

Title: Temporary.

Author: UnicornFlame.

Cats: Lee Sungyeol, Kim Myungsoo, Lee Sungjong.

Genre: , Angst.

Lenght: Oneshot.

Rate: T.

Disclaimer: I own the storyline but not the cast.


Sungyeol is deadly tired. He wants to sleep now, but he cant. He’s having a photo session for some spring fashion after a day long filming a music video for K. Will sonbae-nim. He tries his best to put on his bright smiling expression like spring flowers.

“Okay, Sungyeol ssi, today’s photoshot has ended now... You’d better grab some cups of hot chocolate.” His photographer says smilingly as he approaches Sungyeol, he pats Sungyeol’s back softly, “Thanks for your cooperation!”

“The pleasure is mine, Woohyun hyungnim.” Sungyeol still smiles brightly even though he starts to shiver in freeze, “Thanks for your hardwork too.”

Woohyun nods and joins his staffs to pack the properties that were used for the photoshoot, while Sungyeol walks to his manager, Sunggyu, who is waiting for him worriedly.

“Hey hyung...” Sungyeol doesn’t bother to act hyper in front of his manager, who is also his cousin, but he still smiles at him anyway.

“Aigoo Yeollie you look pale.. Here, drink this...” Sunggyu hands him a cup of hot americano coffee.

“Aww hyung you always know how to raise my mood up!” Sungyeol’s eye sparkle when he sees his favorite coffee.

“Of course...” Sunggyu lets out a teethy smile as his hand ruffles the younger’s hair.

“But hyung... It’s too much!” Sungyeol starts to whine and pout, “Why did they have me do a photoshot for spring fashion in the middle of winter like this! Aissh it’s unfair that they all are in the warmth of their thick jacket while I’m??”

Sunggyu just can let a sorry smile as he pat his dongsaeng’s back, “That’s the risk of being a model Yeol... be patient...”

“Alright, but can I go to sleep soon hyung?” Sungyeol is still pouting, but he admits the defeat. It was his own choice to enter the entertainment world anyway, so he has to be ready with the consequences.

Sunggyu’s face turns even more dimmer, “Ah... I’m sorry Yeol, I’m afraid you cant...”


“Ssh, decrease your volume...” Sunggyu puts his index finger on Sungyeol’s pouty lips, concerns for Sungyeol’s image, “You will have to attend Sukira after this and then a fashion show at Busan.”

“Aissh my life ~” Sungyeol cries a bit, “I guess I have no choice?”

“I’m afraid you don’t...” Sunggyu feels sorry, but Sungyeol is in the top of his popularity, and so, many jobs come to him, “And tomorrow we’ll fly to Tokyo, you have to attend the press converence of a dorama you’ll be filming... and there’s a fan meeting too there...”




Finally the fashion show in Busan is done. Sungyeol’s face looks horrible, his eyes are forcedfully opened while his glow becomes dimmer just like a faded flower. He has dark eyebags too under his beautiful eyes. That’s what Sungjong gets when Sungyeol comes out from the waiting room.

“Ah, S-sungyeol hyung...” He stutters.

Sungyeol twitches in surprise to see Sungjong in front of his waiting room. The latter is a number 1 teen Idol in South Korea. An angelic voiced singer. What makes the famous singer to stand in front of his waiting room? Sungyeol shifts his gaze from Sungjong’s face to a bouquete of white roses. He looks up to the younger’s face again.

“Lee Sungjong ssi.. What are you doing here?”

Sungyeol bets he sees a slight pink blush on both of Sungjong’s cheeks when he says the latter’s name. Sungjong looks down as he pushes his bouquete to Sungyeol.

“H-here hyung... It-it’s.. for you...” He smiles sheepishly as he tries to look at Sungyeol’s surprised face.

Sungyeol doesn’t immediately takes the bouquete, he’s still blinking his eyes in disbelieve. He’s unsure whether it’s a dream or a reality. He has never really interacted with Lee Sungjong before, even though they work at a same enternainment company. The latter seems to always avoid his presence. But now?

“This is for me?” Sungyeol points at the bouquete before at himself.

Sungjong nods as he smiles brightly, contrast with the dim snowy atmosphere outside the building. Sungyeol smiles back, then he takes the bouquete.

“Thanks you Lee Sungjong ssi...”

“Ah hyung...” Sungjong’s cheeks turn to be pink once more time, as he scratches his head which is actually not itching, “Drop the ‘ssi’ thing please?”

