Baekhyun: Jealousy

Everything Changes


"Dude, you've been holding out," Chanyeol complained as Sehun slid back into his seat, "Who's that vision of loveliness you've been hiding from us?"
"Vision of loveliness? Yeol, that is unbelievably corny - even for you. " Sehun sounded incredulous as he settled himself comfortably close to Baekhyun. A move which the latter found deeply distracting. "Where's Kyungsoo?"
"Library. Freaking out over a Hydraulics assignment that's due whenever. But don't change the subject, Sehun. That girl is gorgeous - why haven't we heard you mention her? Hold out!" Chanyeol kicked Sehun's ankle vengefully and Sehun kicked him back equally hard.
"Who is she?" Baekhyun asked quietly and Sehun turned to face him. His face was devoid of expression as he waited for Sehun's answer.
"Jung Soo-Jung. She's in my Multimedia Applications course. She's ... nice."
"What did she want from you?" Baekhyun regretted it the moment the words came out of his mouth. They were too intense, too prying, and too ing possessive.
"She just wanted to ask me some stuff." Sehun shrugged noncommittally.
Baekhyun knew it couldn't have been just "stuff". If it had been just stuff, the girl wouldn't have asked him to go somewhere private. What the hell had they talked about for 15 whole minutes, and damn Sehun for not sharing.
"She totally asked you out, didn't she?" Chanyeol teased.
"Does it matter if she did? She's a great girl and all but I don't exactly like girls."
"Damn, did you just come out?" Chanyeol hissed sotto voce. 
"I guess?" Sehun's answer was deadpan.
"You gotta give a guy some warning when it comes to this sort of thing, ok? That came out of nowhere, man! Come to think of it, I don't remember you ever talking about finding anyone hot or anything. How did I miss that? More importantly, how did Captain Control Freak Byun Baekhyun miss that?" Chanyeol looked accusingly at Baekhyun who was deep in reverie.
 "Baekkkkk, did you know about Sehun? Am I the last to know? What the hell?" But before anyone could respond to Chanyeol's grousing, Kim Junmyeon showed up. In a move that surprised Baekhyun himself, he nudged his knee against Sehun's in an action which seemed a lot like marking his territory. Sehun didn't push him away though, and he took that as a positive sign.
"Oh Sehun, you owe me a movie! I'll pick you up at 7, all right?" Junmyeon was all good looks and smooth lines and confident smiles and Baekhyun couldn't stand the sight of him. He especially couldn't stand the thought of Sehun being anywhere near him. Baekhyun swore it was like a conspiracy. Anyone and everyone who had ever been attracted to Oh Sehun seemed to be crawling out of the woodwork to taunt him. And apparently they were all choosing today to do it.
"About that - I ..."
"He can't make it," Baekhyun interjected.
"I'll see you at 7. Where should we meet?" Sehun ignored the righteous anger emanating from the agitated male beside him, and calmly made arrangements to meet Junmyeon. After making a series of what Baekhyun found to be disgustingly delighted noises, Junmyeon thankfully made his exit.
"Because I really want to watch Skyfall and I might as well watch it with him since he's asking."
Baekhyun didn't have a reply to this statement, which in itself shocked Chanyeol, but he kept his silence because he had a pretty good idea there was more going on here that he didn't know about.
"I don't like you going out with that douche. I don't trust him at all." 
"Yeah, I think you've made that more than abundantly clear. But hyung, it's just a movie."
"Don't accept any drinks he gives you." Baekhyun sounded disgruntled, but he had obviously decided not to argue with Sehun.
"What's he gonna do? Spike the cola at the cinema?" Sehun gave him a withering look.
"You guys might go for drinks later. He might slip you a roofie. Just saying."
"There will be no roofie and no after movie drinks but I'll be careful, ok?"
"Okay. Just remember he's not to be trusted. That's all I'm saying."
Sehun nodded in assent, not bothering to hide the amusement in his eyes and this drove Baekhyun into a flurry of annoyance and irritation. Baekhyun glared at Sehun and consciously or unconsciously, his left thigh made contact with Sehun's right one and Sehun pressed closer, challenging him almost.
"So how's this roommate thing working out, guys?" Chanyeol decided it was way past time to remind the other two that there was a third person at the table.
"It's fine!" they both answered simultaneously but where Sehun was nonchalant, Baekhyun sounded defensive.
"You sound a little testy, Baek." Chanyeol teased.
"I always sound testy."
"You sound a little more edgy than usual, if you ask me."
"I'm FINE." Baekhyun insisted but the other two didn't look like they bought it.
"So I won't be joining you guys for dinner tonight. Sunbae and I will just grab a burger or something before the 8.45 movie."
Tight-lipped, Baekhyun's eyes flashed with something far stronger than annoyance. And from what Sehun -and even Chanyeol - could tell, he looked anything but fine.  
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Hi! For any Kai stans who want to view my video of the Sukai hug at the GDAs, check out my AFF blog or my tumblr: lattelotus


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Chapter 17: In this story sehun character matches with his original character, finally they got together cute sebaek
baekhyunsbutt #2
Chapter 17: Sebaek!!! I just got into them they are just so cute >.<
Chapter 1: Cute ??
975 streak #4
Chapter 17: Thank you so much for this story.
I really like love stories where one of the parties is oblivious to his feelings.
It was a great read. I had wanted to finish reading it at once. But work had to take priority. So, i finally finished this now.
binnybunny #5
Chapter 17: This is so good! I love your stories!
micsalvador #6
Sebaek ❤❤❤
Chapter 17: Omggggggg this is one of the cutes sweetest most beautiful and well written sebeak ff I have ever read author nim this is sooooo good and thank you billion times for writing this I just love this story and my sebeak heart feel refreshed it's sweet and simple please write more sebeak I beg you and hats off for this story thanks again <3
Chapter 17: Chapter 16: Cute. :)
mistymountains 193 streak #9
nice story! congrats for the golden star!