Teaser1... I guess

Starship Entertainments New Group [{APPLY CLOSED}]



Hoon POV

In the prcatice room with my head phones in studying some choreo. I was recruited a week ago. I figure that I would be going solo, but i was recently told that i would be in a co-ed group. I was fine with it, i was just eager to meet them. I took a giant step back and hit something. I immediatly turned aroung and saw a little girl with brown hair and pig tails sitting on the floor.

"Jeseonghamnida!" I said as I reached out my hand to help her up, "Are you alright?!" She didnt say anything she just stood there rubbing her cheek. I looked into her eyes and saw them start to water, "OMG!" I pulled her into a hug, "PLEASE! Dont cry," a minute passed and she finally stopped.

"Oppa," she said. My eyes got wide.

'What?!? Already?!?!'

"Yes?" I asked looking down at her.

"You can let go now," Her cheeks turned red and I let her go.

"How old are you? like 16?" She smiled and nodded. We started to talk for awhile, and as we talked I noticed that she would make these faces and hand jestures.

"That's a lot of aegyo,"

"What?" she said giving me a quizzical look.

"Oops, was i thinking outloud again?" There was an awkward silence and she just sat there looking at me. I looked down at my watch. "11:30... Where is everybody?" Just then I hear someone outside yelling.

"OPPA, JUGULLE!?!?!" Said a tom boy-ish looking girl with long curly hair to a taller boy with jet black hair.


"Oh, didn't I?!" was the last thing they said. We all stood there for a good 5 minutes, and they just stood there glaring at each other. I cleared my throat.





SOOOOO GUYS! Teaser? Yes? No??? ahahaha I think it's short enough to be that... Hope you like it soo far.... I hope more males apply so i can get this story started... So if you guys wouldnt mind speading the word! Kamsahamnida!!

I'm sorry that its like this, but i still dont have enough applicants to start a long one... So lets just see if you can guess which characters I used so far.... ^-^

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Chapter 24: Nommmms :3
Chapter 21: HAESEOK
Chapter 21: Haha.. i voted! Haeseok drank too muh.. aaha.. hwaiting authornim!
Chapter 21: Oh, Chihoon. So kind and helpful. HaeSeok don't drink too much! LOL, *mass text* nice.

I've voted :)
Chapter 21: Heehee adorable! Love the teaser and thanks unnie^^
Chapter 20: I agree with the post below. It's fine to use noona appa dongsaeng hyung etc. but words like jamkkan (wait) is a bit awkward.

Anyway, it's nice. Chihoon and his bow <3
Chapter 20: Lol that took a while~ Oh well great chappie unnie :3