Sungyeol smiles, “Alright, Sungjong ya ~”

“Sounds.. better now…” He smiles again, “see you soon hyung…” And he left after bowing.

Sunggyu elbows Sungyeol when Sungjong’s figure has vanished from their sights.

“What is it hyung?” Sungyeol lifts his eyebrows.

“You know what-”

“Don’t know.” Sungyeol sticks his tongue out before letting Sunggyu finishes his sentences.

“-probably Sungjong likes you.”

“W-WHAT?” Sungyeol’s eyes are nearly popped out from the sockets to hear the issue, “W-what’s… with this rubbish hyung?”

Sunggyu chuckles, “What’s with this rubbish he says...” Sunggyu says to nowhere. But he receives Sungyeol’s dangerous glare, so he stops his giggling.

“Look, he often talks to me about you. And whenever it happens, his eyes always sparkle. He asks me anything he is curious about you, include...” Sunggyu looks hesitates to continue, since Sungyeol hates to hear the word he will say.

“What?” Sungyeol starts to be curious.

“About ‘love’”

Immediately Sungyeol’s expression becomes flat. Yeah he hates to talk or hear about ‘love’ and its friends.

“Yeol, are you really not interested in love?” Sunggyu frowns, “Why is that? You’re a friendly person, but when it’s all about love and romance, you’re so cold and seems to be hateful... wae?”

Sungyeol doesn’s answer. He walks away to his van, leaving Sunggyu behind. But Sunggyu immediately comes after him.

Sungyeol doesn’t believe in love. He actually doesn’t believes in anyone except his God and his family members. Yeah, accordings to him, everything is temporary and everyone just comes and goes like the changes of days and nights. He doesn’t want to involve himself into close friendships and the worse romances or relationships. He’s been traumatized of believing in people cause he’ll be left behind in the end. His family will never leave him alone, his God will never leave him in the dark, while other people will.


|Flashback to 5 years ago|

Sungyeol’s frustrated. He feels dizzy, his throat seems so dry and hurt. He immediately plops his body down to his king sized bed after school. He has some problems recently. He feels that many heavy burdens are put on his shoulders. He wants to cry, to be hugged, but his friends, his close friends whom he believes in, are all saying that they’re busy. Why is that? Why when he needs at least a friend for comfort, both Hoya and Dongwoo seems to avoid them. Even though he is always there for them whenever they need him. His parents are working from the early morning to the midnight. Sungyeol sighes. He misses his caring cousin Sunggyu. It seems like his friends don’t really care to him. He feels kind of dissapointed. Really dissapointed.

“What’s so busy? We are in the same class! I don’t even feel our teachers torture us with assignments... Busy of dating huh? Such selfish people..” He mumbles as he cries all alone, hugs his pillows, “Fake friends...”

From 3 months ago, his relationship with a boy named Kim Myungsoo has been troublesome. Some storms have attacked the love he always wants to keep and take care of. It happens after the middle school’s graduation, as they don’t enter a same high school. Sungyeol as a smart person he is, once again gets into the best school in Gyeonggi. While Myungsoo enters a regular school.

Recently Myungsoo always says he’s busy, they don’t talk to each other often. And whenever he visits the latter’s house, Myungsoo is not there. And also, Myungsoo seems to always shout at him nowadays. He doesn’t even know what his faults are. He suspects that Myungsoo might be cheating on him behind his back. But whenever he asks, Myungsoo denies it and apologizes. Sungyeol really wants to believe in him, but his senses always scream the opposite. He feels it, that Myungsoo might have someone else. But he has no proof. Even just now, he had a fight with Myungsoo through the phone call in his way home. Sungyeol misses him. Misses his smiles for him, misses his jokes, misses his touch. He wants to go on a date with him again, which seems like a dream in a daylight now.

Sungyeol is starting to close his eyes as he’s tired of crying when his mobile phone vibrates. He grabs his mobile phone and checks the screen. One text message from Myungsoo. His heart beats faster. His fingers shiver when he opens it. Then immediately, he feels the world stops spinning. His tears rush down again.



Sender: Myungbaby

Sent: Today at 8:36 am


Good bye c’:


Sungyeol dials Myungsoo’s number immediately, but it’s not active. Seems Myungsoo shuts down his mobile phone? Why? Sungyeol cant think straight. He grabs his jacket and shouts to his driver to bring him to Myungsoo’s mansion.

The black high gates of Myungsoo’s mansion are closed. They’re locked. The mansion seems empty. There’s no single human, not either Myungsoo’s maid, are seen.

