protest came from every single of the wolf boys which made the bystanders laughed out loud at their reactions.

“I’m not going to say it twice.”

“But Hyung, that’s embarrassing!”

“Why? You guys are brothers right?”

“Brothers don’t hug.”

“Really? But me and Taeng used to do it every time.” Yul turned around and grinned at his leader, his face was slightly flushed.

“No we don’t!” Taeng who was snickering at the scene was shocked at Yul’s statement and denied it immediately. “Yahh! Why do you have to bring up my name?”

“We do, Taeng. Do I need to refresh your memory?” He slowly walked towards the sitting Taeng, and lunged forward, giving him a surprised hug.

“Get off!” Taeng tried to push him away, “Sica, get your drunk Seobang off me!”

“Why should I? Your problem.” Jessica shrugged off and continued her conversation with Tiffany who merely glanced at the sight of her crushed boyfriend.


Tiffany stuck her tongue out at him, ignoring his pleas for help.

“Fine.” Taeng finally wrapped his arm around Yul, patting his back awkwardly. “Now, get off me.”

“No, now give me a kiss.” Yul puckered his lips at Taeng.

“Now, that’s pushing it.” Taeng stood up abruptly, making Yul fell down on the ground. The latter however was laughing his butts off, obviously still feeling intoxicated.

“I think the party’s over for you, Yul.”

“But.. I haven’t got my kiss yet.” He pouted.

“You can ask that from Sica later.” Taeng patted Yul on the shoulder before stepping over him to walk towards the talkative girls.

“Oh, Taeng? Are you done with your bromance moment with Yul?”

“That’s mean, Sica. I almost got by him you know.”

“Boohoo. You know how he gets when he’s drunk.  But he’s harmless, don’t fret.”

“Well, good luck with him tonight. I think he could use some loving for you tonight.”

“I think YOU’RE the one who needs it.” Jessica gave a playful smile and winked at Taeng.

Taeng shivered. “Don’t you ever do that again.”

She laughed. “Fine. Are you going home already?”

“Nah. I think I’ll stay, since I’ve had some drinks. But I’ll send the boys on their way first. I don’t think your house can fit thirteen of hormones crazed boys.”

“Are you afraid that they’ll hit on your girlfriend?”

“No. They’re dead if they dared to even think of Tiffany like that.”

“Woah, chill out, Taeng.”

“I’m just saying, Sica.” Taeng suddenly leaned down and kissed Tiffany who was just listening to their conversation. “You’re mine only.” He grinned before walking off towards the boys who were scattered all over Jessica’s backyard.

“He seemed very possessive of you.”

“Yul is the same with you.”

“Yeap, but it’s just weird to me. To see him being like this.”

“Why? Doesn’t he do this every other girl he dated?”

“To other girls, Taeng seemed more controlling than possessive.”

“How is that any different?”

“It’s just is. He didn’t really care what those girls do behind his back, he just didn’t like seeing it.”

“Those girls..are they..”

“They’re not exactly his girlfriends. Just girls he slept with occasionally.”

“Occasionally?” Tiffany’s eyes widened.

“Ops. Did I say too much? Must be the alcohol.” Jessica giggled. “Anyway, just forget everything that I’ve said. It’s not important. He’s in love with you now.”

“How am I supposed to forget that?”

“Aishh, you will. This is just drunk talking.”

“I’m not even drunk. I wish I was.” Tiffany frowned and set her eyes on Taeng who was obliviously talking to the wolf boys. “He’s dead.”

Jessica nervously laughed and scratched her neck, silently regretting the words she slipped out.


“Let’s go, boys. Hurry up and be gone.” The leader kicked some of the boys’ to chase them out of Yul’s back yard.


“What?” Taeng grinned and walked towards his girlfriend. “They’re taking too long to disappear.”

“You shouldn’t kick them around.”

“But it’s fun. You want to try?” Before Tiffany could even respond, Taeng had called one of the boys to come.

“Do you need anything, boss?”

“Turn around.” Taeng ordered, his face was expressionless.


“Just do it, Jongin.”

Kai turned around, just as his leader said.

“Go on, Fany.”

“Stop being so mean.” Tiffany glared at her boyfriend before dismissing the confused Kai.

“Well, you wanted me to get close to the boys right? This is how I joke with them.”

