I Miss You

I Miss You

When the news of Hangeng’s lawsuit reached the rest of the members, Heechul immediately locked himself in his room. Hangeng wanted to follow him but Leeteuk held him back just telling him to start his packing. The Chinese dancer listened to his hyung and shut himself up in his room for the night. At two in the morning Heechul sneaked out of his room and headed to Hangeng’s room. The second oldest member opened the door slightly, peeking into the room. Once he saw his dongsaeng asleep on his bed, Heechul entered closing the door silently behind him and headed to the bed.

"Why do you have to leave the band…us…me." Heechul pushed some hair out of the Chinese man’s face and placed a gentle kiss on his temple before leaving again.

The next few days the rest of the band rarely saw Heechul. He only emerged from his room to use the bathroom or when he was forced to go to one of his schedules. Leeteuk got a key to Heechul's room from the manager and did his best to make sure he was eating. Hangeng had finished his packing and was just hoping for a chance to talk to Heechul before he had leave. Unfortunately he didn’t. The morning Hangeng left for the airport Heechul had left early so as to not be there when the Chinese dancer was leaving. As Hangeng said his good-byes to the rest of the band and Leeteuk went with him to the airport giving his final farewell near the entrance.

Heechul had hidden himself as best he could in the airport, covering his face as much as possible where he hopes only his fellow band members would be able to notice him. After Hangeng checked in his bags, Heechul pulled him aside to a more isolated area.

"Heechul?" Said man instantly covered the younger man’s mouth.

"Shh. Don’t talk…just don’t talk." Hangeng nodded and his hyung took off the hand covering his mouth. "How could you make a decision like this without talking to us? How can you just decide to leave me? I know you have your reasons but I would have like you to say something to me first instead of waiting to tell me along with the other members. Just take care of yourself and promise this won’t be the last time we’re seeing each other."

"I don’t know why I didn’t talk to you or the other members first but I had to do it. But don’t worry I’ll get in touch with you as soon as I can. Wo ai ni." Hangeng hugged his hyung and placed a kiss on his cheek before walking off towards his gate. After Hangeng left, Heechul just stood there trying to stop his tears from falling. A few minutes later Leeteuk came up to his band member pulling him into a gentle embrace.

"How did you know I was here?"

"A good leader needs to know these things. Besides I know you well enough that you would do something crazy like this." The leader nudged Heechul in the direction of the exit hoping to get home before anyone recognizes the two. As soon as they got back to the dorm Heechul shut himself in the Chinese dancer’s room, falling asleep in his bed.

Over the next few months Heechul slowly returned to his normal self on screen though anyone who really looked at him could see that his smiles were fake and he seemed uninterested in everything. At home he still stayed mostly in his room and had locked everyone out of Hangeng’s old room threatening anyone who even thought of going in. Most of the time the second oldest member spent his free time sitting on the computer watching videos of the Chinese man and even some fan Hanchul videos. Donghae swears he even saw his hyung reading Hanchul fanfics and found some saved to the computer.

Heechul's dongsaengs have tried taking him out to clubs and bars to help him get over Hangeng but nothing so far has worked. Leeteuk and Shindong have had to stop him three times from dropping all his schedules and just jumping on a plane to Beijing. The manager had tried to fill Heechul's schedule up in order to distract him but even that didn’t work. The depressed man kept his cell phone in reach at all times just waiting for a message or call from Hangeng. He had even fallen asleep multiple times with the phone still in his hand, refusing to let go.

One evening Heechul had arrived home after a schedule with Shindong and Eunhyuk and immediately went to his computer ignoring Shindong’s request for him to eat. While he was watching videos his phone vibrated on the desk. After many texts from his hoobaes and other friends asking if he was okay, he lazily reached for his phone not expecting much. He was surprised when he saw that the text was from Hangeng, so surprised he almost dropped his phone.

‘I miss you and I’ll visit very soon keeping my promise to you.
Saranghae/Wo ai ni.’


AN: Yeah this was kinda angsty, not sure why I ended up writing angst. Also this one I didn't have my sister Beta for me. I already asked her to Beta one I wrote a short while ago and she hasn't had time to yet.
For anyone who doesn't know: Wo ai ni = I love you in chinese


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monokalisto #1
It's really sweet~
I'm a kpop fan since 6 months ago so Geng had already left but I feel awful every time I read about the broken otp... Heechul is one of my favourite people in kpop ♥♥♥
Thank you~
Chapter 1: hanchul!
so. sad but sweet!
Chapter 1: aw, poor heechul </3
this was so good like your other fics~ ^^