Sungyeol starts to cries out loud as he screams Myungsoo’s name. Then someone pokes his shoulder. Sungyeol turns around to a stranger. He might be a neighbor of Myungsoo who walks by just now.

“Boy, why are you crying here? The owners of this house have already left. This house is empty now, the maids and servants are all stopped from their work too...”

“What?” Sungyeol feels empty immediately. More tears come out from his eyes. He feels like a cold cloud covers his body. And if the man in front of him doesn’t help him to stand, he migh have fallen down on the ground now.


“Sir... where... where do they go?”

The man sighs, “I’m sorry boy, I don’t know... But I guess they go abroad...”

“Will they... be back one day?”

“They had already taken a leave last night in this neighborhood, so I guess they won’t...”

|End of Flashback|


Sungyeol doesn’t feel his tears rolling down his face if Sunggyu doesn’t wipe them away. Sungyeol looks at Sunggyu. And without saying anything he hugs his hyung and he breaks into tears. Sunggyu hugs back, and he pats the latter’s back for comforting.

“Don’t ask why hyung! Please!” Sungyeol says hard as he senses that Sunggyu is going to asks him why.

Sunggyu immediately closes back his mouth. He nods and just gives Sungyeol silent comforts. He knows that Sungyeol can sense what other people cant.

“Yeollie, let’s go now, we don’t want to miss our flight do we?” Sunggyu finally says softly after they’re hugging for a while.

“Alright hyung...” Sungyeol breaks the hug and wipes his tears away.

They continue some of their steps to the main door of the building where Sungyeol’s van has been waiting with opened door and some securities around. Sungyeol can hear that his fans scream his name through the glasses door and wall. He doesn’t know how to respond them. Sometimes they overdo, and it makes Sungyeol feels uncomfort.

Sungyeol and Sunggyu immediately get into the van as soon as they are outside the building. And luckily the securities close the van’s door after Sunggyu has entered, so there’s no sasaeng fans’ attack. The van slides on the asphalt, brings them to international Incheon Airport. Sungyeol looks behind through his back window and sighs in relief. But then his eyes widens.

“Hyung!” He pulls Sunggyu’s sleeve without even shifting his gaze.

“Yes?” Sunggyu looks at the latter.

“Isn’t that... Lee Sungjong’s car?” Sungyeol points at a black luxurious ferrarie behind his own van.

Sunggyu turns his face to see the dirrection Sungyeol has pointed, “Ah.. yeah why?”

“He follows us?” Sungyeol looks at Sunggyu in confussion, “why? What does he want?”

“He asks me if he can follow us to your press converence.” Sunggyu says calmly, “He seems he really wants to, and as he is free tomorrow, so I said yes...”

Sungyeol stunes, “Is that so?”

Kh.. I feel like I have a stalker...

“I think it’s not a bad idea when he joins your fan meeting event right?”

Sungyeol shrugs as if he says “what ever”.



The press converence run well. And now Sungyeol is looking at the smiling Sungjong who is sitting next to him on a long white table for their fan meeting events. There’s no any mess found. As if this fan meeting event is actually planned for both Sungyeol and Sungjong. Many Sungels and Yeollipops are patiently waiting outside until the security workers open the glasses door and arrange them into two lines. The fans seem all excited.

Both Sungyeol and Sungjong are adsorbed into their own worlds with the fans. Each of them gets so many gifts from their own fans. They also do fan signing. Until something makes Sungyeol stunes.

A fanboy asks Sungyeol to sign a photo. The photo which is really familiar for Sungyeol. It’s a couple photo he made around five years ago, with his beloved boyfriend – ex boyfriend now – whom he cant really forget up till now, Kim Myungsoo. Sungyeol looks up to the boy’s face. He indeed looks so familiar.

“M-m-mingsoo?” He whispers. The boys standing in front of him smiles. The boy longingly looks at him.

“I miss you hyung...” He whispers back, “You’re much more handsome now...”

Sungyeol freezes. His hands tremble. Then he shakes his head and looks down to the photo. He signs it and then turns it behind to write a short message. Then Sungyeol hands it back to Kim Myungsoo.

“T-thanks for coming, here your photograph, have nice days...” Sungyeol tries hard to be a professional Idol. Doesn’t want to get caught by other Yeolipops that this boy is once his special one, he acts general. But his smile is forced and his voice is shaken.