“Joke? This is a joke? Are you kidding me?” Tiffany’s face was red with frustration.

“As a matter of fact, I am.” Taeng chuckled and patted Tiffany’s head. “We’re men, Fany. This is how we joke around no matter how harsh it may seem. You’ve seen how they got into a fight earlier.”

Tiffany huffed, and her lips were pouting. “I don’t like how it is.”

“What can you do about it? Are we supposed to gossip about boys all day, while doing our nails, like you and Sica?”

“Yah! We absolutely didn’t do that.”

Taeng scoffed. “I heard you talking to her earlier. Who’s hottie Finnick huh? How dare you even bring up a man’s name in front of me.”

“Are you serious? Were you eavesdropping on us?”

“I can’t help it. You were practically drooling while you were talking about him.”

Tiffany suddenly let out an amused laugh. “This is really a funny sight of you.”

“What? You think this is funny? Who’s Finnick? Where can I find this son of a b-”

“Go to District 4, and you’ll find him.”

“What? Where is that?” Taeng was looking very serious. “Is it in America?”

Tiffany burst out of laughter again, seeing the confused expression on his face. “It’s a movie character, Silly!”


“Finnick Odair. He’s a movie character.”


“That means that he only exists in the movie. How are you going to find him?”

It took Taeng a whole minute before he finally occurred to him what she was talking about. “What movie are we talking about?”

Tiffany shook her head and slapped his chest playfully. “You’re drunk, aren’t you?”

“Am not.”

“Prove it. What is my middle name?”

“Aha! You don’t have one!” Taeng was happy that he wasn’t caught with Tiffany’s trick.

“Clever. I guess you’re not drunk yet.”

“Kim Taeng doesn’t get drunk.”

“Really, how about that night where you-“

“I thought we agreed on never talking about that anymore.” Taeng frowned.

“I will talk about any night that I want.” She said, insistingly.

Taeng groaned. “What can I do to make that night go away?”

“Get drunk again?”

“Don’t mess with my head, Fany. It’s already hurting.” He complained to her earlier about his head, where it accidentally bumped during the hard fall he took when Yul pounced on him.

Tiffany giggled. “Aigoo, poor little Taeng.” She cooed her boyfriend, her hand started to rub on the bruised part, babying him on purpose. She was actually trying to whiny boyfriend more.

“You know, this doesn’t make me feel bad at all. So, aha! You lost again.” Taeng grabbed her hand and gave it a small kiss before wrapping his arm around her waist to pull her closer. “I wuff you.”

“Okay, you’re drunk now.”

Taeng grinned before shaking his head. “I love you. Wuff you. I adore you so much.” He pecked her lips. “I want to be with you forever, Tiffany Hwang.”

Tiffany was about to say something when she was cut off by an unfamiliar voice. It didn’t only make her head turned, but the engaged couple and also the remaining wolf pack who direct their attention to a person that who was clearly uninvited.

“Is that the wedding bells I’m hearing, …. brother?”


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Chapter 18: Great story
please update ~~
tipco09 #3
This is a very good story. It's one of the few I upvoted . I was going to re read everything but I noticed that it's still not completed. Please update , authorshi.
Beetlebee #4
Chapter 19: Update plss~~ did story is awesomee
Gizmo25 #5
Author update please !!!
dee_kty #6
Chapter 19: update please
OMG! Author please update this ! I'm a real fan of this story! I've read this repeatedly and still, I can't get over it coz it left me hanging on the most interesting part. Please have mercy for our hearts .. It's really longing for an update .. T.T THE FEELS ARE ALWAYS RIGHT HERE !!! *points to my heart* IT STILL LINGERS!! please update this beautiful story. The creativity, the ideas, EVERYTHING was put into a whole new level which made the story perfect for readers, especially for TaeNy shippers. Thanks author for sharing your talent! and please keep your TaeNy spirit high! Taeny is real author ~ there are sooo many TaeNy moments happened since 2014 ~ Please author ~ hope you can see this. Thank you soo much. Please update author ~
Chapter 19: Looking forward to more updates!!
Gizmo25 #9
Chapter 19: Finish the story~ !!!!!
Gizmo25 #10
Chapter 19: OH MY GOD I'm dying why you're not updating !! Your story is amazing. I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE IT !! Comeback !! Update again !! FİGHTİNG AUTHOR ! !!!