Myungsoo takes back his photograps. He smiles sadly. He’s kind of dissapointed that his Sungyeol has forgotten him, that his Sungyeol doesn’t miss him like he does. He then leaves the line. He sighes when he looks at the photograps.

Hyung, have our memories been nothing for you? I... I miss you so much...

Then he turns over the photograph, curious what advice that Sungyeol probably wrote there. But his eyes widen, it is not any advice!


Please meet me after this fanmeeting event, at the room number 134 this building. Make sure you’re alone. –Yeollie.


Myungsoo cant help but to smile.



Sungjong walks into the main hall. Two cups of americano are in his hand grips. He looks around, seeks the presence of Lee Sungyeol. But he finds nothing except some staffs who are cleaning up the properties. Then he catches the figure of Kim Sunggyu. Sungyeol’s manager. The latter is sipping on his cup of coffee on a couch. Sungjong walks to him.

“Hey hyung!” Greets the younger.

“Eh hey Sungjong!” Sunggyu smiles at him, before he shifts aside to give Sungjong some spaces to sit. Sungjong takes the offer and sits next to Sunggyu, “I don’t see your manager?”

“Oh, he is taking a nap in my waiting room before we all take the flight back to Korea...” Sungjong puts a cup of the coffee on a table in front of the couch as he sips on another cup, “While I don’t see Sungyeol hyung...” He blushes.

“Sungyeol? He’s still in the waiting room, got something to do he said... He told me to wait here”

Sungjong nods in understanding, “I want to get closer to him, hyung...” Sungjong suddenly says.

“Hm? Finally you want to take a step forward?” Sunggyu giggles as he pats Sungjong’s back quite harder than it should be, Sungjong chokes his coffee, “But I think you should be patient?”

“I know, everything needs process doesn’t it? Hee” Sungjong smiles angelically. Sunggyu agrees people that Sungjong is so much adorable.

“But Sungyeol... hates love...” Sunggyu regrets to tell him the truth, but he has to.

Sungjong eyes widens, “What? Why?” He whisper in a sad tone.

“I don’t know... Seems he has a traumatic past? Actually he doesn’t really believe in everyone, except his relatives... and of course God...”

Sungjong frowns immediately. He looks down. Does he should give up before trying? Does he have to be defeated even before he fights?

“So hyung... Do I... have no chance?” He asks weakly, afraid if Sunggyu will says he doesn’t.

Sungjong looks up when he feels Sunggyu’s hand on his back, the older pats his back in encouraging way.

“Aniya, there’s always a chance, if you want to face some hardships...” Sunggyu smiles, it makes Sungjong smiles back, “Probably Yeollie... just hasn’t found the right person, but he has given up...” Sunggyu sighes, “I know him... He needs someone to guide him, even though you are younger, I’m sure you can guide him?”

“Sure hyung, thank you!” Sungjong stands up and bows at Sunggyu.

“Hahaha you’re welcome..” Sunggyu puts his empty cup on the table and catches that Sungjong has started to walks away, “But where’re you going?” He shouts a bit.

Sungjong turns his head and smiles, “To his waiting room of course...”

“What? Aigoo just wait here!”

Sungjong shrugs and keep walking. He ignores Sunggyu’s calls.



Sungjong doesn’t want to give up anyway, he wants to show Sungyeol that not everything is Temporary. He has found the room number 134. If he isn’t mistaken, it’s Sungyeol’s waiting room. He walks faster. His heart is racing. He wants to ask Sungyeol to go out sometimes. But when he is up to knock the door, he stunes. Sungyeol isn’t alone. There’s someone else inside.

Sungyeol sits on the couch while Myungsoo stands in front of him. Sungyeol looks at Myungsoo with wrinkled forehead.

“You what?” Sungyeol commands him to repeats his word indirectly.

“I’m... still loving you hyung...” Myungsoo looks down.

“Oh.” Is what Sungyeol could respond.

“Then I wonder why you left me without any explanation, and I sensed that you might have someone else behind my back...” Sungyeol adds sarcastically he smirks as there’s no words come out from Myungsoo’s y lips [LOL], “As if I did so many mistakes to you huh?”

“what?” eyes opened wide, Myungsoo looks disbelievingly at Sungyeol’s suspection, “I didn’t!”

“You always said you were busy. Busy dating huh?!” Snaps Sungyeol. It makes Myungsoo twitches. Sungyeol had never snapped him before, he was a gentle and understanding lover for Myungsoo.

“Not dating... I tried my best to stay, so I tried to do what my parents wanted... But actually it’s useless cause my parents still drag me here...” Tears start to roll down Myungsoo’s flawless cheeks. Sungyeol tries his best to ignore, so he looks away, “I.. don’t want to be separated from you...”

“D-do you... expect me to believe?” Sungyeol still puts on his icy mask, doesn’t want to be weak.

“I just... tell you the truth...”

“Did you ever... actually like me?” Sungyeol whisper. He sounds desperate?

Myungsoo dares himself to sit next to Sungyeol. He caresses the latter’s cheeks gently, turns Sungyeol’s face to him.

“Look at me hyung... Look into my eyes then you will know whether I’m lying or not...”

Sungyeol cant help but to look into Myungsoo’s eyes. The honest eyes as always. Sungyeol has always known that Myungsoo isn’t a liar like others. He is different. He is special.

“Hyung, I love you...” Myungsoo whispers as he leans closer to Sungyeol’s face, “Love you so much... I don’t mind if I have to lose everything, but I just want you to understand... I love only you hyung...”

And as the words end, Myungsoo’s lips touch Sungyeol’s. Sungyeol shivers. It’s been 5 years he doesn’t kiss. And the only person he wants to kiss is Myungsoo. He has been missing his Myungsoo, the voice, the smile, the scent, the touch, the lips, everything. But he doesn’t know how to respond, he’s confused. Should he believes in Myungsoo now? He left him all alone, without any explanation, Myungsoo makes him believes, but then Myungsoo himself breaks the trust. Sungyeol is scared. So he doesn’t reply the kiss, but he cant refuse it anyway, he wants it so bad. So he closes his eyes and lets Myungsoo kiss him as he wants.

Myungsoo hugs Sungyeol gently as he breaks the kiss. Inhaling Sungyeol’s scent, the scent he has been longing for.

“Hyung... cant I... have another chance?” Myungsoo asks softly, “To love you?”

Sungyeol pushes Myungsoo away softly. He looks away, “I’m sorry Myungsoo...”

“What?” Myungsoo frowns.

“You dumped me... You left me behind... So I cant take you back...”

Myungsoo bets Sungyeol’s eyes are wet with tears, but the latter fight them not to fall. He sighs in defeat.

“I know... I don’t force you do I?” Myungsoo caresses Sungyeol’s cheeks, “I was just aski-”

“Anyway...” Sungyeol cuts off Myungsoo’s sentence, He looks at Myungsoo with icy eyes, “I have already dated someone else.”

Both Myungsoo and Sungjong gasp at their own spots. Sungyeol dates someone?!

“He’s a trainee in the company I’m working at...” Sungyeol smirks, “The name is Yoo Jaemin. A really nice guy, gentle, fun, perfect, special. And furthermore, he loves me like no one else does.”

Sungjong wrinkles his forehead in confussion. There’s no one named Yoo Jaemin in Woolliment, furthermore a trainee. Sungjong is quite often visiting the trainees to share some experiences and supports.

“Who is Yoo Jaemin?” He whispers as he continues his ear dropping.

“Ah.. a-alright hyung...” Myungsoo smiles sadly, “T-then I.. I hope you’ll be happy...”

“No need to act sad Myungsoo.” Sungyeol scoffs as he looks away, “You are dating someone else too aren’t you. I saw your ring.”

Myungsoo blinks, “A ring?” Myungsoo looks at a silver ring that is rounding his sweet finger, “It’s just a ring hyung, I don’t replace you with anyone else... It’s just my parents’ wish.”

Sungyeol doesn’t say anything. So Myungsoo breaks the silence, “I might be a jerk, but you are the only one who owns my heart completely hyung... jinjja…”

“Do you expect me to believe in what you say? After everything that has happened??” Sungyeol smirks, “You made me believe in whatever you said, but then you yourself break the trust. There’s no trust left in me. So don’t waste your energy. And you may leave me alone now.”

“It’s... up to you hyung...” Myungsoo sighes. Then he stands up, bows 90degree to Sungyeol, “I’m really apologizing you for all I have done hyung... I wish a blessed life for you.”

And with that Myungsoo walks towards the exit. Sungyeol doesn’t look at him. Myungsoo twitches in a shock when he meets Lee Sungjong in front of the door.

“L-Lee S-su-”

Sungjong immediately covers Myungsoo’s mouth, “Ka. And don’t say anything.” He hisses in a whisper as he sends a glare into Myungsoo’s eyes. Myungsoo nods and then flees as soon as Sungjong releases him.

Sungjong peeks inside. He sees Sungyeol. The latter is now starting to cry. He hesitates if he should walk inside and comfort Sungyeol or should he just call Sunggyu? Since Sungyeol doesn’t want to believes in anoyne else.

“I know you’re there Sungjong, just come inside if you want to...”

Sungjong blushes. He knows? Then Sungjong walks inside and sits next to Sungyeol.

“Hyung... can I-”

Sungyeol nods before Sungjong finishes what he’s going to say. Sungjong wraps his arms around Sungyeol’s body, pats the latter and . Sungyeol lets Sungjong does because somehow he needs comfort.

“Yoo Jaemin is no one.” Sungyeol suddenly says.

“Yes?” Sungjong wrinkles his forehead.

“He’s just my dream boyfriend... There’s no one like that...” Sungyeol starts to cry again, “Love, friendship, or everything it is... I’m just... scared to believe in, when later the trust has to be broken...”

Sungjong keeps silent. He just wants to comfort Sungyeol and let the latter to talk, he will listen. Anyway, he doesn’t think he can say anything currently.

“He’s Myungsoo, he was my lover... We loved each other...” Sungyeol starts to hug back, and Sungjong cant help but to feel his own heart fastens the beats, “I saw myself on him, I thought he wouldn’t leave me... I wanted only him, I loved only him...

“But everything is viceversa... Everything comes and goes as it wants to... And I hate it... I don’t want... to depend on something that’s just temporary...” He burries his face on Sungjong’s neck, it makes Sungjong shivers in weird sensation, “In the end he left me... for someone else...”

“Hyung, do you think... everything is... temporary?” Sungjong finally asks, but he doesn’t really needs the answer, “Hyung... You just... haven’t found the right person... why are you giving up?”

Sungyeol doesn’t say anything other than “Everything is Temporary.” Sungyeol keeps whispering it. Till Sungjong doesn’t hear his voice because the latter has fallen asleep. Sungjong smiles sadly as he knows that someone he loves doesn’t want to believe in anything and anyone.

Hyung, probably it is my fate... I love you but you don’t want to believe in love due to your pityful past story... Maybe I have to admire you without any reply...It’s fine hyung, but please promise me that you’ll be happy? Yaksoo?

Sungjong keeps caressing Sungyeol’s hair.

I loved you since the first time we know each other around 3 years ago... I’ve been waiting the right time to get closer to you... But then, I should accept the fact that I... have no chance...

It’s alright hyung, because loving you itself is already my happiness... Even though I have to wait for you in eternity, I will... Cause I’m sure you’re my first and last love... so please let me embrance you Yeollie hyung...

Sungjong looks at Sungyeol’s peaceful sleeping face. His heart suddenly beats faster, his bloods rush faster, as the thought flashes in his mind. He looks at that pouty lips of Sungyeol. He caresses them before he leans closer and kiss them with his own lips.

I let myself be in heaven even though it’s just for a second. I wish you don’t mind hyung.

|The End|

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Aigoo what a shame, I misunderstand the meanning of "Vice Versa", I thought it was "somethings comes and goes" kkkk please forgive this silly mistake /bows/


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Chapter 1: hmmm~~ you know this feeling when you are not able to decide of how to feel, or think of it as you are hesitant because you don't want to judge something which you are not fully aware of.
it's a bit complicated but that's exactly how i feel.
I just can't hate on Myungsoo without knowing his real story. Yes, he was probably forcibly engaged with some girl and abducted by his parents. But it'd have been more helpful if you offered a little bit of a Myung POV and enlighten us with his stream of consciousness.
I'm actually blaming on Yeol here for not giving Myung a second chance. Courage is something difficult to muster and spite in your parents and completely rebel to them.
Yeol's decison will only hurt him more and more the moment he realizes the consequences it. While Sungjong seems prepared to be hurt and go on a martyr one-sided love story.


You could have stick with "Vice Versa". It'd totally depend on the person interpreting the title. You can look at it as Sungyeol returning the pain Myungsoo inflicted on him. As One side ended up being hurt, and Vice Versa. ^-^
deliciousyou #2
Chapter 1: Wait? I thought viceversa means you get something same in return, the opposite of this story .-. No? How stupid i am :(
I love this! This story is so logic, realistic, and well written! I hope you'll write another myungyeol stories^^
Iwillgivecomment #3
Chapter 1: Wow, your idea is extra-ordinary. I like reading it! -BigClaps-